The Corner Booth (24 page)

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: The Corner Booth
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Her whole body was coated in sweat from the exertion.
Who would have thought getting dressed would be so complicated?
Cassie frowned at the sweater. It was the only piece of clothing left to put on. She had a better chance in hell of climbing Mount Everest at this point. She was leaning for the nurse’s button when a soft knock sounded at the door.

“Oh God! I am sorry, Cassie. I figured you would be ready by now.” Derek’s contrite words did not soothe her already foul mood in the slightest.

“I would be if I had the right piece of clothing. Leave it to my very gay friend, who is more concerned about me looking good than functionality. I don’t think he thought through the process of me trying to get this over my head with cracked ribs and shoulder sprains.”

“Do you need me to get the nurse?” Derek asked hopefully.

“No, what I would like you to do is pretend that I have a bikini top on and come help me. All of the release papers have been signed, and this is the last hurdle before I can get the fuck out of here,” Cassie begged.

Derek turned slowly. He never heard her swear like that before.

Trying to look everywhere but at her caused Cassie to chuckle. “Come on, Lieutenant, I know you have seen a half-clothed body before. Get over here. I don’t like this any more than you do.”

Holding the sweater out to him, she waited with raised eyebrows as if challenging him.

Grabbing the sweater from her hand, he grinned. “Okay, but I am only doing this under protest.”

“Well, I appreciate the sacrifice.” Cassie grinned back at him. “Just try to remain professional.”

As hard as he tried, he couldn’t resist staring at her white skin standing out against the red bra she wore. The soft rise of her chest made her breasts expand every time she breathed. He swallowed hard before he eased the sweater over her head.

“Did it really have to be red?” he groaned aloud. Caught in the sweater, Cassie started to laugh hysterically and lost her balance. Derek gripped her hips to steady her before he tried to tug the sweater over her head, cursing as she continued to laugh.

Finally her head popped through. Her eyes sparkled.

“Glad you found that funny,” he muttered and tried desperately to ignore his body that reacted quite dramatically to her half-naked body.

Cassie chortled. “Sean always says that red will knock any man’s boots off. He said that it was a great way to tell if they were gay. I guess he was right.”

“Yeah, well remind me to thank Sean when I meet him.”

The sweater still hung around her neck, and Cassie easily slipped her good arm into one side, before gingerly doing the same with the other.

When she was finished, Derek instinctively reached out to smooth down her hair that currently went in every direction, before he realized what he was doing. Snatching his hand back, he walked to the window as her eyes followed him curiously. It had gotten way too quiet in the hospital room.

“Are you still in a lot of pain?” Derek asked softly.

Grabbing her bag, she threw it over her shoulder without thinking. When she let out a little cry as she did, Derek rushed to her and slid it back off her shoulder.

“A bit. Not too bad, to be honest with you. Right now, it is more of an annoyance, but the doctor says I will be good as gold in a couple of weeks and this will all be just a bad memory.”

The door opened again. This time it was the nurse, walking in backwards with a wheelchair. Cassie was horrified. “I don’t need that!” she exclaimed.

“Sorry, hospital protocol, but I don’t need to push. Your boyfriend is more than welcome to do that.”

Derek’s face flamed red. Cassie chose not to correct the nurse, just laughed again as she gingerly sat in the chair.

It was a quick ride to her apartment in Brookline. Cassie stared up at the building. It had only been less than a week, but she felt as if she returned as a completely different person. For the first time in her whole life, she felt lonely and unsure of her future.

Leaning on the steering wheel, Derek stared at her. “Are you okay?”

Nodding, she opened the door without speaking; he followed her with the bag. Several minutes later, they stood in her apartment. Derek wasn’t sure whether he should leave or stay. She looked lost.

“Can I get you something to drink? Eat? Or we could order takeout?”

“Why did you call me, Cassie?”

“Because you are safe.” She responded without any hesitation.

Feeling as if she had just stabbed him, he resisted the sharp reply that was on the tip of his tongue. Derek had been called many things in his life. Safe was never one of them and he wasn’t sure he liked it. Derek knew she was scared, though she never would admit to that. When he had received the call asking him whether he would bring her home, he was shocked, but happy to do it. He wondered what Sakis and Stephan thought of it, more than sure they knew. Cassie was never short with the truth. He had visited every day at the hospital, only staying for a few minutes, the conversation brief.

“Safe. Great, thanks.”

As she sat, she motioned for him to sit but he opted to stand. “I told Stephan and Sakis I needed some time and asked for space. Sean has been out of town and I can’t reach Emily. My friend Tony would have come in a heartbeat, but because of his friendship with Sakis, I didn’t want to put him in an awkward position. That left you.”

“Your last choice.” Derek said aloud what she hadn’t. He was shocked that she separated herself from Carras. He shoved his hands in his jeans pocket. That was a tidbit of information he had not expected nor thought she would have ever done. The woman had kahunas for sure.

