The Crimean War (92 page)

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Authors: Orlando Figes

Tags: #History, #Military, #General, #Europe, #Other, #Russia & the Former Soviet Union, #Crimean War; 1853-1856

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agin Giray, Khan of Crimea
Saint-Arnaud, Jacques Leroy de, French C-in-C Army of the East reservations about Sevastopol plan pre-landing conference with Raglan ill with stomach cancer comment on British at Evpatoria compares Sevastopol to 1812 Moscow looting and dies of heart-attack
Saint-Cyr, École spéciale militaire
Salzenberg, Wilhelm, drawings of Hagia Sophia mosaics
Samuel Colt (U.S. arms manufacturer)
San Stefano Treaty (1878)
sanitation, cholera and
Sardinian army: Chernaia river battle Malakhov assault
see also
Savoy: Napoleon III and union with France
Scott, Capt (9th Foot)
scurvy: British army French troops at Kars
Scutari military hospital poor medical conditions Florence Nightingale takes charge escalating death rate inspected by government sanitary commission
see also
medical treatment
Seacole, Mary
Seebach, Baron von (Saxon Minister in Paris) intermediary with Russia
Selim III, Sultan, military reforms
Semashko, Joseph, Bishop, and the nuns of Minsk
Serbia: Austrians ready to invade (1854) Britain and closer ties with Bulgaria and Balkan Slavs national church (Orthodox) Omer Pasha’s defence of Organic Statute pact with Romanian leadership possible support for Russians (1853) Russia and Russian partition plans (1852) the ‘Russian Party’ Turkish garrisons removed war dead war with Turkey (1876) warned not to interfere in Balkan revolts warning from Britain
Serpent Island, occupied by Russia
Serzhputovsky, General, siege of Silistria
Sevastopol: British naval strategy prime target of allies siege of (1854 – 1855) fortifications inadequate (1854) ships blown up to block harbour liquor store breached water supply cut civilians defence of celebrates the victory at Balaklava conditions in the town naval bombardment Lourmel’s Brigade soldiers walk in allied assault plans postponed til spring 1855 allied siege strategy rethought (1855) allied bombardment (Easter 1855) allied blockade takes hold (1855) allied bombardment (August-September 1855) armistices to collect dead and wounded encirclement rejected by Raglan Fifth Bastion fortified bastions and lunettes Fourth Bastion fraternization in ceasefires intelligence from allied deserters evacuation considered evacuation blown up and destroyed (Sept. 1855) Bukhmeier’s pontoon bridge allied armies in possession peace declaration port and fort installations destroyed by allies evacuation from and disposal of war
national humiliation and pride national shrine state commemorations
The Defence of Sevastopol
(panorama) (Roubaud)
see also
Crimea; Malakhov; Mamelon; Quarry pits; Redan; trench warfare
Seymour, Sir George Hamilton (British ambassador in St Petersburg) on Menshikov and Tsar Nicholas
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl
Shah Shuja, reinstatement of (1839)
Shamil, Imam: revolt in Chechnya infiltrated by Islamic fundamentalists Turkish military help western planned assault and Russian campaign against final defeat by Russian army
Shchegolov, Ensign Alexander, capture of HMS
Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
Sheik ül-Islam, re-consecration of Hagia Sophia mosque
shell shock
Shil’der, Gen Karl A., at Silistria (1854)
Shil’der, Nikolai, biography of Tsar Nicholas
Shuja Shah Durrani
Siberia: conquest of by Russia Pacific coast theatre of war
Silistria: allied reinforcements Arab Tabia redoubt Russian advance (1853) siege of (1854)
Simferopol the Napoleon III’s field plan Sevastopol wounded
Simpson, Gen Sir James: on French supply organization takes over as C-in-C Crimea
Sinope, battle of (1853): destruction of Turkish fleet response in France view of in Britain
