The Cogan Legend (38 page)

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Authors: R. E. Miller

BOOK: The Cogan Legend
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Relief washed over him.  He stood and put the fossil tenderly in the drawer where he'd found it.  Then he ran out the door.  Panting, he caught up to Ann a half-mile later.  She heard his footsteps and turned.

“Ann, please come back with me.  Give me another chance.”

Ann stood resolutely.  “I'm walking home to Father, Phillip.  I'm not going back.”  She turned away from him.

Phillip blocked her way.  “Ann, you have to believe me.”  He suddenly became aware that people on the busy street were staring at them.  “Please, Ann.”

“Not unless you tell me the truth right here and now!”

“I will tell you the truth,” Phillip promised.  “I swear it.”

Ann hesitated a moment longer, but she'd seen a different look in his eyes than when he'd kept things from her.  Then she too became aware of the stares.  “Alright, but no more secrets.”

Phillip smiled happily.  “I promise, Ann.”  He took her arm and smiled at the passersby. Some cheered and clapped as they walked arm-in-arm in the opposite direction, back to their home.

He explained about Poll Soll and then showed her the fossil when they arrived back at the house.  At first, Ann was skeptical, but then she nodded.  “Even if it isn't true,” she said, “it's the right thing to do.”

Phillip hugged her.  “I know it's the right thing to do,” he said.  “I should've done it before I left Sunbury.”

Ann studied him.  “When did Poll Soll ask you to do this for him?”

“When he was captured in the cave, he made me promise to bury him with his ancestors and then before he was hanged, in the stockade he handed me this stone.  He told me that it was powerful medicine, but I ignored his words and stuck it in my pocket.   Just now when I touched it I realized why my life is such a mess.  I didn't feel it necessary to mention it to you so I didn't.

Whenever I found a job, I'd start working, and then the thoughts of the hanging and his burial began to plague me.  I couldn't concentrate on my work.   When I wasn't able to do my job, I was dismissed.  I couldn't bring myself to tell you I was a failure.”

“I wish you'd just told me.  We could've figured it out together,” Ann said.

Phillip nodded.     

“So, do you have a job or not?”

“No.  Even when I didn't have a job, I acted like I did.  I paid the bills with my savings, and I was positive I'd be able to find a permanent position before the money ran out, but I didn't.  When you told me about the pregnancy, it added even more pressure.  I had to borrow money to pay the bills, but now I have no means of paying it back.  I hated myself for the lies I told and the way I treated you, but my pride would not allow me to be honest.  I knew I was tearing apart our marriage and couldn't continue with the lies any longer.  It seemed the only thing to do was to leave.  That's what drove me into the crazed state of mind that made me so miserable.  I beg for your forgiveness; I am so sorry for hurting you.”

Ann frowned, and Phillip thought she didn't believe him.  “I know it must sound preposterous, but it's the truth, I swear.  You told me you still feel guilty for not being able to save him.  I too feel guilt for hanging him knowing he was innocent of Rachel's murder, but when I saw that stone and touched it I knew it was his curse.”

Ann hesitated for a moment, “You're right about my guilt. I wish I could've saved him and have my conscience cleared, but I didn't and I have to live with it.  I can't and won't continue our marriage as it is.  I spoke to Mary; she wanted me to move back home.  She was afraid for the baby and my safety.”

“Ann, as rotten as I've been, I would never lay a finger on you.  I know how much I've hurt you. I'm so sorry, and I'm begging you to please forgive me.”

Again, Ann hesitated, “You truly believe this is what is wrong with you?”

“I know it is.  He has a hold on my soul.”

She wrapped her arms around him. “I love you too much not to forgive you.”

Then Ann let go and looked at Phillip. “What are we going to do?”  

Phillip responded “I intend to make everything right, to you, our baby, Mary, Charles, and Poll Soll.

“Poll Soll.  What can you do for him?”

“What I must do is honor my promise.  I must rebury him with his ancestors, or things will never be right.  I'm going to speak to your father tomorrow and confess my wrongdoing and hope he will understand.  Then I'm going to ask for a loan to pay off the debts I've accumulated and travel money to go back to Sunbury.”

