The Culture of Fear (55 page)

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Authors: Barry Glassner

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on teen violence
on television murders
on youth violence
Nicolson, Garth on GWS
Nieman Reports,
on workplace health/safety issues
on breast implants
on Valujet crash
Nixon, Richard drug abuse and
Northeastern University
Novak, Thomas on cyberporn
Nursing homes, problems with
National Vaccine Information Center
Obama, Barack
decision to run for president
Obama, Michelle
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
criticism of
news stories about
Occupational injuries
media coverage of
rate of
O’Day, Dawn
O’Day, Misty
O’Driscoll, Patrick
on road rage
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention OJJDP)
O’Hayer, Dennis on road rage/guns
Ohio State University
Oklahoma City bombing
Olin Foundation
O’Neill, Barry
On the Safe Side
Oppositional defiant disorder
Oprah Winfrey Show
on metaphoric illnesses
on road rage
O’Quinn, John breast implant suits by
Occupational Health and Safety Administration
Osiris, myth of
Pager, Devah
heydays for.
See also
Fear mongering
Patriot Act
“Papa’z Song” (Shakur)
Parks, Rosa attack on
Political correctness
clergy and
in cyberspace
e-mail from
fear mongering about
homosexuality and
molestation and
murders by
studies of
Pena, Federico on Valujet crash
Pennington, Chris
Koontz and
on gun control laws
on Hamilton/pedophilia
on Riggs murder
on road rage
on teen motherhood
teen sex survey
Pereles, Jon on Shakur
Pergament, Moshe on teen gambling
Perot, Ross
Pharmaceutical industry
advertising by
politics and
scientific research and
Philadelphia Daily News,
on road rage
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
on Koontz
Plato, on children/allegory
Pliny the Elder
Poe, Edgar Allan
Political correctness (PC)
conservatives and
fear of
mass media and
power of
Pollitt, Katha
Pornographer’s Handbook: How
Exploit Women, Dupe Men &MakeLots of
Money, The
Child pornography
Povich, Maury
Powell, Colin
errors in
sexism and
Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses
Price, Craig murders by
“Primetime,” on aviation safety
Project Exile, Richmond, Virginia
Product liability cases
breast implant
black men and
coverage of
Psychiatric hospitals, adolescent admissions to
Psychology Today,
on Young
Psychotropic drugs
Public Broadcasting Corporation, Bennett on
Pygmalion Effect
Qaeda, al
Quayle, Dan
on Shakur
teen motherhood and
Quillian, Lincoln
Quindlen, Anna
Quintana, Adella pregnancy of
Quintana, Francesca
fear mongering and
stereotypes and
and teen pregnancy
and 2008 election
Rainey, James
Ramsey, JonBenet murder of
Rape crisis
furor over.
See also
Date rape
Rap musicians
campaign against
fear mongers and
Rather, Dan
Reagan, Ronald
drug abuse and
Reich, Robert on down-waging/down-benefiting
Reuter, Peter
Reuters news agency, on Hamilton/pedophilia
Richmond, Virginia’s “Project Exile,”
Ricki Lake Show,
on teen pregnancy
Riggs, Anthony murder of
Riggs, Toni
Riggs murder and
Rimm, Marty
cyberporn and
experiment by
children on
Rivera, Geraldo on child abduction
Rivers, Caryl on crime victims
Road rage
coverage for
deaths from
and drunk driving compared
fear mongering and
guns and
increase in
Richard Schlessinger on
Roberts, Cokie on breast implants
Roberts, Deborah on flower children/drug abuse
Roberts, Paul Craig
on Chico State/PC
on white males
Robertson, Pat
Robinson, Desmond shooting of
Rockefeller, Jay
Rock music, violence in
stories about
Roiphe, Katie on rape-crisis feminists
Rolling Stone,
on Koontz
Roofie stories
veracity of
Rosenbaum, Marsha on monster moms
Rosenthal, A. M.
on Muhammad
Ross, Brian
on aviation safety
on FAA
Rowse, Arthur on Persian Gulf atrocity stories
Russakoff, Dale on abduction laws
Russell, Don on road rage
SabreTech, Valujet crash and
Safeguarding Our Children
Saf-T-Child, packaging by
Saillant, Catherine, on MySpace
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
on date rape drugs
on drug abuse
St. Petersburg Times,
on workplace violence
Sally jesse Raphael Show,
Thorpe and
San Francisco Chronicle
on Chico State/PC
on Ideon
San Francisco Examiner
on Chico State/PC
