The Cowbear's Curvy Christmas (Curvy Bear Ranch 2) (6 page)

Read The Cowbear's Curvy Christmas (Curvy Bear Ranch 2) Online

Authors: Liv Brywood

Tags: #BBW, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Holiday, #Paranormal, #Bear Shifter, #Claimed, #Mate, #Adult, #Erotic, #Christmas, #Mistletoe, #Snowy Winter, #Seasonal, #Human, #Suspense, #Short Story, #Supernatural, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Action & Adventure, #Curvy Bear Ranch, #Series, #Cowboy, #Montana Ranch, #Scandal, #Hungover, #Job Interview, #Shifter Secret, #B&B Burned, #Danger, #Ex-Fiance, #Threatens, #Safety, #Protection, #West Yellowstone, #Jilted

BOOK: The Cowbear's Curvy Christmas (Curvy Bear Ranch 2)
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Logan said, “Steak’s pretty good.”

“I burned it.” Madison’s dejected tone was so unlike her usual bubbliness that Drew and Logan looked up.

“Hey, don’t worry. We’ve had our fair share of steak that could double as charcoal,” Logan said.

Mack shot him a withering look. Logan shrugged his shoulders.

Drew asked, “How did everything go today?”

“Fine,” she said.

Drew threw Mack a questioning look. Mack shook his head as if to say,
Drop it

Madison pushed back from the table and picked up her half-eaten plate of food. “I’ll be back later to clean up.”

“Are you feeling okay?” Mack asked.

“I just need to lie down.”

After she left the room Logan asked, “What’s up with her?”

“I don’t know,” Mack answered.

“Well, something happened.”

Mack balled up his napkin and stood. “I’ll go check on her.”

“I bet you will,” Logan mumbled under his breath.

Mack ignored him. He’d deal with his brother later. Right now, his concern for Madison outweighed everything else.

He took the stairs, then followed the hall until he reached her room. As he knocked softly he asked, “Can I come in?”

“Not now, Mack.”

“I know something’s wrong,” he said.

Through the door, he heard her sniff. His restless bear’s desire to protect her overwhelmed his desire to respect her space.

With a sigh, he turned the doorknob and peeked in. “I’m coming in, okay?”

When she didn’t answer, he stepped into the room. He found her standing near the window looking outside. Moonlight streamed to cast soft shadows across the floor. He assessed her stance. Shoulders slumped, head hanging, she looked like she could hardly stand.

“Hey,” he whispered as he crossed the room.

As he reached her side, she turned and wrapped her arms around his chest. “I’m a mess.”

“Shh, it can’t be that bad.”

She clutched his shirt as she sniffed. “You’re right. I lied. I’m not better than him.”

“Than who?”

“My fiancé.”

He stepped back. “You’re engaged?”

“I was. Not anymore.”

He sucked in a breath. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No,” she whined.

He stroked her back and held her close. His protective instincts were on high alert. He didn’t know anything about her other than what she’d told him. How much of it had been a lie?

“Is your name even Madison?” he asked.


“Okay. So you didn’t lie about everything.”


He glanced around the room, trying to find a place for them to sit. The bed was his only option and he wasn’t getting near one with her. He couldn’t trust his bear to stay calm.

“Let’s go outside and get some air,” he suggested.

“Okay,” she sniffed.

He grabbed a thick jacket from the closet and settled it around her shoulders. After leading her outside onto the back porch, he sat on the top of the stairs. She sat beside him and leaned into him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“Talk to me,” he said softly.

“You won’t understand.”

“I might.”

“You’re going to be pissed.”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

“I’m sorry I lied.”

“What exactly did you lie about?” he asked.

“I’ve never run a bed and breakfast before.”

He chuckled. “I figured that out when I had to use the fire extinguisher.”

“Why didn’t you fire me?”

“I don’t know. There’s something about you that I’m drawn to.”

“Like a moth to a flame?”

“Something like that.” Was he about to get burned?

“I’m so embarrassed.”

“I’m sure you had a good reason to lie,” he said.

“I don’t know where to start.”

He pulled her closer and stroked her hair. “Start with why you really left Seattle.”

“I caught my fiancé in bed with my maid of honor.”

His breath whooshed out. “Damn.”


Chapter 6


“Yeah. Damn.” She still couldn’t get the images out of her head. The two people she loved most in the world, naked in a twist of writhing limbs. Her stomach rolled.

He lightly stroked her arm. “Then what happened?”

“I screamed at him and told her I hope she rots in hell. They were just lying there with the sheets pulled up to their necks with this deer-in-headlights look that would have been comical in any other situation. I went downstairs and started throwing things. I broke three of his stupid businessman-of-the-year glass trophies along with every single picture of us together.”

“I can’t imagine how enraging that had to be.”

“I was mad at first. I drove around all night until I ran out of gas somewhere near the Canadian border. A nice trucker helped me out after listening to my hysterical ranting about my ex-fiancé.” Even now, rage welled up to wrap its violent fist around her heart. In the last month, she’d vacillated between anger and despair. Each day brought with it a new way to hate Ben.