“Convincing my father may not be as easy.”

The next day, Phillip and Ann went to her father's home.  Mary greeted them warmly and sensed that something had changed.  She drew Ann out to the kitchen, and Ann told her what had happened.

“And you believe him?”

Ann nodded.  “He's very sincere.”

“And he's come to talk to Charles about this?”

“Do you think I should accompany him?”  Ann could see from where she and Mary stood in the kitchen that Phillip and her father were moving toward Charles' study.

“No, better let things work themselves out now,” Mary said.

In the study, Phillip began the conversation the same way he had with Ann, “Charles, I have a confession to make to you, and then I have a huge favor to ask.”  

As Phillip told the tale, Charles shook his head.  “Phillip, stop.  I want Ann to join us.”

Charles left the study to find Ann and Mary and when both were seated he asked, “Ann, is Phillip telling me the truth, or is this some kind of joke?”

Ann hesitated for a moment and then looked at Phillip, “It's true, Father.  The last few weeks our marriage has been almost unbearable for me.  Last night it almost ended until Phillip found the reason for his irrational behavior and explained everything to me.”  

They both could see that Charles was now angry. “Why didn't you confide in me?”

Phillip interjected, “Charles, everything was my fault. I put Ann through hell.  I'm sure she wanted to confide in you, but she was so distressed she didn't know what to do.  Last night I begged for her forgiveness.  I never wanted to put her through this.  Now I'm asking you to hear me out, and I hope you too will forgive me.”

Charles looked at Ann and said, “I want you to stay just in case I need clarification, but first I need a brandy.”

Phillip continued telling Charles everything he had told Ann.  Charles occasionally would shake his head in disbelief.  After the substance of his confession Phillip finally got to the point where he requested a loan.  

Charles gave him no answer, just a blank stare, then said, “You just confessed to putting my daughter through hell, and you told me a story that is extremely hard to believe.  You not only lied to Ann, you also lied to me. All these months you deceived both Mary and I.  How do I know this isn't a fabricated lie to deceive all of us, and when I give you the money you'll never be seen again? And what happens if I don't give you the money?”

Phillip was shaken by Charles's accusations.  He said, “I deserve to be scorned by you and Mary.  I did deceive you and I can only tell you how sorry I am for my behavior.  My intent is to make it all right to Ann and both of you, but I'm not deceiving you or lying about it now.  If you won't lend me the money I'll try and get it from someone else, but I must go back to Sunbury.  You're aware of Poll Soll's innocence, are you not?”  

“Yes,” Charles said angrily.  

“Then I want to show you something.”  Phillip pulled the stone fossil from his pocket.  “This is what I ignored when he gave it to me along with my promise.  Touch it as I did.  I think you'll feel its power.”  

Charles just looked at it and hesitated finally he put his finger on it.  It burned his finger as he pulled back in pain.  “Why doesn't it burn you?”  

Phillip told him “When I first touched it, I felt his curse.  It was the promise I made that's now haunting me.”  

At that moment, Charles knew Phillip was telling the truth.  “Alright, alright, it seems you're telling me the truth as absurd as it is.  Ann do you trust and believe this man?”

“I do, Father.  I know it's hard to believe; I didn't at first either.  After he explained everything, I have no doubt it's true; Phillip is not lying.  Maybe when Poll Soll is buried properly, my conscience will also be freed.”

“For Ann's sake I will lend you the money, but if you don't return within a reasonable time, I'll have you hunted down and killed. Do you understand?”  

“Yes, I do!  I promise there'll be no need to hunt me down. I'll be back.  I wouldn't want to live without Ann and our child.  I want to fulfill that promise and start our marriage anew without lies and deceit, and without Poll Soll.  Again, I apologize to you and Mary for my actions and all the hurt I've caused.”  Phillip's eyes were filled with tears as he spoke.




