The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy (25+ Works with active table of contents) (391 page)

BOOK: The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy (25+ Works with active table of contents)
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SÁSHA. Spoil? How? As if Lisa could live without you!


FÉDYA. Oh, Sásha dear! Dear heart!... She can, she can! And she will yet be happy--far happier than with me.


SÁSHA. Never!


FÉDYA. It seems so to you [Takes her hand] ... But that's not the point. The chief thing is, that
can't!... You know, one folds a piece of thick paper this way and that a hundred times and still it holds together; but fold it once more, and it comes in half.... So it was with Lisa and me. It hurts me too much to look into her eyes--and she feels the same, believe me!


SÁSHA. No, no!


FÉDYA. You say "No," but you yourself know that it is "Yes"!


SÁSHA. I can only judge by myself. If I were in her place, and you answered as you are doing, it would be dreadful!


FÉDYA. Yes, for
 ... [Pause; both are agitated].


SÁSHA [rises] Must things really remain so?


FÉDYA. I suppose ...


SÁSHA. Fédya come back!


FÉDYA. Thank you, Sásha dear! You will always remain a precious memory to me.... But good-bye, dear heart!... Let me kiss you. [Kisses her forehead].


SÁSHA [agitated] No, I don't say good-bye, and I don't believe, and won't believe ... Fédya!


FÉDYA. Well then, listen! But give me your word that what I tell you, you won't repeat to anybody--do you promise?


SÁSHA. Of course!


FÉDYA. Well then, listen, Sásha.... It's true that I am her husband and the father of her child, but I am--superfluous! Wait, wait--don't reply.... You think I'm jealous? Not at all! In the first place, I have no right; secondly, I have no cause. Victor Karénin is her old friend and mine too. He loves her, and she him.




FÉDYA. She does--as an honest, moral woman can, who does not allow herself to love anyone but her husband. But she loves, and will love him when this obstacle [points to himself] is removed; and I will remove it, and they shall be happy! [His voice trembles].


SÁSHA. Fédya, don't talk like that!


FÉDYA. Why, you know very well that it's true! And I shall be glad of their happiness, and it's the best I can do. I shall not return, but shall give them their freedom.... Tell them so.... Don't answer--and good-bye!


Kisses her on the forehead, and opens the door for her.


SÁSHA. Fédya--you are wonderful!


FÉDYA. Good-bye, good-bye!... [Exit Sásha].


FÉDYA. Yes, yes.... That's the thing ... that's the thing!... [Rings].


Enter footman.


FÉDYA. Call your master.... [Exit footman].... And it's true--it's true.


Enter Afrémov.


FÉDYA. Come along!


AFRÉMOV. Have you settled matters?


FÉDYA. Splendidly! [Sings]


"And she swore by ev'ry power ..."


Splendidly!... Where are they all?


AFRÉMOV. They're playing billiards.


FÉDYA. That's right--we will too [Sings]


"Rest here, just an hour ..."


Come along!










Prince Abrézkov, a sixty-year-old bachelor with moustaches, a retired army man, elegant, very dignified and melancholy-looking. Anna Dmítrievna Karénina (Victor's mother), a fifty-year-old "grande dame" who tries to appear younger, and intersperses her remarks with French expressions.


Anna Dmítrievna's sitting-room, furnished with expensive simplicity, and filled with souvenirs.


Anna Dmítrievna is writing. Footman enters.


FOOTMAN. Prince Abrézkov ...


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. Yes, certainly ... [Turns round and touches herself up before the looking-glass].


Enter Abrézkov.


J'espère que je ne force pas la consigne....
[8] [Kisses her hand].


[8] I hope I am not forcing myself on you.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. You know that
vous êtes toujours le bienvenu
[9]--and to-day especially! You got my note?


[9] You are always welcome.


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. I did, and this is my answer.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. Ah, my friend! I begin quite to despair.
Il est positivement ensorcelé!
[10] I never before knew him so insistent, so obstinate, so pitiless, and so indifferent to me. He has quite changed since that woman dismissed her husband!


[10] He is positively bewitched!


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. What are the facts? How do matters actually stand?


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. He wants to marry her come what may.


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. And how about the husband?


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. He agrees to a divorce.




ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. And he, Victor, lends himself to it, with all the abominations--lawyers, proofs of guilt--
tout ça est dégoutant
![11] And it doesn't seem to repel him. I don't understand him--he was always so sensitive, so reserved ...


[11] It is all disgusting!


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. He is in love! Ah, when a man really loves ...


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. Yes, but how is it that in our day love could be pure--could be a loving friendship, lasting through life? That kind of love I understand and value.


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. Nowadays the young generation no longer contents itself with those ideal relations.
La possession de l'âme ne leur suffit plus.
[12] It can't be helped!... What can one do with him?


[12] For them, to possess the soul is no longer enough.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. You must not say that of
--but it's as if he were under a spell. It's just as if he were someone else.... You know, I called on her. He begged me so. I went there, did not find her in, and left my card.
Elle m'a fait demander si je ne pourrais la recevoir
;[13] and to-day [looks at the clock] at two o'clock, that is in a few minutes' time, she will be here. I promised Victor I would receive her, but you understand how I am placed! I am not myself at all; and so, from old habit, I sent for you. I need your help!


