The Dating Tutor: Alec's Story (14 page)

BOOK: The Dating Tutor: Alec's Story
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“Alec, this is nuts!” Ellie’s laugh followed closely behind him as he pulled her back in the direction of the banquet hall. “We’re both soaking wet!”

As they reached the overhang of the building, he finally spun to face her. “I don’t care.” Grabbing her face in his hands, he kissed her firmly. “I want to dance with you.”

She smiled, her eyes lit with emotion. “I want to dance with you, too. No stepping on your toes this time.”

He rolled his eyes with a grin. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Tugging her hand, he pulled her back into the room where the party was still in full swing. Their dripping presence was met with a few gasps of surprise from nearby students, but mostly people just gave them a wide berth.

Alec dragged Ellie to the center of the dance floor and spun her to face him. With a dramatic flourish, he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her in against his chest.

Giggling, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. “Despite the rain and the wet shoes, I don’t think this night could be any more perfect.”

As he began to rock her slowly to the soft tune that dispensed through the speakers, Alec smiled. “No. I don’t think this night could be any more perfect.” He lifted his hands to brush her damp hair back from her face. “This is all I’ve wanted. This. Us. You.”

Placing her hands on his shoulders to steady herself, Ellie stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips firmly to his. “I’ve wanted this, too. Ever since that horrible fake date.”

“Well, then thank goodness for clueless friends and fake dates.” His eyes all for her, he lowered his mouth to hers for another warm, loving kiss. One kiss turned into two. Then two turned into three. It wasn’t until someone nudged his arm that Alec pulled back.

“Huh?” He glanced over to find Matt and Shannon dancing next to them. Matt had a wide grin on his face, and he nodded his head in Ellie’s direction. “So does this mean you’re done being pissy all the time?”

Ellie gave a bark of laughter and shot Alec a questioning look.

In return, Alec gave Matt a pretend glare. “Just shut up, Matty.”

“Just shut up, Matty,” his friend repeated mockingly. A grin broke out across his lips, and he held a fist out to Alec. “Congrats, man. I’m happy for you.”

Alec rolled his eyes, but he was grinning in return as he bumped his fist against Matt’s. “Thanks.” He shoved playfully at Matt’s shoulder. “Now let me be so I can make out with my date.”

Matt and Shannon meandered off, and Alec took the opportunity to kiss Ellie again. She smiled against his lips and tightened her arms around his neck. “I never want you to stop doing that.”

He went to kiss her again when he caught Mrs. Butterman heading in their direction with a frown. Apparently their public display of affection was bordering on inappropriate. That or the water they were dripping all over the floor. “Let’s get out of here,” he said suddenly.

Ellie pulled back to gape at him in surprise. “I thought you wanted to dance.”

“I did. But I think I’d like to have you all to myself…that and avoid detention with Mrs. Butterman.”

Ellie glanced in the direction of their teacher before taking his hand and pulling him hurriedly off the dance floor. “Let’s go! Hurry.”

Taking the lead, Alec hustled them out of the building and into the parking lot where he’d parked his car. Reaching into his pocket for his keys, he frantically jammed the button to unlock the doors.

He and Ellie both dove inside, laughing the entire time. Once the doors were shut and relocked, they turned to look at each other with exuberant smiles. Without needing to say another word, they moved closer and their lips found each other’s once more.

Alec wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, while Ellie practically climbed into his lap, her lips frantic on his own. He kissed her with all the pent up emotion inside of him. The kiss went on and on, transitioning from one kiss into a dozen.

The windows of the car began to fog, but he was alright with that. He had nowhere to go and nowhere he would rather be than with the girl next door.

* * * *

As Alec snuck through Ellie’s bedroom window, he couldn’t keep the zealous grin off his face. He was still in his wet tux, but he hadn’t been able to wait to see her again. Changing would have wasted too much valuable time. She’d actually told him to give her five minutes, but even that seemed excruciating.  He wanted to see her as soon as possible.

He was so quick that he beat her into her room. With a wicked grin, he plopped himself down on the top of her desk, his legs hanging off the edge as he waited for her.

When she entered the room half a minute later, her brows rose in amusement. “What happened to five minutes?” she asked as she eased the door closed and turned the lock.

“I couldn’t wait.” He extended one of his hands in her direction. “Come here.”

She went to him willingly, coming to stand between his knees. As he wrapped his arms around her, she gave a little shiver from the remaining dampness in her gown.

He tightened his grip and pulled her close. “I’ll keep you warm.” He pressed a kiss to her nose before brushing his lips against hers.

“I know.”

With a soft smile, he moved his hands to her cheeks. With gentle pressure from his thumbs under her chin, he tilted her head back. There was no resistance from her, so he lowered his mouth over hers, deepening the kiss.

Her fingers dug into the fabric of his tux jacket as she clung to his waist, adding to the already overwhelming sensations. One would think they might have grown tired of kissing each other after the car, but Alec was far from tired of it. He honestly felt as if he could kiss her forever.

When he finally pulled back, she gazed up at him with a breathless smile. Her eyes searched his face for a moment before she reached into the drawer of her desk and produced a small, square piece of foil. Silently, she pressed it into his hand.

His gaze fell to the tiny package and he sucked in a breath. “Ellie…” He looked at her with wide eyes. “I wasn’t… That wasn’t why…”

“I know,” she assured.

“We can wait.” His voice was an unsure whisper as his fingers closed over the condom she’d placed in his hand. The thought of sex hadn’t entered his mind. He’d just assumed they would steal a few kisses before curling up to sleep. Holding her in his arms would have been enough.

“I’ve waited my entire life to be in love with you. I don’t want to wait any more.” With that, she placed a hand to the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

All resistance melted away from him. Tugging her forward against his chest, he let his fingers slide along the back of her dress until he found the zipper. Then, ever so gently, he drew it downward.




