The Code - Genesis - Book I

BOOK: The Code - Genesis - Book I
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Genesis – Book I




Written By


K. Thorpe


Copyright © 2006 K. Thorpe

All rights reserved.



Cover concept by K. Thorpe

Cover photo by Michelle

Cover design by Jenny Spolnik
& Emma Birath


Visit the
website at


First printing:  July


Published by:














For my inner child…may you be cradled in the love

and safety that I now know how to give.















First, I’d like to pass along my thanks and appreciation to the readers of this work.  May you enjoy it and continue to share the experience as the excursion continues.  To Emma,
you for being in my life and sharing this with me. 
And, much appreciation
for your contribution to all of the art work in this book
, including the cover

To my mom, I thank you for all of your support and for believing in me and this dream.  To
, my good friend, our trip to
helped begin this journey.  Thanks for sharing it with me and capturing it digitally…my greatest gratitude for your contribution to the cover.  To my editor, Jessica
, thanks for all of your ha
rd work on this project. 
You are the best! 
Krystal, Kamelia,
Heather, Yessica,
the rest of my family,
and Dr. B.G.
I tha
nk you all for your
and support

It means the world to me. 
To Super Jenny, thanks for swooping in during the last moments and saving the day. 
And, finally, thanks to all those researchers, both past and present, who sought to uncover the truth about the hidden biblical codes.  Proponents and opponents alike fuel the flame of knowledge that contributes to each of us individually and to all of us in our collective humanity.







Inspired reader,

This is the first book to be released in
The Code
series with additional works scheduled for release over the next five years, through to 2012.  It would be my honor to share and discuss behind the scenes components of this work with you.  Please feel free to email me at: 
[email protected]
and/or visit the
for additional information, updates, and discussions available about this work and future works in
The Code
series.  I can also be available for individual meetings with book clubs or groups that elect to read this work.  If you are interested in this, please get in touch through the email listed above to discuss scheduling options.  I appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.  Happy reading!























Genesis – Book I












Uncovering Fact in
The Code

Certain “

have actually been found in biblical text and the debate over the validity of these codes continues today along with ongoing research on the subject.  Certain components of miscellaneous background infor
mation on the Bible Code, the
ancient Mayans
, and
listed in this text are based on factual and historical information available on the topics.  However, all characters in this novel are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.

















Does God exist?  In our pursuits of truth, is humanity seeking validation of our own existence through the shared existence of a dei
y, albeit the possibility that such a being is simply one of our own creations?  The quest to seek God has existed since the dawn of man.  Humankind’s conceptualization of a higher being and our longing to understand ourselves and the universe has fundamentally ingrained this pursuit, driving our need for something greater…that something outside and beyond us that continues to captivate our minds and our souls today.   

Does our faith render us pious or gullible?  Without tangible proof of the existence of God, relying solely on faith is what the world has become accustomed to and what science has use
d as fodder.  History has not lacked
in attempts to unc
over such evidence, but has rendered the
quest itself
.  Or has it? 

Has the evidence of God’s existence been held within the pages of the oldest holy text bestowed upon us, the Bible, all along?  Does this holy book contain messages…direct communications from the deity for wh
we have so longed to know and understand?  And, if true, what does this mean for us?







Part I

The Beginning















Chapter One

June 21, 2006

The early afternoon sun stretches across the southern Mexican sky, gently caressing the glistening peaks of waves as they reach out across the Pacific.  Each individual wave greets the light, shimmering brilliantly against the backdrop of deep blue.  Once joined together, the collective waves succumb to the end of their journey, rushing against a rock-laden shore with the finality of their cause.  Clusters of a rocky shore outline high cliffs, the largest of which houses a major altar site of an ancient Mayan ruin. 

Set back several hundred feet from the cliff’s edge, nearly fifty stone stairs lead to the top of a speckled stone magnificence.  Remaining skeletal pillars of the ancient feat line the outline of the perimeter, hovering perpendicular to time-enduring floor etchings.  The gray of the ancient stones sits gently against the brilliant blue of the sky as it abridges heaven, merging into the horizon, mixing with the reds and oranges of the hot summer sun.  Atop the highest point of this monument, the sound of the

fulfillment of their destiny echo in only a whisper of a soothing ocean lullaby.

A half-mile away, thirty-five-year-
old Professor Josh Sails, a handsome, eccentric iconographic mathematician with
, wears a Hawaiian shirt and straw hat, with sunscreen dolloped on the top of his nose.  He hikes along the coast of
, shouldering a backpack carrying his research equipment.   His blonde hair, dancing above his turquoise eyes, outlines his chiseled features.  Josh’s eyes mirror the two sparse puffy white clouds rolling above as they unthreateningly tease the sun.

Josh looks ahead and sees the Mayan ruins in the distance in front of him.  He pulls a G.P.S. tracker from his bag, stopping to check his progress.  A Spanish sign looms in the distance in front of the ruins. 

Government Property:  No Trespassing.

Josh mutters
under his breath.  “Let’s hope your brother’s gear works, Amanda.”

He looks down at his watch.
  I’m cutting it close.  Who knew it would take this long hiking in? 
The G.P.S. tracker displays his coordinates with a latitude of 14.78333 and a longitude of 92.38333.
Josh closes in on the ruins.  Their magnificence fills him with
Only a few hundred yards away from his destination, he continues, barely able to contain his anticipation. 

Reaching the ruins he drops his gear and pulls a water bottle, map, and a single page with Hebrew text covered with handwritten translation notes from his bag.  He folds the noted page and puts it in his back pocket.  Josh puts the G.P.S. in his bag, but neglects to turn it off.  The G.P.S. system light flashes a glaring red as if revealing his mistake.

Sweating, he wipes the wetness from his brow with his shirt and gulps a drink of water.  Josh looks out across the expansive sky, taking a few brief seconds to relish the beauty before he puts the bottle back into his bag. 
Those coordinates were right on the money.

Josh looks up at the bright blue sky, focusing on the two pillowy white clouds that seem to be
following him, watching from a
far as he inches closer to his destiny.  He retreats into a memory from childhood as he watches the clouds move rhythmically with the gentle tropical breeze. 


A six-year-old Josh and his mother, twenty-nine
year-old Evalyn Sails, lie on the lush green grass looking up at the clouds in one of
’s central parks near their home.  Resembling a blonde Jackie O, Evalyn’s beauty was second only to her fundamental integrity.

“What do you see, Josh?” she inquires of her only son. 

Josh points at the cloud farthest from them.  “I see a fire engine, Mommy.  Can you see it?”

Evalyn squints in the sun.  “I think I can.”

She points to a closer cloud on the horizon.  “Look at that one, Joshy.  I see a bunny.  Can you see it?”

Josh looks, his face furrowing intently.  “That’s not a bunny.  That’s a dinosaur.”

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