The Color of Water

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Authors: James McBride

BOOK: The Color of Water
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“As lively as a novel, a well-written, thoughtful contribution to the literature on race.”

The Washington Post Book World

“It's a story about keeping on and about not being a victim. It's a love story…Much hilarity is mixed in with much sadness. As McBride describes the chaotic life in a family of fourteen, you can almost feel the teasing, the yelling, and the love.…The book is a delight, a goading, and an inspiration, worth your time and a few tears.”

Sunday Denver Post

“A standout among the current surfeit of memoirs about growing up black in the United States…Mr. McBride's portrait of his mother is not of a saint, which makes her all the more compelling.”

The Washington Times

“Told with humor and clear-eyed grace…a terrific story…The sheer strength of spirit, pain, and humor of McBride and his mother as they wrestled with different aspects of race and identity is vividly told.…I laughed and thrilled to her brood of twelve kids…I wish I'd known them. I'm glad James McBride wrote it all down so I can.”

The Nation

“A refreshing portrait of family self-discovery…brilliantly inter twine[s] passages of the family's lives…Mr. McBride's search is less about racial turmoil than about how he realizes how blessed he is to have had a support system in the face of what could have been insurmountable obstacles.”

The Dallas Morning News

“James McBride has combined the techniques of the memoirist and the oral historian to illuminate a hidden corner of race relations. The author and his mother are two American originals.”

—Susan Brownmiller

“A lyrical, deeply moving tribute.…
The Color of Water
is about the love that a mother has for her children.”

The Detroit News

“What makes this story inspiring is that she succeeded against strong odds…how she did this is what makes this memoir read like a very well-plotted novel. This moving and unforgettable memoir needs to be read by people of all colors and faiths.”

Publishers Weekly

“The author, his mother, and his siblings come across as utterly unique, heroic, fascinating people. I couldn't stop reading the book once I began. McBride is a wonderful writer.”

—Jonathan Kozol

“Eloquent…vivid, affecting…McBride's mother should take much pleasure in this loving, if sometimes uncomfortable, memoir, which embodies family values of the best kind. Other readers will take pleasure in it as well.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Tells us a great deal about our nations racial sickness—and about the possibilities of triumphing over it.”

The Wall Street Journal

“Eye- and mind-opening about the eternal convolutions and paradoxes of race in America.”

Chicago Tribune (Tempo)

“Poignant…a uniquely American coming of age…Ruth McBride Jordan's anecdotes are richly detailed, her voice clear and engaging. And she has a story worth telling.”

The Miami Herald

“Fascinating…superbly written.”

The Boston Globe

“Remarkable…a page-turner, full of compassion, tremendous hardship and triumph…McBride's story is ultimately a celebration delivered with humor and pride.”


“A wonderful story that goes beyond race…richly detailed…earthy, honest.”

The Baltimore Sun

“[A] remarkable saga.”

New York Newsday

Praise for James McBride's

Miracle at St. Anna

“McBride creates an intricate mosaic of narratives that ultimately becomes about betrayal and the complex moral landscape of war.”

The New York Times Book Review

“Searingly, soaringly beautiful…The book's central theme, its essence, is a celebration of the human capacity for love.”

The Baltimore Sun

“McBride is adept at describing the wartime state of mind: land and people lying ravaged in the wake of a wild brutality.…His narrative, which is based on a true story, plunges straight to the heart.”

San Francisco Chronicle

“McBride makes an impressive foray into fiction with a multi-shaded WWII tale…a haunting meditation on faith that is also a crack military thriller…strikingly cinematic…With nods to Ralph Ellison and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, McBride creates a mesmerizing concoction…a miracle in itself.”

Entertainment Weekly

“So descriptive that I feel as though I'm an eyewitness to everything that happens emotionally on the frontline.”

The Dallas Morning News

“James McBride…brings formidable storytelling skills and lyrical imagination to his novel…[He] deftly broadens the landscape of his drama by entering the minds of a range of supporting characters: Italian freedom fighters, white army officers, starving villagers, a clairvoyant, and even a sixteenth-century sculptor.”

Minneapolis Star Tribune

“Great-hearted, hopeful, and deeply imaginative.”


“McBride has
a bold leap into fiction. [He] goes deep into each character and takes you with him. His rich description of the landscape…transports you into this world. It's a great piece of storytelling. I cried. I laughed. I hated finishing this book.”

Albuquerque Tribune

“Full of miracles of friendship, of salvation and survival.”

Los Angeles Times



“A sweetly compelling novel. McBride combines elements of history, mythology, and magical realism to make this a story about the little things like life and forgiveness and shared experience.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Miracle at St. Anna
powerfully examines the horrors of history and finds an unexpected wealth of goodness and compassion in the human soul.”

Newark Star-Ledger

“The miracles of survival, of love born in extremity, and of inexplicable ‘luck' are the subjects of this first novel. [
Miracle at St. Anna
] is true to the stark realities of racial politics yet has an eye to justice and hope.”

Library Journal
(starred review)

kicking and screaming to the finish, lightning-lit with rage and tenderness.”

The San Francisco Chronicle

“A powerful and emotional novel of black American soldiers fighting the German army in the mountains of Italy. This is a refreshingly ambitious story of men facing the enemy in front and racial prejudice behind.…Through his sharply drawn characters, McBride exposes racism, guilt, courage, revenge and forgiveness, with the soldiers confronting their own fear and rage in surprisingly personal ways at the decisive moment in their lives.”

Publishers Weekly

“A tale of hardship and horror as well as nobility and—yes—miracles, during the Italian campaign in World War II.”

Philadelphia Daily News

“World War II provides a dazzling backdrop for James McBride's first novel.”


“A brutal and moving first novel…McBride's heart is on his sleeve, but these days it looks just right.”

Kirkus Reviews

Also by James McBride





James McBride

Riverhead Books, New York


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Copyright © 1996, 2006 by James McBride

Readers Group Guide copyright © 2006 by Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Cover design copyright © 1996 by Honi Werner

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First Riverhead hardcover edition: January 1996

First Riverhead trade paperback edition: February 1997

First Riverhead trade paperback 10th Anniversary Edition: February 2006

The Library of Congress has catalogued the Riverhead hardcover edition as follows;

McBride, James.

The color of water: a Black man's tribute to his white mother / James McBride.

p. cm.

ISBN: 978-1-4406-3610-3

1. McBride-Jordan, Ruth, 1921–   2. McBride, James, date.   3. Mulattoes—New York (N.Y.)—Biography.   4. Mothers—New York (N.Y.)—Biography.   5. Whites—New York (N.Y.)—Biography.   6. Mulattoes—New York (N.Y.)—Race Identity.   I. Title.

F130.N4M38       1996

974.'100496073'0092—dc20                                               95-37243   CIP



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I wrote this book for my mother,

and her mother, and mothers everywhere

In memory of Hudis Shilsky,
Rev. Andrew D. McBride,
and Hunter L. Jordan, Sr.





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