The Cogan Legend (12 page)

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Authors: R. E. Miller

BOOK: The Cogan Legend
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Looking surprised, Phillip answered, “I'll have to check my orders, but I thought that's what I had written.”

“No matter.”  Lewey was still a bit agitated.

Ann was anxious to change the subject when she heard the word Cogan.  “Father may take you deer hunting,” she said as she placed her hand on Phillip's arm.

“I haven't been deer hunting in quite awhile.  It should be fun.”

Rachel started laughing and added, “What Ann means is, her father wants to go hunting with a man.  He took us hunting, and it was the worst experience of my life.  I can laugh now, but it wasn't funny then.”  

That set everyone to laughing.

Phillip couldn't picture Ann and Rachel in hunting garb and had to ask, “Is that true, Lewey?”  

Still laughing, Lewey just shook his head.

After he ate the last bite of stew and placed the fork on his plate, Lewey asked, “Is the Market House open tonight?”  

“Friday night is not as lively as Saturday night.  The merchants are closing their stands and preparing for Saturday sales.  That's the big day.”  

A slight frown appeared on Lewey's face.

“With your permission, of course, I would like to take Ann for a walk.”

With a concerned look Lewey said, “It's very cold, and I don't want either of these young ladies getting sick before we get back to the lodge.  I know who would get the blame.”    

“Lewey?”  Ann's voice pleading. “I'll keep myself as warm as possible.”

Lewey remembered Charles' warning.  “
No one really knows this man, not even Ann.”
  He glanced at the clock on the wall.  His own gut feeling was that the lieutenant was genuine and a man of his word.  Looking directly at Phillip, he warned, “I want her back in her room before ten o'clock.”  

“Yes, sir.”  Phillip then looked at Rachel for her permission. “Do you care if Ann and I go for a walk?”

“That's fine.  I want to write a letter anyway.  Besides, it's been a long day.”  Knowing exactly what Ann had planned, she looked at her and smiled.

Phillip wanted to take the scenic walk along the river, but Ann insisted on walking toward the fort.  Along the way, they stopped and kissed several times.

“I can't get enough of you, Ann.”

While they kissed, Ann's emotions began to stir and she hinted, “Could we walk faster? I'm chilled.  Perhaps I could warm in your cabin?”  

“I don't mind, but I must warn you it's a mess.”  He stopped her as he put his arms around her waist.  “It isn't really ready for company.”   

“I don't care, Phillip.”  Ann put her hands around the back of his neck and passionately kissed him.  He knew she wouldn't even notice his room.

Phillip's emotions were rising too, but he was unsure of how to proceed because he didn't know what she expected.  He saluted the soldiers on duty as they went through the gate into the fort.

“Sir,” they responded saluting in return.  

Phillip unlocked the door and stepped aside for Ann to enter.  She quickly gazed around, “It's not as bad as you made it sound. This is nice, quaint, and just right for an officer.”  She turned toward Phillip, and he placed his hands on her tiny waist and began kissing her passionately.  She didn't waste any time responding.  Within minutes her hands were wandering, and she was reaching for his belt.  He didn't expect that type of behavior from her, but he made no effort to stop her.  He now realized that he was not the first man in her life and for a moment felt disappointment, but the thought passed as his passion heightened.  It didn't matter anymore because he loved her.  

The lust raged in Ann's body, and she couldn't control her desires anymore.  She pushed him on the bed and fell next to him.  Her hand moved over his body, and she knew exactly what she was doing as they continued kissing; now she was in total control.  Phillip was incapacitated with pleasure.  She pushed herself up and leaned back in his arms.  By this time Phillip started to unbutton her dress as she sat up and pulled it off.  He gently laid her back on the bed and started kissing her; he kissed her cheeks and lips, then down and around her neck working slowly down to her breasts.  His hand was slowly moving down her stomach.  His lips gently touched her skin as his head moved over her body.   She was so immersed in pleasure she couldn't help but erupt with emotion.   He stood up undoing his clothes with Ann's help.  She sat on the edge of the bed and reached for him.  Again she was in control, and again he was incapacitated with pleasure.  Then she stopped and stood up, now their arms and lips were entwined.  Phillip put his hands on her face, kissing her nose, her cheeks, and moving his hands down her neck, bending over kissing her chest, her breasts, and her stomach.  Ann put her hands on top of his head as she again erupted with pleasure.  Phillip gently pulled her on to the bed, and they indulged in the pleasures of love for hours.  

