The Conquering Tide (116 page)

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Authors: Ian W. Toll

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Twenty-Fifth Air Flotilla, Japanese, 29, 40, 68, 238

Twenty-Sixth Air Flotilla, Japanese, 419

Twining, Merrill B., 19, 25, 36, 71, 102, 104, 139, 141, 142

222nd Regiment, Japanese, 454

U-boats, in merchant shipping attacks, 253, 278

Ugaki, Matome, 116, 122, 146, 147, 180–81, 182, 201, 202, 454, 455, 456, 469–71, 473, 492, 535

and death of Yamamoto, 205–6

diary of, 120

Guadalcanal strategy of, 120–21

pessimistic diary entries of, 450–51

on possible withdrawal from Guadalcanal, 179–80

Ultra (decrypted Japanese radio messages), 62

“Umi Yukara” (Across the Sea), 3

Underwater Demolition Teams (UDTs), 464

United Press, 97

United States:

internationalism in, 88

isolationism in, 87, 88

U.S. Naval Institute, xv

USO tours, 192, 520

, USS, 289, 300

“Valley of Hell,” 503

Vandegrift, Alexander Arthur, 12, 102, 103, 167, 174, 183, 199, 236, 365, 434, 513, 514

Clemens and, 66–67

Fletcher's withdrawal criticized by, 57–58

on Japanese refusal to surrender, 74

Nimitz's meeting with, 129–31

on psychological effects of heavy bombardment, 139

reporters encouraged by, 98

Solomons offensive and, 15–16

on Tarawa battle, 366

Vandegrift, Alexander Arthur, in Guadalcanal campaign, 17–18, 22–23, 26, 34–35, 39, 40, 43, 49, 53, 71, 75, 83, 146, 159, 317

food supplies as concern of, 61

morale issues and, 65

perimeter defenses and, 64–65, 72, 104, 141, 147

Point Cruz offensive ordered by, 155

reinforcements requested by, 133–34

retreat contemplated by, 142

Vanguard Force, Japanese, 69, 77

Vella Gulf, Battle of, 234

Vella Lavella, 238

U.S. assault on, 234–35

Versailles, Treaty of, 506

Vila Airfield, Kolombangara, 232, 233

, USS, 27, 46, 48–49, 50

Vincent, Harry, 50

Virginia Military Institute (VMI), 5

Vitiaz Strait, 239–40, 267

Vollinger, John, 192

Vouza, Jacob C., 72, 74

Vraciu, Alex, 101, 357, 406, 462–63, 479, 483, 484, 492

Vungana, Guadalcanal, xxix

, USS (SS-238), 250–51, 276–77

in attack on Japanese submarine I-2, 263–64

destroyer sunk by, 270–71

equator-crossing ceremony on, 272

in failed attack on
, 257–58

first kill of, 262

first patrol of, 257–59, 260,

four-ship Japanese convoy sunk by, 272–75

Japanese troop transport sunk by, 273–75

landing of, 252

mechanical problems of, 258

Morton appointed commander of, 266–67

second patrol of, 261–62, 265,

third patrol of, 267–76,

torpedoes of, 251–52

in Wewak harbor attack, 268–71

Wahoo Daily Gazette
, 261

, USS, 15

Wake Island, 7, 132, 141, 314, 453

, USS, 169

Walker, Frank R., 234–35

Waller, Raoul, 329, 332

“Waltzing Matilda,” 212

Wamai River, 206

War Department, U.S., 209

Pentagon building of, 89–90

War Without Mercy
(Dower), 507

“Washing Machine Charlie” (Japanese float plane patrol), 63, 72, 98–99, 139, 353

Washington, D.C.:

Allied conference in (1942), 95

Allied conference in (1943), 312

temporary government buildings in, 89

wartime population explosion in, 88–90

, USS, 56, 160

in Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, 168–69, 170–72

Washington Post
, 86

, USS, 17, 20, 25–26, 33, 37, 59, 76, 107, 111, 484

sinking of, 109–11, 124

, Operation,
Guadalcanal campaign

Watson, Thomas E., 399, 400

Webb, W. B. “Spider,” 487

, 11, 94

Wellington, New Zealand, 12, 15, 17, 19

Wendy Point, 393

West Point,
Military Academy, U.S.

