The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (469 page)

BOOK: The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
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The flat, scarred face known to virtually every citizen swung to Brys, thin eyebrows lifting in recognition. ‘King's Champion. You're just in time. Ublala Pung is about to take a swim. I've eight hundred docks on the bastard.'

Brys Beddict leaned on the railing. He scanned the guards and officials on the
launch below. ‘I've heard the name,' he said, ‘but cannot recall his crime. Is that Ublala?' He pointed down to a cloaked figure towering above the others.

‘That's him. Tarthenal half-blood. So they've added two hundred docks to his fine.'

‘What did he do?'

‘What didn't he do? Murder times three, destruction of property, assault, kidnapping times two, cursing, fraud, failure to pay debt and voiding in public. All in one afternoon.'

‘The ruckus at Urum's Lenders?' The criminal had flung off his cloak. He was wearing naught but a loincloth. His burnished skin was lined with whip scars. The muscles beneath it were enormous.

‘That's the one.'

‘So what's he carrying?'

‘Forty-three hundred.'

And Brys now saw the enormous double-lined sack being manhandled onto the huge man's back. ‘Errant's blessing, he'll not manage a stroke.'

‘That's the consensus,' Gerun said. ‘Every call's on Flailing, Floundering and Vanishing. No strokes, no Risings.'

‘And your call?'

‘Seventy to one.'

Brys frowned. Odds like that meant but one thing. ‘You believe he'll make it!'

Heads turned at his exclamation, the buzz around them grew louder.

Gerun leaned on the railing, drawing a long breath through his teeth, making that now infamous whistling sound. ‘Most half-blood Tarthenal get the worst traits,' he muttered in a low voice, then grinned. ‘But not Ublala Pung.'

A roar from the crowds lining the walkway and tiers, and from the opposite side. The guards were leading the criminal down the launch. Ublala walked hunched over, straining with the weight of the sack. At the water's edge he pushed the guards away and turned.

Pulling down his loincloth. And urinating in an arcing stream.

Somewhere, a woman screamed.

‘They'll collect that body,' one merchant said, awed, ‘down at the Eddies. I've heard there're surgeons who can—'

‘And wouldn't you pay a peak for that, Inchers!' his companion cut in.

‘I'm not lacking, Hulbat—watch yourself! I was just

‘And ten thousand women are

A sudden hush, as Ublala Pung turned to face the canal.

Then strode forward. Hips. Chest. Shoulders.

A moment later his head disappeared beneath the thick, foul water.

Not a flounder, not a flail. Those who had bet on Vanishing crowed. Crowds pulled apart, figures closing on bookmakers.

‘Brys Beddict, what's the distance across?'

‘A hundred paces.'


They remained leaning on the railing. After a moment, Brys shot the Finadd
a quizzical look. Gerun nodded towards the launch below. ‘Look at the line, lad.'

There was some commotion around the retrieval line, and Brys saw—at about the same time as, by the rising voices, did others—that the rope was still playing out. ‘He's walking the bottom!'

Brys found he could not pull his eyes from that uncoiling rope. A dozen heartbeats. Two dozen. A half-hundred. And still that rope snaked its way into the water.

The cries and shouts had risen to deafening pitch. Pigeons burst into the air from nearby rooftops, scattering in panic. Bettors were fighting with bookmakers for payment tiles. Someone fell from the Third Tier and, haplessly, missed the canal by a scant two paces. He struck flagstones and did not move, a circle of witnesses closing round his body.

‘That's it,' Gerun Eberict sighed.

A figure was emerging on the far-side launch. Streaming mud.

‘Four lungs, lad.'

Eight hundred docks. At seventy to one. ‘You're a rich man who's just got richer, Finadd.'

‘And Ublala Pung's a free one. Hey, I saw your brother earlier. Tehol. Other side of the canal. He was wearing a skirt.'


‘Don't stand so close—no, closer, so you can hear me, Shand, but not too close. Not like we know each other.'

‘You've lost your mind,' she replied.

‘Maybe. Anyway, see that man?'


‘That criminal, of course. The half-blood who tore apart Urum's—the extortionist deserved it by the way—'

‘Tarthenal have four lungs.'

‘And so does he. I take it you didn't wager?'

‘I despise gambling.'

‘Very droll, lass.'

‘What about him?'

‘Hire him.'

‘With pleasure.'

‘Then buy him some clothes.'

‘Do I have to?'

‘He's not being employed because of his physical attributes—well, not those ones, anyway. You three need a bodyguard.'

‘He can guard my body any time.'

‘That's it, Shand. I'm done talking with you today.'

‘No you're not, Tehol. Tonight. The workshop. And bring Bugg.'

‘Everything is going as planned. There's no need—'

‘Be there.'

Four years ago, Finadd Gerun Eberict single-handedly foiled an assassination attempt on King Diskanar. Returning to the palace late one night, he came upon the bodies of two guards outside the door to the king's private chambers. A sorcerous attack had filled their lungs with sand, resulting in asphyxiation. Their flesh was still warm. The door was ajar.

The palace Finadd had drawn his sword. He burst into the king's bedchamber to find three figures leaning over Ezgara Diskanar's sleeping form. A mage and two assassins. Gerun killed the sorceror first, with a chop to the back of the man's neck, severing his spinal cord. He had then stop-thrust the nearest assassin's attack, the point of his sword burying itself in the man's chest, just beneath the left collarbone. It would prove to be a mortal wound. The second assassin thrust his dagger at the Finadd's face. Probably he had been aiming for one of Gerun's eyes, but the Finadd threw his head back and the point entered his mouth, slicing through both lips, then driving hard between his front teeth. Pushing them apart, upon which the blade jammed.

The sword in Gerun's hand chopped down, shattering the outstretched arm. Three more wild hacks killed the assassin.

