The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (537 page)

BOOK: The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
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The demon, Lilac, spoke. ‘It is true, Trull Sengar. The wraiths are compelled, as much as we Kenyll'rah. They are not your ancestors.'

‘To all of this,' Trull said, ‘I can do nothing.'

Without another word, he strode away. Through the camp, deftly avoided by all, his path appearing before him devoid of any obstruction, as if by the hand of sorcery. Trull was not immune to regret. He would have liked to have taken back that moment when he'd lost control, when his outrage had broken through. The woman had been right, he supposed. The wounded Edur must be healed first and foremost. There was no time for demons. He should not have struck her.

No-one cared for his reasons. The act was inexcusable, as simple as that.

He approached the command tent.

And saw that the riders they'd seen earlier on the road had arrived. Among them, Uruth, his mother.

She was standing beside her horse.

Fear emerged from the tent and strode to her.

Uruth was speaking as Trull arrived. ‘…I can barely stand. Should we run low on food on our march south, allow me to be the first to suggest we slaughter the horses.' She noted Trull and faced him. ‘You have made terrible mistakes, my son. None the less, this over-reaction on the part of the women in this camp will not be tolerated. It is for me to sanction you, not them.' She returned her attention to Fear. ‘Are the warriors naught but children? Grubby hands on their mother's skirts? Did your brother Trull reveal cowardice on the field of battle?'

‘No,' Fear replied, ‘there was no question of his courage—'

‘For you and your warriors, Fear, nothing else obtains. I would have thought better of you, my eldest son. Your brother sought the healing of a fallen comrade—'

‘A demon—'

‘And did not demons fight at High Fort? Did not many of them give their lives to win victory? Healers are to accede to the wishes of the warriors after a battle. They are not to make judgements on who is worthy of healing. Had I been here, I myself might well have struck her for her impudence. Shall every Edur woman now assume the flaws of our Empress Mayen? Not if I have a say in the matter. Now, Fear, you will correct your warriors' attitudes. You will remind them of Trull's deeds during the journey to retrieve the emperor's sword. You will tell them to recall his delivery of the news of the Letherii harvest of the tusked seals. Most importantly, Fear, you will not turn away from your brother. Do you challenge my words?'

It seemed a vast weight lifted from Fear, as he straightened with a wry smile. ‘I would not dare,' he said.

Trull hesitated, then said, ‘Mother, Fear's anger with me has been over my
disagreement with the necessity of this war. I have been careless in voicing my objections—'

‘A crisis of loyalty to the emperor is a dangerous thing,' Uruth said. ‘Fear was right to be angry, nor am I pleased by your words. Only the emperor has the power to halt this conquest, and he will not do that. Neither Fear nor I, nor anyone else, Trull, are capable of responding to your doubts. Do you not see that? Only Rhulad, and he is not here.'

‘I understand,' Trull said. He looked to Fear. ‘Brother, I apologize. I shall save my words for Rhulad—'

‘He is not interested in hearing them,' Fear said.

‘None the less.'

They studied each other.

Uruth sighed. ‘Enough of this. Trull, is that the demon in question?'

Trull swung round to where Lilac stood, five paces back. ‘Yes.'

His mother approached the demon. ‘Kenyll'rah, do your kin still rule over you in your home realm?'

A deferential nod. ‘The tyrants remain, mistress, for the war continues.'

‘Yet you were not a soldier.'

Lilac shrugged. ‘Even the Kenryll'ah must eat, mistress.'

‘We found few soldiers among those we summoned,' Uruth said.

‘We are losing the war. Four of the Kenryll'ah towers have fallen. Korvalahrai ships were seen far up the Chirahd River.'

‘I must leave to join the emperor tomorrow morning,' Uruth said. ‘Which leaves us this night.'

‘For what?' Trull asked.

‘A conversation with a Kenryll'ah tyrant,' she replied, her regard still on the demon. ‘Perhaps the time has come for a formal alliance.'

Lilac spoke. ‘They are not pleased with your thefts, Tiste Edur.'

Uruth turned away. ‘You are a peasant, demon. All I need from you is the path into your realm. Keep your opinions to yourself.'

