The Crime Trade (31 page)

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Authors: Simon Kernick

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General

BOOK: The Crime Trade
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'I'll at least check what he's saying,' I said, thinking that his story was so bizarre I wasn't sure he could have made it up. 'See if there's anything in it. I know it doesn't sound likely, but you never know. Stranger things have happened.'
Malik raised his eyebrows. 'Not many.'
And then, ten seconds later, as we stepped inside the incident
room, our conversation suddenly became irrelevant. The whole
place was a frenzy of activity and it seemed like everyone in there
was in the midst of pulling on their jackets, their faces alive with
'What the hell's happening?' I asked.
From out of the melee stepped DCI George Woodham, who was in temporary charge of the case in Flanagan's absence. A big man with an immense walrus moustache, he was wearing a grin that spanned the moustache's entire length as he put an arm through the sleeve of his raincoat. 'We were just coming down to get you both,' he said. 'The bloke you're talking to definitely isn't our man. Your girl Tina's done a good job. She's located the one we're after. He owns a Megane, was in possession of a credit card used to buy one of those suits, and apparently matches the description of the killer perfectly.'
I felt a real surge of pride. Don't ever doubt Tina Boyd. 'It's not the accountant she went to see, is it?' I asked.
'No, it's the guy the accountant lent the card to while he was away. Someone called Trevor Murk. Tina's on her way over to his place now. She's going to wait for us there.'
Tina turned her car into Milford Avenue, a quiet road of reasonable-sized one- and two-storey semi-detached houses a few hundred yards west of Barnet High Street. It was here that Bernard Stanbury and Trevor Murk lived, four doors away from each other. According to Stanbury, Murk was a friendly young man who didn't appear to work for a living but was never short of money, and could often be found drinking in the Red Lion public house, not far from where they both lived. Stanbury had told Tina that he occasionally popped into the Red Lion for a pint on the way home after work on a Thursday and Friday night, and that was how the two had got to know each other.
One night the previous summer they'd got talking, and somehow Stanbury had opened up more than usual, and had let on that he was heavily in debt. Murk had told him not to worry. 'It's all about playing the system,' he'd explained. There's always plenty of money to be had, it's just knowing how to coax it out.' He'd then told the accountant about a scam he had going
hereby he would get an acquaintance to rent him one or more of his credit cards which he would then use up to the maximum before giving the nod to the acquaintance, who would then report it or them stolen. Nobody, except the big bad credit companies, lost out. Stanbury had told Murk about a long weekend he was taking with the family, and it was arranged that Murk would have use of one of his cards for the duration for a fee of £300.
Murk, it seemed, had made merry with the card, spending
more than three grand on it, and in the process making the mistake that would go a long way towards putting him in the frame for murder.
Tina slowed up as she passed Stanbury's house. At the same time, the front door four houses down opened and a good-looking guy in his late twenties with wavy black hair stepped out, carrying a Nike holdall in his hand.
She carried on driving, keeping an eye on him in her rearview mirror as she looked for somewhere to pull up. There was a space to her left about thirty yards further up the road and she reversed into it, only just managing to get in. She looked in her mirror again but Murk had disappeared temporarily from sight.
Then she saw him on the other side of the road, throwing the holdall into his Renault Megane before getting inside, and she experienced a burst of adrenalin. This was what it was all about. The hours, the days, of mundane statement-taking and hunting for the tiniest clues had finally been rewarded. Tina was proud of herself at that moment, and rightly so. It was her persistence that was going to nail a man who'd killed at least three times, and on each occasion in cold blood. John was going to have to buy her a magnum of champagne now. For the moment, though, it was important to make sure she didn't let Murk out of her sight, or get rid of whatever it was that was in the bag.
He started the engine and pulled into the road, and Tina bowed down in her seat, making out that she was looking for something in her handbag. As he passed, she counted to three, then pulled out after him, pressing redial on the mobile and telling the controller at the other end that the suspect was on the move.
