The Cowboy Code (6 page)

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Authors: Christine Wenger

BOOK: The Cowboy Code
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“Joe, tell me more about the woman you were engaged to. Why didn't you get married?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Well, you know a lot about me, but I don't know anything about you.”

He shrugged. “There's not much to tell. Her name was Ellen Rogers. She left me to live in Los Angeles. She said that she didn't want to live on a ranch or in a small town like Mountain Springs.”

“I'm sorry. That must have hurt.”

“There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm glad I found out sooner than later. She wanted a different lifestyle, and my ranch couldn't compare.”

“There's a lot of opportunities in big cities. There's not much around here.”

“Not if you don't like ranching or farming,” he said, a little defensive.

“I know. I grew up on a dairy farm, remember? But I wasn't home much. From about the age of ten, I was busy taking voice and dancing lessons in Syracuse. Liz got stuck with doing most of my chores, but she loved the farm.”

never leave Manhattan for a place like Mountain Springs.” It wasn't a question; it was a statement. He just wanted to prove his point.

She shrugged. “I haven't seen much of Mountain Springs yet, but it sure is beautiful here.” She gestured to the distant mountains and conifer trees. “Just beautiful. It's not like home at all.”

Maggie stared into the distance. She was probably thinking that she'd love to take the first plane out of here. A woman like Maggie didn't belong here any more than she belonged on a dairy farm.

He'd proved his point. Maggie was just like Ellen Rogers.

That was another good reason—maybe the best reason—to stay away from her.

Chapter Six

ater that evening, as everyone roasted marshmallows over the campfire, Maggie kept up a steady supply of graham crackers and squares of chocolate for s'mores.

She thought about how much Joe had helped her this afternoon and she was gaining confidence. Maybe this program had already helped her more than she'd thought possible. Maybe soon she'd even be able to make a decision about something that she'd been worrying over for far too long—quitting the stage.

She stole a glance at Danny. He was still sulking, probably because he'd heard about Joe and her
holding hands earlier. It wasn't private enough here to talk to him, and if she called him away from the others, he wouldn't like that either.

She'd just have to wait for the right time.

Tim, the math instructor-turned-rodeo rider, picked up his guitar and started strumming “Red River Valley” and a couple of the cowboys joined in. She joined in, too, once she knew the words. It felt good to sing again.

When the song was over, the kids and cowboys clapped and cheered. She flushed with pleasure just as Joe caught her eye.

Tim started another song, one she didn't know, as Joe took a seat beside her. “I love listening to you sing. We all can see why you're a Broadway star.”

She smiled. It was always nice to hear that, especially when it came from the heart.

“With talent like yours, you'll find another show.”

She was quiet for a while, then shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not. I had momentum going, but momentum can be fleeting. But that's all right. It'll be worth it if being here helps Danny in the end.”

It surprised Maggie that she was able to vocalize what she'd been thinking about more and more—did she have anything more to accomplish on the stage? She'd already won a Tony, what more was there?

She'd always liked performing, after she got over her initial moments of stage fright. Thankfully, that
disappeared when the curtain went up. But for some reason, lately the work itself wasn't as rewarding as before.

She took a sip of water. “All the time I spend in rehearsals and performing has taken a toll on my relationship with Danny.”

She often thought that she might like to teach dance and voice. She'd taught at workshops before, and she loved it. She loved how much energy the kids had and how eager they were to learn. But she had to take care of Danny, and teaching was nowhere near as lucrative as performing.

Joe leaned over and rested his arms on his thighs. “You'll figure out how to solve your problem with Danny. Things will get better.”


“I promise.” Joe met her gaze, and the firelight made his features look chiseled, masculine.

She sighed. “I just wish I'd been able to put Danny's needs first when Liz died. But I was so caught up in my own misery… I had friends to confide in, to support me, and Danny had no one. I've neglected him miserably. Now I need to make that up.” Tears stung her eyes.

“Have you ever apologized to Danny for neglecting him? Explaining how lost

“Why…no. No, I haven't.”

“Do you think you should?”

“I should, but I don't know how. I've been avoiding any discussion with him about that time.”


“I don't know if I could handle it if he got mad at me, or if it came out that he really hated me for being so neglectful of his needs.” She took a deep breath. “I know that kids get mad at their parents all the time, and I don't want to seem clueless about parenting, but this is all new to me. And his getting into trouble is showing me exactly what he thinks of our situation.”

