The Crescent (16 page)

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Authors: Jordan Deen

BOOK: The Crescent
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You’re perfect.
Alex said as he traced his fingers across the lace edging of the cup of my bra. He claimed my lips with his and my head started spinning. I can’t concentrate on anything other than his smooth skin pressed against me.

When the tips of his fingers pressed into my back, I followed his lead and ran the pads of my fingers down his. Alex’s body shook slightly giving me instant gratification. But the minute I thought I had taken control of the situation, he swiftly picked me up by my thighs and rested me on the edge of the counter, wrapping my legs around his back and keeping his body firmly to me. His hands roamed my body then snaked up into my wet hair pulling my face to his. His heart was pounding beneath his skin; his lips felt just as nervous and excited as mine. I didn’t want him to stop touching me; every part of my body was on fire like nothing I had ever experienced before.

“Hey you guys in here?” Jillian called from the other room. Alex pulled back from me and let out a deep sigh.

“I’m considering telling her no.” He whispered. I wouldn’t have blamed him if he had. My body wanted him to tell her to go away and never come back. “Yeah, we’ll be right out.”

“Ok pizza will be here in twenty.” She called out cheerfully. “Take your time!”

I covered my face with my hands, my skin caught on fire, but in a much different way. I buried my face into Alex’s chest. His protective arms wrapped around me and rubbed my back as he let out a small laugh. “I guess we are having pizza.” Alex kissed the top of my head. “Don’t worry about it. She knows we love each other.”

I shook my head. “I know she does. It’s just embarrassing that she probably knows what we are doing in here.”
Alex smiled wider and raised his eyebrow. “What are we doing in here?”
I playfully smacked him on the arm, trying to hide my smirk. “You know.”

“Yes, but it always seems to get interrupted.” He kissed me passionately again before picking up my t-shirt from the counter. I breathed heavy trying to calm down as he helps me into my shirt and pants; his fingers meandered along the waistline.

“Rain check?” Alex gave me his mischievous grin.


By 2:30 a.m., I’m exhausted and ready to go home. “How are we getting home?” I asked Alex looking over at Jillian who is sleeping across Gavin.

Alex tugged me closer. “You aren’t. I got permission for you to stay the night.”

“WHAT?” I jumped off the couch. There was no way my parents would allow it.

“I talked to your parents this morning and asked if you could stay. They said yes as long as Jillian was here with you. They have all the information for the room and the hotel.” He grinned. I looked at him in disbelief.

“I’m surprised my parents said yes.” They must have been half asleep, or maybe dad was drunk and mom was self medicated.

“Well they did. They said you were almost 18 and since this was your first dance and I promised I’d take care of you… although they did tell me if anything happened to you that I would be a goner.” That sounded more like my parents.

My first night in a hotel room without my parents, I wasn’t sure if I was more excited or nervous. “I guess I should say thank you then.”

“You are welcome.” His fingertips brushed my lips. “I told you I’d do anything for you.” He definitely proved it- I don’t think I would have been brave enough to ask my parents to stay in a hotel overnight.

I dozed off by the end of the movie.
Let’s go.
Alex whispered in my ear, but I couldn’t will my body to move. I wrapped my arms around his neck softly as he carried me towards the bedroom. I was only slightly aware of him taking off my shirt and replacing it with a tank top. He slid my jeans carefully off my legs and laid me back on the bed covering me with the sheets; they felt like heaven against my skin. I opened my eyes slightly in time to see him take off his shirt. The muscles in his back rolled and tightened as he leaned over to pull off his shorts. My breath quickened and suddenly I was no longer sleepy. Alex turned off the lights in the bedroom and the bed jostled as he climbed in. I held my breath but couldn’t control my rapid heartbeat as I anticipated his next move. I wondered if we would pick up where we left off.

Adrenaline rushed through me as Alex rested his arm around my midsection and put his head against my shoulder to rest close to my face. When he let out a deep breath, I felt his entire body relax and conform to mine. He surrounded me easily making me a part of him.
I love you.
He whispered.


