The Courtship Basket (12 page)

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Authors: Amy Clipston

BOOK: The Courtship Basket
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“I'm sorry you lost your
and your
.” Rachel's expression became hesitant. “May I ask you a question?”

.” He nodded.

“What happened to your

Mike drew in air through his nose as he thought about his mother.

Rachel's eyes widened with panic. “You don't have to tell me,” she said quickly, holding out her hands as if to stop him from speaking. “It's none of my business. I say things without really thinking them through sometimes, and I don't mean it.”

“It's okay.” He brushed dust off his trousers again to avoid her eyes. “
Mei mamm
died when I was ten.”

Rachel's brow furrowed. “She died when you were ten? I don't understand.”

“John and I had different mothers,” Mike explained. “
Mei mamm
was Esther, and
mei dat
married Vera when I was sixteen.”

“Oh.” Understanding softened her features. “Was your

“No,” Mike explained. “She was in an accident. She was walking to a friend's house for a quilting circle. A car came speeding down the road, turned the corner too fast, and didn't see her. She was killed instantly when the car hit her. I was at school when it happened. A neighbor came to get me. I was devastated. I had kissed her cheek before I left for school that morning, and I never imagined that would be the last time I saw her.”

, that had to be so difficult for you.” Rachel's eyes shimmered with sympathy. “And then you lost your stepmother?”

, that's right, a couple of years after
married her. Vera wanted to give birth to John at home with a midwife. Something went wrong, and the midwife yelled for my father to call the rescue squad. The EMTs didn't get here in time,” he said softly. “She was already gone by the time they reached the bedroom. John was perfectly fine, but we lost her.” He met her eyes as she gasped, cupping a hand to her mouth.

“I'm so sorry,” Rachel said, her eyes sparkling with tears in the low light. “I can't imagine how difficult that was for you and your
. Your
had a newborn and lost his
. That's devastating.”

, it was. But as I said,
mei mammi
was still alive back then, and she helped a lot.
Mei aenti
did too. But it was still difficult.”

Rachel's bottom lip quivered, and he gave her a bleak smile, hoping to stop her tears.

“I had no idea,” she whispered, her voice shaky.

“We make do,” he continued. “I try to handle as much as I can so I'm not a burden on my cousins.”

“You can't possibly manage it all yourself.” Rachel gestured around the shop. “You have a farm and a business to run, and
is ill. Plus John needs attention. You shouldn't feel like a burden at all.”

Mike nodded as he studied her expression. He found both sympathy and understanding in her eyes.

Rachel glanced toward the corner of the shop where a few shelves and picture frames sat. “Do you sell these?”

Mike stood and picked up a shelf. “
, I usually wait until I have about a dozen and then take them to the store. They sell fairly well.”

She nodded and smiled. “You're really talented.”


They stared at each other for an awkward moment, and the only sound came from birds tweeting in the trees around the barn.

Rachel suddenly popped up from the stool. “Well, I'll finish with John and pack up my things.”

“I'll walk with you,” he offered.

Mike followed her into the house where she sat down next to John and began to talk to him about the book he was reading. Mike washed her brownie pan and placed it on the counter beside the basket. While he finished washing the rest of the dishes, he stole several glances over his shoulder to peek at Rachel and John.

The kitchen window was open a crack, and when Mike heard the crunch of tires on the rock driveway, he turned toward Rachel. “Your driver is here.”

“Oh.” Rachel closed the book and then touched John's arm. “You did great today. We'll work on reading more at school next week.”

John smiled and hugged her, and Mike's chest constricted. He hadn't seen John be that affectionate with anyone outside of close family members. What was it about Rachel that drew his little brother to her?

Rachel packed up her books while Mike gathered up the basket and the brownie pan.

“We'll walk you out,” Mike said, motioning for John to head
toward the back door. He followed Rachel and John out to the waiting van. He nodded at the driver before placing the pan and basket in the back seat and then faced Rachel.

for coming over today, and
for the meals. I appreciate all you're doing for John.”

Gern gschehne
,” she said before climbing into the van.

Mike and John said good-bye and waved as the van steered toward the main road.

John trotted toward the wooden swing set and fort their uncle Timothy and other friends from Bird-in-Hand Builders had created for John when he was four.

Mike sauntered back into the house and found his father napping in his favorite chair with the newspaper draped over him like a blanket. Mike picked up the paper, and
snored in response. As Mike folded the paper and set it on the end table, his father's eyes fluttered open.

“Sorry,” Mike said. “I didn't mean to wake you.”

“It's all right.”
cupped his hand over his mouth as he yawned. “Is Rachel still here?”

“No, she just left.” Mike sat on the sofa beside
's chair.

smiled. “She's a sweet

Mike nodded as he picked a piece of lint off his trousers. “
, and she's
with John.”

