The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (251 page)

BOOK: The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
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‘Ah, now I see,’ the voice said, though the mouth did not move.

‘Indeed, that is not a human’s eye. A wolf’s in truth. Extraordinary. It is said you do not speak. Will you do so now?’

‘If you wish,’ Toc said, his voice rough with disuse, a shock to his own ears.

‘I am pleased. I so tire of listening to myself. Your accent is unfamiliar to me. You are most certainly not a citizen of Bastion.’


The corpse creaked as it leaned forward, the eyes flaring brighter. ‘Indeed. A child of that distant, formidable empire. Yet you have come from the south, whereas my spies inform me that your kin’s army marches from Pale. How, then, did you become so lost?’

‘I know nothing of that army, Seer,’ Toc said. ‘I am now a Tenescowri, and that is all that matters.’

‘A bold claim. What is your name?’

‘Toc the Younger.’

‘Let us leave the matter of the Malazan army for a moment, shall we? The south has, until recently, been a place devoid of threat to my nation. But that has changed. I find myself irritated by a new, stubborn threat. These … Seguleh … and a disturbing, if mercifully small, collection of allies. Are these your friends, then, Toc the Younger?’

‘I am without friends, Seer.’

‘Not even your fellow Tenescowri? What of Anaster, the First Child who shall one day lead an entire army of Children of the Dead Seed? He noted you as … unique. And what of me? Am I not your Lord? Was it not I who embraced you?’

‘I cannot be certain,’ Toc said dully, ‘which of you it was who embraced me.’

Entity and corpse both flinched back at his words, a blurring of shapes that hurt Toc’s eye.
Two beings, the living hiding behind the dead.
Power waxed until it seemed the ancient’s body would simply disintegrate. The limbs twitched spasmodically. After a moment, the furious emanation diminished, and the body fell still once more. ‘More than a wolf’s eye, that you should see so clearly what no-one else has been able to descry. Oh, sorcerors have looked upon me, brimming with their vaunted warrens, and seen nothing awry. My deception knew no challenge. Yet you…’

Toc shrugged. ‘I see what I see.’

‘With which eye?’

He shrugged again. To that, he had no answer.

‘But we were speaking of friends, Toc the Younger. Within my holy embrace, a mortal does not feel alone. Anaster, I see now, was deceived.’

‘I did not say I felt alone, Seer. I said I am without friends. Among the Tenescowri, I am one with your holy will. Yet, consider the woman who walks at my side, or the weary child whom I carry, or the men all around me … should they die, I will devour them. There can be no friendship in such company, Seer. There is only potential food.’

‘Yet you would not eat.’

Toc said nothing.

The Seer leaned forward once again.
‘You would now, wouldn’t you?’

And so madness steals upon me like the warmest cloak.
‘If I am to live.’

‘And is living important to you, Toc the Younger?’

‘I do not know, Seer.’

‘Let us see then, shall we?’ A withered arm lifted. Sorcery rippled the air before Toc. A small table took form in front of the Malazan, heaped with steaming chunks of boiled meat. ‘Here, then,’ the Seer said, ‘is the sustenance you require. Sweet flesh; it is an acquired taste, or so I am told. Ah, I see the hunger flare in your wolfs eye. There is indeed a beast within you – what does it care of its meal’s provenance? None the less, I caution you to proceed slowly, lest your shrunken stomach reject all that you feed it.’

With a soft moan, Toc stumbled to his knees before the table, hands reaching out. His teeth ached as he began chewing, adding his own blood to the meat’s juices. He swallowed, felt his gut clench around the morsel. He forced himself to stop, to wait.

The Seer rose from the chair, walked stiffly to a window. ‘I have, learned,’ the ancient creature said, ‘that mortal armies are insufficient to the task of defeating this threat that approaches from the south. Accordingly, I have withdrawn my forces, and will now dismiss the enemy with my own hand.’ The Seer swung about and studied Toc. ‘It is said wolves avoid human flesh, given the choice. Do not believe me without mercy, Toc the Younger. The meat before you is venison.’

I know, you bastard. It seems I’ve more than a wolf’s eye – I’ve its sense of smell as well.
He picked up another chunk. ‘It no longer matters, Seer.’