“Never the last choice. I am grateful you are a choice to begin with. I could have taken a cab,” Cassie finished defensively, ready to cry again.

He rubbed his short hair in frustration. He knew he was being an ass. Seeing her eyes fill, his own defenses broke down. “Shit, Cass, I am sorry.” Pulling her up from the chair, he wrapped his arms around her. They were strangers, but he never wanted to know someone more than he wanted to know her. All of her. His timing always sucked when it came to women. Pressing his cheek to the top of her head, he hoped she was worth waiting for, because, he realized that he was going to chance it and wait.

The comfort he was offering Cassie shocked her and made her uncomfortable, but she leaned against his chest despite her conflicting emotions. She wanted so much for it to be Sakis to be holding her, comforting her. This thought broke down her last wall. Sobbing, she gripped his hips, hanging on for dear life.

Derek let her cry it out.




The pizzeria was slammed with customers. It had been like this all day, and Tony wondered whether he had missed some holiday or some special event. He and the employees couldn’t seem to ever catch up or catch their breath. And calling in reinforcement staff didn’t seem to make a difference with the deliveries or workload. It didn’t help that Sakis had shown up earlier than his normal closing time arrival and took his usual place at the corner booth. If misery was a look, it was written all over his face. Doing his best to ignore him, it was almost nine before Tony could take the much-needed break and slid into the booth next to his friend.

“You have looked like someone stole your dog all evening, Sakis. Stephan also, for that matter. What is going on?”

“I have contemplated long and hard about two things that you and I have spoken of in this booth. The first, when you told me that the devil makes a hard taskmaster. That I can confirm, indeed, is true. The second, is that when you find that person who gives you peace when you lay down next to her, you would do just about anything to make her happy. That also, indeed, is true.” There was such poignancy in Sakis’s voice that Tony couldn’t even reply to the statement. The silence weighed heavy between them. “This is the month that the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. An interesting concept: a festive occasion to give thanks for the year in review. I have not heard from her in three weeks and it feels as if my heart has been torn out of my chest, and I find myself in an interesting position.”

Tony rose to grab the ouzo. He had just seen Cassie yesterday, yet she had never mentioned that anything was amiss. In fact, he had thought to himself that she had never looked better than she had as she handed him an envelope with money to repay him for his loan. At the time, he had wanted to ask if Sakis had given it to her, but now, it seems, he had not and they were no longer together. Tony found it even harder to believe that Sakis had let her go. He wondered whether it was the first breakup for Sakis. After Tony poured them both a glass, Sakis threw it back, relishing the fire burning down his throat.

“What happened?”

“As you had predicted, old friend. My world and her world collided in a big way. She took exception to the deception or what she perceives as my and Stephan’s deception, and asked for time. I have given her that. Three weeks seems like a lifetime.”

Tony stared down Sakis and recalled the bruising on Cassie’s face three weeks ago. He had flipped out, grabbing her, asking if Sakis had hurt her. Her reply of, “Absolutely not,” was said so vehemently that he believed her. It seemed the bruising was from a darker place. “I have seen Cassie; she had been beaten. I thought at first it had been you in a fit of rage, but she denied it.”

Tony’s words shocked Sakis. “I have never laid a violent hand on a woman, unless asked, and Cassandra is not that type of woman.” Pouring more drink, his hand shook slightly. It still bothered him, how close she came to dying. “It stemmed from a business deal gone bad, and the other party felt the need to take her in an attempt to make a point.”

The table jumped from the force of Tony’s hand slamming down. “I warned you, you son of a bitch.”

“Stop! Don’t you think I have enough guilt of my own without you adding to it?” Sakis cried out.

There was no mercy in Tony’s eyes. “You better have because you can’t give her back her innocence, Sakis. To be thrown into your world, without fully understanding that world, had to have been terrifying. Especially when the only thing you have shown her is the fun part of the money and clubs. Three weeks? Hell, if it were me, I would never go back to you.” Tony actually enjoyed watching the pain on Sakis’s face. The reality was, it was the truth, but he wasn’t Cassie.

“She will come back to you, against my better judgment and I will tell her as such, because that is who she is. She processes, analyzes, and then has tons of questions. How you are with her return is on you. Do not take the second chance lightly, Sakis. The next time, Cassie won’t come back to you!”


Phil pulled through the grand gate at the mansion. The house was just as stunning as the first time Sakis had seen it, but the last couple of weeks, unsure whether or not Cassie would come back to him, it no longer gave him the same feeling of pride in ownership. The windows, lit brightly from within, meant to welcome him home, now only seemed to taunt him and his life. What kind of home was this—without family, children running around, laughter? His life spread out before him and it looked pathetic.

The inside did not make him feel any better. Stephanous stared at his employer. Business had to continue, and lately Sakis dropped the ball on a couple of meetings. He was concerned that it would be perceived that he was caving under the attack. Things had to go back to normal. “They are expecting you at—” Stephan stopped.

