The Daykeeper's Grimoire (30 page)

Read The Daykeeper's Grimoire Online

Authors: Christy Raedeke

Tags: #young adult, #teen fiction, #fiction, #teen, #teen fiction, #teenager, #angst, #drama, #2012

BOOK: The Daykeeper's Grimoire
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Hello, everyone. If you are listening to my voice right now then you have read the email my friends forwarded and felt drawn to what was said. I am not here to become your leader or anything creepy like that. I’m just here to pass on some important information I was given.”

I can hear my voice coming out of the karaoke machine down the hill; there’s a long delay and I have to consciously stop listening so it doesn’t mess me up.

“There is so much to tell you, it’s hard to even know where to start. I guess I’ll start with the bad news: we are not, and have never been, free people. There is a Shadow Government, very high up in world politics, banking, and business that control us. And I mean this literally—they control us. Wars, poverty, financial crisis, drugs, these things are all orchestrated by a small, elite group of people. They’ve been able to control us by keeping us weak, physically and mentally. More kids are on drugs right now than ever before. Genetically modified food is in pretty much everything you eat. They’re poisoning the air, playing with the climate, starting wars, and keeping us in debt. Economic meltdown doesn’t just happen, it’s planned. At every level. We have essentially been sold into debt slavery because
inherit this mess! At this rate there will be no money for innovation for our generation, no money for
. This is not a coincidence or a mistake. They want to bind us in debt so we slog along, scared and broke and easy to control. And for what? Power and money.

“This Shadow Government is very powerful and very determined—but we are their worst nightmare. Because in all of history there have never been as many people under twenty on the planet as there are right now. Which means that if we can work together, we can make great changes. But they will do everything they can to keep us from uniting. They want us to be tuned out, detached from each other and not paying attention to anything important.

“We can change that. We
to change that. When it comes down to it, we are all just a bunch of vibrations, all just energy putting out waves. When we’re isolated or thinking negative thoughts our waves cancel each other out, kind of like the ripples of two separate rocks being thrown into a pond. But if we intentionally connect with each other we become
one wave
. And that’s where our power is.

“What the Shadow Government doesn’t factor in is how connected we are. Adults look at us with our phones and computers and think we’re isolated and antisocial, but in reality we’re totally and completely linked. Wired together. Look at the web—we are in a constant state of creativity and connectedness. When we want to make a change it will be quick and efficient because we can communicate almost instantaneously and move as one.”

My voice is getting shaky like it does when I’m nervous, so I take a really deep breath and push the air all way down to my belly.

“Does this make sense? Do you see how powerful we are, what we can do if we all share a common goal? We
to come together and reject the greed and hatred and fear and ugliness that we are inheriting. What they are doing is systematic, it’s planned, and it’s designed to keep us under their control—and it’s been going on for centuries.

“You may wonder how we can do this, how you and I, people so young we can’t even vote, can change anything. But we can—both alone and together. Just as one powerful ocean wave is made up of billions of individual droplets of water.

“So now for the good news: Humans have gone through a lot of cycles and changes, all leading up to where we are now: sitting on the edge of a major transformation. Thousands of years ago the Maya of Mexico predicted that December 21, 2012, would be the start of a new era.
We are going to own that era

“A rare alignment of the sun, the Earth, and the Galactic Center—where all the energy and matter in our galaxy comes from—is happening. This will have a big affect on us, both physically and mentally. It’s like having our computers rebooted. But we have to be ready, can’t be broken and off-balance the way the Shadow Government wants us.

“The first thing we need to do is to get synchronized, or unbrainwashed. For this we can do one very simple thing: use the
, a calendar the Maya created thousands of years ago.

“If you haven’t yet done it, get on the website and try using the daily
for awhile. It really is as simple as looking at the day’s picture and number, and spending a few moments focusing on the intent of that particular day. Today is 13
represents death, or transformation. This is the day we kill the old way and develop a new way of our own.
days are good for tapping into community consciousness. And thirteen, the pulse of the day, is the energy that propels any new effort forward. Today is the day to propel transformation. And here we are.

“This synchronization tool also has a sound associated with it. We’re developing a ringtone widget that will download the daily picture and number, along with the day’s tone—it just couldn’t get easier to use. Check the website for that.

“I know it seems crazy that a calendar could make any difference at all, but just try it. The Shadow Government had been keeping us easy to control by messing with our natural relationship with time. Our twelve-month calendar is an artificial thing, made up by the people in power to turn time into something that is
outside of us
, something we are a slave to. We even wear a time handcuff in the form of a watch. All of this keeps us off-kilter.

“Believe this, if nothing else I say today: there is important information encoded within the

“I look around here on Easter Island and I have no idea why they spent so much time and energy on these big statues. But it almost looks like an omen, a warning. Like this is a small-scale Earth where people and animals were out of balance with the environment and they devastated it. The trees are gone; all that’s left are hills of grass and these statues, scattered around like broken toys. It’s creepy to think the Earth could be like this someday if we continue down the current path.