‘I am pleased. Do you feel strength returning to your body? I have taken the liberty of healing you – slowly, so as to diminish the trauma of the spirit. I like you, Toc the Younger. Though few know it, I can be the kindliest of masters.’ The old man faced the window once more.

Toc continued eating, feeling the life flow back into him, his lone eye fixed on the Seer, narrrowing at the power that had begun building around the old man’s animated corpse.
Cold, that sorcery. The smell of ice on the wind – here are memories, ancient memories – whose?

*   *   *

The room blurred, dissolved before his vision.
Baaljagg …
A steady padding forward, an eye that swung to the left to see Lady Envy striding a dozen paces away. Beyond her loped Garath, massive, flanks crisscrossed in scars that still leaked seething, virulent blood – the blood of chaos. To Garath’s left walked Tool. Swords had carved a new map on the T’lan Imass’s body, splintering bones, splitting withered skin and muscle – Toc had never before seen a T’lan Imass so badly damaged It seemed impossible that Tool could stand, much less walk.

Baaljagg’s head did not turn to survey the Seguleh marching on his right, yet Toc knew that they were there, Mok included. The ay, like Toc himself, was gripped in memories sprung to life by the scent on that new, chill wind coming down from the north – memories that drew their twinned attention to Tool.

The T’lan Imass had lifted his head, steps slowing until he came to a halt. The others followed suit. Lady Envy turned to Tool.

‘What sorcery is this, T’lan Imass?’

‘You know as well as I, Lady,’ Tool rasped in reply, still scenting the air. ‘Unexpected, a deepening of the confusion surrounding the entity known as the Pannion Seer.’

‘An unimaginable alliance, yet it would appear…’

‘It would appear,’ Tool agreed.

Baaljagg’s eyes returned to the north, gauging the preternatural glow building on the jagged horizon, a glow that began flowing down between the mountains, filling the valleys, spreading outward. The wind rose to a howl, gelid and bitter.

Memories resurrected … this is Jaghut sorcery—

‘Can you defeat it, Tool?’ Lady Envy asked.

The T’lan Imass turned to her. ‘I am clanless. Weakened. Lady, unless you can negate it, we shall have to cross as best we can, and it will build all the while, striving to deny us.’

The Lady’s expression was troubled. Her frown deepened as she studied the emanation to the north. ‘K’Chain Che’Malle … and Jaghut together. Is there precedence for such an alliance?’

‘There is not,’ Tool said.

Sleet swept down on the small group, swiftly turning into hail. Toc felt the stinging impacts through Baaljagg’s hide as the animal hunched lower. A moment later they began moving once more, leaning against the blistering wind.

Before them, the mountains thickened with a mantle of green-veined white …

*   *   *

Toc blinked. He was in the tower, crouched before the meat-laden table. The Seer’s back was to him, suffused with Jaghut sorcery – the creature within the old man’s carcass was now entirely visible, thin, tall, hairless, tinted green.
But no, there’s more
– grey roots roped down from the body’s legs, chaotic power, plunging down through the stone floor, twisting with something like pain or ecstacy.
The Jaghut draws on another sorcery, something older, far more deadly than Omtose Phellack.

The Seer turned. ‘I am … disappointed, Toc the Younger. Did you think you could reach out to your wolf kin without my knowing it? So, the one within you readies for its rebirth.’

The one within me?

‘Alas,’ the Seer went on, ‘the Beast Throne is vacant – neither you nor that beast god can match my strength. Even so, had I remained ignorant, you might well have succeeded in assassinating me.
You lied!’

This last accusation came as a shriek, and Toc saw, not an old man, but a child standing before him.

‘Liar! Liar! And for that you shall suffer!’ The Seer gestured wildly.

Pain clenched Toc the Younger, wrapped iron bands around his body, his limbs, lifted him into the air. Bones snapped. The Malazan screamed.

‘Break! Yes, break into pieces! But I won’t kill you, no, not yet, not for a long,
time! Oh, look at you writhe, but what do you know of true pain, mortal? Nothing. I will show you, Toc the Younger. I will teach you—’ He gestured again.

