The Cruel Twists of Love (24 page)

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Authors: kathryn morgan-parry

BOOK: The Cruel Twists of Love
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              The men were on time at nine o’clock and quickly started removing the old kitchen and taking extra care with the old Belfast sink
that Helen wanted it in the new kitchen that she helped plan with Phil. It was now one o’clock and Helen had finally finished the book.

. Taylor your husband asked us to check your height” Helen blushes by the strange stare he gives her and he was making Helen feel uncomfortable because his eyes wandered over her body all the time.

Why? Don’t kitchens come in standard sizes?”

Usually they do, but your husband wanted you to be at able reach when you know?” Helen blazes from the embarrassment

Then use your judgment”

Sorry Mrs. Taylor but your husband was most insistent that we measure you” Helen warily goes into the kitchen with him. Helen feels like she going to cry and bites her lip to hold it in when the workman marks the wall at waist height and touches her hip when he skims her with his hand to check the mark is correct. Helen knows by the look he gave her that it was deliberate.

That should do nicely Mrs. Taylor” Helen steps hastily away from the man and heads back to the living room

. Taylor we are going to dinner now, so we see you at two.” He calls from the door way and Helen breathes a sigh of relief when the workmen head out the front door and Helen locks it behind them. The film from the other day is making you jumpy Helen she teases herself.

           The kitchen is now empty and the window has been ripped out. The gap was covered over with blue tarpaulin making the kitchen look unearthly. The men were going to make the window bigger after dinner then they would make a start on fitting a larger one tomorrow. Helen hears the front door opening, that’s funny she thinks Phil not due home until six and she locked up after the men left. She walks
out into the hall where a woman has just entered. She looks about fifty Helen thinks when she walks towards her.

Can I help you?” the woman looks up surprised that someone was there. She is tall and thin with bad skin and greasy wavy hair but expensive looking clothes.

Oh, I thought no one would be here” the woman fidgets with the key in her hand

“I’ve come for mum’s stuff I
can help myself to what I want” Helen is surprise to be staring at Phil’s mum, but on closer inspection she had the same eyes

Then you will have to come back when Phillip is here” Helen says firmly

“I will not, it mine and I’m entitled to it”
but Helen hears the hesitancy in her voice

Sorry you might be right but you will have to come back later, he will be home at six”

Oh you feisty than the last one then tell him I need some more money he knows where to find me there a good girl, oh don’t bother I go and see him in work” Helen watches his mum down the path and Elsie waves and comes round with two cups of tea.

“I see you met Diane,
is she after more money?”

Something like that, I thought Phil never saw her?”

Only when she wants money” Elsie shrugs sadly

hat what we fell out over, Phil felt he owed her something when his Nan died. She left him everything you see and not a penny to Diane”

What about keepsakes?”

Nothing Helen, Mavis knew she sell it and she was not supporting her drug habit. You would never guess she only forty would you but that what drugs do to you I guess” Helen could sympathies with Phil, she might have sold it but to leave nothing to your only child is harsh Helen thinks pitifully.

Are you going to let me in or are you going to stand guard all day?”

Sorry Elsie come on in and thanks for the tea” standing aside and locking the door as soon as Elsie steps through the door

You are a bit skittish today Helen anything wrong?”

The workman who is in charge makes me feel uncomfortable that all, it just me being silly”

Then talk to Phil when he gets home Helen because you got to listen to your gut. I will stay until he gets home”

Thanks Elsie but I be alright, like I said I’m probably being silly”

Pish pash Helen I’m staying and that the end of it, now if you don’t mind Countdown‘s on” Helen follows Elsie and turns the television on for Countdown. Helen is glad the bench is back in the shed when she sits down next to Elsie. She never liked game shows but Helen could tolerate the show for Elsie sake.

Who decorated this room Elsie? Only it’s different from the rest of the house”

“I think it was Carol. She was always a strange girl, she lived here in town but after that bit of bother with Phillip they started dating. About time he woke up and found someone nice”
Elsie smiles at her then puts her finger to her lips. Helen hands her some paper and a pen so she can join in with the program.     

        Phil arrives home at seven and Elsie quickly leaves from the stony look Phil gives her.

“You look in a bad mood?” Phil tensely nods

“I heard you had a visitor earlier, are you alright
? Only mum can be a bit verbal with her words”

“I’m fine Phil” wrapping her arms
around his neck and embracing him

“I missed you too” pushing Helen onto the couch and kissing her

“Phil the workers are still here” she says shocked when he lifts her dress a little

Then keep quiet Helen, did you watch the film?”


Then you have to be punished later but now I going to make love to you, not one sound Helen or double punishments”  parting her legs and pulling up Helen dress he slides her panties down her legs and he slides down her body. Winding the legs he buries his head and starts licking her. Helen bites her hand to stop the moans of pleasure. Phil quickly pulls down his trousers and hooks his thumb into Helen mouth

It will stop you moaning Helen, suck it for me” Helen sucks his thumb and Phil exposes Helen bra, pulling it down and biting her nipple. Helen’s moan is trapped inside her with his thumb

Sorry Helen I going to be quick” thrusting into Helen quickly and climaxing after a few thrusts.