Neil Vamen knew that many people considered him a violent, murderous criminal of the worst kind, but it wasn't how he saw himself. He was a businessman, an entrepreneur; a man in pursuit of the type of financial rewards and peer respect that plenty of other people pursue every day. Yet he was the one being punished, simply for following a well-worn path. Yes, he'd used violent methods in his business dealings, and a good many people had had their lives cut short on his orders, but it was a hard world out there, and in his line of business - the supply of those goods and services the ruling powers had decreed the populace couldn't have - violence was a necessary prerequisite for getting the job done. Neil Vamen didn't believe that any of the people he'd had executed in the course of his long and colourful career had been wholly innocent. Some, of course, had been less guilty than others, but one way or another all had made their livings in the same nefarious underworld he operated in, and therefore had to be prepared to face the consequences.
It wasn't even as if, by putting him behind bars, the ruling powers - those faceless bastards who made and enforced the laws - actually achieved their goal. If anything, they made the situation worse. Did crime in his manor suddenly stop the day they arrested him and broke up his powerbase? Of course it didn't. It just meant that a dozen other young bucks - more violent because they had something to prove, and less time to prove it in - came looking for the scraps. And none, it seemed, was more violent than Nicholas Tyndall. Vamen knew Tyndall -in passing, anyway. They'd met several times when there'd been talk of a business deal involving Vamen supplying Tyndall with coke, but nothing had ever come of it. Vamen hadn't liked him, hadn't trusted the bastard, although even he was impressed by the way he'd moved in so quickly after the break-up of the Holtzes and his own arrest, and how quickly he'd come to dominate the manor.
In fact, Tyndall could have probably enjoyed a reasonably successful criminal career if it hadn't been for one thing: he was up against the best. Neil Vamen might be in prison, cooped up in a cramped cell deep in the maximum security of Parkhurst, but he still knew how to pull the strings and influence events many thought beyond his control. Already Nicholas Tyndall was paying the price for trying to step into a bigger man's shoes. Soon enough he was going to have the Colombians after him for fucking up their deal. And that was going to be the least of his worries.
As Vamen sat there now, enjoying a Montecristo cigar and a cup of Nicaraguan coffee while peering through the cell window into the morning's spring sunshine, he felt freedom beckoning. The case against him was weak. It rested on one man. One man who so far had avoided the long reach of Vamen's revenge, who'd escaped the attempts on his life carried out in Belmarsh, but who was now about to pay the price for attempting to save his own skin at the expense of others.
Jack Merriweather had hours to live, no more than that. Vamen wouldn't regret his passing. They'd known each other a long time, but disloyalty was a crime more heinous than any other. Grassing to the coppers, giving evidence on their behalf
. there could only be one punishment. And with Merriweather gone, the case would collapse and he'd be released, his reputation cemented for ever as the man who could do anything.
He'd have to be careful, of course; couldn't get too cocky. The powers-that-be would want him now, and want him badly. He'd be public enemy number one. But it didn't matter. He was too clever for them. Always had been. And he remembered perfectly the old adage: let them hate me, as long as they fear me.
And fear him they would. All of them.
Including Tyndall.
For twenty-five minutes Tina followed him, first on to the Al, then down the Edgware Road in the direction of the West End. She kept well back, and traffic was heavy enough to allay any suspicion Trevor Murk might have that he was being followed. She kept the mobile on throughout the journey, feeding details of Murk's movements to the control room back at the station, which then relayed them to the armed response vehicles and the members of the O'Brien murder squad as they converged on the route being taken.
As Murk came up to the top end of Baker Street, keeping to the left-hand lane, a message came through to Tina from control advising her that DCI Woodham had given strict orders that she was to remain at a safe distance from the suspect, and not to attempt to apprehend him. Armed officers were being deployed to do that. Tina acknowledged the message and swung into the middle lane, two cars back, only just getting through the Marylebone Road intersection lights as they changed from amber to red.
She acknowledged the message, but she wasn't sure she could obey it. This was her collar. Her perseverance. She wasn't a glory hunter, but she felt she deserved this one, and if she could take him safely and without unnecessary risk to herself, then she would do. There was no way she was letting Trevor Murk
go-She wondered what John would think of her actions. He'd be
worried she'd get hurt - she knew how much he cared for her -but she also felt he'd understand that she had to do it. John was a solid guy, someone who preferred caution to jumping right into things, but, at the same time, he wasn't a complete stickler for the rules. He knew when you had to take risks, to put your neck on the line. He'd done it before - had gone alone into a dangerous situation, ended up facing the wrong end of a gun and still come out unscathed and unbeaten, and with an important arrest under his belt - so he'd know why she was doing it. She . could have done with him there with her, though. His quiet strength would have done a lot to calm her nerves.