The feeling of his smooth heartbeat against my back mesmerized me, as we lay cuddled against each other. The sun poured through the windows and the curtains gently rustled from the wind. Birds singing in the trees and the laughter of children floated in through the windows. “You shouldn’t be here with him.” His lips brushed against my neck. “We belong together. You have to come back to me.” He kissed my neck sending chills through my entire body. “You are my destiny. My mate.” I rolled over to see what Alex was talking about. Laying here with him felt so perfect, I couldn’t understand how he could say I didn’t belong with him.

“What do you mean…?” I stopped mid-sentence. Lying next to me was Brandon.

I started to get up from the bed, but he stopped me resting his hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb under my eye. I blinked hard trying to make sure he was really there. “You know this isn’t right. You know you aren’t supposed to be with him. If you do this with him… if you continue to fall in love with him… I will
.” His words echoed in my ears vibrating my body. I barely knew him but tears started to form in my eyes.


I shot straight up in bed trying to untangle myself from the mass of sheets that were twisted around my arms and legs. The room was still dark, the sun not coming in the windows and there was no wind. Alex hastily wrapped his strong arms around me as I glanced at the clock.


“What’s wrong?” Alex was panicked; I could feel his heart beating rapidly; his chest pressed firmly to my side. I took in several deep breaths. “Babe?”

“I’m fine. I’m sorry.”
“Did you have a nightmare?” Alex pulled my hair back from my neck and pressed his lips to my shoulder.
I nodded. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry.”

“That’s ok. I’m sorry you are still having bad dreams. I’ll never let anything happen to you.” He kissed me and pulled at my arm to snuggle back down into bed with him. Trying to shake off my dream, I rested my head on his chest and relaxed my body into his as he rubbed my spine. “What was your dream this time?”

My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t tell him that I had dreamed I woke up next to someone else. “I don’t really remember.”

Alex hesitated before responding. “Well, hopefully whatever it was is gone for good now that I’m here.” He kissed my forehead and held me tightly against him. I wasn’t sure I wanted Brandon gone, even though I had Alex.

Remember Lacey, Remember.

c h a p t e r






Brandon’s words haunted me, as I got ready for school Monday morning.

I will die.

Alex was already waiting at the curb for me when I walked outside.

“Hey babe. You look fantastic.” He opened the car door for me. “Did you get grilled when I dropped you off yesterday?” He grinned. “I almost felt bad leaving you here to deal with them alone.”

“I think mom made me turn around twenty times to check me over.” I laughed. “I think she was checking to see if you left any marks.”

“I could’ve…” Alex narrowed his eyes and pulled up one corner of his mouth. My heart fluttered when he looked at me like that. “If I had known you were into that.”

I smacked his arm. “I’m not into that.”

“Oh ok… I thought I missed my chance.” He laughed. “So has anyone called about Grant yet?”

I looked down at my book bag. “No, nothing.”

Alex squeezed my hand. “I’ll get you another dog. Just say the word. What kind do you want? Lab? Poodle? Cocker?”

“No, my dad would kill me. He didn’t want me keeping Grant in the first place.” I stared out the window just in time to see one of my lost signs on the telephone pole by the school. It was crumpled and weathered; the writing had started to run. “I’ll have to hang up more signs.”

“I can help you this weekend, if you want. Do you have to work until 7 again tonight?”

“Yeah, Aunt Jamie said that she has two surgeries this afternoon, so I’ll probably be there late.”

Alex pulled into his normal spot in the parking lot. “I can wait for you.”

“Actually, would you mind if my Aunt gave me a ride home? I have something I need to talk to her about.”

Alex examined my face for a moment. “Sure. Do you want me to come over afterwards?”

I hesitated. I had spent every free minute with Alex the last few weeks. “I don’t know what time I’ll be home.”

Alex put the car in park and turned off the engine. He sat still as a statue in his seat staring over the dashboard. There was an uncomfortable silence in the car. “Is there something wrong?”

“No, why?” I didn’t want to tell him I was used to being alone.