This last engagement was witnessed by a wide-eyed king.

Two weeks later, Finadd Gerun Eberict, his breath whistling through the new gap in his front teeth, knelt before Ezgara Diskanar in the throne room, and before the assembled masses was granted the King's Leave. For the remainder of the soldier's life, he was immune to criminal conviction. He was, in short, free to do as he pleased, to whomever he pleased, barring the king's own line.

The identity of the person behind the assassination attempt was never discovered.

Since then, Gerun Eberict had been on a private crusade. A lone, implacable vigilante. He was known to have personally murdered thirty-one citizens, including two wealthy, highly respected and politically powerful merchants, and at least a dozen other mysterious deaths were commonly attributed to him. He had, in short, become the most feared man in Letheras.

He had also, in that time, made himself rich.

Yet, for all that, he remained a Finadd in the King's Guard, and so was bound to the usual responsibilities. Brys Beddict suspected the decision to send Gerun Eberict with the delegation was as much to relieve the city of the pressure of his presence as it was a statement to the queen and the prince. And Brys wondered if the king had come to regret his sanction.

The two palace guards walked side by side across Soulan Bridge and into the Pursers' District. The day was hot, the sky white with thin, high clouds. They entered Rild's, an establishment known for its fish cuisine, as well as an alcoholic drink made from orange rinds, honey and Tusked Seal sperm. They sat in the inner courtyard, at Gerun's private table.

As soon as drinks and lunch were ordered, Gerun Eberict leaned back in his chair and regarded Brys with curiosity. ‘Is my guest this day the King's Champion?'

‘In a manner of speaking,' Brys admitted. ‘My brother, Hull, is accompanying
Buruk the Pale. It is believed that Buruk will remain with the Edur until the Great Meeting. There is concern about Hull.'

‘What kind of concern?'

‘Well, you knew him years ago.'

‘I did. Rather well, in fact. He was my Finadd back then. And upon my promotion, he and I got roaring drunk at Porul's and likely sired a dozen bastards each with a visiting troupe of flower dancers from Trate. In any case, the company folded about ten months later, or so we heard.'

‘Yes, well. He's not the same man, you know.'

‘Isn't he?'

The drinks arrived, an amber wine for Brys, the Tusked Milk for Gerun.

‘No,' Brys said in answer to the Finadd's question, ‘I don't think so.'

‘Hull believes in one thing, and that is loyalty. The only gift he feels is worth giving. Granted, it was sorely abused, and the legacy of that is a new list in your brother's head, with the names of every man and woman who betrayed him.' Gerun tossed back his drink and gestured for another one. ‘The only difference between him and me is that I'm able to cross names off

‘And what if,' Brys said quietly, ‘the king's name is on Hull's list?'

Gerun's eyes went flat. ‘As I said, I'm the only one crossing off names.'

‘Then why is Hull with Buruk the Pale?'

‘Buruk is not the king's man, Brys. The very opposite, in fact. I look forward to finally meeting him.'

A cold chill ran through Brys.

‘In any case,' Gerun went on, ‘it's your other brother who interests me.'

‘Tehol? Don't tell me he's on your list.'

Gerun smiled, revealing the sideways tilt of his upper and lower teeth. ‘And I'd tell you if he was? Relax, he isn't. Not yet, in any case. But he's up to something.'

‘I find that hard to believe. Tehol stopped being up to anything a long time ago.'

‘That's what you think.'

‘I know nothing to suggest otherwise, but it seems that you do.'

Gerun's second drink arrived. ‘Were you aware,' the Finadd said, dipping a finger into the thick, viscid liquid, ‘that Tehol still possesses myriad interests, in property, licences, mercantile investments and transportation? He's raised pretty solid fronts, enough to be fairly sure that no-one else knows that he's remained active.'

‘Not solid enough, it seems.'

Gerun shrugged. ‘In many ways, Tehol walked the path of the King's Leave long before me, and without the actual sanction.'

‘Tehol's never killed anyone—'

Gerun's smile grew feral. ‘The day the Tolls collapsed, Brys, an even dozen financiers committed suicide. And that collapse was solely and exclusively by Tehol's hand. Perfectly, indeed brilliantly timed. He had his own list, only he didn't stick a knife in their throats; instead, he made them all his business partners. And took every one of them down—'

‘But he went down, too.'

‘He didn't kill himself over it, though, did he? Didn't that tell you something? It should have.'

‘Only that he didn't care.'

‘Precisely. Brys, tell me, who is Tehol's greatest admirer?'


‘No. Oh, I'm suitably impressed. Enough to be suspicious as the Errant's Pit now that he's stirring the pot once more. No. Someone else.'

Brys looked away. Trying to decide if he liked this man sitting opposite him. Liked him enough for this conversation. He knew he hated the subject matter.

Their lunches arrived.

Gerun Eberict focused his attention on the grilled fillet on the silver plate in front of him, after ordering a third Tusked Milk.

It occurred to Brys that he had never seen a woman drink that particular concoction.

‘I don't speak to Tehol,' he said after a time, his gaze on his own serving as he slowly picked the white flesh apart, revealing the row of vertebrae and the dorsal spines.

‘You despise what he did?'

Brys frowned, then shook his head. ‘No. What he did after.'

‘Which was?'


‘The water had to clear, lad. So he could look around once more and see what remained.'

‘You're suggesting diabolical genius, Gerun.'

‘I am. Tehol possesses what Hull does not. Knowledge is not enough. It never is. It's the capacity to do something with that knowledge. To do it perfectly. Absolute timing. With devastating consequences. That's what Tehol has. Hull, Errant protect him, does not.'

Brys looked up and met the Finadd's pale eyes. ‘Are you suggesting that Hull is Tehol's greatest admirer?'

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