“She's also
's voice held a hint of mischief.

Mike's eyes met his father's coy grin. “What are you getting at,

“Is she your girlfriend?”

Mike blinked as he studied his father's expression.
look hopeful?

“No, she's not my girlfriend. I told you. She's John's teacher.” Maybe his father was confused. Was he developing dementia? Could it be a side effect from the dialysis treatments? Alarm gripped him.

gave him a wry look. “I know she's John's teacher, but I think she likes you.”

“What?” Mike asked with surprise. Dat
is definitely befuddled
. “She doesn't like me. She's only concerned about John.”

chuckled. “My kidneys may not work, but my eyes do, Michael. That
likes you. You should find out which youth group she attends and go to a meeting.”

Mike shook his head. “You know I don't have time to go to youth group.”

“You should make time,”
said, patting Mike's arm. “It's not natural for you to be cooped up with John and me at your age. You should be out meeting other young people and looking for a

“I'm not worried about that.” Mike rested his ankle on the opposite knee and then gripped his leg. “Besides, I can't leave you and John alone for hours just so I can go sit and talk to people. That's not right.”

“You can ask Sam to come and sit with me while you go,”
suggested as if it were the most logical solution to the problem. “Sam likes to talk to me, and he's great with John. It will be fine.”

“I don't want to ask Sam to do my job,” Mike insisted. “My obligation is here with you and John, and it's where I want to be.” He pointed to the floor. “This is where I belong.”

's eyes gleamed with sadness. “I don't want you to put your life on hold for me. I'm not going to be here forever, and you need to live, Michael. I want you to get married and have a family. It's what you're supposed to do.”

A lump expanded in Mike's throat, and he tried to clear his throat against it. He didn't want to think about losing his father. “You're going to be here a long time,
, and I'll be by your side taking care of you.” He stood. “Are you hungry? Do you want a snack before supper?”

. Those
brownies filled me up.”
smiled again. “Is there any pizza left?”

Mike nodded. “
, there are a few pieces. John and I had two, and Rachel only ate one.”

“Could I have a piece of pizza for supper?” The anticipation in his father's eyes made him look like a little boy, possibly even a boy John's age.

“You're not supposed to have that much cheese,
. You know the doctor told you that.” Mike suddenly felt like a parent lecturing a child.

“Just one piece?”
asked. “I haven't had pizza since I was a

Mike smiled, but shook his head. “No,
. We need to watch your diet so your lab tests improve. How about I make you a sandwich?”

“Fine, fine.
looked toward the windows. “Could I sit outside and watch John play?”

“It's chilly out,” Mike warned. “The sun is warm, but the breeze is a little cold.”

“I don't mind. I'll take a blanket.”
gestured toward the window. “I want to spend some time with John.”

Mike picked up an old quilt his grandmother had made and then pushed the wheelchair out to the porch. He placed the quilt on
's legs and started back inside.

called. “Sit with me for a moment, Michael.”

Mike nodded and sat down on the swing beside his father. A smile turned up the corners of his father's lips as John pumped his legs and swung higher and higher toward the bright blue sky.

As a chilly breeze soaked through Mike, he silently thanked God for his father and brother. He was certain this was where he belonged.

But if that were true, why did his father's words about looking for a wife echo deep in his soul?


, R
Emily working on a king-size Lone Star quilt in the sewing room.

looked up from her pinning as Rachel stepped into the room. “How did it go with John and Mike?”

“It went fine.” Rachel sat down on a chair across from the sewing table.

Emily smiled. “Did John like the pizza?”

“He loved it. Mike had to stop him from eating the entire pie himself,” Rachel said while absently running her fingers over the smooth arms of the wooden chair. “I also worked with John a little on his reading and math. He's doing much better. I feel like he's almost ready to read aloud in class.”

Rachel recalled the grief in Mike's powder-blue eyes as he shared the stories of his mother's and stepmother's deaths, and shame tightened her chest. How could she have been so rude to him the first time she met him? She had no right to criticize him when she hadn't known his story. She hugged her arms to her middle.

Was iss letz?
” Emily asked while still pinning. “I thought you said the visit went well.”

“It did go well.” Rachel slumped back in the chair. “It went really well, but I feel so guilty.”

“Why do you feel guilty,
mei liewe
asked, placing the corner of the quilt in her lap and focusing her attention on Rachel.

“Well, I told you I was rude to Mike when I first met him,”
Rachel began as her fingers sought the seam of her rose-colored dress. “He told me how he lost his
today.” She explained how she'd sat in his woodshop with Mike while he talked about how his mother and John's mother had died.

“I just feel terrible.” Rachel's voice quaked. “I accused him of neglecting John when Mike is only trying his best to take care of his
. I'm a terrible person.”

