Read The Contract Online

Authors: Melanie Moreland

The Contract (40 page)

BOOK: The Contract
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“All right.”

“Thank you.”

She met my lips with hers, and I captured them hard. I slid my arm under her legs and lifted us from the chaise. Striding from the room, I carried her to our bed. I laid her on the mattress, smiling down at her stretched out for me.

“I think we were interrupted earlier, and someone promised me a rain check. I’m collecting now.”

She tugged me back to her mouth. “Good.”

I brushed her lips with mine, already filled with desire. It was a mystery to me how I had denied my attraction to her for so long. All I needed from her was a shy glance or one of her teasing smiles, and I wanted her. Everything about her was alluring and beautiful. The way she supported—loved me—was the strongest aphrodisiac I had ever known.

My eyes fluttered open, meeting her vivid, blue gaze. In an instant, the rampant desire dimmed into a simmering pool of emotion. Everything that occurred today—every good thing in my life—was because of her.

My Katy.

The love and ache I would only ever have for
consumed my body. Hovering over her, I dropped my mouth back to hers, my kiss tender and filled with the depth of my affection. She wrapped her arms around my neck, her fingers sliding up my head in a caress so light, I shivered. Her touch conveyed so much tenderness. Her love saturated into my skin every time we were together, grounding me, bringing me focus when I needed it the most. I soaked up her essence, her soul becoming one with mine.

I pulled off our clothes with gentle hands, my mouth rarely leaving her body. I stroked her warm skin, adoring every curve and imperfection with my touch. I smiled as she became impatient, pulling me down with arms that clutched me tight, her voice pleading for more. Sliding into her welcoming body, I stilled, reveling at the utter perfection of being joined with her in the most intimate of ways.

I had planned to fuck her—hard. Tease her until she begged for release, but it all changed in one second. All I wanted now was to make love to her, claim her, leave her sated, content and secure in the knowledge she was mine.

And equally secure in the fact I belonged to her completely.

I began to move—long, slow strokes. I worshipped her with my hands and mouth, leaving no inch untouched, praising her the whole time. “Your skin, baby, I love how it tastes.”

She wound her fingers in my hair, tugging at the short strands, moaning my name.

I thrust faster, needing more. “My cock feels so good buried inside you.”

She wrapped her legs tighter, holding me close, as she clutched my shoulders, her blunt nails burrowing into my skin.

My movements became frantic as my orgasm began to gather strength, overtaking my being. “Mine, Katy.
You’re mine.

She shattered, her muscles clenched, crying out in her release. Burying my face into the fragrant skin of her neck, I let the waves of pleasure roll over me, intense and deep, my mind blank as I drifted, my body humming in contentment.

Lifting my head, I met Katy’s tender, sleepy gaze. I captured her lips, nuzzling the softness.

“Love you,” I breathed out.

Her smile was sweet. “I know.”

Monday, I was nervous when I walked through the door of The Gavin Group. I wasn’t surprised to find Graham waiting for me. He shook my hand, inviting me to sit down with him in his office, and he went over everything that had occurred while I was gone. He piqued my interest with a new campaign and we were deep in conversation about it when Adam, Jenna, and Adrian walked in. I stood up, extending my hand. Both Adam and Adrian shook it, however, Jenna stood back, gazing at me coolly. Understanding her anger, I nodded and sat back down. She was slow to join in the discussion, but soon was arguing with me as she always did over concepts and ideas. I was grateful for the normalcy of the moment, knowing we’d be having a far more personal discussion later.

I was right.

I was in my office, going through messages, catching up on emails and the files Amy had left for me, when Jenna walked in, shutting the door.

She stood in front of my desk hand on her hip, glaring at me.

“Just say it,” I encouraged her, even though I knew she wanted to scowl at me a while longer.

“You lied to me, you bastard. To all of us.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Katy lied to me.”

I was out of my chair instantly, rounding my desk. “She didn’t want to, Jenna. She hated lying to you—to all of you. This was all me. My fault.”

“I trusted her. I thought she was my friend.”

“She is—at least she wants to be. She misses talking to you.”

Her eyes misted over. “I miss her.”

I leaned back against my desk. “I did this for selfish reasons.
did this to ensure Penny was safe and looked after. If you want to be mad, be mad at me. Forgive
, though.” I grasped the back of my neck. “She’s lost enough already. Don’t take away your friendship.”

She bit her lip, tilting her head, studying me. “That was spoken like a man who is in love with his wife.”

“I do love her. I don’t deserve her, but I love her.” Dropping my arms to my side, I drummed my fingers on the hard wooden surface. “I’m not a man prone to gestures or romance, but I’m trying. For her. I want to be the husband she deserves—the man she’s placed her trust in.”

She kept staring at me.

“Listen, Jenna. I know you want to yell and berate me. That’s fine. I’ll take it. I deserve it. I know I need to earn your trust, and I will. Somehow, I will. Just don’t”—I waved my hand, not sure how to ask—“just don’t punish Katy.”

