The Cub Club (2 page)

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Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Cub Club
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Blessed relief at last!

Finally able to stand up straight now that the pain was gone, Adam stretched and moved back to his chair at the bedside. Eva was lying on her side, rubbing her rounded belly as her eyes drooped. It was no wonder she was exhausted. They’d been up most of the night, and it was now early afternoon.

“You should both try to get a little rest before the time comes to push,” Stephanie suggested. “I’ll be here, so don’t worry about visitors. I’ll update them in the hall and direct them to the waiting area.”

“Thank you, Stephanie.” And Adam really meant that. The woman was a tremendous help, and he was glad to have her on hand during this pregnancy. He understood it couldn’t be easy for her to be surrounded by pregnant women when she’d lost her own child barely two years before.

“Yes, thank you,” Eva echoed. “I don’t mind if any of the women are present for the birth, as long as the doctor is okay with it. If Angela and Sarah want to come in, that would be fine. Maybe Lacy will be off duty by then, too.”

The fact Eva was open enough to include his mother, and their sisters-in-law, Sarah and Lacy, couldn’t have made him happier. Adam knew that his mother would be ecstatic over being present at the birth of her first grandchild. It would help Sarah to prepare herself for her upcoming birth, and Lacy might just catch the baby-fever if she hung around, too.

Stephanie smiled. “I’m glad you guys are letting me be a part of this. It means a lot to me. Abe is still a little worried, and I can tell that you two are as well, but I’m okay. I’ve finally gotten my closure, and I’m looking forward to trying for another child soon. Now, you rest, and I’ll go update everyone out here.”

Finally alone again with Eva, Adam went over to her and placed his hand over hers where their child rested inside her and even now was fighting to make her way into the world.

“I hope she looks like you,” Adam whispered. “A perfect little angel with springy red curls, a heart-shaped mouth and porcelain skin. She’s going to be so beautiful, Eva. Just like her mother.”

Smiling, Eva gazed lovingly up at him, and it was every bit as powerful as the first time. “She’ll have your eyes for sure, and your strength, and hopefully, your sense of humor, too. I have no doubt you’ll spoil her completely rotten, but I also know she’ll have you right here,” she said, holding her pinky up.

Adam just laughed. That was the absolute truth, and he knew it. Already, he’d been scolded for the amount of stuffed animals that filled every corner of the baby’s room. Not to mention, the flack he’d caught from his brothers after taking it upon himself to paint the nursery a soft, pastel pink with a white teddy bear border around the tops of the walls. Lord, he’d never hear the end of that—well, at least not until he caught them doing the same.

Another yawn escaped Eva, and Adam brushed her hair from her brow as he suggested, “Why don’t we try to get a little rest, like Stephanie said? Our little girl is still going to need your help to get here, and I think you’re pretty wiped right now.”

“I am. I was having such a hard time sleeping last night, even before my water broke, but I’m afraid I’ll miss something if I sleep now.”

“Like what?” Adam asked. He was a little confused, because it wasn’t as if this whole thing could happen while she slept.

“What if something goes wrong? What if her heart rate goes down or the contractions stop? I can’t feel them anymore, so I wouldn’t know. Something could happen to her while I slept and I would never forgive myself.”

“That’s why you have me.” Stephanie came into the room with Lacy, Sarah and Angela close on her heels. “I promise I won’t leave your side for a second while you are resting. We’ll be quiet, and you and Adam can nap in peace for as long as you can before it’s time to start pushing or until the next exam, whichever comes first.”

Adam could feel Eva was still nervous, but after a moment, she began to relax. “Thank you. It makes me feel better to know a medical professional will be in the room with me the whole time.” She turned her attention to the other women as Sarah managed to lower herself into the chair once more. “How are the twins?”

“Hyper,” Sarah complained. “I can’t tell which one is kicking and which one is punching. Hell, for all I know, they could be having a brawl in there. Sure feels like it anyway.”

“So they take after their mother?” Adam quipped.

“Behave, boy,” his mother scolded. “These women have endured a lot of changes in their bodies over a very short time, and they’re both doing wonderful. Our jobs are to keep them comfortable and happy so that these buns stay in their ovens until the timer goes off.”

