The Crossing (Immortals)

BOOK: The Crossing (Immortals)
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"Gifted Nash fleshes out the growing threat to the magical
and human communities as this thrilling series races toward its
conclusion. The power of passion, greed and jealousy provide
rich fodder for this story."

-RT BOOKreviews

"Nash takes readers on a fast journey, keeping the action going
from beginning to end. Cutting edge drama, creative characters
and a plot that moves like fire all create a great read. The
Immortals series just keeps getting better and it may be hard to
top this fantastic addition."

-Paranormal Romance Writers

"Joy Nash picks up the story line with style and keeps the reader

The Romance Readers Connection

"This book is fantasy romance done right and done well."

-All About Romance


"Deep Magic is filled with the imagery and magic of Druids
during the Roman Era.... Strong, lyrical writing with well-drawn
settings and characters bring the story alive. Suspense and twists
hold the reader's attention and an intense ending makes this a
satisfying read. Deep Magic is an enchanting tale."

-Romance Reviews Today

"Nash follows The Grail King with a love story that completely
envelops the reader in a magical world. Skilled at merging reality
with Druid legend, she illuminates a dark age with fiery passions,
political complexities, and an enchanting story."

-RT BOOKreviews

"Nash's Druids of Avalon series is neatly ticking off the trappings
of the Arthurian legend.... While this new twist on the legend is
interesting, the love story remains front and center. And it is a
good one.... If you're looking for a setting and a story line with
something different, I heartily recommend Deep Magic."

-All About Romance



"Not since Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy has the magic of Avalon
flowed as lyrically off the pages. Nash captures the myths of the
Druids in a fresh, exciting approach delivering a tale that grabs
hold of your heart and reaches deep into your soul bringing forth
joy and a belief in the old ways bound with the new."

-RT BOOKreviews, Top Pick, 41/2 stars

"The Grail King is a magnificent journey filled with adventure,
magic, friendship, and honor that will make it difficult to put
down until the end. It's a brilliantly written tale.. .with its strong
undertones of conflict between good and evil.... Beautifully written with dynamic lead characters and several equally potent secondary players, The Grail King will put readers into its magical
hold right from the beginning. Don't miss this terrific novel!"

-Romance Reviews Today

"The Grail King turned out to be a rare jewel of a book, which
grabbed my attention from the beginning and kept me enthralled
until the very end.... Wonderful, complex characters, an exciting,
adventurous plot, and a great romance.. .1 don't know how I've
missed reading Ms. Nash's work before now, but be assured she
goes on my auto-buy list. Do yourself a favor and read The Grail
King." - Once Upon a Romance Review


"Nash creates suspenseful, haunting and high-tension romance....
A top-notch read."


"Joy Nash has created a lush world for senses of all kinds..... his
is a wonderfully fast-paced read full of romance, love and fantasy
that will continue to burn in the hearts of readers after the last
page is turned."

-Fresh Fiction

"Joy Nash is definitely one to be watched. She has great worldbuilding skills, and her own personal magic with the pen is guaranteed to make hers a very strong name on the market in the not
too distant future."

-Love Romances


Mac spoke again, his tone serious. "Your life essence
is getting weak, Artemis. Dangerously so."

"I know. That blow I took from Malachi before the
elevator closed-"

"I can help with that." He drew her into his arms.
"Make you strong in light again. If you'll let me."

She nodded. "And you-you need a stronger death
shield if you're going to get through Hell without
attracting every demon along the way. I can do that.
But we have to work quickly. Who knows when that
door will open? Or what we'll encounter on the other

"Right. Quick." His hand smoothed down her back.
"I know a very quick, very effective way to swap power.
I say we go for it."

She went still. "You don't mean.. .you want to make
love? Here? Now?"


THE CALLING by Jennifer Ashley



THE GATHERING by Jennifer Ashley

THE REDEEMING by Jennifer Ashley

Other books by Joy Nash:





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