For the last fifteen minutes, Alec had been watching Ellie sleep while trying to fathom how he’d ever gotten so lucky. He’d just spent the night with the girl of his dreams. They’d both experienced things together that neither would ever forget.

As her eyelashes fluttered open, he offered her a greeting. “Good morning.”

She slowly rolled onto her side to face him. “Good morning.”

She looked more beautiful now than he’d ever remembered her looking. She was downright breathtaking. His arm snaked around her waist, and he scooted closer in the bed to press his lips to her nose. “How are you feeling?” he asked with concern. She had seemed perfectly content the night before, but this was all new territory for him.

“Perfect.” Her smile grew as his lips found hers in a lingering kiss.

“That was…awesome,” he confessed. Sitting up in bed, he stretched his arms out in front of himself with a tired groan. He could have stayed in bed with her all morning, but he knew her mother was probably expecting her downstairs for breakfast soon. The sooner he was out of her bedroom, the better. “Seeing as neither of us had any clue what we were doing, I’d say we did fairly well.”

“Neither of us?” Ellie asked with astonishment.

He rewarded her with a smile. “I’d never done that before either, El.”

“I was your first?”

“Yes.” And he’d never been so glad he’d waited. He hopped out of bed and tugged the pants of his tux back on. “You were the first.” Snatching his shirt up from the floor, he began shrugging into it. “Maybe I was waiting for you, too.”

Hugging the blankets to her chest, she jumped up and threw her arms around his neck. Then she pulled him in for a kiss. “I love you, Alec.” The words were whispered against his mouth, more intimate than anything he’d ever heard in his life.

He pulled back to look at her with an affectionate grin. “I love you, too. Always have. Just took me a little to realize what that meant.”

* * * *

It had been two weeks since prom night, two weeks since everything in his life started falling into place. As he made his way to the mailbox, Alec reflected on how well things were going in his life. His relationship with his father was improving more with each day…as was his relationship with Ellie. He had a date with her tonight, in fact. The two of them were going to the drive-in theater.

This was something they’d done a hundred times, but somehow it felt different now. Instead of keeping to their respective sides of the car except for an occasional popcorn fight, he would have his arm around her shoulders. They would be kissing during previews. They would snuggle up together under a blanket to keep warm. No doubt he would still throw an occasional piece of popcorn her way, but he figured she wouldn’t care as much.

Smiling, he opened the mailbox and pulled out the stack of envelopes inside. Making his way up the driveway, he flipped through them. Bill. Bill. A copy of Hockey magazine. A letter from Boston College.

Boston College! Alec’s heart was suddenly in his throat. He stared at the envelope with something close to fear. His entire future rested in the palm of his hand. He wanted into Boston College so badly. Ellie would be at Boston. His future career in hockey would be at Boston. If he didn’t get in… He didn’t even want to think about that. It would be unbearable.

“You okay, Alec? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

He lifted his gaze to find Mrs. Harper climbing out of her car.

She swung the door shut, slung a dry cleaning bag over her shoulder, and crossed her driveway into his.  “Is everything all right?”

With a nervous exhale, he motioned toward the letter in his hand. “It’s from Boston College.”

Her eyes widened with excitement, and she took a step closer. “Well open it!” She waved her free hand enthusiastically at the letter.

He shot her an amused grin, followed by a little snort. “I’m afraid to. If it’s bad news…”

She shook her head, dismissing the thought. “Of course it isn’t bad news! Alec, your grade point average had taken an impressive climb these last two years since you’ve really become serious about getting into a good school. Your skills on the ice have only improved. They’d have to be brainless to pass over you.”

He felt some of the anxiety leak out of him at her kind praise. She was right; he’d done everything in his power to get into this school. Offering her a grateful smile, he said, “Thanks for the vote of confidence. It means a lot.”

“You deserve it.” With a little laugh, she added, “Now open the letter!”

With his heart pounding frantically in his chest, he shoved his index finger inside the envelope and ripped along the top. Taking a deep breath, he pulled out a thick fold of papers.

Straightening them out as best he could, he read aloud. “Dear Mr. Horner, we are extremely pleased to inform you that you have been selected for admission—” Alec broke off with an excited whoop. “I got in! I got in!” The last remaining bit of pressure left him in an instant.

Mrs. Harper wrapped him up in a tight hug.  “I’m so proud of you, Alec!” She gave him another squeeze before releasing him. Still, she beamed at him with open delight.

He knew he must be blushing. Folding up the papers and stuffing them back inside the envelope, he gave her a bashful smile. “Thank you.”

The grin on her lips turned almost mischievous as she said, “I’m sure Ellie will be happy to hear the news as well. For some reason, she’s been very eager to hear the contents of that letter.”

Alec caught the teasing note to her voice and knew his blush had to be darkening. “Yeah…” He ran a hand along the back of his neck and gave her a guilty, sheepish look.

“I take it things are going well then? That’s good to hear.”

He blinked at her in surprise. “You… You aren’t upset that Ellie and I…” He hadn’t been alone with Mrs. Harper since he and Ellie had started dating. To be honest, he’d been almost afraid of her reaction.

“Now why would I be upset?” Mrs. Harper’s expression softened, and she gave his arm an affectionate squeeze. “Alec, you and my daughter have been inseparable since the moment you met. I’m just surprised it took the two of you this long to realize what was there.” At his stunned expression, she chuckled. “I’m not as clueless as you might think. And I remember what it is like to be a young girl in love. I’m just happy Ellie was smart about it and fell for a good guy.” She shrugged a shoulder. “I know you, and I know you care about her. I see no reason to be upset.”

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