Exhausted, they fell asleep.  Ann awoke in the early hours of the morning frantic. “Oh my goodness!”  She woke Phillip. “I must get back to the hotel.  I'm hoping Lewey slept soundly all night.”  They headed toward the hotel holding hands and kissing just as the dawn was breaking.  

Stopping suddenly Ann had a confession to make. “Tonight was the most wonderful night of my life, but I must tell you that this behavior wasn't new to me.  I feel guilty now that we've met.  I wish I could take back my past, but I can't.  I think for the first time in my life I'm falling in love.”  She gently put her hands around his neck, kissing him and waiting for a response.

He put his arms around her waist and gave her a hug.  “For a brief moment the thought of you with another man entered my mind, but it doesn't matter.  I know I'm in love with you.”

Holding his hands and not wanting to say goodbye, Ann said, “I'll see you tomorrow; perhaps we can go for another walk.

With that comment, Ann smiled and raised her eyebrows.

“After tomorrow, I'll be on leave and escorting you back to your father's lodge.  Now I'm really anxious to meet him.”  

After one last kiss Phillip gently patted her on the behind and whispered, “I'll see you in a few hours.”




Early Saturday morning Lewey knocked on their door, “You ladies interested in breakfast?”

“No, Lewey.”  Ann groaned as she rolled over in bed.

“Me neither,” Rachel added as she looked over to see if Ann was moving.

“Okay, I'll be back later.”  An irritated Lewey turned and walked down the hallway to eat without them.

An hour later, Rachel woke Ann by sitting on her bed. “Well, Miss Fairchild, out late last night?” A teasing smile flitted onto her face.  “Lewey came by at ten o'clock and wanted to know where you were.”

Ann sat up, rubbing her eyes.  “You're not serious?  What did you tell him?”

“I told him you were making mad love to your soldier boy.”  

“Rachel!” Ann exclaimed.  Then her shoulders dropped. “You're teasing! Tell me you're teasing!”

Rachel laughed.

Picking up a pillow, Ann threw it at Rachel.  “That's not funny.”

“I think it is.”

Ann threw another pillow at her friend.  “I might just tell Tom you found a soldier yourself.”

Rachel threw the pillow back. “Go ahead.  He wouldn't believe you. That's one reason I've been writing him every day.”

“I think I could convince him with Phillip's help.”

“You wouldn't dare!”

“I will if you don't let me sleep five more minutes!” Ann pulled the one remaining pillow over her head.

“Tell me what happened last night,” Rachel begged.

Ann groaned and lifted the pillow from her face.  “He made passionate love to me.”

“Ann!” Rachel threw her hands into the air.  “Tell me what really happened.”

“That's what happened.”

Rachel tugged at the covers. “You would've been in a state last night if that had happened.  I know you better than that.”

Ann smiled and covered her face.  “Let me sleep.”

Rachel stood by the bed for a minute and then shrugged.  “Fine, if you don't want to talk about Phillip, then I don't either.”

Ann giggled under the pillow.  “He's everything I ever dreamed of,” she voiced solemnly.  “I believe he feels the same way about me.”

“What did you dream of in a man?”

“Oh, handsome, smart, strong…”

“Like Tom,” Rachel interrupted.

Ann lifted the pillow.  “Sure.  Like Tom.”  Then she tossed the pillow at Rachel.  “You're going to make me get up after all, aren't you?”

“I'm sure Mr. Wonderful doesn't like to be kept waiting, does he?”

“I told him we'd come see him after lunch.”

Rachel sighed and sat on the bed again.  “I can't wait to get home.  I never thought I'd miss Tom this much.”

Ann sat up, reached for Rachel, and embraced her.  “I think I know what you mean.  I think I finally know.”

When Rachel let go of her friend, Ann grabbed another pillow and tucked it under her head.  “Just five more minutes.”