Trull watched his mother stride into the command tent. He glanced at Fear and saw his brother staring at him.

‘Did you come here to speak to me about something?'

Trull hesitated, then said, ‘My warriors are about to come to you seeking a new commander. I thought to anticipate them by resigning.'

Fear smiled. ‘“Resigning.” I suppose we are indeed an army now. In the Letherii fashion. Sergeants, lieutenants, captains.'

‘And commanders.'

‘There will be no resignations, Trull.'

‘Very well. Expect Canarth to request an audience soon.'

‘And he shall have one, although he will not leave pleased.' Fear stepped close. ‘We will soon be joining our brothers. I know you will have words you will want to say to Rhulad. Be careful, Trull. Nothing is as it once was. Our people have changed.'

‘I can see that, Fear.'

‘Perhaps, but you do not understand it.'

‘Do you?' Trull challenged.

Fear shrugged, made no reply. A moment later, he walked back to his command tent.

‘Your mother,' Lilac said, ‘would play a dangerous game.'

‘This is the emperor's game, Lilac,' Trull said. He faced the demon. ‘Your people are at war in your home realm?'

‘I am a caster of nets.'

‘Yet, should the need arise, your tyrant masters could call you into military service.'

‘The Kenryll'ah have ruled a long time, Trull Sengar. And have grown weak with complacency. They cannot see their own impending demise. It is always the way of things, such blindness. No matter how long and perfect the succession of fallen empires and civilizations so clearly writ into the past, the belief remains that one's own shall live for ever, and is not subject to the indomitable rules of dissolution that bind all of nature.' The small, calm eyes of the demon looked down steadily upon Trull. ‘I am a caster of nets. Tyrants and emperors rise and fall. Civilizations burgeon then die, but there are always casters of nets. And tillers of the soil, and herders in the pastures. We are where civilization begins, and when it ends, we are there to begin it again.'

A curious speech, Trull reflected. The wisdom of peasants was rarely articulated in such clear fashion. Even so, claims to truth were innumerable. ‘Unless, Lilac, all the casters and tillers and herders are dead.'

‘I spoke not of ourselves, Trull, but of our tasks. Kenyll'rah, Edur, Letherii, the selves are not eternal. Only the tasks.'

‘Unless everything is dead.'

‘Life will return, eventually. It always does. If the water is foul, it will find new water.'

‘My mother said she would make use of you, to fashion a path,' Trull said. ‘How will this be done?'

‘I will be sacrificed. My blood shall be the path.'

‘I did not have you healed only to have you sacrificed, Lilac.'

‘There is nothing you can do, Trull Sengar.'

‘There must be. Is there no way of setting you free?'

The demon was silent for a moment, then it said, ‘Your blood can create a new binding. Myself to you, in exclusion of all else. Then you could command me.'

‘To do what? Return to your realm?'


‘And could you then be summoned again?'

‘Only by you, Trull Sengar.'

‘You would have me as your master, Lilac?'

‘The alternative is death.'

‘Which you said earlier you'd prefer to slavery.'

‘Between the choices of fighting this war or dying, yes.'

‘But returning home…'

‘That is preferable to all else, Trull Sengar.'

The Tiste Edur drew out his knife. ‘What must I do?'


Trull entered the command tent a short while later. He found Fear and Uruth in the centre chamber. ‘Mother.'

She turned, frowned. ‘What have you done?'

‘I sent my demon away. You will have to find another.'

Her gaze dropped to his left hand, narrowed on the broad, still dripping cut across the palm. ‘I see. Tell me, son will your defiance never end?'

‘I paid a high price to save that demon's life.'

‘What of it?'

‘You intended to use him to create your path into his realm—'


‘To do that, you would have to sacrifice it—'

‘The demon told you that? It lied, Trull. In fact, killing it would have severed its link to its own world. It deceived you, son. But you are bound now, the two of you. You can summon it back, and deliver your punishment.'

Trull cocked his head, then smiled. ‘You know, Mother, I think I would have done the same, were I in its place. No, I have sent it home, and there it shall stay.'

‘Where it may well find itself fighting in another war.'

‘Not for me to decide,' Trull said, shrugging.

‘You are difficult to understand,' Uruth said, ‘and the effort wearies me.'