Footsteps could be heard upstairs. Stephan and Sakis drew their guns as both took the stairs two at a time. Reaching the top landing, Stephan paused and listened for any other noise. Seconds later, he heard a slight creak. Someone was definitely in the house. Motioning for Sakis to stay, he knew the order would be ignored, but he had to try. As he quickly moved down the hallway, the carpet muffled the sound of his steps. He stopped outside of Sakis’s bedroom. Whoever it was, they certainly weren’t trying to be quiet about it and obviously had not expected anyone to come home. Slowly turning the knob, he opened the door slowly at first, before they burst in. A scream ripped through the air, and both men quickly lowered their guns and stared at Cassie, who looked terrified.

“Cassandra, what are you…how did you???” Sakis was beside himself and stumbled over the words. There she was, more beautiful than ever and standing in his bedroom. She never looked more perfect than that moment.

“Surprise! Sorry, I should have called, but decided to take the chance that someone was home. Don’t be mad at her, but Maria let me in. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No!” both men responded simultaneously and Cassie giggled.

“Maybe you both should close your mouths. You look like fishes out of the water.”

Stephan kissed Cassie on both cheeks, unable to take the smile off his face. It had to be a good thing that she was not only here, but in Sakis’s bedroom. “Welcome home, Cassie.”

“Thank you,” she whispered back gratefully. He left her alone in the room with Sakis. She was unsure what the reception would be, but obviously they missed her just as much as she did them.

Turning, she faced Sakis. His eyes had never left her face, and as usual she couldn’t read him. Slowly walking towards him, she didn’t even get close before he charged at her; he slid his hands through her hair, cupped the side of her head and dropped his mouth to hers. She braced for the impact, but he was soft and gentle, easing his tongue between her lips, drawing every last breath out of her lungs. Grabbing his hips for balance, she returned his kiss. He smelled so good, just the way she remembered. The same fluttering in her stomach blossomed and expanded as her skin broke out in gooseflesh. This is what she wanted. She didn’t want to talk; she just wanted to feel him on top of her, under her, inside her. There would be time enough later for conversation.

Sakis pulled away from her mouth. Her lips were wet from his kisses and he wanted to have her, but they had so much to sort out. Taking a step back, he was surprised when she shook her head.

“No.” Turning him so that his back was to the bed, she easily undid his belt, button and zipper, sliding his pants down before she pushed him onto the bed so that she could remove them completely.


Placing a finger over his lips, she shushed him as she unbuttoned his shirt. Sliding it off his shoulders, she marveled again at the muscle definition that he had. Her fingers traced the line of each before she followed with her mouth, raining kisses along his shoulder as she removed his shirt and threw it to the side to fall on top of his pants.

Standing between his legs, she ran her fingers through his hair as he slowly unbuttoned her shirt. He couldn’t believe she was there in front of him.
She came back to him.
Once unbuttoned, he slid it off her shoulders as she had done to him and dropped his head to her chest as he quickly undid the front clasp. He cupped them both in his hands as he stared up at her.

Cassie leaned forward and kissed him softly on the mouth, as his hands squeezed and kneaded her breasts before they slid to her waist to pull down her pants. Seconds later, she stood naked in front of him, allowing him to look over every inch. She stood tall and proud. She looked like a queen. Reaching out, he took her hand and drew her back to him, rising off the bed.

Cassie had other ideas. She pushed him back down, while she placed a knee on either side of his hips. Sakis gripped her buttocks tightly as she rose high in the air. He knew what she wanted, what she was going to do. His body quivered in anticipation.

Looking up at her, he gripped her hard. “I want to go slow, Cassandra—savor every moment.”

Shaking her head, she slowly lowered her body and reached between the two of them to quickly guide him into her.

“No. Not tonight, Sakis.” Rising again, she moved up and down. He felt so good. Gripping his shoulders to steady herself, she didn’t stop, throwing back her head as she continued to ride him. His arms wrapped around her: one gripped her waist as the other pushed through her hair to the back of her head, holding on tight as her movements picked up speed. Reaching between them, he pressed his thumb against her. Gasping, she changed her movement to allow her pelvis to strike his thumb. She knew she couldn’t hang on for too much longer. Dropping her head, she kissed him fiercely; her tongue pushed into his mouth, latched onto his tongue, and sucked in time to her thrusts.

“Please, Sakis!”

Moving his thumb in a circular motion, it was all she needed. Sweat broke out from the exertion of waiting as she tightened around him. It was sweet torture. As she slowed her movements, she remained impaled on him. Flipping her onto her back, he thrust hard into her. She was still so tight, he could feel every part of her. His hips’ speed increased, becoming urgent. Rising up on his hands, he stared down at her as he took her.

Her body moved with each thrust. Cassie was overwhelmed with his intensity and stared into his eyes. She reached behind him and raked her hands along his back and rear.

Sakis growled as he moved even faster before he groaned loudly, as he spent himself inside her.

Cassie pulled him down to her, their skin hot and sweaty. Tears slipped from her eyes. It felt good to be home.


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