[13] She inquired whether I would receive her.




ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. This visit of hers, you understand, will decide the whole matter--Victor's fate! I must either refuse my consent--but how can I?


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. Don't you know her at all?


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. I have never seen her. But I'm afraid of her. A good woman could not consent to leave her husband, and he a good man, too! As a fellow-student of Victor's he used to visit us, you know, and was very nice. But whatever he may be,
quels que soient les torts qu'il a eus vis-à-vis d'elle
,[14] one must not leave one's husband. She ought to bear her cross. What I don't understand is how Victor, with the convictions he holds, can think of marrying a divorced woman! How often--quite lately--he has argued warmly with Spítsin in my presence, that divorce was incompatible with true Christianity; and now he himself is going in for it!
Si elle a pu le charmer à un tel point
[15] ... I am afraid of her! But I sent for you to know what
have to say to it all, and instead of that I have been doing all the talking myself! What do you think of it? Tell me your opinion. What ought I to do? You have spoken with Victor?


[14] However he may have wronged her.


[15] If she has been able to charm him to such a degree ...


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. I have: and I think he loves her. He has grown used to loving her; and love has got a great hold on him. He is a man who takes things slowly but firmly. What has once entered his heart will never leave it again; and he will never love anyone but her; and he can never be happy without her, or with anyone else.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. And how willingly Várya Kazántseva would have married him! What a girl she is, and how she loves him!


C'est compter sans son hôte!
[16] That is quite out of the question now. I think it's best to submit, and help him to get married.


[16] That's reckoning without your host!


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. To a divorced woman--and have him meet his wife's husband?... I can't think how you can speak of it so calmly. Is she a woman a mother could wish to see as the wife of her only son--and such a son?


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. But what is to be done, my dear friend? Of course it would be better if he married a girl whom you knew and liked; but since that's impossible ... Besides it's not as if he were going to marry a gipsy, or goodness knows who ...! Lisa Protásova is a very nice good woman. I know her, through my niece Nelly, and know her to be a modest, kind-hearted, affectionate and moral woman.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. A moral woman--who makes up her mind to leave her husband!


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. This is not like you! You're unkind and harsh! Her husband is the kind of man of whom one says that they are their own worst enemies; but he is an even greater enemy to his wife. He is a weak, fallen, drunken fellow. He has squandered all his property and hers too. She has a child.... How can you condemn her for leaving such a man? Nor has she left him: he left her.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. Oh, what mud! What mud! And I have to soil my hands with it!


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. And how about your religion?


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. Of course, of course! To forgive, "As we forgive them that trespass against us."
Mais, c'est plus fort que moi!


[17] But it's beyond me!


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. How could she live with such a man? If she had not loved anyone else she would have had to leave him. She would have had to, for her child's sake. The husband himself--an intelligent kind-hearted man when he is in his senses--advises her to do it....


Enter Victor, who kisses his mother's hand and greets Prince Abrézkov.


VICTOR. Mother, I have come to say this: Elisabeth Andréyevna will be here in a minute, and I beg, I implore you--if you still refuse your consent to my marriage ...


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA [interrupting him] Of course I still refuse my consent ...


VICTOR [continues his speech and frowns] In that case I beg, I implore you, not to speak to her of your refusal! Don't settle matters negatively ...


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. I don't expect we shall mention the subject. For my part, I certainly won't begin.


VICTOR. And she is even less likely to. I only want you to make her acquaintance.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. The one thing I can't understand is how you reconcile your desire to marry Mrs. Protásova, who has a husband living, with your religious conviction that divorce is contrary to Christianity.


VICTOR. Mother, this is cruel of you! Are we really so immaculate that we must always be perfectly consistent when life is so complex? Mother, why are you so cruel to me?


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. I love you. I desire your happiness.


VICTOR [to Prince Abrézkov] Prince!


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. Of course you desire his happiness. But it is not easy for you and me, with our grey hairs, to understand the young; and it is particularly difficult for a mother grown accustomed to her own idea of how her son is to be happy. Women are all like that.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. Yes, yes indeed! You are all against me! You may do it, of course.
Vous êtes majeur.
[18] ... But you will kill me!


[18] You are of age.


VICTOR. You are not yourself. This is worse than cruelty!


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV [to Victor] Be quiet, Victor. Your mother's words are always worse than her deeds.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. I shall tell her how I think and feel, but I will do it without offending her.


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. Of that I am sure.


Enter footman.




VICTOR. I'll go.


FOOTMAN. Elisabeth Andréyevna Protásova.


VICTOR. I am going.
, Mother! [Exit.]


Prince Abrézkov also rises.


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. Ask her in. [To Prince Abrézkov] No, you must please stay here!


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. I thought you'd find a


ANNA DMÍTRIEVNA. No, I'm afraid ... [Is restless] If I want to be left
with her, I will nod to you.
Cela dépendra.
[19] ... To be left alone with her may make it difficult for me. But I'll do like that if ... [Makes a sign].


[19] It will depend.


PRINCE ABRÉZKOV. I shall understand. I feel sure you will like her. Only be just.


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