West Virginia
, USS, 291, 292

Wewak, New Guinea, 267

's attack on, 268–71

White House:

Map Room in, 93–94, 95

Oval Study in, 92

Widdy, Charles, 18, 66

Widhelm, William J. “Gus,” 150

William Ward Burrows
, 103

Willkie, Wendell, 88, 94

Wilson, Woodrow, 91

Withers, Thomas, Jr., 254, 255, 256, 278

Wolfert, Ira, 97

Woodlark Island, 222, 239

Works Progress Administration, 88

World War I, 253

FDR and, 91

German-Soviet peace treaty in, 95

World War II:

calls for second European front in, 94–95

eastern front in, 11, 94, 96, 308–9, 530

expansion of federal bureaucracy in, 88–89

expansion of presidential power in, 88

Normandy invasion in, 530

see also
Pacific War

Wotje Atoll, 379, 384, 385

strike on, 380

Wright, Carleton, 177–78

Yamada, Sadayoshi, 30

Yamamoto, Isoroku, 108, 122, 146, 147, 154, 185, 187, 188, 195, 201–2, 403, 415, 416

death of, 203–6,
, 446

funeral of, 207–8

Guadalcanal campaign, and, 204

KA-Go offensive of, 68–69, 75–83

luxurious lifestyle of, 116–17

Midway battle and, 119

Operation I-Go and, 202–3

Pearl Harbor attack and, 117, 118–19

political career of, 117–18

strategic failures of, 204

war with U.S. opposed by, 118, 202

, 76, 116, 119–20, 121, 147, 156, 416, 450, 452, 455, 471

Yamato Damashi
(Japanese fighting spirit), 444

Yamauchi, Takeo, 503, 507

Yamazaki, Yasuyo, 230

, 98

Yano Battalion, Japanese, 183, 184

Yarbrough, Tom, 97

Yarnell, Harry E., 435

Yasukuni Shrine, 114

pilot training program, 430, 431–32

Yokoi, Shoichi, 521–22

Yokosuka D4Y
(“Judy”), 427–28

Yokosuka Naval Air Technical Arsenal, 428

, 529

Yonai, Mitsumasa, 208, 533, 534, 535, 536

, USS (CV-5), xxvii, 7, 59, 326

, USS (CV-10), 301, 323, 326, 339, 341, 368, 370, 371–72, 373, 377, 379, 381–82, 388, 404, 405, 478

in arrival at Pearl Harbor, 332

commissioning period of, 328–30

FM-1 Wildcat crash on, 372–73

sea trials of, 330

Young, Cassin, 161, 164

“Young Turks,” 324, 326

, 41, 46, 453

, 234

, 41

, 147

Z, Operation, 368, 418

Zen-Gen Sakusen
(attrition operations), 41–42

“Zero” (A6M) fighters, xxii, 187, 303

alterations to, 425

in Battle of Santa Cruz Islands, 149–50

in dogfights with U.S. fighters, 31–34, 100–101

as obsolete, 424

strafing by, 101–2, 135

, 149, 419

, 69, 82, 147, 149, 405, 419, 423, 428, 473, 486, 490–91

Zurlinden, Pete, 465

W. T

Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941–1942

Six Frigates: The Epic History of the Founding of the U.S. Navy

The Conquering Tide

Copyright © 2015 by Ian W. Toll

All rights reserved

First Edition

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Production manager: Anna Oler

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Toll, Ian W.

The conquering tide : war in the Pacific Islands, 1942/1944 /
Ian W. Toll. — First edition.

pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-393-08064-3 (hardcover)

1. World War, 1939–1945—Campaigns—Pacific Area. 2. World War, 1939–1945—Naval
operations, American. 3. World War, 1939–1945—Naval operations, Japanese. I. Title.

D767.T64 2015



ISBN 978-0-393-24820-3 (e-book)

W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110

W. W. Norton & Company Ltd.

Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT

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