The Crucible (21 page)

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Authors: Arthur Miller

BOOK: The Crucible
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grabs him:
Never in this world! I know you, John—you are this moment singing secret hallelujahs that your wife will hang!
throws her down:
You mad, you murderous bitch!
ABIGAIL: Oh, how hard it is when pretense falls! But it falls, it falls!
She wraps herself up as though to go.
You have done your duty by her. I hope it is your last hypocrisy. I pray you will come again with sweeter news for me. I know you will—now that your duty’s done. Good night, John.
She is backing away, raising her hand in farewell.
Fear naught. I will save you tomorrow.
As she turns and goes:
From yourself I will save you.
She is gone. Proctor is left alone, amazed, in terror. He takes up his lantern and slowly exits.
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Act II, Scene 2, which appeared in the original production, was dropped by the author from the published reading version, the
Collected Plays,
and all Compass editions prior to 1971. It has not been included in most productions subsequent to the revival at New York’s Martinique Theatre in 1958 and was dropped by Sir Laurence Olivier in his London production in 1965. It is included here as an appendix on page 139.

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