The Dan Brown Enigma (33 page)

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Authors: Graham A Thomas

BOOK: The Dan Brown Enigma
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This information about his research comes from another online interview he did that appeared on
com that can be found in the entertainment and movies section of their website at


See Lisa Rogak’s book, pp 90-91


See Brown’s detailed
Witness Statement
for the High Court, The Da Vinci Code section


Taken from the High Court
Witness Statement
paragraph 82


The information in this paragraph regarding the codes and the accuracy of the locations, paintings and so on is taken from Brown’s High Court
Witness Statement.


Good Morning America
, NBC TV interview Brown did with Matt Lauer, March 2004


The quote and the information in this paragraph and the preceding one come from
Table Talk, An Interview With Dan Brown
, by Bill Ewing, published in the
Exeter Phillips Journal




Dan Brown,
The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography
, by Lisa Rogak, pp 95-96


The Witness Statement, The Da Vinci Code
section, paragraph 125


New Statesman Man Of The Year
– Dan Brown, by Jason Cowley, published to the
New Statesman
web pages on 13 December 2004





Programme with Matt Lauer, published on the
website under
Dan Brown


The facts here are from Lisa Rogak’s
The Man Behind The Da Vinci Code: An Unauthorized Biography
, pp 98-99


Entertainment Weekly
, Dan Brown interview by George Kirschling, published to the EW website on 24 March 2006


See Lisa Rogak’s book, pp 99-100


Matt Lauer Interviews with Dan Brown, published to the
Today Show
web pages, 15 September 2009


Entertainment Weekly
Interview with Dan Brown by George Kirschling


Good Morning America
, ABC TV, hosted by Charles Gibson with Dan Brown, aired November 2003 and Rogak says the contest was set up between
Good Morning America
and Doubleday


Today Show
, The Matt Lauer Interviews with Dan Brown




The information in this paragraph is from Lisa Rogak’s book, p. 102


Dan Brown: Indiana Jones meets Joseph Campbell
, by Craig McDonald,
Art in The Blood
, published by Wildside Press, 2006, p. 131


See the
Entertainment Weekly
online interview with Dan Brown


This quote and the preceding one are from the
Entertainment Weekly
online interview


See Craig McDonald’s interview,
Dan Brown, Indiana Jones meets Joseph Campbell
p. 105


IBID p. 137


This quote and the preceding one comes from the Craig McDonald interview with Brown


See Craig McDonald’s interview with Dan Brown p. 131


Secrets of the Code, The Case Of The Purloined Plot
, An Interview with Lewis Perdue, by Dan Burstein, published by CDS Books, 2006 p. 443




This quote and the preceding quotes are from the
Secrets of the Code, The Case of The Purloined Plot




IBID p. 448


The Matt Lauer Interviews, with Dan Brown



Secrets Of The Code, The Dan Brown Revelations
, by David A. Shugarts, edited by Dan Burstein, p. 382


Secrets Of The Code, The Vatican Code
, by Maureen Dowd, edited by Dan Burstein, p. 416


See the
Secrets Of The Code, The Cardinal and The Code
, by Dan Burstein, p. 425


IBID p. 427


See David A. Shugarts piece,
The Dan Brown Revelations in Secrets Of The Code
edited by Dan Burstein, p. 382


See Burstein’s
Secrets Of The Code, The Cardinal and The Code
, p. 428


IBID p. 429


See Dowd’s
The Vatican Code
, in
Secrets Of The Code, The Vatican Code
p. 417


This quote comes from the Wikipedia entry on
The Da Vinci Code,
October 2010, and while it is generally understood that the Wikipedia entries may not be reliable the entries for Brown and his books are backed up by many, many references and so must be taken seriously.


Monsignor Francis J. Maniscalco, of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, wrote this in his Introduction on the
Jesus Decoded
web site


See David A. Shugarts,
The Dan Brown Revelations
, published in
Secrets Of The Code
, p. 381


See the introduction by Monsignor Francis J Maniscalco on the
Jesus Decoded
web pages




History vs The Da Vinci Code
, by Tim O’Neil, published to the internet in 2006 at


Cracking The Da Vinci Code
, published by
Catholic Answers
, to 2004


The Dan Brown Companion
, by Simon Cox, published by Mainstream Publishing, 2006 p. 48


The Dan Brown Companion
by Simon Cox, pp 48


The Priory of Sion
The Da Vinci Code
, published in the
Priory of Sion
entry on Wikipedia


This quote and the information and quotes in the preceding paragraph are from the Wikipedia entry on
The Priory of Sion
The Da Vinci Code.