Sorry Helen, I’ve missed you we will try again later” Helen feels frustrated because she never even felt any pleasure from him. Being depraved of an orgasm she could live with but she felt she needed more than that from him.

will go and see what the men are up to” kissing Helen and doing up his trousers.

         Helen tidies herself up
and picking up her panties and going upstairs, she couldn’t have a shower because the water was off but she freshened herself up with some wet wipes.

There you are Helen, punishment time?”

“I don’t want to play yet Phil, later after the men are gone”

“They just tidying up downstairs, they will be back tomorrow, so you got to stay another night but I‘m going to have to stay the night again at work”

“I don’t like the guy in charge he makes me
feel uncomfortable”

Maybe the dress was a bad idea? You can wear something a little less flattering tomorrow” kissing Helen swiftly on the lips

will see the men out and be back in a bit” and Phil rushes downstairs. Helen can hear Phil loudly talking and the door closing and Helen goes downstairs anxiously.

Is anything wrong?”

“I was just warning him
off Helen” pulling Helen hair when she reaches him

Punishment time.”

“I don’t want to play Phil”

“But I need to Helen, so be a good girl and play” Phil has that look that tells Helen it was better to give in than make him wait, so she allows him to yank her hair towards the stairs. Pulling hard on Helen hair up to the middle stairs

Kneel Helen” she kneels and Phil removes her dress slowly

Stay, there a good girl” Helen stays very still and Phil goes back down the stairs. Helen hears the front door opening then silence when she waits. He slams the door hard when he comes back in and coming up the stairs quickly.

Good girl” he kneels down behind her and slipping something velvety around her neck and tightens the strap

There a good girl, that looks nice maybe if you very good we get you a proper collar? Now lie down on your front” Helen lies down and Phil pulls her bra off then her fresh panties she just put on.

Lift your legs” she does as she told and he attaches them to her neck with a leather strap and pulling the straps tighter making Helen arch her body. Phil goes upstairs and Helen hears something dropping to the side of her then a few seconds later the other side and Phil comes back down. Parting her legs he ties her knee to some rope then the other knee. Pulling the rope tighter and Helen feels her lower body lifting and her legs parting when they pulled apart by the rope. Helen uses her arms to take her upper body’s weight.

That a beautiful sight Helen” kissing Helen in-between her parted legs. Helen moans when he inserts his fingers into her anus. Licking and pushing his fingers into her and he slaps her hard on the side of her hips. Helen convulses from the painful impact.

You are a beautiful sight Helen” Helen hangs almost upside down and Phil enters her, moaning her pleasure when he thrust his fingers in her anus and thrusting down hard when he hits her very hard on the hip again and using his hand to glide her body to his. Phil moaning his delight and he thrust continuously. Helen was beginning to feel a little light headed but she builds in her pleasure with her dizziness.

Phil pulls out of her and slaps Helen hard on her hips again. Helen feels herself lowering back down to the floor. Phil unties her and reties her wrists together. Pushing Helen knees up a little, so that her bottom rises up and he grabs hold of Helen hips and violently pushes his body into Helen’s. Helen cries out with the painful thrust of Phil’s body when he enters her. She hides her face because she feels burning hot with pleasure when he roughly thrusts into her and building her pleasure with each pounding thrust of him inside her. Phil pulls Helen’s hair hard and over and over his painful thrusts come at her until her powerful orgasm. With the cold sweat running down Helen’s back making her shiver and Phil roughly pounding his body into Helen body and follows Helen noisily with his own climax into her, un-strapping Helen as soon as he pulls out of her.

Oh Helen that was different, did you like that?” and kissing her shoulders gently

“Phil you can do that to me anytime” she says panting softly

“I think I will Helen, now bed I need some sleep before work”

Mmm” Helen says sleepily. Phil lifts Helen in his arms and carries her to his bed

“I glad you not heavy Helen
because you are making a habit of this” Placing Helen gently on the bed and spooning up next to her and Helen falls asleep in his arms.

            Phil slaps her hard and she wakes confused by the sting on her bottom

“Get up lazy dinner will be here soon” Helen looks at Phil dazed

Get up Helen…”

“It feels like I’ve just come to bed, I’m so sleepy Phil” Helen says with
a yawn

“I know doubles are a pain but you hardly ate yesterday” Phil slaps her lightly and Helen gets up to go to the bathroom

“Don’t forget there is no hot water” Helen had forgotten she scolds herself

will have a cold one, only I’m sticky from earlier”

will call you when the pizza here” Helen nods and heads for the dreaded shower.

           She dressed before the pizza comes
, with Helen not wanting to stay too long in the icy water and goes to find Phil. She finds him reading the newspaper in the television room.

Bend over my lap you haven’t had your punishment yet”

Role-play Phil not lifestyle remember?” she warns him

“I know but I would like to spank my fiancé” Phil raises his one eyebrow at her and Helen laughs
at him

How do you do that?”

How do I do what?”

The eyebrow thing only I have always found men sexy who can do that”

Let me slap you and I will do it again for you”

No Phil, I‘m not in the mood”

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