“You should give Danny more credit. He's not a bad kid. He just needs to find his way back to a positive direction.”

Maggie chuckled. “Don't we all?”

“How about if you talk to him tomorrow? After Danny's school program, you both can go on a picnic for lunch. That'll give you some time away from the group. After that, I'll give you another riding lesson when they are in afternoon school. Sound good?”

“Sounds perfect.”

“Well, back to work.” Joe stood and pulled a piece of paper from his back pocket. “Can I have everyone's attention, please?” He waited until there was silence. “I have the duty roster for tomorrow. Dan Turner, you'll be picking up litter along the Silver River. See Cookie for a box lunch. Maggie McIntyre, you're assigned to the same cleanup. And
McIntyre, you're also assigned to assist Cookie tomorrow for breakfast.”

She felt a warmth inside her grow. Joe Watley obviously knew how to avoid the ribbing Danny would have taken if he'd announced instead that Danny was going on a picnic lunch with his aunt.


Someone would figure it out, she was sure, but at least now they'd have a reason to spend some time together.

She hoped that it would turn out well—for both of them.


Maggie enjoyed working with Cookie, and even talked the cantankerous cowboy into letting her fry the eggs, pancakes and potatoes instead of just shuttling platters to the tables. She was even successful in nudging him into serving a fruit salad to balance some of the grease.

But he wouldn't let her make the coffee.

“It has to be strong enough to float a horseshoe,” he'd told her.

After clearing up breakfast, she helped start lunch while the kids went to their morning classes. She also made two picnic lunches—one for herself, and one for Danny.

Armed with their lunch and two big plastic garbage bags to pick up litter, she met Danny by the corral.

They started to walk along the Silver River, and it was clear that Danny wasn't in the mood to talk.

“So, how's everything going so far?” she asked.


“Are you getting along with the other boys?”

“What's that supposed to mean?” He avoided her eyes.

“Just what I asked. Everyone getting along?” she pressed.

“I guess so.”

“How about Joe? I think he's doing a great job.”

“Brandon Avery told me that you were holding hands with him. I think you like him—a lot.”

She took a deep breath and jumped right in. “Look, Danny, I do like Joe, but it's not like that. He's dedicated to making his program work, and I think he really cares about everyone in Cowboy Quest, but that's about it.”

Danny shrugged. “Everyone's talking about you two.”

“Let them talk. Maybe they don't have anything better to do.”

“You just don't get it, do you?” His voice was raised, and Maggie looked at him sharply.

“No, I don't. Talk to me.”

“Nothing. Forget it.”

Maggie rubbed Danny's shoulder, and to her surprise, he didn't pull away.

“Danny, I'm trying to figure out where we went wrong. I think I know. I neglected you when your mom died. And I'm so very sorry about that.”

He appeared to be listening, so she continued.

“I have no excuse other than the fact that I was hurting. My heart was breaking. I loved your mother so much. And she trusted me with raising you and that scared me. It still does. And I'm not doing a good job, Danny. I know that now.”

“Forget it,” he muttered. “I'm okay.”

“But you're not okay, honey. Your not being okay is what got you arrested.”

“But—” Danny fell silent, then added, “But why are you scared?”

“Raising a child is a big responsibility. I might not have done everything right at the beginning, but I'm learning from my mistakes.”

“I made mistakes, too. I shouldn't have hung out with those kids.”

She nodded. “Now you know never to hang around with anyone who'll get you into trouble. Right?”

He nodded.

“And you'll be careful here, too. Right?”

Another nod.

“Danny, you know I have to work. The theater
is all I know, and it's a big time-suck. I'd rather be home with you, but I need to support us.”

“I know.”

“And you need to stay out of trouble and do better in school.”

He shrugged, but didn't say any more, so she thought she'd lighten the conversation. She held her pole in the air. “So I guess we've got to pick up litter. Charge!”

To her surprise, a smile teased the corners of Danny's lips. “Charge,” he said under his breath, and they slowly walked the bank of the sparkling river searching for litter until they came to a bench, then they sat down.

“Tell me, what do you like about the ranch so far? There must be something,” Maggie said. “Talk to me like we used to when your mom was alive.”

“I like my horse. His name is Thunderbolt,” he finally said.

“What color is he?” she asked, trying anything to get him to talk.

“He's like a reddish brown. He's a quarterhorse, and Joe said that if I make enough progress on my lesson, I'd be able to trot him, then gallop.”

