The Crocodile Nest (18 page)

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Authors: Des Hunt

BOOK: The Crocodile Nest
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The Moa Cave

…a real page-turner avoiding obvious plotlines and neatly capturing modern-day “tween” sensibilities.—

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A Friend in Paradise

This is an exciting read that is so very New Zealand you can just about smell the bush.—
New Books

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Frog Whistle Mine

Des Hunt has once again woven his magic in this delightful novel…which transcends the generation gap.—
Wanganui Chronicle

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Where Cuckoos Call

This home-grown ecological thriller is proof-positive there is more out there to entertain younger readers than just that prep-school wizard Harry.—
Wairarapa Times-Age

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Shadows in the Ice

…the dramatic New Zealand landscape [is] a powerful force in its own right.—
Sunday Star Times

…a rip-roaring finale that would make a fantastic film.—
The Dominion Post

Praise for
The Tooth

…the perfect book for when it’s too wet to go outside and dig up a pterodactyl.—

…good yarns with strong science themes featuring believable boys.—
The Dominion Post

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Whale Pot Bay

She cried the night after we finished reading it…‘I miss Whale Pot Bay!’—

Praise for
Cry of the Taniwha

It will keep you up all night…impossible to put down.—
Greymouth Evening Star



First published 2010
This edition published in 2010

by HarperCollinsPublishers
(New Zealand) Limited

P.O. Box 1, Auckland 1140

Copyright © Des Hunt 2010

Des Hunt asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

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National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Hunt, Des, 1941-

The crocodile nest / Des Hunt.

ISBN: 978 1 8695 0828 9 (pbk.)

ISBN: 978 0 7304 4550 0 (ePub)

[1. Fathers and sons—Fiction. 2. Australia—Fiction.] I. Title.

NZ823.3—dc 22

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