Phillip was eager to leave; he wanted his life back.  He knew he had to prove himself all over again, but he especially needed to regain Ann's trust and love.  It was a warmer summer than usual, and the warmth extended into October.  Autumn had arrived late.  It was mid October before the fall foliage started to change color.  

This time his journey did not take him through the Cogan.  As quickly as he wanted to get to Sunbury he wanted nothing to do with the Cogan and the horrors it had brought.  He traveled to Millersburg and stopped for the night, then along the river through Dalmatia and Herndon stopping only once to find the burial cave at the Cogan's edge.  He never tried entering; it was frightening even for him.  As he passed the vacant house of Jim Soll and the inn in Herndon, it brought back memories he wished he could forget.  It was a very long and exhausting trip and late in the evening of the fourth day he arrived in Sunbury.  

The following morning he wasted no time in heading to the fort.  The soldiers he had commanded still saluted and called him, “sir.”  He went directly to the Captain's office.  Upon permission to enter Phillip saluted and shook his hand.  

“Captain, it's good to see you again.”

“It's good to see you, Phillip.  What brings you back?  Are you going to rejoin?”

“No, nothing like that, sir.  When we captured Poll Soll, I had made him a promise.  I had promised to bury him in his ancestral burial cave.  In my haste to resign and leave, we buried him in the cemetery here.  I'm actually back to keep my promise.”  He didn't feel it necessary to explain the misery it had brought.

“Does it matter where he is buried?  He's just as dead.”

“Well, sir, it matters to me.  With your permission I was wondering if I could ask for volunteers for a burial detail.”

The Captain had no objection. “It sounds simple enough. I'll make sure the men are informed today.  Come back in the morning; I'll let you know if anyone volunteered.”

“Thank you, I'll see you in the morning.  Oh, sir, there is one more thing.”

“What's that?”

“Could you just announce it as a burial detail?”  

The captain nodded.

Phillip spent the remainder of the day looking up old friends and acquaintances.  He rolled and tossed all night anxious for morning's arrival.  Phillip was in the Captain's office bright and early.  

“Well, Lieutenant, or I should say Phillip, eight men volunteered for the burial detail.  Sergeant Koppenhaver will be in charge of the soldiers.  I made it clear it's not just a ride in the country.  They will assist you in the digging and accompany you to the burial site.”  

“Thank you, sir, this should've been done when I was still in the Army.  It was Poll Soll's request, and I broke my promise.”

Phillip's intent was to have everything done in one day, take his leave from the soldiers at the burial cave, and head back to Philadelphia.  When he left the Captain's office he looked for Sergeant Koppenhaver and the other volunteers.  He knew he would need shovels, picks, torches, and a wagon.  

“Sergeant!” Phillip yelled from the far side of the fort.

“How are you?”  Phillip gave him a big bear hug when they finally stood across from each other.  

The sergeant replied, “I'll be better in two weeks; my enlistment will be up.”

“Wonderful!  I'm glad you volunteered for this.  Did the Captain fill you in on any details?”  

“Yes, a burial detail for Poll Soll.  If you wouldn't have been in such a hurry to get married this would've been done after the hanging.  Besides what's wrong with where he is?”

“I know, it's my fault, but I did promise him if you remember.”

“I remember; when we were in the cave you promised, and you're an honorable man.”

“You're familiar with the cave and the area.  All I want to do is return the coffin where we found him and leave.   Are the rest of the men ready?  I believe we can accomplish the entire mission today.”  

“Well, lieutenant, I'm not sure about accomplishing this in one day.  I need to round up the volunteers and get a wagon and the supplies.  Just in case we can't accomplish all this in one day, we also need to have preparations for the night.”  

“You're right, sergeant, as usual,” Phillip said reluctantly.  

ten o'clock all the supplies were secured, the volunteers rounded up and the preparations made.  It was time to go to the cemetery and Poll Soll's grave. There was no grave marker, but Phillip knew exactly where the grave site was.  “Men this is where we start digging.”  Phillip said.  

Everyone, except the sergeant, took their turn at digging.  It didn't take long until they hit the pine box.

“Let's take it easy from here; we don't want to damage the coffin,” Phillip said.  

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