The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (234 page)

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Kin to the bhederin, only larger, with horns spreading out to the sides, massive, regal.

Glancing down, she paused in her steps. Footprints crossed her path. Hide-wrapped feet had punched through the brittle lichen. Eight, nine individuals.

Flesh and blood Imass? The Bonecaster Pran Chole and his companions? Who walks my dreamscape this time?

Her eyes blinked open to musty darkness. Dull pain wrapped her thinned bones. Gnarled hands drew the furs close to her chin against the chill. She felt her eyes fill with water, blinked up at the swimming, sloped ceiling of the hide tent, and released a slow, agonized breath.

‘Spirits of the Rhivi,’ she whispered, ‘take me now, I beg you. An end to this life, please. Jaghan, Iruth, Mendalan, S’ren Tahl, Pahryd, Neprool, Manek, Ibindur – I name you all, take me, spirits of the Rhivi…’

The rattle of her breath, the stubborn beat of her heart … the spirits were deaf to her prayer. With a soft whimper, the Mhybe sat up, reached for her clothes.

She tottered out into misty light. The Rhivi camp was awakening around her. Off to one side she heard the low of the bhederin, felt the restless rumble through the ground, then the shouts of the tribe’s youths returning from a night spent guarding the herd. Figures were emerging from the nearby tents, voices softly singing in ritual greeting of the dawn.

Iruth met inal barku sen netral … ah’rhitan! Iruth met inal …

The Mhybe did not sing. There was no joy within her for another day of life.

‘Dear lass, I have just the thing for you.’

She turned at the voice. The Daru Kruppe was waddling down the path towards her, clutching a small wooden box in his pudgy hands.

She managed a wry smile. ‘Forgive me if I hesitate at your gifts. Past experience…’

‘Kruppe sees beyond the wrinkled veil, my dear. In all things. Thus, his midnight mistress is Faith – a loyal aide whose loving touch Kruppe deeply appreciates. Mercantile interests,’ he continued, arriving to stand before her, his eyes on the box, ‘yield happy, if unexpected gifts. Within this modest container awaits a treasure, which I offer to you, dear.’

‘I have no use for treasures, Kruppe, though I thank you.’

‘A history worth recounting, Kruppe assures you. In extending the tunnel network leading to and from the famed caverns of gaseous bounty beneath fair Darujhistan, hewn chambers were found here and there, the walls revealing each blow of countless antler picks, and upon said rippling surfaces glorious scenes from the distant past were found. Painted in spit and charcoal and haematite and blood and snot and Hood knows what else, but there was more. More indeed. Pedestals, carved in the fashion of rude altars, and upon these altars – these!’

He flipped back the lid of the box.

At first, the Mhybe thought she was looking upon a collection of flint blades, resting on strangely wrought bangles seemingly of the same fractious material. Then her eyes narrowed.

‘Aye,’ Kruppe whispered. ‘Fashioned
as if
they were indeed flint. But no, they are copper. Cold-hammered, the ore’ gouged raw from veins in rock, flattened beneath pounding stones. Layer upon layer. Shaped, worked, to mirror a heritage.’ His small eyes lifted, met the Mhybe’s. ‘Kruppe sees the pain of your twisted bones, my dear, and he grieves. These copper objects are not tools, but ornaments, to be worn about the body – you will find the blades have clasps suitable for a hide thong. You will find wristlets and anklets, arm-torcs and … uh, necklets. There is efficacy in such items … to ease your aches. Copper, the first gift of the gods.’

Bemused at her own sentimentality, the Mhybe wiped the tears from her lined cheeks. ‘I thank you, friend Kruppe. Our tribe retains the knowledge of copper’s healing qualities. Alas, they are not proof against old age…’

The Daru’s eyes flashed. ‘Kruppe’s story is not yet complete, lass. Scholars were brought down to those chambers, sharp minds devoted to the mysteries of antiquity. The altars, one for each each chamber … eight in all … individually aspected, the paintings displaying crude but undeniable images. Traditional representations. Eight caverns, each clearly identified. We know the hands that carved each of them – the artists identified themselves – and Darujhistan’s finest seers confirmed the truth. We know, my dear, the names of those to whom these ornaments belonged.’ He reached into the box and withdrew a blade.’ Jaghan.’ He set it down and picked up an anklet. ‘S’ren Tahl. And here, this small, childlike arrowhead … Manek, the Rhivi imp – a mocker, was he not? Kruppe feels an affinity with this trickster runt, Manek, oh yes. Manek, for all his games and deceits, has a vast heart, does he not? And here, this torc. Iruth, see its polish? The dawn’s glow, captured here, in this beaten metal—’

‘Impossible,’ the Mhybe whispered. ‘The spirits—’

‘Were once flesh, my dear. Once mortal. That first band of Rhivi, perhaps? Faith,’ he said with a wistful smile, ‘is ever a welcoming mistress. Now, upon completing of morning ablutions, Kruppe expects to see said items adorning you. Through the days to come, through the nights yet to pass, Holy Vessel, hold fast to this faith.’

