The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (810 page)

BOOK: The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
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That ease, Rud now understood, was the true face of Udinaas. The face of his soul.

Father, I do so look forward to seeing you again.

His mother was gone – at least from his side. At a sudden gust of wind Rud Elalle glanced up and saw the white and gold mass of her dragon form, lurching skyward with every heave of the huge wings.

The strangers had all halted, still three hundred paces away, and were staring up, now, as Menandore lunged yet higher, slid across currents of air for a moment, until she faced them, and then swept down, straight for the small party. Oh, how she loved to intimidate lesser beings.

What happened then without doubt surprised Menandore more than even Rud – who gave an involuntary shout of surprise as two feline shapes launched into the air from the midst of the party. Dog-sized, forelegs lashing upward as Rud's mother sailed overhead – and she snapped her hind legs up tight against her belly in instinctive alarm, even as a thundering beat of her wings lifted her out of harm's way. At sight of her neck twisting round, eyes flashing in an outraged glare – indignant indeed – Rud Elalle laughed, and was satisfied to see that the sound reached his mother, enough to draw her glare and hold it, until the dragon's momentum carried her well past the strangers and their defiant pets, out of the moment when she might have banked hard, jaws hingeing open to unleash deadly magic down on the obstreperous emlava and their masters.

The threat's balance tilted away – as Rud had sought with that barking laugh – and on she flew, dismissing all in her wake, including her son.

And, were it in his nature, he would then have smiled. For he knew his mother was smiling, now. Delighted to have so amused her only son, her child who, like any Imass, saved his laughter for the wounds his body received in the ferocious games of living. And even her doubts, etched in by this conversation just past, would smooth themselves over for a time.

A little time. When they returned, Rud also knew, they would sting like fire. But by then, it would be too late.
More or less.

He climbed down from the toppled column. It was time to meet the strangers.


‘That,' Hedge announced, ‘is no Imass. Unless they breed 'em big round here.'

‘Not kin,' Onrack observed with narrowed eyes.

Hedge's ghostly heart was still pounding hard in his ghostly chest in the wake of that damned dragon. If it hadn't been for the emlava cubs and their brainless lack of fear, things might well have got messy. A cusser in Hedge's left hand. Quick Ben with a dozen snarly warrens he might well have let loose all at once. Trull Sengar and his damned spears –
aye, dragon steaks raining down from the sky.

Unless she got us first.

No matter, the moment had passed, and he was thankful for that. ‘Maybe he's no kin, Onrack, but he dresses like an Imass, and those are stone chips at the business end of that bone club he's carrying.' Hedge glanced across at Quick Ben – feeling once again the surge of delight upon seeing a familiar face, the face of a friend – and said, ‘I wish Fid was here, because just looking at that man has the hairs standing on the back of my neck.'

‘If you've already got a bad feeling about this,' the wizard replied, ‘why do you need Fid?'

‘Confirmation, is why. The bastard was talking to a woman, who then veered into a dragon and thought to give us a scare. Anybody keeping scaly company makes me nervous.'

‘Onrack,' said Trull Sengar as the man drew closer, walking with a casual, almost loose stride, ‘I think we approach the place where Cotillion wanted us to be.'

At that, Hedge scowled. ‘Speaking of scaly – dealing with Shadowthrone's lackey makes all this stink even worse—'

‘Leaving once more unspoken the explanation for what you're doing here, Hedge,' the Tiste Edur replied with a faint smile at the sapper – that damned smile, so bloody disarming that Hedge almost spilled out every secret in his head, just to see that smile grow into something more welcoming. Trull Sengar was like that, inviting friendship and camaraderie like the sweet scent of a flower – probably a poisonous one –
but that might be just me. My usual paranoia. Well earned, mind. Still, there doesn't seem to be anything poisonous about Trull Sengar.

It's just that I don't trust nice people. There, it's said – at least here in my head. And no, I don't need any Hood-kissed reason either.
He stepped too close to one of the emlava cubs and had to dance away to avoid lashing talons. He glared at the hissing creature. ‘Your hide's mine, you know that? Mine, kitty. Take good care of it in the meantime.'

The eyes burned up at him, and the emlava cub opened wide its jaws to loose yet another whispering hiss.