Mack asked, “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

“You never would have given me the job. What was I supposed to say? ‘Hi, I’m completely out of my league and borderline crazy because I caught my fiancé fucking my best friend?’” Her sarcasm held a hint of dark humor. If she hadn’t found a few moments of laughter about how ridiculous the situation was, she would have lost her mind weeks ago.

Mack turned to her and smiled. “Yeah, I can see how opening a job interview with that nugget would have been a problem.”

“Are you saying you wouldn’t have hired a crazy, jilted ex-bride?” she asked with a smirk.

“I don’t think you’re crazy.”

“Sometimes I’m not sure I can even get up in the morning.”

“You got up today.”

“And almost burned down the house,” she pointed out.


She swallowed and stared out into the darkness. “I’m sorry I lied. I needed to get away from Seattle and all the people who looked at me with pity.”

“Maybe it wasn’t pity. Maybe they just care about you.”

She sniffed as fresh tears threatened to fall. Her chest tightened and each breath took more effort than the last. “I feel so alone.”

She had no idea why she felt so comfortable confessing everything to Mack. He hadn’t been the easiest person to talk to when she’d first interviewed for the job. But now, she couldn’t stop talking.

“I’m glad you’re telling me everything now. I suspected something wasn’t right this morning, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. I’m glad you finally told me.”

“You’re not always the easiest person to talk to.”

He huffed. “What?”

“When you interviewed me, you were rather abrupt… and a bit overbearing.”

“Me?” he asked indignantly.

“Yes, you.” She playfully tapped his hip.

“I just want things to go right on the ranch. Now that my parents are both gone, I’m the head of the household and it’s my responsibility to take care of my family.”

“You’re a good man.”

“I try. I have a legacy to uphold. The bed and breakfast is one of the most well-liked hotels in the area. We have a reputation for having a family-like feel. Many people who have stayed with us say that they felt like they were staying with family.”

She laced her fingers into his large hand. “I’m sorry I let you down. I understand if you want to replace me with someone who actually knows what they’re doing.”

“You might need some help in the kitchen, but you’re smart enough and resourceful enough to do the job. I have confidence in you.”


He gathered her into his arms and gave her a tight hug. “I might have to stand by with a fire extinguisher when you’re cooking, but you deserve a chance to continue.”

She nestled into his arms. He felt like a giant teddy bear. The way he held her against him infused strength into her soul. He was right; she could survive the next few weeks. She’d figure out how to cook without burning the place down. How hard could it really be? And with Mack by her side, she could accomplish it.

“Did your mom leave any cookbooks lying around?” she asked.

He laughed. “Actually, I was looking around for the Curvy Bear Ranch’s official cookbook. I could have sworn Sarah had left it on one of the bookshelves, but she may have stored it somewhere else. It’s filled with all of my mom’s old recipes.”

“I bet she was an amazing cook.”

“With six sons, she learned how to make hearty food as well as some amazing pies.”

“I love pie,” she said.

“She has a really old family recipe for huckleberry pie that will blow your socks off. I haven’t had it since she passed away. Sarah tried to make it once, but it just wasn’t the same. My mom had a magical touch. Her pie crust was always golden brown, and the flaky layers would melt in your mouth. I used to joke with mom that if I ever found a woman who could cook a pie like her, I’d marry her.”

Her smile dropped. “I hope you find someone to love. You seem like a loyal man, not one who will chase women’s skirts like a dog.”

“I picked you up in a bar and had sex with you in the parking lot. I don’t know how honorable that makes me.”

She laughed. “That’s different.”


“We were just having fun, blowing off steam. It didn’t mean anything.”

“And in the barn?”

She swallowed and looked away. “I’m sorry about that.”

He gently clasped her chin and turned her face back to his. “I’m not.”

With only a whisper of space between them, an arc of energy sizzled across her lips. She couldn’t turn away, not when his dazzling hazel eyes stared at her so intently.

He closed the distance and kissed her with a gentleness that made the world fall away. The only thing that mattered was the brush of his lips across hers. Tendrils of desire unfurled in her belly. She leaned into the kiss and let him pull her into his lap.

As she wrapped her arms around his neck, a blast of snow-drenched air whipped her hair to one side. He brushed the errant strands away and caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

When he finally pulled away he murmured, “I can’t stop kissing you.”


He lay his cheek against hers. “I can’t believe someone let you go.”

She pressed her face into his chest. She didn’t want to think about her past anymore. The way Mack held her gave her hope that one day she’d find someone else to love. She wasn’t destined to spend the rest of her life alone. But as much as she liked Mack, she didn’t want to rush into anything. A rebound relationship with her boss would only complicate her life.

As another blast of frigid air whistled across the porch, she stood. “Let’s go find your mom’s cookbook. I’d love to make a pie tomorrow night.”




The next morning, Mack jogged through a fresh dusting of snow on the way to the bed and breakfast. He held a bouquet of peach roses in one hand and a tin of huckleberry hot chocolate in the other, courtesy of his early morning run to the market.

