The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (474 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
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Ziegler, Ronald L.
[Mr Nixon's latest statement] is the Operative White House Position…and all previous statements are inoperative.

Boston Globe
18 April 1973

Zinoviev, Grigori
Armed warfare must be preceded by a struggle against the inclinations to compromise which are embedded among the majority of British workmen, against the ideas of evolution and peaceful extermination of capitalism. Only then will it be possible to count upon complete success of an armed insurrection.

letter to the British Communist Party, 15 September 1924, in
The Times
25 October 1924; the "Zinoviev Letter", later shown to be a forgery

Zobel, Hiller B.
Asking the ignorant to use the incomprehensible to decide the unknowable.

"The Jury on Trial" in
American Heritage
July–August 1995

Judges must follow their oaths and do their duty, heedless of editorials, letters, telegrams, threats, petitions, panellists and talk shows.

judicial ruling reducing the conviction of Louise Woodward from murder to manslaughter, 10 November 1997

Zola, Émile
One forges one's style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines.

Le Figaro

J'accuse.I accuse.
title of an open letter to the President of the French Republic, in connection with the Dreyfus affair

13 January 1898

translations by M. Boyce, 1984
We worship Mithra of wide pastures, possessing a thousand ears, possessing ten thousand eyes, the divinity worshipped with spoken name.

The Yashts
yasht 10: Avestan Hymn to Mithra, v.1

Truly there are two primal Spirits, twins renowned to be in conflict. In thought and word, in act they are two: the better and the bad. And those who act well have chosen rightly between these two, not so the evildoers.

The Gathas
yasna 30, v. 3

I am Zarathustra, Were I able, I should be a true foe to the Deceiver, but a strong support to the Just One.

The Gathas
yasna 43, v. 8

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of

The book of course builds on the efforts of editors of earlier editions of the
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
and the
Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
, and due tribute must be paid to them. Particular thanks are due to Susan Ratcliffe, Associate Editor for Oxford Quotations Dictionaries, and members of the
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
Project Team. Proof-reading has been expertly carried out by Kim Allen, Fabia Claris, Carolyn Garwes, and Penny Trumble.
Oxford 2000

Edited by Elizabeth Knowles
Over 9,000 entries from nearly 2,000 authors
Offering all the authority and accuracy of the acclaimed
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
, this indispensable source of reference has extensive coverage of literary and historical quotations and new material on slogans, catchphrases, sayings of the 1990s, and popular misquotations.
Elizabeth Knowles is the editor of
The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

ISBN 198605994

Fourth Edition, 2001

E-book copyright © 2003.

© Oxford University Press 1993, 1997, 2001, 2002

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