| 138 , 414-416, 421-422;
| "Lady of Shalott, The," 429;
| "Locksley Hall," 420;
| "Locksley Hall Sixty Years After," 420;
| "Lotos-Eaters, The, 416;
| "Mariana," 429;
| Maud , 152, 419-420, 429;
| In Memoriam A. H. H. , 138, 378, 405-406, 415-417, 419-422, 424, 429, 454;
| "Palace of Art, The" 377, 419, 422, 429;
| "Parnassus," 417;
| Poems by Two Brothers , 457;
| "Poet, The," 417;
| Princess, The , 418-419;