Slade, Adolphus, RN (naval advisor to the Porte) comment on French soldiery
slave trade, after Tanzimat reforms
Slavophile movement support for Bulgarian rebels support for War
Slavs: national identities settlers in conquered areas
see also
Snow, John, prevention of cholera
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK)
Soimonov, Lt-Gen F. I. (10th Division), at Inkerman
Solferino, battle of (1859)
Solovetsky Monastery, bombarded by Royal Navy
Soviet Union: Cold War and Afghanistan commemoration of Sevastopol heroes tensions with NATO dissolution (1991)
see also
Soyer, Alexis
Spectateur de Dijon
spectators: at Alma at Balaklava
see also
war tourism
St George, Lt Col RA, storming of the Malakhov
St Nicholas fortress (Georgia), taken by Bashi Bazouks
St Petersburg, blockade called for
St Vincent de Paul, nuns in French military hospitals
Stakhova, Alexandra (nurse)
Stalin, Joseph: demands changes to Pudovkin’s film demands joint Soviet – Turkish control of Dardanelles
The Standard
Stanley, Edward, Lord Stanley (14th Earl of Derby)
Star Fort (Sevastopol)
Star of the South
(ship), lodgings for British officers and wives
steamships, enable fast movement of news
Steevens, Capt Nathaniel (88th Foot): ceasefire fraternization death of Col Egerton
Sterling, Lt-Col Anthony (93rd Highland Bde)
Stockmar, Christian Friedrich, Baron
Straits Convention (1841)
Convention of London
Stroganov, Count, governor-general of New Russia
Sturdza, Alexandru
Sturdza, Michael, Prince of Moldavia
Sukhozanet, Gen Nikolai reports on British threat in Central Asia
Suleiman Pasha (Ottoman commissioner in Bucharest)
Sulivan, Captain Bartholomew, reports on Baltic fortresses
Sunni Muslims, the Caucasus
supply ships, destroyed by the hurricane (1854)
Sveaborg (Baltic fortress)
Sweden: Baltic sea war and military treaty with Western powers Palmerston’s plans and
Switzerland, source of mercenary soldiers
Sylvester, Henry (Asst. Surgeon)
Syria, riots and attacks on Christians
Taganrog, destruction of part of allied Kerch raid
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de
Tanzimat reforms cost of Hatt-i Sharif and opposition to support for questioned in Britain
Tarle, Evgeny (Stalin era historian)
Tatars submit to Catherine the Great in Bulgaria exodus from the Crimea misinform allies about Sevastopol defences plan to involve in open field war refugees in Evpatoria reprisals by Russians resettled in Bessarabia revenge attacks in Kerch rise up against Russians upon arrival of allies Russian policy towards
Tatischev, Vasily
Taylor, Sir Herbert, Urquhart and
telegraph: speeds reception of news from the front underwater cable (Balaklava to Varna)
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord:
‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’
‘Testament of Peter the Great’
Theodosia (Kefe)
Thiers, Adolphe
Third Section (Russian secret police) attempt to contain rumours reports on more educated classes
Thompson, Elizabeth
Butler, Elizabeth (née Thompson)
Thoumas, Capt Charles (French army), letters home
Thouvenal, Édouard-Antoine de (French ambassador to the Porte) Hatt-i Hümayun decree
Three Emperors’ League (1873)
(Russian steam frigate)
, HMS, aground and captured at Odessa
The Times
(newspaper) ‘Anglicus’ articles attacked by Raglan comment on the death of the Tsar draws attention to poor medical conditions in Crimea influence on politics Islamic petition in Constantinople letters from officers and soldiers reaction to Sinope readers’ letters readers’ response to escalating Scutari deaths report on Light Brigade charge
Crimean Fund for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded
Timm, Vasily,
The Death of Admiral Nakhimov
Titov, Vladimir (Russian ambassador in Constantinople)
Tiutchev, Anna: pan-Slav ideas at court on Tsar Nicholas
Tiutchev, Fedor, pan-Slavism of