She could say nothing. Kruppe offered her the box. She took its weight in her hands.

How did you know? This morning of mornings, awakening in the ashes of abandonment. Bereft of lifelong beliefs. How, my dear, deceptive man, did you know?

The Daru stepped back with a sigh. ‘The rigours of delivery have left Kruppe exhausted and famished! Said box trembled these all too civilized appendages.’

She smiled. ‘Rigours of delivery, Kruppe? I could tell you a thing or two.’

‘No doubt, but do not despair of ever receiving just reward, lass.’ He winked, then swung about and ambled off. A few paces away, Kruppe stopped and turned. ‘Oh, Kruppe further informs that Faith has a twin, equally sweet, and that is Dreams. To discount such sweetness is to dismiss the truth of her gifts, lass.’ He fluttered one hand in a wave then turned once more.

He walked on, and moments later was beyond her line of sight.
So like Manek, indeed. You buried something there, didn’t you, Kruppe? Faith and dreams. The dreams of hope and desire? Or the dreams of sleep?

Whose path did I cross last night?

*   *   *

Eighty-five leagues to the northeast, Picker leaned back against the grassy slope, squinting as she watched the last of the quorls – tiny specks against a sea-blue sky – dwindle westward.

‘If I have to sit another heartbeat on one a those,’ a voice growled beside her, ‘someone kill me now and I’ll bless ’em for the mercy.’

The corporal closed her eyes. ‘If you’re giving leave to wring your neck, Antsy, I’ll lay odds one of us will take you up on it before the day’s done.’

‘What an awful thing to say, Picker! What’s made me so unpopular? I ain’t done nothing to no-one never how, have I?’

‘Give me a moment to figure out what you just said and I’ll answer you honestly.’

‘I didn’t not make any sense, woman, and you know it.’ He lowered his voice. ‘Captain’s fault, anyhow—’

‘No it ain’t, Sergeant, and that kinda muttering’s damn unfair and could end up spitting poison right back in your eye. This deal was cooked up by Whiskeyjack and Dujek. You feel like cursing someone, try them.’

‘Curse Whiskeyjack and Onearm? Not a chance.’

‘Then stop your grumbling.’

‘Addressing your superior in that tone earns you the role of duffer today, Corporal. Maybe tomorrow, too, if I feel like it.’

‘Gods,’ she muttered, ‘I do hate short men with big moustaches.’

‘Gettin’ all personal, are ya? Fine, y’can scrub the pots and plates tonight, too. And I got a real complicated meal in mind. Hare stuffed with figs—’

Picker sat up, eyes wide. ‘You’re not gonna make us eat Spindle’s hairshirt? With figs?’

‘Hare, you idiot! The four-legged things, live in holes, saw a brace of ’em in the foodpack. With figs, I said. Boiled. And rubyberry sauce, with freshwater oysters—’

Picker sat back with a groan. ‘I’ll take the hairshirt, thanks.’

The journey had been gruelling, with few and all too brief reststops. Nor were the Black Moranth much in the way of company. Virtually silent, aloof and grim – Picker had yet to see one of the warriors shed his or her armour. They wore it like a chitinous second skin. Their commander, Twist, and his quorl were all that remained of the flight that had transported them to the foot of the Barghast Range. Captain Paran was saddled with the task of communicating with the Black Moranth commander –
and Oponn’s luck to him, too.

The quorls had taken them high, flying through the night, and the air had been frigid. Picker ached in every muscle. Eyes closed once more, she sat listening to the other Bridgeburners preparing the gear and food supplies for the journey to come. At her side, Antsy muttered under his breath a seemingly endless list of complaints.

Heavy boots approached, unfortunately coming to a halt directly in front of her, blocking out the morning sun. After a moment, Picker pried open one eye.

Captain Paran’s attention, however, was on Antsy. ‘Sergeant.’

Antsy’s muttering ceased abruptly. ‘Sir?’

‘It appears that Quick Ben’s been delayed. He will have to catch up with us, and your squad will provide his escort. The rest of us, with Trotts, will move out. Detoran’s separated out the gear you’ll need.’

‘As you say, sir. We’ll wait for the snake, then – how long should we give him afore we chase after you?’

