The Curse of Betrayal (27 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lavati

BOOK: The Curse of Betrayal
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I try to watch his eye movement to gauge where his shot is going to go, but I clearly guess wrong. The ball nails me square in the gut. I fall back on my ass, the air rushing out of me. I turn over and my ribs ache like they did in the beginning. Shooting pain travels up my left side all the way to my neck. I lean over so I’m on my knees and face down to the floor. I feel like I might puke, but it’s hard to just breathe. I try to take a deep breath even though it stings.

“Damn-it,” I whisper to myself, cradling my stomach in my arms.

“Are you okay?” Ari rushes to my side, placing his hand on my back affectionately.

“Fine,” I mutter, not wanting to look into those eyes, not wanting them to suck me in.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, Ari. I’m fine.” I finally meet his green eyes, but I strategically place a wall before me so he can’t see what I’m feeling. I don’t let him in and mask my emotions completely. I feel like I’m dying from pain, throbbing, yet the images from my dream continue to haunt me with each blink.

“Whatever, little girl.” He uses the nickname that makes me swoon, and I almost call him back to kiss me until I’m better, but I don’t. Instead, I sulk to the bleachers, out of the game with a throbbing in my stomach, burning in my ribs, and limp to my step.


chasing a broken dream

I pout on the sidelines for the rest of class while everyone else runs around having fun. I don’t care, though. I never thought that was fun anyway, so hah! Jokes on them. Ari continues to peek over at me with worried, evergreen eyes, and I have to give him a dirty look each time to make him turn away. Once we’re released from class, I wait for Kara and then head into the locker room.

I get dressed fast and then run out of the locker room, sprinting down the halls after uttering a quick goodbye to my friends. It’s getting warmer outside, which is a nice change, but I know that winter is still in full force. It’s only mid-February, but I can have hope.

I walk into the admin building and stumble into Professor Onassis’ room before she’s even in there. I take my now usual seat on the big couch and wait on her to come. The warning bell rings, vibrating off the large picture windows, but she’s still not here. I twiddle my thumbs, anxiously waiting for Professor Onassis to arrive.

It’s another five minutes before she rushes in, dropping a stack of papers, books, and other random items on her desk. She looks flustered, so I remain silent, waiting for her to be ready.

“So sorry, darling,” she mutters, throwing down her purse and finally sitting in the large plush swivel chair behind her desk. She leans her elbows on the desk and rests her head on them, like she’s about to fall asleep. Then her eyes find mine.

“Are you okay?” I ask as she struggles to regain her composure.

“Just busy. I’ve been researching your curse.” She shuffles some papers and then focuses back on me. “I think it might link to something deeper. That’s why I left in such a hurry after the tragic attack on the school.”

“Really?” I have trouble believing her. We’ve been in the library so much lately but have only hit dead ends. No book has helped us.

“Yes, but I don’t want to get our hopes up. Give me time to look into it.” She crushes my hopes of a simple solution. Of course, it can never be black and white. It has to have all this gray area with loopholes and what not. As if it wasn’t confusing enough.

“I’d like to try controlling my dreams now. I think I get what you’ve told me, and I’d really like to go back to one of my dreams,” I tell her, crossing my fingers that amidst all of this drama and fighting, she’ll help with something so minuscule like dream controlling.

“What are you trying to see?” Her interest is instantly piqued, and she pushes herself up in her seat.

“It’s kind of weird, but I saw Ari and Magdelina. He whispered something to her, and I’d really like to know what it was. It’s been bothering me since the dream,” I tell her.

“Okay. Do you have the image of when you’d like to travel to in your mind?” She goes through the steps she taught me a few weeks ago. Think of when, think of what, and make it happen. It’s not exactly how she explained it, but it’s pretty much the gist of it—or at least how I remember it.

“Yes. I know where I want to go,” I tell her confidently.

“Good. Now lie back and close your eyes.” She lifts her body out of the chair and comes to me. She sits on the floor in front of me as I lie back, laying my head on the arm rest comfortably. I close my eyes as instructed as Professor O sits on the floor in front of me, her knees tucked underneath her small body.

“Breathe and imagine the place you want to be,” she tells me. She places her soft, wrinkled hands on my forehead. She starts massaging circles along my temples from in front of me, trailing her pointer down to my jaw. She traces my cheek bone, putting pressure until she gets back to my forehead. It’s like a Reiki massage on my face.

I imagine Ari naked above Magdelina. I remember the words he said, and the noises she made. I picture the room, the way they both looked, and the house. I try to conjure myself standing in the doorway, a look of horror on my face. I try to remember the way I felt in the room. The hatred I experienced for them both. The need to lash out.

I smile as the falling sensation starts in my stomach, leaving my head disoriented. I wait for the light to fade, not wanting to get out of the dream before it even comes. I focus all of my drive on getting back into that place.

When I finally conjure the nerves to open my eyes, I know I’ve been transported back to the beginning of the dream. Only this time, I don’t hurry to I make my way up the stairs—no reason for me to see more than I need to. I linger in the living room, I take a field trip to the kitchen and then I check outside to see what the weather is like.

Only I can’t see a damn thing. I didn’t notice what was going on outside last time, but it’s pitch black. I go to the front door as I meander my way upstairs, and it’s locked. I can’t go anywhere, except upstairs.

When I finally enter the bedroom, Magdelina says, “Come on, baby,” and it definitely doesn’t get any easier to move forward a second time. I would venture to say it’s worse having to hear and see it a second time. Instead of standing in the doorway, I go right up to the bed and rest my butt on the nightstand. I feel like I’m in one of those comedies where the angel sits and watches, making sure you’re doing the right thing.