“But this is
dream, and we can make it go any way we want. In a dream, every person, every texture, every sound is created in your mind, second by second. Well, scientists say that that’s exactly what happens in waking life too—the future hangs in front of us as
pure potential
, waiting to become real based on how
observe it. So if the universe creates itself second by second based on how we interact with it, then it is not just exactly like a dream, it
a dream. And we—you and I—are the ones dreaming it into being.

“Sorry if I’m getting too heavy. Honestly, some of what’s coming out of my mouth I didn’t even know I knew. Anyway, I think I’ve talked long enough. I wish this could have been a two-way conversation. I can’t wait to get on the web and see what you all think about this.

“Thanks so much for coming today, and for listening. The fact that we got together at these ancient sites of power is no accident; we are making a complete circle around our planet, a glowing halo of our clean, powerful energy. So that’s it. Keep thinking good thoughts, look into the
, and stay tuned for more instructions on our next steps.

“Remember, it’s up to us. As the Hopi say:
We are the ones we have been waiting for.

I hang up the phone and feel shaky and cold. I remember everything I said but I don’t know how I knew some of that stuff.

Standing up to stretch, I look down at the group of kids by the half-wall and feel a strange jolt, like when the dentist accidentally hits a nerve. And then something really bizarre happens, probably from all the stress: instead of a group of people I start seeing something that looks more like a mirage. The group has blended together into kind of a vapor of light.

I quickly close my eyes. When I open them I can see clearly again.

I pack up the satellite phone and my sketchbook and walk back toward the group of kids. As I get closer the mass moves, like a swarm, toward me, shouting “
Unidad! Unidad!
” I am totally touched by their enthusiasm, but a little freaked. I bow deeply to them and say “
Gracias, amigos, gracias
,” with heartfelt thanks. As they disperse, Catherine runs up to me and gives me a big hug. I ask if she thinks they all understood.

“Oh, yes. We watch American shows, learn English from TV. We know almost all we hear, just not speak it so good.”

“I can understand everything you say,” I tell her.

Alex comes up behind me as I’m loading my backpack. “Caity, that was … amazing.”

“Thanks for being here, Alex. I honestly could not have done this without you.”

Alex and I help fold up the blanket and pack up the mugs and coffee and empanada tin, and then the girls take us back to our hotel. We exchange email addresses and hug goodbye, then they chug off in their little car.

Once in the lobby, we see no sign of Donald. “Are you nervous to go to your room?” I ask Alex.

He pulls out four pills from his pocket. “I won’t be, after I make him another cup of sleepy tea …”

“Awesome. Stick it to him.”

We get a big mug of tea from the lobby bar and I stir in three huge scoops of sugar and a lot of milk while Alex grinds up the pills with the back of a spoon and slips the powder in.

I wait outside Alex and Donald’s room; he said if anything looks weird he’ll come right back out, but he doesn’t so I assume all is okay.

When I get to my room, I take off my shoes and sit on the chair on my balcony. I want to call Justine but I just can’t muster the energy yet, I feel like I just need to be silent and think about what I said, whether I got all the stuff out that I planned on saying.

The ring of the hotel phone makes me jump. I scramble over to get it. “Caity, turn on your TV,” Alex whispers. “Look at CNN, right now. I’ll be down in a minute.”

I turn to CNN International and see pictures of the Great Pyramid with swarms of people around. I think maybe a bombing happened, but then I hear the newscaster.

“The organizer has not yet been identified, but apparently this person was able to mobilize kids across the world. Authorities are looking into whether or not this is the activity of a cult leader.

“There were four major centers of activities, and each had a significant show of young people. Nearly three thousand showed up at Machu Picchu, five thousand at the temples at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and seven thousand at the Great Pyramid at Giza. Easter Island had the smallest crowd at about three hundred, but that’s an astonishing number when it includes every single minor on the island.

“Gatherers were listening in on some sort of cell-phone teleconference. CNN is trying to track down a tape of that call. More after the break.”

Seconds after the commercial starts, I hear a knock at my door. It’s Alex.

“Can I watch with you?” he asks, out of breath from sprinting down the hall.

“Yes! Maybe I’ll believe it if someone else is here with me—it’s too weird.” I lock the door behind him. “So what’s up with Rip Van Winkle?” I ask.

“He barely opened his eyes when I walked in. I offered him the tea and he gulped about half down and then fell back asleep.”

We sit on the edge of the bed facing the TV. Alex says, “Isn’t it funny that they assume it’s a cult?”

“Right, like we’re not smart enough to organize anything ourselves. You know, because any organized movement of kids would have to be done by an adult with a Jesus complex …”

The newscaster comes back on and now there’s a red bar at the bottom of the screen that says “Cult Watch.”

“No way, we’ve got a news label!” I squeal.

“You’re right up there with hurricanes and political scandals.”

The newscaster says, “And we’re back to the top story: An unnamed cult has lured thousands of young people to ancient sites around the globe. Barbara Hutchinson has been working on this story; Barbara is there anything new to report?”

“Well, we’ve just received some interesting data from Princeton University’s Global Consciousness Project.”

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