Saunders, Debra on Chico State/PC
Sawyer, Diane on heroin
Sawyer, Forrest on Valujet crash
Scare campaigns
impact of
PC and
success of
Schiavo, Mary
on aviation safety
fear mongering by
Schlessinger, Richard, on road rage
security at
shootings at
Schorr, Daniel on Hinckley/fantasy violence
Schulhofer, Stephen on child abduction policy issues
Schur, Peter
Schwartz, Ira on psychiatric hospitals
Schwartzkopf, Norman
Schwarzenegger, Arnold violence and
Screwup parents
Seattle Times,
on teen gambling
Secondary scholars, relying on
September 11, 2001
and the Bush administration
civil liberties, after
media coverage
Seung-Hui, Cho
and rap
and drug prescribing
Shaffer, Howard on teen gambling
Shakespeare and Company
Shakespeare courses, data on
Shakespeare Theatre
Shakur, Tupac
death of
lyrics by
Shalala, Donna
on child abuse/neglect
on illegitimacy
Shapiro, Michael on screwup parents
Shaw, David
Shaw, George Bernard
Sheldon, Lou on pedophilia/homophobia
Shenon, Philip on GWS
Showalter, Elaine
on GWS
on illnesses/media
Siano, Brian
MCS and
Silberner, Joanne on breast implants
Silicone Survivors
Simon, Gregory on MCS
Simon, Paul missing children and
Simpson, O.J.
Single mothers
attack on
myths about
Single-parent families
criticism of
fear mongering about
and two-parent families compared
magazine, on PC,
Smith, Harry
Clinton interview of
Smith, Susan
portrayal of
Smut-blocking software
Sobel, David L.
Social problems, neurologizing of
Sociological Spectrum
Some Reasons for
Song of Solomon
Sontag, Susan on metaphoric illnesses
Southwest Airlines
Spectator, The
black anti-Semitism in
Spitz, René experiments by
Spock, Benjamin
Starbucks Coffee, warning by
Stern, Willy
on ValuJet crash
Stewart, Charles
Stranger danger
Teen suicide
Swartz, Amber and Kim
Swoboda, Frank
on workplace health/safety issues
breast implant scare and
metaphoric illnesses and
Tears of Rage
Technology Review
death penalty for
on the Internet
media portrayal
prosecution of
and school shootings
and sex
Teen drug abuse
scare about
surveys on
Teen gambling
extent of
Teen motherhood
criticism of
educational/economic decline and
fear mongering about
illegitimacy and
public awareness of
real world children of
stereotypes about
Teen pregnancy
coverage of
educational/economic decline and
fear mongering about
Gloucester, Massachusetts, “pregnancy pact,”
and race
statistics on
Teen suicide
black males and
decrease in
Teen violence
coverage for
antidrug themes on
crime reporting on
fear mongering about
illegal drug abuse and
violence on
Tenured Radical
Terry, Randall
See also
September 11, 2001
threat of
Thomas, Shawn (C-Bo) arrest of
Thorpe, Laura breast implant removal by
“Til My Casket Drops” (Thomas)
on aviation safety
on black anti-Semitism
on crack babies
on cyberporn
on Hamilton/pedophilia
on homicide victims
on Izquierdo
on Lopez
Rimm and
on road rage
on teen pregnancy
on workplace violence
Time Warner, rap music and
Tinsley, Margaret
on fear of children
on teen violence
To Catch a Predator
(NBC series)
“Today Show”
“Vaccine Roulette” on
Walsh on
Tort reform movement
Toxic mold
2008 presidential election
Tricycle manufacturer, suit against
True Lies,
violence in
Truman, Harry
Tucker. Delores
antirap campaign by
Shakur and
Tuning in Trouble: Talk TV’s Destructive Impacton Mental Health
(Heaton and Wilson)
“Turning Point,” on heroin
TWA Flight 800 crash
counterfeit parts and
20/20 (TV show)
on child abuse
on elder abuse
Clinton on
on flower children/drug abuse
on pornography/
on road rage
2 Live Crew
lyrics by
prosecution of
Two-parent families
and single-parent families compared
troubled children in
UNICEF study
Unemployment crime rates and
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
breast implants and
DPT vaccine and
U.S. News & World Report
on aviation safety
on battered husbands
on Chico State/PC
on heroin
on Persian Gulf atrocity stories
on road rage
on teen gambling
U.S. Postal Service employees, violence by
U.S. Sentencing Commission, crack cocaine and
University of California
University of California, Berkeley
University of New Hampshire
University of Oregon
Unwed motherhood
effects of
cancellations for

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