“No, you're not a terrible person,” Emily insisted. “You have a wonderful heart, Rach.”

“Emily's right. You didn't know the whole story.”
reached over and touched Rachel's leg. “Don't punish yourself. You were only looking out for John's best interests.”

“But I always say the wrong thing.” Rachel sniffed. “I'm always so impulsive, and I jump to the wrong conclusion. I'm certain he thinks I'm terrible, and he's right to think that about me.”

handed Rachel a tissue from the box on the sewing table. “Now, just calm down, Rachel. If he thought you were terrible, he never would've invited you over.”

“He invited me because John wanted me to come over.” Rachel wiped her nose.

“I think he likes you,” Emily countered.

Rachel studied her sister. “Why would you say that?”

“It's obvious.” Emily shrugged. “Why would he share a personal story like that about his mother with someone he didn't consider a

“Because I was nosy enough to ask him what happened to her.” Rachel blew her nose. “I'm just too outspoken for my own good.”

“Stop saying that.”
's face creased with a frown. “You sent meals to his
and then you took lunch and dessert over to him. You also helped John with his schoolwork. You've shown him how sorry you are for what you said to him. You need to forgive yourself.”

“That's right,” Emily agreed. “Did you bring the basket home?”

. I left it on the counter downstairs.” Rachel set her elbow on the arm of the chair and rested her chin in her hand.

“Why don't we start planning to send two more meals over this next week, like you originally said you would?” Emily suggested. “Maybe that will make you feel better.”

picked up the quilt and began to stitch again. “I agree. We'll have to think about what we can send.”

even thanked me for the meals,” Rachel said. “He said he'd really enjoyed them.”

“It's settled then.” Emily beamed. “We'll come up with a menu, and I'll pick up supplies at the market on Monday.”

Rachel snapped her fingers. “Why don't I make something today to send on Monday?”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Emily agreed.

“I'm going to get started.” Rachel stood and moved toward the door. “I'll call you when supper is ready.”

As Rachel hurried down the stairs, excitement shoved away her shame and guilt. Maybe if she continued to help the Lantz family, she could forgive herself for the horrible things she'd said to Mike when they first met.


Rachel glanced up after slipping journals into the students' tote bags to find John smiling at her. “Hi, John.” She stood up straight. “Are you ready to head home?”

“Uh-huh.” He nodded, and his straw hat shifted on his blond head.

“You've worked hard this week.” She touched his shoulder. “I wrote in the journal that you've been an outstanding student. I didn't have to tell you to behave at all.” She handed him his tote bag. “Here you go.”

.” He fingered the handles. “Mike and
mei dat
want me to make sure I thank you for the meals this week. Mike liked the meat loaf the best, and
liked the chicken casserole.”

.” Rachel smiled. “What was your favorite?”

John grinned. “I like everything you send, especially the chocolate chip

Rachel laughed. “So the way to your heart is with dessert, huh?”

He nodded. “Are you coming over tomorrow to work with me some more? Mike said you can tutor me again this weekend like you did last Saturday.”

, I will.” She sat on the chair beside him. “What time does your
want me to come over?”

John shrugged. “He said you'd probably come around lunch time again.”

“Okay.” Rachel touched his hat. “I'll see you tomorrow then.” John hustled toward the door, and the other students followed him. Rachel and Malinda stood out on the porch and said good-bye to the students as they hurried off, then stepped back inside to finish up their work.

“Did I hear John say he wants you to go tutor again?” Malinda asked as she crossed to the front of the classroom.

, he did.” Rachel gathered up a pile of math papers and then sat down at a desk to grade them.

“You tutored him at his
?” Malinda stood by the desk at the front of the room.

Rachel nodded. “
, I went over to his
last Saturday and worked with him. It went really well. I see a big improvement with his math.”

Malinda shook her head. “You know that's not necessary. You're not going to get a larger salary by tutoring.”

“I know.” Rachel looked down at her task.

“So then why are you going to spend your Saturday over at the Lantz family's
?” Malinda asked. “You're already giving John plenty of one-on-one time here.”

“I don't mind helping him,” Rachel said as she corrected a paper with a red pen. “Mike has a lot of pressure on him because his
is very ill, and John needs extra help. I feel like I'm making a difference when I go over there and help him.”

“Is that why you've been sending the meals home with John?”

.” Rachel looked up and found Malinda studying her. “I still feel guilty for what I said to Mike that day. It makes me feel better when I'm helping him. I know I need to forgive myself, but I'm still ashamed.”

“Oh.” Malinda didn't look convinced. “But don't get too tied up with his family.”

“What do you mean?” Rachel asked with bemusement.