Damn, those fangs are getting long.

Onrack had moved out ahead, and now the Imass stopped. Moments later they had all drawn up to stand a few paces behind him.

The tall, wild-haired warrior walked closer. Five paces from Onrack he halted, smiled and said something in some guttural language.

Onrack cocked his head. ‘He speaks Imass.'

‘Not Malazan?' Hedge asked with mock incredulity. ‘What's wrong with the damned fool?'

The man's smile broadened, those amber nugget eyes fixing on Hedge, and in Malazan he said, ‘All the children of the Imass tongue are as poetry to this damned fool. As are the languages of the Tiste,' he added, gaze shifting to Trull Sengar. Then he spread his hands out to the sides, palms exposed. ‘I am Rud Elalle, raised among the Bentract Imass as a child of their own.'

Onrack said, ‘They have yet to show themselves, Rud Elalle. This is not the welcome I expected from kin.'

‘You have been watched, yes, for some time. Many clans. Ulshun Pral sent out word that none were to block your path.' Rud Elalle looked down at the tethered cubs to either side of Trull Sengar. ‘The ay flee your scent, and now I see why.' He then lowered his hands and stepped back. ‘I have given you my name.'

‘I am Onrack, of Logros T'lan Imass. The one who restrains the emlava is Trull Sengar, Tiste Edur of the Hiroth tribe. The dark-skinned man is Ben Adaephon Delat, born in a land called Seven Cities; and his companion is Hedge, once a soldier of the Malazan Empire.'

Rud's eyes found Hedge again. ‘Tell me, soldier, do you bleed?'


‘You were dead, yes? A spirit willing itself the body it once possessed. But now you are here. Do you bleed?'

Bemused, Hedge looked to Quick Ben. ‘What's he mean? Like a woman bleeds? I'm too ugly to be a woman, Quick.'

‘Forgive me,' Rud Elalle said. ‘Onrack proclaims himself a T'lan Imass – yet here he stands, clothed in flesh and bearing the scars of your journey in this realm. And there have been other such guests. T'lan Imass – lone wanderers who have found this place – and they too are clothed in flesh.'

‘Other guests?' Hedge asked. ‘You almost had one more of those, and she would have been a viper in your midst, Rud Elalle. For what it's worth, I wouldn't be trusting those other T'lan Imass, were I you.'

‘Ulshun Pral is a wise leader,' Rud answered with another smile.

‘I'm still a ghost,' Hedge said.

‘Are you?'

The sapper frowned. ‘Well, I ain't gonna cut myself to find out one way or the other.'

‘Because you intend to leave this place, eventually. Of course, I understand.'

‘Sounds like you do at that,' Hedge snapped. ‘So, maybe you live with these Bentract Imass, Rud Elalle, but that's about as far as this kinship thing goes. So, who are you?'

‘A friend,' the man replied with yet another smile.

Aye, and if you knew how I felt about friendly people.

‘You have given me your names, and so now I welcome you among the Bentract Imass. Come, Ulshun Pral is eager to meet you.'

He set off.

They followed. With hand signals, Hedge drew Quick Ben closer to his side and they dropped back a bit from the others. The sapper spoke in very low tones. ‘That furry tree's standing on the ruins of a dead city, Quick, like he was its Hood-damned prince.'

‘A Meckros City,' the wizard murmured.

‘Aye, I guessed as much. So where's the ocean? Glad I never saw the wave that carried it here.'

Quick Ben snorted. ‘Gods and Elder Gods, Hedge. Been here kicking pieces around, I'd wager. And, just maybe, a Jaghut or two. There's a real mess of residual magic in this place – not just Imass. More Jaghut than Imass, in fact. And…other stuff.'

‘Quick Ben Delat, lucid as a piss-hole.'

‘You really want to know why Cotillion sent us here?'

‘No. Just knowing snares me in his web and I ain't gonna dance for any god.'

‘And I do, Hedge?'

The sapper grinned. ‘Aye, but you dance, and then you

‘Rud has a point, by the way.'

‘No, he has a club.'

‘About you bleeding.'

‘Hood above, Quick—'

‘Oh, now that's a giveaway, Hedge. What's Hood doing “above”? Just how deep was that hole you crawled out of? And more important, why?'

