The Dead Game (25 page)

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Authors: Susanne Leist

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Dead Game
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One Year Later


inda was walking home after a long, busy day at her shop. The warm breeze artfully scattered the multicolored leaves into beautiful arrays of color across the streets and sidewalks. She lifted her face to feel the hot sun on her skin. Everywhere she turned she spotted rich shades of red, yellow, orange, and green, either alighting on the path or flying in the wind to settle on benches or people. Autumn was a pleasant time of year to prepare for the dictates of Old Man Winter.

A whole year had already passed since the party at End House: the party that had set into motion the series of events that had finally freed the town of The Dead. It had been very peaceful and quiet without the dark shadows or renegade vampires.

However, always lingering at the back of her mind was the fear that evil would someday return and strike again. It was mingled with other fears and questions. What had happened to the door leading down to the dungeons beneath End House? Were humans, like Tom and Edward, still trapped down there? Did that door have anything to do with the elders’ magical door?

Another major concern of hers was Mike, who had turned unfriendly and reclusive immediately after the destruction of End House. Not socializing with his friends anymore, he came to town only to run the antique store with David. He spent all his time with Gregg, who remained sullen over Judy’s new relationship with Ryan.

This past year had also brought many changes to town.

Abe’s third son and daughter-in-law, Brian and Melinda, had moved into Minnie and Frank’s house; and soon after, built a bank next door to the antique shop. Peter, Abe’s second-born son, and his wife, Patricia, had built a huge house on the site of the demolished mansion, right down the road from his parents’ bed and breakfast.

Abe’s oldest son, Charles, and his wife, Georgina, visited town often, but had not yet decided whether to move to Oasis permanently. Hank’s and Shirley’s homes still stood empty and the couple was seriously contemplating moving into one of them temporarily. Charles was waiting to see how well his siblings were accepted by the town.

Abe’s daughter, Samantha, was eager to move to Oasis, but she was still trying to convince her brother Jonathan to join her. He wanted to live with other vampires, but Samantha believed that it would be best for them to live with humans and lead a more normal life.

All the empty stores along Main Street had new owners. Minnie & Frank’s Grocery had been taken over by Ted, who updated the store to become an organic and healthy alternative food store. Health-conscious Ted believed that times were changing and this small town needed to change too.

Tom and Edward’s hardware store had become Lou and Edna’s hardware store. They were a middle-aged couple who’d moved from Los Angeles to find peace and quiet. Unfortunately, Tom and Edward were still missing. Hank’s Auto Body Shop had turned into Big Bob’s Auto Shop. Bob wasn’t big, but he liked to think of himself that way.

Shirley’s agency had been taken over by Christine, a tall vivacious blonde with a gorgeous face and figure. Linda knew that Louise wasn’t thrilled to have pretty blonde competition so close by, but thankfully, Christine conducted most of her business outside of her office, selling houses and handling rental apartments from her own home.

Entering her apartment, Linda heard noises coming from the direction of her kitchen. Who was here? Only a few people had keys to her apartment, but they never dropped by when she wasn’t at home. Had the evil—that she’d been dreading for so long—finally returned to town? Her last unwelcome visitor had been Maxell, and she got chills running up and down her spine whenever she thought of her.

Walking softly through her dining room, she peeked into the kitchen. Oh! It was Todd bending over, feeding her cats. That was strange! What was he doing here?

With a twinkle in his eyes, he bounded up to her and had her in his arms even before she could blink her eyes again. Pulling her against his body, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing her against the sink.

Oh no! He had her trapped again: between a rock and a hard place. His body was really solid and hard.

She screamed to herself. The last time he’d touched her had been after Natalie’s death. She had patiently waited and waited, but nothing. He’d been acting too coy and aloof, and now he was all aggressive again. What was up with him?

Shoving at his arms, she couldn’t break free. He was rock-solid. Then he lowered his head and softly moved his lips across hers—ever so slightly. Then he nuzzled her neck, giving her kisses amid teeny bites. She froze. Was he going to bite her and make her a vampire? Wait, no! He was a human vampire and most probably couldn’t change her into anything.

That’s it! Fun’s over!
Giving him one last shove, she forced him upright.

“What’s wrong? You don’t enjoy my kisses?” demanded Todd in a pained voice.

“Why are you kissing me all of a sudden? One minute you’re cold and disinterested; and the next minute you’re hot and passionate! It doesn’t work that way!”

“It does if you’re tired of waiting!”

“Waiting for what? For the full moon?” she hissed back.

“No! Very funny! Waiting for you to show some interest in me!”

“What should I do? I can’t fly or create illusions!”

“Another low blow! I was waiting to detect something in your eyes—like maybe, passion.”

What was he talking about? She couldn’t show any more passion in her eyes without having them bulge out from her head! Well, it was his place to make the move! “I can’t be passionate about someone who is cold and unyielding!” That was for calling her cold!

He growled, descending on her mouth again with a hard—oh yes—passionate kiss. His mouth increased its pressure, grinding against her soft skin, his tongue delving deep into her mouth with increasing abandon. Was this really Todd? He’d never acted like this before. He’d kissed her before, but never with such abandon. Maybe he really wanted her. 
, she moaned sarcastically under her breath, 
just when I had given up all hope
. But she couldn’t turn her emotions on and off at will. She had to know what was going on in his mind. Was this another game for him, or was he serious about her?

She was slowly losing control! His hands were traveling down her back, kneading her, pushing her against him. This was it! She was turning to a quivering mound of jelly. She had to keep her mind clear! She had to stop him!

Biting down hard on his tongue, he immediately jumped away from her. Looking hurt, he hissed, “Why did you do that?”

“I’m not your toy to be used on a whim! You can’t ignore me, and then whenever you want, drag me into your arms!”

“Okay, sorry,” he answered sheepishly, acting like he meant it for once.

Raising his eyes, he posed a question that seemed difficult for him. “Do you want me? If the answer is no, then I will walk away and never bother you again.” He was making it very hard for her to think clearly: running his hands lightly through her hair; looking at her with his fathomless dark eyes. She was falling, falling hard under his spell.

He wasn’t playing fair: he was now running kisses down her neck, across her chest. She’d never seen him look so vulnerable before. Had he really opened his heart to her? Should she play hard to get? Did she want him to stay or leave? Did she want someone else to be with him? Hell no!

Stepping back from him, she timidly asked, “What do you want?” She wasn’t going to give in so easily without showing a little backbone.

“I want you! I will always be here to protect you. And you are not to look at any other man—ever!!!” Suddenly she was in his arms again, and his mouth was descending…oh so close.

Little did they know, but someone was peeking into the kitchen window, watching their every move, monitoring their intimate conversation—all the while thinking that Todd would never be able to protect her, since you never know who is right in your own backyard. He chanted to himself,” It’s not over. I’m back.”



The end for now....

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