“I just don't want to see you get hurt,” Malinda said with a shrug. “You tend to get attached, and then you love with all your might and wind up with a broken heart.”

Rachel frowned as the anguish David had caused came back to her in full force. She'd tried to put it behind her, but Malinda had brought it all back with just that simple statement. The pain stabbed at Rachel's chest.

“I don't want to date Mike, if that's what you're getting at,” Rachel snapped, more rudely than she'd intended. “I'm not looking for a boyfriend, and I'm certainly not using one of the
in my class to find one.”

“That's not what I meant,” Malinda said, holding her hands up as if to calm Rachel. “I'm not accusing you of using John to get to Mike at all. I'm just worried about you. You've always been so impulsive, and I know how badly you want to get married.”

“Don't we all want to get married?” Rachel asked with exasperation. “Isn't it supposed to be our dream to get married and
raise several
on a farm?” She frowned again. “I'm not anxious about finding a boyfriend or even getting married. Right now I just want to be a
teacher, and giving a special student some extra help makes me feel like I'm doing a
job. Is that so bad?”

“No, no.” Malinda shook her head. “I'm sorry for criticizing you. I'm just worried about you. That's one reason I asked you to teach with me. I knew you needed something to occupy your time after David and Sharon hurt you so badly.”

“I appreciate that,” Rachel said before pointing to the math papers. “I'm going to finish these so I can head home soon. I'm tired. It's been a long week.”

, it has.”

Malinda sat down at the desk and began rearranging papers while Rachel continued grading. An uncomfortable silence overtook the room.

“You know, Rachel,” Malinda suddenly began, breaking through the silence. “You're a very
teacher. Don't ever doubt that.”

Rachel looked up. Malinda was smiling at her. “
. I enjoy teaching. I'm grateful you asked me to join you.”

Malinda's words marinated in Rachel's mind as she finished grading the math papers. At first she had been offended that her cousin would accuse her of using John to try to get a date with Mike, but she was certain Malinda hadn't meant that. She was only warning Rachel to be careful with her heart, which was good advice.

But Rachel didn't want a boyfriend. She just wanted to be a good teacher and find a way to help the Lantz family through their difficult time.

,” R
said the following afternoon as he sat across from Rachel.

.” Rachel's cheeks heated as Mike and Raymond smiled
at her from across the table. “I used my
's recipe.
Mei schweschder
Veronica found a box of our
's recipe cards in the attic last year, and we've been trying them. That's where she found a raspberry pie recipe that led to her opening a bake stand last year.”

Why was she prattling on and on about recipe cards when men rarely cared about that sort of thing? She always babbled when she was nervous. She gnawed at her lower lip.

Why was Mike sitting there studying her? He was the reason she was nervous. He was so handsome, and he was looking at her with interest. Malinda's words echoed in her mind, and she pushed them away. She was here to help John, not pursue a relationship with Mike. She forked her potpie and ignored the anxiety that had taken hold of her the moment she'd stepped into the Lantz family's house.

“What does your
do for a living?” Raymond asked.

“He owns the Bird-in-Hand Harness Shop,” Rachel said after she dabbed her mouth with a paper napkin. “It's located on our property. He owns the shop with our neighbor. They've had it since they were young men.”

“I've been in there before,” Raymond said. “It's a very nice shop. Your
does great leatherwork. He's a

. I'm certain he's disappointed he didn't have a
to take over the business.” Rachel took a small bite.

“Maybe he'll have a son-in-law who wants to do it,” Raymond said.

“Maybe he will,” Rachel said. She started to move the chicken potpie around on her plate rather than eating it. Veronica's husband, Jason, built sheds for a living, but maybe Emily would find a husband to run the harness shop with

“I always enjoyed working with wood,” Raymond said. His voice was just as weak and gravelly as it had been the week before,
but his smile was wide. “I admire men who can work with leather. It's not easy.”

“He really enjoys it,” Rachel said. She was glad Raymond was proving to be a better conversationalist than she was today.

She saw Mike glance at his father before he looked over at her, then gave her a shy smile. She tried to understand what his expression meant, and then it clicked. Perhaps Raymond didn't normally talk this much. Was Mike happy to see his
so talkative? Did her presence help the Lantz family more than she'd expected?

“Did you bring another chocolate pie today?” John asked.

He was sitting beside Rachel, and she smiled down at him. “
, I did.”

“Great!” John clapped.

“You need to finish your potpie before you can have any chocolate pie,” Mike reminded him.

“I know.” John spoke through a mouthful of potpie. “It's
.” Then he looked sheepishly at Mike, who had asked him again during this meal not to talk with his mouth full.

“I'm glad you like it,” Rachel said, deciding not to look at Mike's face. “After dessert we'll work on your math again, all right?”

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