“Well, I’ll never look at an oven timer the same now. Thanks for that, mom.”

Eva giggled. “I think I will try for a few minutes of shuteye. A power nap would do me some good right about now.”

“Absolutely!” Angela exclaimed. “You two rest, and we’ll just relax for a few ourselves.”

Adam waited until Eva was settled into a comfortable position then rested his head on the side of her mattress. Within minutes, her breathing had slowed and evened out in sleep, and he allowed himself to follow after her, confident that she was being watched over.


Chapter Two




“It’s time,” the doctor announced.

He’d come in about two hours after they’d fallen asleep, and now, declared Eva to be ten centimeters dilated and ready to push. This was really it. Adam’s daughter would be here very soon, and he and Eva would finally get to see their little angel.

“Sweetheart, you’ve got this. I know you can do it,” he encouraged. “I’m right here. You just squeeze my hand and give it all you’ve got.”

The doctor smiled up at them both, as nurses moved about the room with various pieces of equipment. There looked to be a plastic bassinet, blankets, a hospital bracelet, and even a little ink pad and card to do foot and handprints. On a tray to the side of the doctor was a little suction bulb, scissors, sutures—

What the hell?

She was giving birth, not having surgery! What in the world would he need sutures for?

“Okay, Eva. On the next contraction, I need you to bear down and push as I count to ten. Are you ready?” the doctor asked.

“As ready as I can be,” Eva replied. “Lacy, can you hold this hand while Adam has the other? Stephanie can stand by Sarah to make sure that she doesn’t get too squeamish.”

It was the excuse they’d worked out beforehand so that Stephanie could have a good view of the “business end” of things. She’d done her rounds in the labor and delivery wings during her residency, but that had been years ago. She was determined to re-educate herself to the best of her ability all the way up until Sarah delivered.

Angela, the matriarch of the family, was determined to be there for the birth as well, and after having four sons of her own—all at home with only herself and her mate—she’d be able to answer any questions or problems that might arise in regard to Sarah’s werewolf make-up.

“I can see the top of her head!” Sarah squealed. “What are you doing with those?”

Adam looked down where the doctor was gingerly snipping the scissors, and cringed before looking back at Eva’s face.

“What? Is something wrong?” she panted.

“No. Just wondering if you could feel that, because I sure didn’t.” And he was damn glad for it.

“Feel what?”

“I simply performed a small episiotomy to help prevent you from tearing as she comes out,” the doctor explained. “I’ll put in a few stitches once everything is done, and you’ll be as good as new.”

Adam knew he should keep his mouth shut, but really, what man didn’t want to say, “Hey, doc. Throw an extra stitch in for me, would ya?” Well, when Adam let that little joke rip—right on cue—the death glares of every woman in the room locked on him. “Easy ladies! I was only kidding, honest!”

“Adam, if you want to survive to go tell all the men about your beautiful daughter, I’d pick the rest of your words carefully,” Lacy warned. “I’ve seen pregnant women go for the jewels when the pain reached its crescendo, so trust me when I tell you to tread lightly.”

“Duly noted. I’m sorry, Eva. I was only playing.”

“I know, sweetie. I’m not offended.”

Another round of pushing, and Adam started to feel a sort of odd pressure in his nether regions. Not sure what it could be, he glanced back down just in time to see his daughter’s head emerge.

“I can see her! Oh, Eva, she’s coming out now!” he practically shouted, his excitement bubbling over.

“Believe me, I’m aware. Keep watching. You will remember this for the rest of your life,” she instructed.

“One more push, and you’ll have your daughter in your arms, Eva. Come on, just give me one more hard push,” the doctor urged.

Lacy and Adam helped to raise Eva’s shoulders as she gave it her all, and together, they all watched as the physician raised a wiggling infant for all to see. There was Adam’s daughter, with a cap of copper waves on her head and her little chin quivering before releasing a frustrated cry. With little fists clenched and feet kicking, his girl let everyone know just how she felt about leaving the warmth of her mother’s womb to be forced into the cool hospital room where she now shivered and cried.

“That has got to be the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” Eva sobbed.

“Would you like to do the honors?” the doctor asked. He was holding up a pair of scissors, offering Adam the chance to cut the cord. Once he was done, the nurse took the baby girl over to the little station they had and set about cleaning her up, measuring her, and taking her weight.