‘My company soured already? I liked you least, you know. Even Trotts—'

‘Now who's dancing?'

‘Better we know nothing about why we're here, is what I'm trying to say.'

‘Relax. I have already figured you out, Hedge, and here's something that might surprise you. Not only do I have no problem with you being here – neither does Cotillion.'

‘Bastard! What – you and Cotillion sending pigeons back and forth on all this?'

‘I'm not saying Cotillion knows anything about you, Hedge. I'm just saying that if he did, he'd be fine. So would Shadowthrone—'

‘Gods below!'

‘Calm down!'

‘Around you, Quick, that's impossible. Always was, always will be! Hood, I'm a ghost and I'm

‘You never were good at being calm, were you? One would think dying might have changed you, some, but I guess not.'

‘Funny. Ha ha.'

They were now skirting the ruined city, and came within sight of the burial mounds. Quick Ben grunted. ‘Looks like the Meckros didn't survive the kick.'

‘Dead or no,' Hedge said, ‘you'd be nervous too if you was carrying a sack of cussers on your back.'

‘Damn you, Hedge – that
a cusser in your hand back there! When the dragon—'

‘Aye, Quick, so you just keep them kitties away from me, lest I jump back and turn an ankle or something. And stop talking about Shadowthrone and Cotillion, too.'

‘A sack full of cussers. Now I
nervous – you may be dead, but I'm not!'

‘Just so.'

‘I wish Fid was here, too. Instead of you.'

‘That's not a very nice thing to say! You're hurting my feelings. Anyway. What I was wanting to tell you was about that T'lan Imass I was travelling with, for a time.'

‘What happened to it? Let me guess, you tossed it a cusser.'

‘Damned right I did, Quick. She was trailing chains, big ones.'

‘Crippled God?'

‘Aye. Everyone wants in on this game here.'

‘That'd be a mistake,' the wizard asserted as they walked towards a series of rock outcroppings behind which rose thin tendrils of hearth smoke. ‘The Crippled God would find himself seriously outclassed.'

‘Think highly of yourself, don't you? Some things never change.'

‘Not me, idiot. I meant the dragon. Menandore. Rud Elalle's mother.'

Hedge dragged the leather cap from his head and pulled at what was left of his hair. ‘This is what drives me mad! You! Things like that, just dropped out like a big stinking lump of – ow!' He let go of his hair. ‘Hey, that actually hurt!'

‘Tug hard enough to bleed, Hedge?'

Hedge glared across at the wizard, who was now smirking. ‘Look, Quick, this would all be fine if I was planning on building a homestead here, planting a few tubers and raising emlava for their cuddly fur or something. But damn it, I'm just passing through, right? And when I come out the other side, well, I'm back being a ghost, and that's something I need to get used to, and
used to.'

Quick Ben shrugged. ‘Just stop pulling your hair and you'll be fine, then.'


The emlava cubs had grown and were now strong enough to pull Trull Sengar off balance as they strained on their leather leashes, their attention fixed yet again on the Malazan soldier named Hedge, for whom they had acquired a mindless hate. Trull leaned forward to drag the beasts along – it always worked better when the sapper walked ahead, rather than lagging back as he was doing now.

Onrack, noting his struggles, turned and quickly clouted both cubs on their flat foreheads. Suitably cowed, the two emlava ceased their efforts and padded along, heads lowered.

‘Their mother would do the same,' Onrack said.

‘The paw of discipline,' Trull said, smiling. ‘I wonder if we might believe the same for our guide here.'

Rud Elalle was ten paces ahead of them – perhaps he could hear, perhaps not.

‘Yes, they share blood,' Onrack said, nodding. ‘That much was clear when they were standing side by side. And if there is Eleint blood in the mother, then so too in the son.'



‘I wonder if he anticipated this complication?' Trull meant Cotillion when saying

‘Unknown,' Onrack replied, understanding well enough. ‘The task awaiting us grows ever less certain. Friend Trull, I fear for these Imass. For this entire realm.'

‘Leave the wizard and his sapper to address our benefactor's needs, then, and we will concern ourselves with protecting this place, and your kin who call it home.'

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