‘I am sorry,' Trull said. ‘This alliance you will attempt with the demon tyrants—what is the emperor seeking from it? What does Rhulad plan to offer in return?'

‘Are you truly interested, son?'

‘I am.'

Uruth shot Fear a glance, then sighed. ‘The Korvalahrai are seafarers. They are reaching into the Kenryll'ah lands via a vast river, and even now approach the heart in a fleet carrying all the Korvalahrai. Rhulad's power is such that he can divert that river, for a time. The invading fleet will be destroyed in the conflagration. Achieving such a thing would in turn serve Edur needs, as well. In return, we are given more demons for our war, perhaps a minor Kenryll'ah or two, who are far better versed in the arts of battle than their subject Kenyll'rah.' She turned to Fear. ‘I will need another demon.'

‘Very well.'

‘And then, a place of solitude.'

Fear nodded. ‘Trull, return to your company.'


As he was walking back to where his warriors were camped, Trull found himself smiling. Lilac's pleasure, moments before it vanished, had been childlike. Yet the demon's mind was not simple. It must have known there was a risk that, upon discovering the deception, Trull would summon it back in a fit of rage and inflict
terrible punishment. For some reason, Lilac had concluded that such an event was unlikely.

My weakness, so plain and obvious even a demon could see it

Perhaps he was not a warrior after all. Not a follower of commands, capable of shutting out all unnecessary thoughts in service to the cause. Not a leader, either, to stride ahead, certainty a blinding fire drawing all with him.

Worse yet, he was suspicious of Rhulad's transformation. Fear, in his youth, had displayed none of Rhulad's strutting arrogance, his posing and posturing—all of which might well suit a leader of warriors, but not in the manner that Fear led warriors. Rhulad had been bluster, whilst Fear was quiet confidence, and Trull was not sure if that essential character trait had changed in Rhulad.

I do not belong

The realization shocked him, slowed his steps. He looked around, feeling suddenly lost. Here, in the midst of his own people.

The Tiste Edur have changed. But I haven't


South, across the region known as the Swath, a deforested scrubland which had once been part of Outcry Wood, past the burnt-out town of Siege Place, and onto the slowly climbing Lookout Track towards the hills of Lookout Climb. Three days crossing the old hills—a range thoroughly denuded by wild goats—onto Moss Road. Marching northeast along the banks of the Moss River to the ford town of Ribs.

Retreating Letherii forces had stripped the countryside ahead of the emperor and his army. The military food and materiel caches that Hull Beddict knew of were all emptied. If not for the shadow wraiths, supplying the Tiste Edur army would have been impossible—the invasion would have stalled. Unacceptable, Rhulad had decided. The enemy was reeling. It was necessary to keep it so.

Udinaas remembered eating smoked eel from Moss River, one time when the trader ship had docked in Dresh. Delicious, once one got used to the furry skin, which was to be chewed but not swallowed. He had since heard, from another slave, that the eels had been transplanted into Dresh Lake, producing a strain that was both bigger and nastier. It had turned out that those eels captured in Moss River were juveniles, and few ever reached adulthood since there was a razor-jawed species of predatory fish resident in the river. No such fish in Dresh Lake. Adolescent swimmers from Dresh started disappearing before anyone realized the adult eels were responsible. Razor-jawed fish were netted from the river and tossed into the lake, but their behaviour changed, turning them into frenzy feeders. Adult swimmers from Dresh started vanishing. The slave who had been relating all this then laughed and finished with, ‘So they poisoned the whole lake, killed everything. And now no-one can swim in it!'

From this, Udinaas surmised, various lessons could be drawn, should one be inclined to draw lessons from multiple acts of stupidity.

They had camped on the road, a day's march west of Ribs. The emperor was suffering from some kind of fever. Healers were tending to him, and the last Udi
naas had heard, Rhulad was sleeping. It was late afternoon, and the sun's light was painting the river's surface red and gold.

Udinaas walked along the stony strand, flinging rocks out onto the water every now and then, shattering the lurid hues. At the moment, he was not feeling anything like a slave, or an Indebted. He marched in the shadow of the emperor, for all to see, for all to wonder at.

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