‘Spindle assures me the delay will be a short one. Expect Quick Ben some time today.’

‘And if he don’t show?’

‘He’ll show.’

‘But if he don’t?’

With a growl, Paran marched off.

Antsy swung a baffled expression on Picker. ‘What if Quick Ben don’t show?’

‘You idiot, Antsy.’

‘It’s a legit question, dammit! What got him all huffy about it?’

‘You got a brain in there somewhere, Sergeant, why not use it? If the mage don’t show up, something’s gone seriously wrong, and if that happens we’re better off hightailing it – anywhere, so long as it’s away. From everything.’

Antsy’s red face paled. ‘Why won’t he make it? What’s gone wrong? Picker—’

‘Ain’t nothing’s gone wrong, Antsy! Hood’s breath! Quick Ben will get here today – as sure as that sun just rose and is even now baking your brain! Look at your new squad members, Sergeant – Mallet, there, and Hedge – you’re embarrassing the rest of us!’

Antsy snarled and clambered to his feet. ‘What’re you toads staring at? Get to work! You, Mallet, give Detoran a hand – I want those hearthstones level! If the pot tips because they weren’t, you’ll be sorry and I ain’t exaggerating neither. And you, Hedge, go find Spindle—’

The sapper pointed up the hill. ‘He’s right there, Sergeant. Checking out that upside-down tree.’

Hands on hips, Antsy pivoted, then slowly nodded. ‘And it’s no wonder. What kinda trees grow upside-down, anyway? A smart man can’t help but be curious.’

‘If you’re so curious,’ Picker muttered, ‘why not go and look for yourself?’

‘Nah, what’s the point? Go collect Spindle, then, Hedge. Double-time.’

‘Double-time up a hill? Beru fend, Antsy, it’s not like we’re going anywhere!’

‘You heard me, soldier.’

Scowling, the sapper began jogging up the slope. After a few strides, he slowed to a stagger. Picker grinned.

‘Now where’s Blend?’ Antsy demanded.

‘Right here beside you, sir.’

‘Hood’s breath! Stop doing that! Where you been skulking, anyway?’

‘Nowhere,’ she replied.

‘Liar,’ Picker said. ‘Caught you sliding up outa the corner of my eye, Blend. You’re mortal, after all.’

She shrugged. ‘Heard an interesting conversation between Paran and Trotts. Turns out that Barghast bastard once had some kind of high rank in his own tribe. Something about all those tattoos. Anyway, turns out we’re here to find the biggest local tribe – the White Faces – with the aim of enlisting their help. An alliance against the Pannion Domin.’

Picker snorted. ‘Flown then dropped off at the foot of the Barghast Range, what else did you think we were up to?’

‘Only there’s a problem,’ she continued laconically, examining her nails. ‘Trotts will get us face to face without all of us getting skewered, but he might end up fighting a challenge or two. Personal combat If he wins, we all live. If he gets himself killed…’

Antsy’s mouth hung open, his moustache twitching as if independently alive.

Picker groaned.

The sergeant spun. ‘Corporal – find Trotts! Sit ‘im down with that fancy whetstone of yours and get ‘im to sharpen his weapons real good—’

‘Oh, really, Antsy!’

‘We gotta do something!’

‘About what?’ a new voice asked.

Antsy whirled again. ‘Spindle, thank the Queen! Trotts is going to get us all killed!’

The mage shrugged beneath his hairshirt. ‘That explains all those agitated spirits in this hill, then. They can smell him, I guess—’

‘Smell? Agitated? Hood’s bones, we’re all done for!’

*   *   *

Standing with the rest of the Bridgeburners, Paran’s eyes narrowed on the squad at the foot of the barrow. ‘What’s got Antsy all lit up?’ he wondered aloud.

Trotts bared his teeth. ‘Blend was here,’ he rumbled. ‘Heard everything.’

‘Oh, that’s terrific news – why didn’t you say anything?’

The Barghast shrugged his broad shoulders, was silent.

Grimacing, the captain strode over to the Black Moranth commander.

‘Is that quorl of yours rested enough, Twist? I want you high over us. I want to know when we’ve been spotted—’

The chitinous black helm swung to face him. ‘They are already aware, Nobleborn.’

‘Captain will do, Twist. I don’t need reminding of my precious blood. Aware, are they? How, and just as important, how do you know they know?’

‘We stand on their land, Captain. The soul beneath us is the blood of their ancestors. Blood whispers. The Moranth hear.’

‘Surprised you can hear anything inside that helm of yours,’ Paran muttered, tired and irritated. ‘Never mind. I want you over us anyway.’

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