Tolstoy, Leo at Silistria attachment of to serfs Plan for the Reform of the Army reformist ideas response to Inkerman defeat in Sevastopol suggests a duel to decide outcome of war transferred to Esky-Ord watches destruction of Sevastopol ‘The Military Gazette’
Anna Karenina
A Landowner’s Morning
‘Sevastopol in August’ (short story) ‘Sevastopol in December’ (short story)
Sevastopol Sketches
War and Peace
a memoir
Tolycheva, Tatyana, escape from Sevastopol
Tomkinson, Capt (Light Bde), winter (1854 – 55)
Topal Umer Pasha (allied governor of Evpatoria)
Torrens, Gen Sir Arthur Wellesley (4th Division)
Totleben, Eduard (military engineer) comment on the French army defence of Sevastopol retires wounded
travelogues, impressions of Russia and the East
Trebizond, import of British manufactured goods
trench warfare allied armies after Malakhov and Redan failure daily shelling in allied trenches fraternization with Russians night raids on allied trenches shooting games trench digging trench fatigue/madness
see also
Triple Alliance (1856)
Tunisian troops
Turco-Russian War
Crimean War
Turgenev, Ivan: support for Bulgarians Tolstoy and
Ottoman Empire
Turks, a minority in the Ottoman Empire
Tuscany, monarch restored
typhus: French army inside Sevastopol
Ukraine: in possession of Crimea (1954) Russia gains possession of Ruthenian (Uniate) Catholics
Ultramontane (Clerical) party (France)
uniforms, belligerant armies
Union franc-comtoise
United States of America: relations with Great Britain relations with Russia sends warships to Eastern Mediterranean (1946)
Unkiar-Skelessi, Treaty of (1833), secret clause
Urquhart, David: anti-Russian agitation in Constantinople free trade speeches member of parliament Palmerston and Polish sympathies sympathy for Turkey and Islam trade mission to Turkey
England, France, Russia and Turkey
Turkey and Its Resources
Urusov, Prince S. S. (adjutant to Gen Osten-Sacken)
Uspensky, Porfiry, Archimandrite
Uvarov, Sergei
Uvazhnov-Aleksandrov, Colonel, shortlived command of Soimonov’s Division
Vaillant, Marshal (French Minister of War) council of war with allied leaders (1855)
Vanson, Lt, ‘souvenirs’ of Sevastopol
Vantini, Giuseppe
Yusuf, General
Varna: British and French troops cholera outbreak drunkenness among troops fire caused by arsonists Turkish army
Verney, Sir Harry,
Our Quarrel with Russia
Viazmitinov, Anatoly, in the Zherve battery
Vicars, Capt Hedley (Ninety-Seventh Regiment)
Victor Emmanuel: King of Piedmont-Sardinia war with Austria (1859) King of Italy Crimean War paintings
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain: Tsar Nicholas and description of Napoleon III political judgement of attitude to Russian invasion of Turkey comment on Clarendon abdication threat religious sympathies with Greeks sees necessity of war declaration of War on Russia (1854) knitting for soldiers calls Palmerston to form a government (1855) comments on the death of Tsar Nicholas does not trust Russian diplomatic moves not ready to end war and the Franco-Austrian peace ultimatum Napoleon III writes on alternative plans for war Serpent Island incident (1856) unhappy with the Crimean peace first Victoria Cross investiture collector of photographic memorabilia buys
The Roll Call
Victoria Cross, institution of
Viel-Castel, Horace de, on France as a great power
Vienna Conference (1853), peace terms offered to Russia
Vienna Conference (1855)
Vienna, Congress of (1815)
Villafranca, secret deal (France/Austria)
Ville de France
(French ship)
Vitzthum von Eckstädt, Karl Friedrich, Count (Saxon Minister to London)
(British schooner), gun-running to Circassia
Vladimir, Saint, Grand Prince of Kiev desecration of church of
Vladimirescu, Tudor
Voennyi sbornik
(military journal)
Volkonsky, Sergei
Voltaire, Catherine the Great and
Vorntsov, Count Semyon
Vorontsov, Prince Mikhail and Franco-Austrian peace proposals as governor-general in the Crimea palace hit by naval shells
Vyazemsky, Prince Pyotr, criticisms of the war

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