The Crocodile's Last Embrace

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Authors: Suzanne Arruda

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General

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“A larger-than-life heroine far ahead of her time.”

The Denver Post
Praise for the
Jade del Cameron Mysteries
Treasure of the Golden Cheetah
“Suzanne Arruda brings the flavor and flare of the golden era of silent movies and colonial Africa into each scene and chapter. This book is certainly a page-turner.”

Wichita Falls Times Record News
“Cinematic in its descriptions of Africa, compelling in plot—this is a true whodunit—and skilled in characterization,
Treasure of the Golden Cheetah
is the best so far of an outstanding series. And Arruda’s cliff-hanging ending will have readers yearning for the quick appearance of Jade’s next adventure.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch
“What an adventure! Jade is one strong, savvy woman, and her cheetah sidekick, Biscuit, makes a striking companion. If you like excitement, romance, and exotic locales, this book will spirit you away.”
—Sandi Ault, author of the Wild Mystery Series
The Leopard’s Prey
“Melds [Isak] Dinesen’s evocation of a bygone Africa with [Agatha] Christie’s ability to fashion a sharp whodunit. . . . Arruda writes with flair, creates an intriguing puzzle, and plays fair with clues. But the main attraction of this series is Jade herself—sometimes reckless, never feckless.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch
“Great characters, careful plotting, and an unusually beautiful depiction of Africa.”

Library Journal
“A lively mystery adventure with a strong sense of both its historical period and its exotic locale.”

Kirkus Reviews
The Serpent’s Daughter
“[A] rollicking tale of adventure and suspense . . . stellar.”

Library Journal
“Captivating . . . Jade’s escapades should appeal to fans of Elizabeth Peters’s Amelia Peabody series or the Indiana Jones movies.”

Publishers Weekly
“Jade del Cameron . . . is closer to Indiana Jones than Miss Marple in a book that is part adventure story, part mystery, part travelogue—and overall a rattling good read.”
—Rhys Bowen, author of
Royal Blood
Stalking Ivory
“Suzanne Arruda is fast creating her own unique and popular niche in mystery fiction. With deep research and rich imagination, she gives us Africa in the 1920s and a bold new heroine in Jade del Cameron. This is a series that deserves a long life.”

New York Times
bestselling author Nancy Pickard
“The resilient Jade will charm readers as she asserts her independence in rugged Africa.”

Publishers Weekly
“British East Africa is the seductive setting of this sequel to the author’s exuberant debut,
Mark of the Lion
. . . . Like its predecessor, this book is deliberately over the top, and great fun to read.”

The Denver Post
“Another top-notch mystery. . . . Fans of Ernest Hemingway and Agatha Christie alike will find this second tale of Jade’s exploits a ripping good yarn.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch
Mark of the Lion

Mark of the Lion
sweeps the reader along with an irresistible narrative and literary drive. If you’re looking for a fresh new mystery series, a vivid historical setting, and an especially appealing heroine, look no further. One of the most memorable mystery adventure stories I’ve read in a long time.”

New York Times
bestselling author Douglas Preston
“Jade del Cameron . . . brings new meaning to the word ‘gutsy.’ Vividly portraying the long-ago age of shooting safaris and British stiff-upper-lip attitudes, this novel is filled with appealing characters.”

The Dallas Morning News
“This debut novel delivers on its unabashedly romantic premise and for good measure throws in a genuine mystery. . . . It’s storytelling in the grand manner, old-fashioned entertainment with a larger-than-life heroine far ahead of her time.”

The Denver Post

Mark of the Lion
is historical mystery at its best, with a dynamic amateur sleuth and well-drawn supporting cast of quirky characters. First-time author Suzanne Arruda hits the reader with a gripping opening and builds tension, twists, and turns from there . . . a compelling premiere performance.”
—Karen Harper
“There’s something for everyone in this new series debut—mystery, history, adventure, travel, even a bit of romance.”

Library Journal
(Starred Review)
“Arruda’s debut is an enjoyable romp through a colorful place and period in which the heroine has a Douglas-Fairbanks-in-a-split-skirt charm.”

Kirkus Reviews
“An exciting, well-paced debut.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer
Mark of the Lion
Stalking Ivory
The Serpent’s Daughter
The Leopard’s Prey
Treasure of the Golden Cheetah
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First Printing, September 2010
Copyright © Suzanne Arruda, 2010
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Arruda, Suzanne Middendorf, 1954-
The crocodile’s last embrace: a Jade del Cameron mystery/Suzanne Arruda.
p. cm.
“An obsidian mystery.”
eISBN : 978-1-101-45996-6
1. Del Cameron, Jade (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Women private investigators—Kenya—
Fiction. 3. Americans—Kenya—Fiction. I.Title.
PS3601.R74C76 2010
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This book is dedicated to Bryan (PNut) Peters and Jeff Scott.
Semper Fidelis and Semper Paratus, gentlemen.
I’m proud of you.
MY THANKS TO the Pittsburg State University Axe Library Interlibrary Loan staff for their tireless efforts; Dr. Steve Timme, biology department, Pittsburg State University, and Serita Stevens, coauthor of
Book of Poisons
, both for their assistance with potential toxins; Dr. John Daley, history department chair, Pittsburg State University, and James Williamson, roving editor for
Gun Week
, for their advice on firearms; Bryan (PNut) Peters for field-testing a .45-caliber bullet on oak; author and writing buddy Terry (Tessa) McDermid, for her help bouncing ideas; my Border Crimes Chapter of SInC, especially Cami Litchfield for helping me understand con artists; James Arruda, for assistance with early parachutes; Michael Arruda, for the inspired help with the final title; my publicist, Megan Swartz, for all her hard work; my agent, Susan Gleason, and my editor, Ellen Edwards, for their continued belief and efforts in the series; all my family: The Dad, James, Michael, Dave, Nancy, Cynthia, and Emily, for helping me shamelessly promote the books. I especially wish to thank Joe, the greatest husband and webmaster a writer could ever want, for all his help and support; and Wooly Bear for continuing to keep her hairballs off the keyboard.

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