She tapped her foot. “I like the idea about the cruise ship you had earlier.”

I blinked in confusion over the fast change of subject.

“Ah, good.”

“Maybe we can discuss it more this afternoon.”


She turned on her heel, pausing at the door. “When I’m ready to talk about the rest, I’ll let you know.”

“All right.”

“Until then, I’m glad you’re back.” She pursed her lips, her hand back on her hip. “I’ve missed your surly ass around here.”

I couldn’t help my laughter. “Thanks. I’ve missed our chats.” I winked since usually she was the one chatting and I was the one listening.

“Don’t let it go to your head.” She huffed. “We aren’t friends again.”

“Of course.”

“Not yet, anyway,” she added and left.

I sat back down at my desk.

It was a start. At least she was speaking to me. A little.

By Thursday, I felt like I got my groove back. The days were filled with meetings, strategy sessions, and a lot of work. It was much like my time before, although now, I had somewhere I wanted to be at day’s end.

Home with Katy.

I loved arriving home, knowing she would be there. I enjoyed our nights together, sitting, talking, and sharing our day. I craved the feel of her mouth beneath mine, and the way our bodies moved when we came together at the end of the evening—or earlier, as the mood dictated. We used various surfaces in the condo—the kitchen counter, the sofa, even the wall inside the door. My desk in the den was still one of my favorite places to take Katy. Dinner was often an afterthought—I couldn’t get enough of my wife.

Tonight, I stopped and bought flowers for no reason except I wanted to show her I loved her. It was still an odd sensation for me to want to express an unfamiliar emotion like love, but I kept trying. I found Adrian a good sounding board for advice at times.

Entering the condo, I heard voices. I stepped into the main room, stopping when I saw Jenna sitting with Katy at the high counter separating the kitchen. An empty bottle of wine was between them, their glasses half-full. Jenna had left the office around two, and I suspected she’d been here since leaving. I bit back my grin as I strode across the room, handing Katy her flowers, kissing her hard. She beamed, eyes wide with happiness. I knew what it meant, Jenna being here. The silence from her had weighed heavy on Katy’s heart, and it frustrated me I could do nothing to make it better. It was something they had to deal with between them—and the ball was squarely in Jenna’s court.

“Shall I order some Chinese for dinner?” I asked, bending low, stroking her pink cheek. She always flushed when drinking. I liked kissing her skin when it was warm. So, I did—I trailed my lips over her cheek to the edge of her mouth, pressing against her full lips.

“Yes, please. And thank you for the flowers.”

I placed another kiss to her tempting mouth and stood up.

“Two spring rolls”—I looked at Jenna—“or three?”

“Four,” Jenna replied. “Adrian will be here in a while. I’m sure he’ll be hungry, too.”

“I’ll get another bottle of wine.”

Jenna shrugged. “Or two.”

Chuckling, I squeezed her shoulders as I went past. “Good to see you, Jenna.”

She dismissed me with a wave of her hand. “Whatever.”

I caught her sly wink to Katy, however.

They started chatting again. I stopped in the hallway listening. Katy’s laughter was low and happy. Jenna’s voice was its usual excited tone as she told Katy about a new art exhibit we all had to attend together. I drew in a surprisingly shaky breath and smiled. My wife had her friend back.

Katy was slowly picking up the pieces of her life, which meant mine was aligning with hers. We were creating a new life.



mock-up. “I like this one.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s flat.” I shifted through a pile of heavy stock, grabbing one near the bottom. “This one gets your attention.”

“It’s too in your face.”

to be in your face, Jenna. We’re selling fun here. It has to

She pursed her lips, and I took the chance to take a sip of my coffee. I’d been “back” for almost three months. My relationship with all the Gavins was on solid footing, both professionally and personally. My career had never been as fulfilling as it was now.

My life with my wife was amazing. Katy brought a peace to my world I never realized I was missing or needed. She was my nucleus, and everything I did revolved around her in some way. She spent her time volunteering, and two days a week, she worked at The Gavin Group—but not for me. She assisted Laura, and the two of them made a great team. It was a win-win situation for me since I could see her in the office and still have her at home.

Jenna pushed away the mock-up with an angry snort. “I still hate it when you’re right.”

I chuckled at her indignation. Before I could speak, her phone rang. She answered, another low groan made me grin at her level of frustration.

“Fine. No, I’ll make other arrangements.” She hung up, tossing her cell phone on the table.


“My car is in the shop. The part is back-ordered and won’t be here until tomorrow. Adrian is away and I need a lift home. I have to see if I can catch Dad.”

“He left for a meeting right after lunch. He said something about heading home after he was done.”


“I’ll run you home.”

“You sure?”

“Yep. I can swing by and pick you up tomorrow, too.”

“Dad will drive me in. You don’t have plans with Katy tonight?”

BOOK: The Contract
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