Maggie hadn't seen her nephew so visibly excited in a long time. Usually she had to check his pulse for signs of life.

Before they left for the dreaded cattle drive, she'd probably have to learn to trot and gallop, too. Her
throat sudden went dry, and she was glad that she packed some iced tea.

“Joe said that a cowboy must be gentle with children, the elderly and animals. He said that includes taking care of my horse and brushing, watering and feeding him and not doing anything to hurt him.”

“Taking care of an animal is a big responsibility,” she said, thrilled at Danny's enthusiasm. Then it hit her. Danny had never had a pet or anything to be responsible for. She never could see getting a cat or a dog, since no one was usually home, for the most part. “I think that a horse has to be one of the biggest. I'm glad that you're listening to Joe.”

“Some of the kids aren't listening to him. They think that the program is lame, especially Brandon.” He lowered his voice. “But I kinda like it. And I freaking can't wait for the cattle drive.”

“Daniel Anthony Turner, did I hear you right? You like Cowboy Quest?” She was just about to ruffle his hair when he laughed and ducked.

“Naw. I didn't say that.” He grinned, opening the bag that contained his picnic lunch.

They laughed and for a moment she saw a hint of the carefree child he'd been—when Liz was healthy. That was the Danny that she'd wanted back permanently. Happy for this all-too-rare moment of closeness, Maggie pulled her nephew's slight frame to her and wrapped her arms around him. She felt some weight dissolve from her shoulders. This talk
was the first step in clearing the air with Danny, and she made a mental note to thank Joe for giving her the opportunity to spend some quality time with him.

She'd made a lot of progress with Danny this morning, and obviously so had Joe, since Danny was quoting him.

Was she wrong to have doubted the big, strong cowboy?


It was one o'clock and time for Maggie's lesson. Joe waved as she walked up the hill toward him, smiling.

Either she was looking forward to her lesson, or things went well with Danny. He hoped for both.

She was a little breathless when she finally reached him.

“Have a good time picking up litter?”

“The best.” Her eyes sparkled. “I had a good talk with Danny. Finally.”

Thank goodness. “That was the plan. I'll arrange something like that again.”

“That'd be great, Joe. Danny seems like he's really enjoying the program so far. He's even quoting you.”

“No kidding?”

“No kidding,” she said. “You're reaching him.”

“Oh, I think you are, too.” Maggie deserved the credit more than he did. She was the one who put
her emotions on the line. “Now, how about your lesson? Are you ready to ride Lady by yourself? I thought we'd take the horses to the high pasture.”

“I'm as ready as I'll ever be.”

As he got his own horse, Checkmate, ready, he watched Maggie bridle and saddle Lady. He could see her biting her lip, thinking about every move she was making. Lady was patient, even helping her along, taking the bit perfectly.

“Ready to mount up?”

He held the reins for her. After a few hops, she was in the saddle. He handed her the reins, and she looked at them as if he was handing her a tarantula. “Maggie?”

“I can do this.”

“You certainly can.”

“I'm not even breathing hard.”

“I don't think you're breathing at all.” He raised an eyebrow. “Are you?”


He bit back a grin. “Relax. We'll have a good time. Okay?”

She finally took the reins. “Okay.”

Her whole face glowed when she smiled, her eyes shone like twin emeralds and her perfect lips showcased white teeth. He liked the way her blond hair swirled around her face in the breeze.

Sure, she was beautiful. But most of all he admired her courage in getting on a horse in spite
of her fears. And it took a lot of courage to corner Danny about the rift that had come between them for a long time.

“When you're ready, Maggie. Lift the reins, squeeze her sides gently with your knees and just say ‘walk.' She'll know what you want. And if you want her to stop, just say ‘whoa.' The Cowboy Quest horses are voice trained.”

“That's easy enough.” She nodded. “Walk.”

Lady did as instructed, and Maggie looked surprised. Joe followed on Checkmate. When the pathway opened up, he moved next to her.

“Relax your shoulders, Maggie. I just want you to get comfortable sitting on Lady.”

Joe could tell that Checkmate wanted to run. The horse was too frisky and needed exercise. They'd had too much rain last week, which pushed the exercise schedule back. Because Checkmate was a runner, Joe and the other seasoned cowboys were the only ones who were allowed to ride him. He wasn't qualified as a Cowboy Quest horse yet, but maybe later he'd take the horse out for a long gallop through the upper meadow.

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