As he opened the door, a rush of burnt coffee assaulted his senses. He gagged for a second before kicking the door closed behind him. The scent grew stronger as he entered the kitchen.

Madison turned away from the stove with a spatula in one hand and a dishtowel in the other. “Hey, oh wow, those flowers are beautiful.”

He flushed. “I was thinking they would look nice on the dining room table.”

“I can’t believe you found fresh flowers in the middle of winter.”

“Sometimes the grocery store has them.” He eyed a coffee filter filled with burnt grounds. How on earth had she managed to burn coffee?

She followed his gaze. “I know what you’re thinking.”

“That a cup of coffee sounds amazing right now?” he smiled.

“I’m sure that’s exactly what you’re thinking.” She grabbed a mug and started pouring. “I’ll have you know that I only had to use the fire extinguisher once.”

“Only once? I’m impressed.” He took the mug of steaming coffee and gave it a tentative sniff. It smelled more like diesel than that rocket fuel she’d served the previous morning. At least she was heading in the right direction.

“I got up a little early and went looking for the cookbook. I couldn’t find it anywhere,” she said.

“Maybe she put it in storage in the attic. She had the recipes memorized.”

“We could check there after breakfast.”

Her smile lit up the room and sent a rush of heat through his body. How was it that he couldn’t talk to her for more than five minutes without wanting to bend her over the counter? His bear paced in agitation, waiting for him to cave to his animalistic impulses.

He slid off the stool and circled the counter. As he stepped up behind her, she turned and gasped. “I didn’t hear you coming.”

“I can be stealthy.”

She bit the edge of her lip in that alluring way that sent his bear into a fit of need. “I thought we decided this wasn’t a good idea.”

His gaze dropped from her lips to the curve of her throat. His bear longed to nuzzle her soft flesh and inhale her intoxicating scent. “It’s not.”

She dropped the hand towel on the counter and placed her hands on his chest. Even through his jacket and flannel shirt, he could feel the heat radiating off her palms. “Your brothers will be here in a few minutes.”

“I know.”

He slid his hands across her hips before pulling her tight against him. The rigid length of him pressed against her belly. She stood at least eight inches shorter than his six feet, but she was the perfect size for him.

“You’re supposed to be helping me make the biscuits,” she murmured.

“I’d rather be kneading you,” he growled.

He couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss her, but just as he was about to make contact, a puff of flour burst across his face. “What the—”

Through a cloud of white, he caught the shit-eating grin on her face.

“Did you just throw flour at me?” He brushed at his face.

She giggled. “I had to figure out a way to stop you.”

He arched a brow. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

She smirked as she backed away. “That you’re making the biscuits?”

He laughed as he lunged for her. She deftly ducked under his arm and raced past him. As he darted around the counter, he scooped a pile of flour into his palm. “You’ve just declared war.”

An ear-splitting shriek cracked against his eardrums as she ran toward the dining room. He chased her around the table and back into the kitchen. She laughed as she grabbed a handful of flour and launched it in his direction. He dashed through the cloud of white and hurled the flour in his palm at her.

She hollered and brushed furiously at her shirt. “Wait. Wait.”

He scooped up another round of ammunition and trotted toward her. “Are you surrendering?”

“Never!” She ran toward the pile of flour.

He chucked what little he had left in his palm in her direction and missed completely. She didn’t. An avalanche of flour rained down on him like snow.

“I won!”

He laughed heartily. “Maybe you won the battle, but not the war.”

Her eyes went wide as he scampered around the island in the center of the kitchen. She tried to circle around to the right, but he changed direction and caught her. As she wriggled in his arms, he went impossibly hard. Quick bursts of breath blasted from his lungs. He lifted her onto the counter.

“Your brothers will be here any minute,” she said as he pushed her skirt up to her thighs.

He groaned and wrapped his arms around her waist. He buried his head in her belly, delighting in the fluffy softness. “You know what I really want for breakfast?”

“No,” she whispered.

“You.” He slid his hands up her thighs and grasped her panties. As he pulled them down past her knees, he inhaled her moist sweetness.

“We’re going to get caught.” Her husky voice inflamed his arousal.

“Just a quick taste,” he murmured as he brushed light kisses up the inside of her thigh.

She moaned and leaned back. As he parted her thighs, a rush of her scent curled into his nose and filled him with overwhelming need.

He nibbled the smooth flesh, moving closer to her wet core. The moment his tongue pressed against her mound, she shivered and clutched the edge of the counter. Soft mewls of pleasure accompanied every lick and nibble. When he found the tiny bundle of nerves at the apex of her pussy, her legs twitched and she clamped her thighs against his cheeks.

She whimpered. “Oh, God.”

He smiled against her, loving the way she moved under his lips. Although he wanted to spend hours tasting her, his brothers would be arriving shortly. Since he couldn’t risk getting caught, he sucked her clit between his lips and tugged gently. She cried out and fluttered against his mouth. As she moaned, her orgasm rolled across his lips. Long undulating waves of release pressed against his mouth.

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