Toc found himself hovering in absolute darkness. The agony clutching him did not cease, yet drew no tighter. His gasps echoed dully in heavy, stale air.
He – he sent me away. My god sent me away … and now I’m truly alone. Alone …

Something moved nearby, something huge, hard skin rasping against stone. A mewling sound reached Toc’s ears, growing louder, closer.

With a shriek, leathery arms wrapped around the Malazan, pulled him into a suffocating, desperate embrace. Pinned against a flabby, pebble-skinned bosom, Toc found himself in the company of a score or more corpses, in various stages of decomposition – all within the yearning hug of giant, reptilian arms.

Broken ribs ground and tore in Toc’s chest. His skin was slippery with blood, yet whatever healing sorcery the Seer had gifted to him persisted, slowly mending, knitting, only to have the bones break yet again within the savage embrace of the creature who now held him.

The Seer’s voice filled his skull.
I tired of the others … but you I shall keep alive. You are worthy to take my place in that sweet, motherly hug. Oh, she is mad. Mindless with insanity, yet the sparks of need reside within her. Such need. Beware, or it will devour you, as it did me – until I grew so foul that she spat me back out. Need, when it overwhelms, becomes poison, Toc the Younger. The great corrupter of love, and so it shall corrupt you. Your flesh. Your mind. Can you feel it? It has begun. Dear Malazan, can you feel it?

He had no breath with which to scream, yet the arms holding him felt his shudder, and squeezed tighter.

Soft whimpers filled the chamber, the twin voices of Toc and his captor.

Chapter Thirteen

Onearm’s Host, in that time, was perhaps the finest army the Malazan Empire had yet to produce, even given the decimation of the Bridgeburners at the Siege of Pale. Drawn from disparate regiments that included companies from Seven Cities, Falar, and Malaz Island, these ten thousand soldiers were, by roll, four thousand nine hundred and twelve women, the remaining men; one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven under the recorded age of twentyfive years, seven hundred and twenty-one over the age of thirty-five years; the remaining in between.

Remarkable indeed. More so when one considers this: among its soldiers could be found veterans of the Wickan Wars (see Coltaine’s Rebellion), the Aren Uprising (on both sides), and Blackdog Forest and Mott Wood.

How does one measure such an army? By their deeds; and that which awaited them in the Pannion Domin would make of Onearm’s Host a legend carved in stone.




Midges swarmed the tall-grass prairie, the grainy black clouds tumbling over the faded, wavering green. Oxen bellowed and moaned in their yokes, their eyes covered with clusters of the frenzied insects. The Mhybe watched her Rhivi kin move among the beasts, their hands laden with grease mixed with the crushed seeds of lemon grass, which they smeared around the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The unguent had served the bhederin well for as long as the huge bison had been under the care of the Rhivi; a slighter thinner version was used by the Rhivi themselves. Most of Brood’s soldiers had taken to the pungent yet effective defence as well, whilst the Tiste Andii had proved evidently unpalatable to the biting insects. What had drawn the midges this time was the rank upon rank of unprotected Malazan soldiers.

Yet another march across this Hood-forsaken continent for that weary army of foreigners, these strangers who had been, for so many years, unwelcome, detested, feared. Our new allies, their surcoats dyed grey, their colourless standards proclaiming an unknown loyalty. They follow one man, and ask nothing of justification, or cause.

She drew the rough weave of her hood over her head as the slanting sun broke through the clouds gathered to the southwest. Her back was to the march; she sat in the bed of a Rhivi wagon, eyes on the trailing baggage train and the companies of Malazan soldiers flanking it.

Does Brood command such loyalty? He was the warlord who delivered the first defeat to the Malazan army. Our lands were being invaded. Our cause was clear, and we fought for the commander who could match the enemy. And even now, we face a new threat to our homeland, and Brood has chosen to lead us. Still, should he command us into the Abyss – would we follow? And now, knowing what I know, would I?

Her thoughts travelled from the warlord to Anomander Rake and the Tiste Andii. All strangers to Genabackis, yet they fought in its defence, in the name of its people’s liberty. Rake’s rule over his Tiste Andii was absolute.
Aye, they would stride unblinking into the Abyss. The fools.

And now, marching at their sides, the Malazans. Dujek Onearm. Whiskeyjack. And ten thousand unwavering souls. What made such men and women so intractable in their sense of honour?

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