A few moments later, the same nurse brought over the pink swaddled bundle and placed her on her mother’s chest. Eva was smiling from ear-to-ear, happy tears streaming down her face, as she took in the squalling infant.

“Look what we did,” Adam whispered. “She’s perfect, just like her mother.”

Angela and Lacy gathered close to check out the newest addition, and his mother asked, “So have you two decided on a name for my granddaughter yet?”

Eva looked up to Adam and beamed. “We picked the perfect name right before we went to bed last night,” she announced. “Adalynn Marie Wolfe.”

“Oh, that’s a beautiful name,” Angela said, clapping her hands together.

“That’s a very pretty name for a very pretty girl,” Lacy cooed at little Adalynn where she now snoozed on Eva’s chest.

Stephanie was still focused on everything the doctor was doing down below, and Adam made the colossal mistake of looking down just as the doctor was placing the afterbirth into what looked like a large bowl.

Nope, not looking down there again!

From now on he’d just focus on his tiny cub and his amazing mate. They were much more pleasant to look at.

“It’s time for me to take her down to the nursery for a bit,” a tall nurse announced as she fastened a small, pink, hospital band to Adalynn’s ankle. “You might want to rest up. We’ll be back in about an hour or two, once we get her bathed and check her labs.”

Eva bowed her head to place a gentle kiss on the baby’s head, and Adam followed suit before the nurse lifted Adalynn and placed her into the bassinet to roll out.

As the women in the room extended their congratulations and praised Eva, Adam turned his attention to a slightly pale Sarah. Worried that something could be wrong, he grabbed Stephanie’s arm and spun her to face their sister-in-law.

“Sarah?” Stephanie tried to gain her attention, but Sarah’s wide amber eyes were still trained on Eva. “What’s the matter? You’ve got to talk to me here. I didn’t wear my psychic hat today.”

It took a moment, but she finally replied with a whispered, “No scissors.”

Adam couldn’t help but wince. Sarah wouldn’t have the privilege of pain meds, so…yeah.

Stephanie, the only one brave enough to deny a pregnant Sarah anything, spoke softly yet firmly when she informed Sarah, “I’ll use whatever is needed to ensure your twins are born safely. Don’t worry though. When a pregnancy involves multiples, the babies are always smaller.”


Stephanie nodded before adding, “Besides, Adam has a fat head, so poor Eva had that going against her from the start.”

Scowling, he caught her quick wink and knew she was trying to distract Sarah with a little humor.

“Why don’t we all go ‘ooh’ and ‘ah’ by the nursery windows and let these two rest a little?” Lacy suggested.

After saying their goodbyes, the women exited the room leaving only the medical personnel behind. The doctor approached Eva as one of the nurses helped her reposition her legs from the stirrups to the bed.

“You did very well, Eva,” he smiled. “I had to put a few stitches in, but they’ll dissolve and be gone in a few weeks. Now remember, no sex for the next six weeks. If you notice any—”

Six weeks?
Six weeks
! Adam’s mind checked out of the conversation. He couldn’t touch his mate intimately for a month and a half?

When the physician and everyone else was finally gone, Adam settled back at Eva’s side and kissed her sweat-dampened brow. “You did it, sweetheart.”

“We did it. I’m glad I got the epidural when I did. I honestly worried that you might get sick. You weren’t looking too good,” she teased.

“I’ll admit I have a newfound respect for mothers everywhere. Actually, maybe, I should go apologize to mine.”

Eva laughed, only to stop abruptly when a twinge of pain went through her abdomen. Having felt her discomfort, Adam said, “I thought the pain would be over.”

“They cut off the epidural meds, but think about it, Adam. I just put my abdominal muscles through one hell of a workout, so they’re going to be sore for a few days.”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wish I could take it away, but I’ll admit, the end result is definitely worth the pain. Adalynn is the cutest baby in the history of babies, and it’s all because of her beautiful mother. I love you, Eva.”

“I love you too, Adam,” Eva replied, stifling a yawn.

“Get some rest while you can. I’ll be right here with you, and we’ll have our baby girl back soon.”

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