The Megane's left-hand indicator came on and she was forced to do a rapid lane-change, cutting up a white van in the process. Murk turned into Paddington Street and she followed, now only one car behind, conscious that her manoeuvre might have drawn unwanted attention to her. Trevor Murk might have been a coldblooded murderer, but he was also fairly professional in his dealings, so would be on the look-out for people or vehicles acting suspiciously around him.
But it seemed he hadn't noticed. He indicated again, and pulled into a side street next to a block of flats. Tina had to make a snap decision. Follow him and risk detection or keep on going and risk losing him? She plumped for the latter, carrying on for a few yards before flicking on her indicator and hazard lights and pulling up to the kerb. She cut the engine as the cars behind her
beeped their horns, and gave her location to control, before running back towards the side street.
As she got to the corner, she saw the Megane turn into the entrance of an underground car park beneath the block of flats. 'Bingo,' she said, returning to the car and reporting this new information to control.
'ETA for the first ARV is six minutes,' said the voice of Sergeant Colin Brooking, the controller she'd been communicating with for the past half an hour. 'Your orders are to wait until it arrives, Tina.'
'Received and understood,' she said, getting back into the car and performing a dangerous reverse manoeuvre that attracted more blasts of the horn from passing drivers, before turning into the side street and driving down past the entrance to the underground car park.
She parked up on some nearby double yellows and pulled a sign out of the glove compartment advising any over-zealous traffic wardens that she was a police officer on duty. Then, with an audible intake of breath, she got out and headed in the direction of the flats.
The faint sound of knocking drifted into Tino's trance-like state. He was fantasizing about making love to three clones of Judy on his uncle's boat, all of whom were satisfying him with their tongues and telling him what a good, brave man he was while at the same time, in a perfect combination of his two favourite pastimes, he was fishing for herring off the Friesland coast where he'd grown up. The knocking grew louder, and with his reverie now disturbed, he got up off the bed and walked through the lounge to the front door of the apartment.
'Who is it?' he called out.
Without responding, Tino pulled open the door and glared at the man he'd once thought of as a friend. 'Thank you for coming,' he said formally, moving aside to let Murk in, 'but I think it is the least you could do, would you not agree?'
Murk stepped inside. 'Listen, cool it, sweetboy, I can explain. That bastard, Stegsy--'
'Sorry, Mark. The undercover copper. He was blackmailing me, same as you. He made me do it.'
'He said you always did this sort of thing, reporting your friends to the police when they were breaking the law. He said you were a grass.'
That lying cunt. Don't you believe it, Tino. He's as dodgy as something dodgy. It's his way of sowing the seeds of discontent among the masses. You know what I'm saying?'
'No, Trevor, I do not. But that's not important now. As I told you, we need to find Mark, and quickly. He could have murdered this poor girl, and I don't want her death on my conscience.'
'Very upstanding of you, Tino. I always knew there was more to you than met the eye, and that's saying something. I'm only sorry that Mark put me in a position where I had to cause you this much trouble.'
'Where will Mark be now?'
Murk put the bag he was carrying down on the floor. 'I know a couple of pubs he uses near here. We'll try them, see if he's there. Otherwise I'll have to phone him down at the station.'
'OK,' said Tino, nodding. 'Let's go.'
'You're not going out like that, are you? It's cold out there, you're going to need a coat.'
Tino looked down at his shirt and jeans and decided Murk was right. He wasn't dressed for the English weather, even on a spring day. 'Hold on a minute, I'll go and get one.'
He turned and walked into the bedroom. As he did so, Murk opened the bag and took out a .38 Smith and Wesson and silencer. A rag wrapped round the handle to protect it from fingerprints meant that he didn't have to worry about gloves. He stepped over to the bedroom door and positioned himself to the

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