Alex drummed his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. “It seems like there is…”



“Is this about Saturday?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the bracelet that I had slipped into his coat pocket when he dropped me off. He laid it flat in the palm of his hand and rubbed his fingers slowly over each of the diamond flowers; his flower pendant hung just below the collar of his shirt. “Because it kind of feels like you were looking for closure when I dropped you off yesterday.”

I didn’t respond. I couldn’t accept the bracelet and I had no idea what to say after sharing a bed with him, and dreaming about being in love with someone else all night long. I was betraying Brandon just being in the car with Alex this morning if what he told me in my dream was true. Brandon said if I fell in love with Alex that he would die. That was the last thing I wanted.

“Alex, I can’t accept such an expensive gift. My parents would never allow it.”

“Did you bother asking them?” He outstretched his hand and wrapped his fingers around mine.

“No, I know they wouldn’t. That bracelet is way too much.”

“Well you didn’t think they’d let you stay at the hotel either. You deserve the bracelet. It’s not too much.” He hesitated and furrowed his eyebrows. “Why didn’t you call me last night?”

“I had homework I had to do and I had to face the Spanish inquisition from my parents about the fact that I stayed all night in a hotel room with a boy they barely know.” I didn’t break eye contact with him, even though my palms were sweating. He was challenging me and I wasn’t backing down.

Alex tightened his grip on my hand. “I thought you said it wasn’t that bad.”

“I didn’t want to make you feel bad. Mom quizzed me for over an hour before dad started in.” I was laying it on thick. Both my parents did ask questions, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Alex glared at me and for a moment I thought he knew that I was lying to him. “I’m sorry they were so tough on you.” He swiftly shoved the bracelet back into his pocket and silence filled the car again. I shifted my weight on the seat and watched students pass the car heading into the school. We would be late if we lingered in the car much longer but that was the least of my problems.

“Alex…” My voice sounded meek. I had no idea what to say. I was confused. If I loved Alex, why did I dream of Brandon? And if I loved Brandon then why would my mind and body want Alex.

“Lacey, I love you more than anything.” Alex searched my eyes. “I want you to be happy… with me.” He squeezed my hand. “If I’ve done something to upset you or if I made you uncomfortable with anything I did on Saturday, please tell me.”

My skin tingled under his fingertips; his eyes made the butterflies in my stomach threaten to fly out and around the car. “I don’t want to sound like a broken record. I’ve never slept with anyone.” I smiled uncomfortably. “I meant, I’ve never stayed overnight with someone like that. I just don’t think I knew what to say to you the next morning. I mean…” I couldn’t find the right words. I really didn’t know what to say to him the next morning and I felt uncomfortable being near him, but not because I slept with him. If Brandon insisted on disappearing all the time, I just wished he’d stay gone so I could move on.

“So it’s not because you didn’t want to stay in the hotel with me…?”

“No, not that. I wanted to stay with you. I guess I’m just not good at these types of things.” I half smiled at him, hoping he was ok with my explanation.

“Come here babe.” He pulled at my wrist. “I love you.” Alex kissed me softly and I kissed him back, pushing the thoughts of Brandon from my mind as I focused on Alex. My skin rippled with goose bumps; my head telling me this was wrong, my heart saying this was right.

“I love you too.” I say as my thoughts swirled with confusion.

“We have to get going. We are going to be late.”


The first three classes all I did was run through my awkward conversation with Alex this morning and the desperation in Brandon’s voice that he would die if I fall further in love with Alex. I wish Brandon would come back and prove to me that his presence in my life was real; that I wasn’t really loosing my mind and that this relationship we had lived in dreams was my destiny.

Jillian met me in the hallway before fourth period. She was beaming still after her night with Gavin. “How are things with you and Alex? What did he say this morning about you giving him the bracelet back?”

“He was upset.” I paused and looked to see if Alex was around. “He was really pushy about why I didn’t call him last night. He is being…” I couldn’t find the right words. “I guess possessive. I think he thinks I don’t want to be with him.”

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