Of course, if that was true, they would both be banished to Hell since this act is just downright wrong.

I shut my eyes as I sit, not wanting to see it all again and wait for the noises to stop. It’s nearly impossible to tune out her high pitched squeals and his heavy grunting, but I try anyway.

When the noises stop, I open my eyes and lean over the bed to where Magdelina is. It sucks seeing her with her eyes hooded and her lips raised in a smile, but I suck it up, wanting to hear what Ari says. For some reason, I just feel like I need to hear it. I feel like I missed why I was there the first time.

Professor Onassis always says that dreams come for a reason. I doubt this one was just to show Ari and Magdelina screwing around. There has to be a deeper meaning.

From the corner of my eye, I see Ari get up and face the door with a blank look on his face. He pauses, just standing there, as Magdelina’s face changes. Her smile turns to a frown, and her eyebrows pinch together creating creases up her forehead. She looks angry, and I don’t understand what happened—again.

I lean to where I know his head will be, right in her ear, and wait for it. He leans down, and the look in his eyes is carnal—predatory and downright scary. He doesn’t look like the Ari I know and love. This one looks vicious.

“You don’t know what love is,” he whispers into her ear. “Stop trying to be her,” he finishes, with a smug grin on his face. She slaps him across the face, and he laughs down at her, a deep low rumble that I missed last time.

“Fuck you, Ari!” she yells, clutching the sheet to her chest, covering her perfect body like she’s embarrassed of it now.

“Been there, done that,” he smirks to her, exiting the room. He locks himself in the bathroom, and I hear the shower head spring to life. I look back to Magdelina where she sits on the bed, bewildered at what just happened. She lets one single tear fall before brushing it away and getting dressed.

I sit, watching her, wondering what makes her tick. Why is she with someone who clearly doesn’t love her? But apparently my time here is over, because I’m dropped into what seems like an endless black hole.


take it down a notch

I wake up to Professor Onassis’ concerned eyes close to my face, examining me. “It worked,” I say, amazed that I just controlled my first dream and saw exactly what I wanted. I want to cry I’m so happy. I want to fall asleep again to see what else I can find in my dreams—little hidden messages or looks they give me.

“Congratulations!” Professor Onassis jumps up to her feet and wraps her frail arms around my shoulders.

“Thanks! But I have to go,” I tell her, realizing I’ve avoided Ari all day because of the sex scene when I really shouldn’t have. I mean, I’m still upset he’s having sex with someone other than me, but I can’t expect him to wait hundreds of years for me to come back.

I probably wasn’t even alive when that happened. He was clearly upset. His study was trashed and notes were ripped. Something brought him to that point, and if I had to guess, it was my death.

At least he never loved her. That’s saved for only me. Hurriedly, I grab my backpack and swing open the door to the foyer.

“Be here tomorrow. We’re going to the library!” she calls after me, her voice barely audible.

“Got it!” I yell back, entering into the hall of the Administration building. I have no idea where Ari is at this time of the day, but I beeline for his house, needing to check there first. I have to apologize for my immature behavior. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.

When I get to his house, the lights are off, but that’s expected since it’s light out and the middle of the afternoon. I knock on the door and wait for him to greet me.

The door opens just a sliver, and he peeks out towards me.

“I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you.” I push past the red door and lunge for him. I jump into his arms and wrap my entire body around his, like I’m trying to get under his skin.

“What did I do?” He catches me as I jump for him, laughing under his breath.

“It’s was all me. I was being insecure and immature and just awful.”

“Why?” He still doesn’t understand.

“I had a vision of you and Magdelina having sex, but you didn’t love her, so I don’t care anymore,” I explain in a very, very condensed version.

“You saw us having sex?” He pulls back from me, his eyes heavy.

“I don’t care,” I assure him, reaching my hands into his hair.

“What the hell, Eury. Why are you seeing things like that?” He puts me down on the floor, and I stand in front of him, vulnerable.

“Relax, Ari. I can’t really control what I see.” Why is he mad at me? I step towards him, but he doesn’t move.

“Sorry. It’s just…weird.” He pulls his hand through his hair and shakes his head, making his longer bangs sway a little into his eyes.

“You don’t think it was worse for me? I mean, I saw you naked.” His cheeks heat with pink, and I think it’s the first time he ever blushed, at least in my presence.

“Oh god,” he mutters, dropping his head into his hands like he’s mortified.

“I don’t care.” I close the space between us and press my palm to his face. I rub the stubble along his chin wanting to move past this.

“Damn-it!” he yells, making me flinch back. He pulls back from me and storms off into the kitchen. I trail him, not sure why he is so upset. It’s not like he had to watch me having sex with Ollie or anything. I’m the one that’s scarred for life with the image of his firm butt in the air.

He turns towards me when I enter the room and lunges for me, taking me off guard. I stumble back, but he wraps his arms around me and presses his mouth to mine with such passion I’m struck motionless. The kiss is anything but soft and gentle. He kisses me heartily, making sure to touch every single fiber of my being through my mouth.

He reaches under my butt and pulls me up so I’m completely in his arms. I wrap my legs around his torso instinctively, and my arms lock around his neck, refusing to stop our kissing.

I rake my hands through his hair, loving the silky feel. His hands roam up and down my back, scratching with his short nails as he goes down, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. I think I moan, but it’s such a whirlwind, I don’t really know what’s real or fake anymore.

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