“Okay, five minutes.  But you better get up when I call you, or I'm pulling you out of bed.”

Ann closed her eyes.

“You know, Ann, when I see you and Phillip together I envy you.”

“You do?” Ann blinked in surprise.  “All this time, I've been hoping to have a relationship like you do with Tom.  What makes you envy me?”

“Maybe I'm just homesick, but seeing you with Phillip makes me want to be home and in Tom's arms again.”

“You must really miss him.”

“I do.” Rachel hesitated.  “Maybe it's because Tom isn't as refined as your gentleman, but he's got good qualities, otherwise, your father wouldn't have selected him to be a foreman.”

“Of course,” Ann agreed.

“He's a really good person; he's smart and handsome and witty.  You wouldn't know it from seeing us once or twice together, but he's kind and good to me, and he treats Mother with respect, too.”

When there was no response from Ann, Rachel turned toward the bed.  “Did you hear anything I said?  Do you even care?”

“Uh huh,” came from under the pillow.   

Rachel picked up one of the pillows Ann had tossed at her and flung it at the lump under the covers.

“I heard you!” Ann groaned.

“Get up.  Five minutes are up!” Rachel said.  “Unless you want me to drag you out right now!”

“One more minute,” Ann pleaded.

After breakfast, Lewey knocked on the girl's door. “Girls, are you ready?”  

“Yes, Lewey, we are.  We'll be out shortly!” said Rachel as she put on her shoes. “Okay, Ann, it's time to get up, I've given you more than enough time.”

Ann slid out of bed and sat at the vanity.  She picked up the tortoise shell brush and yawned as she idly pulled it through her hair.  “After last night, if he'd asked me to marry him, I would've said yes.  I just can't get him out of my head.”

Rachel turned to face Ann. “That's a big statement after only two nights with this man.

You were with other men longer and never felt this way about them.”

“When I first saw Phillip in uniform and our eyes met, I was instantly attracted to him. Then when he came over, tipped his hat and bowed, he impressed me.  From that moment on, I knew I wanted to know him better.”  She gazed into the mirror.  “He's a real gentleman.  My father will like him, don't you think?”

Rachel started to reply when Lewey knocked again.  “Come on, girls, the hotel dining room will soon be closed if you want to eat breakfast!”

“We're just about ready.  Be right there,” Ann said.  She turned to Rachel. “Go and keep Lewey company while I finish getting dressed.  I won't be a minute.”

 “I'll be waiting for you in the dining room,” Lewey said.  He turned around and headed down the stairs.  

“Boy!  He sure sounds impatient.  We better get going.”  Rachel said.  “I'll see you in the dining room.  I'm hungry, so don't be late, or I'll order something you probably won't like.”  She grabbed her coat and purse and hurried after Lewey.

Lewey ordered another cup of coffee, and Rachel asked for water while they waited.  

“Sorry about taking so long to get ready,” Rachel said as she studied Lewey's stern profile.

Lewey relaxed.  “I had hoped to see the Market place again.  Mr. Fairchild wanted some more information about it.  I just didn't want to leave you two here alone.  I'm afraid you might wander off and get lost.”

Rachel grinned.  “Ann is anxious to take a tour of the fort today.”

“I am too,” Lewey admitted. “There are dozens of forts in Philadelphia, but I've never entered one of them.”  He studied his coffee.  “It's a shame we have to come all the way up here just to visit a fort.”

“I've been to one fort,” Rachel said.  “I had to take a dress to a captain's wife at Fort Arsenal in Philadelphia.  It was pretty interesting.”

“I read about it.  I think they just built it a couple of years ago.  James Madison bought the property when he was president.”

“I didn't get to see a lot of the fort, though.  I just delivered the dress and left.  I really want to see how soldiers live.  I know they allow their wives to live with them, but I don't know much else.”

Ann entered looking flushed.

“Well finally!”  Lewey said, looking up.

After Ann asked the waiter for water, Lewey asked, “What time did you come in, Ann?  I didn't hear you.”

Surprised at his question, Ann glanced at Rachel who quickly placed her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh.  

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