See Brown’s
Witness Statement,
paragraph 206


Cracking The Da Vinci Code
, published by
Catholic Answers
, 2004,
. com/library/cracking_da_vinci_code.asp


This quote and the preceding one are in the Wikipedia entry,
The Priory of Sion
The Da Vinci Code


The Da Vinci Code
Wikipedia entry on the inaccuracies in the novel


A response to
The Da Vinci Code
from the
Prelature of Opus Dei in the United States,
16 November 2006


Paragraphs 117 and 118 of Brown’s
Witness Statement


Page 134 of
The Da Vinci Code


Tim O’Neil provides excellent information on Constantine’s bible on his site,
History vs. The Da Vinci Code,


This entire passage was taken from Brown’s talk at the Capitol Centre, for the New Hampshire Writer’s Project , on the 18 May 2004



The Witness Statement
, paragraphs 204-205


See paragraph 209 of Brown’s
Witness Statement,
The Da Vinci Code


In paragraph 211 of
The Witness Statement
Brown says he used these three books,
The Templar Revelation
(Picknett & Prince) (Chapter 53);
The Woman with the Alabaster Jar
(Starbird) (Chapter 59); and
The Goddess in the Gospels
(Starbird) (Chapter 58)


It must be remembered that Brown wrote his witness statement based on what he could remember were his reasons for using
The Holy Blood, The Holy Grail
, some two years earlier when he was writing
The Da Vinci Code.
Despite he and Blythe spending several months refreshing their memories before the court case Brown qualifies many passages in the statement as being what he could remember


Da Vinci Publisher in Court Case
, BBC News, published 21 October 2005




Date Set For Da Vinci Court Case
, BBC News web pages, published 27 October 2005


Authors Claim Brown ‘Stole Da Vinci Code Plot’
, by Richard Alleyne, published in the
Daily Telegraph
, 28 February 2006


See Alleyne’s article,
Authors Claim Brown ‘Stole Da Vinci Code Plot’


Da Vinci Code Case Increases Book Sales
, published on the
Mail Online
, 09 March 2006




A Test Of Faith
, by Maev Kennedy, published in the G2 section of
The Guardian
, 17 May 2006 and to
The Guardian
website, the same day




Da Vinci Code Challenger Copies
, BBC News, published 10 March 2006 to the BBC News web pages


All Things Considered
, broadcast on National Public Radio®. in America. The information is from a transcript of the show in 2006 hosted by Robert Siegel who interviewed
reporter Katherine Rushton covering the trial in London




Rushton reported these sales figures during the plagiarism trial to Robert Siegel, hosting the National Public Radio® show,
All Things Considered
, broadcast around March - April 2006


Both quotes come from
Da Vinci Code Author Scorns Copy Claim
, published by BBC News, 13 March 2006




All Things Considered
, broadcast on National Public Radio®. in America. The information is from a transcript of the show in 2006 hosted by Robert Siegel who interviewed
reporter Katherine Rushton covering the trial in London


Expectations Dashed By Legal Reality
, by David Sillito, published to BBC News web pages on 13 March 2006




I Did Not Lie, Says Code Author
, published by BBC News web pages, 14 March 2006


This conversation comes from the BBC News online article,
I Did Not Lie, Says Code Author
, published to the web on 14 March 2006


Brown Duels In Court
, by Kevin Sullivan, published in the
Washington Post
and on the web pages of the newspaper on Wednesday 15 March 2006


See Sullivan’s article,
Brown Duels In Court
, published to the
Washington Post
web pages, 15 March 2006


Da Vinci Copy Claim In Tatters
, published by BBC News, 17 March 2006






Brown Wins Da Vinci Code Plagiarism Battle
, by Cahal Milmo, published in the
, 8 April 2006






Dan Brown Wins The Da Vinci Code Copyright Case
, published to the
Celeb News pages on 29 March 2007


Librarian Comments on Da Vinci Lawsuit
, published by the
Associated Press
in 2006


Da Vinci In New Plagiarism Claim
, published on the BBC News web pages on 14 April 2006


Brown Plays Down Code Controversy
, published on BBC News online pages, 24 April 2006



The Da Vinci Formula, The Da Vinci Code formula for success
, published February 2006 at


See the Wikipedia entry,
The Da Vinci Code
, 21 October 2010, at

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