The Death Row Complex (26 page)

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Authors: Kristen Elise

BOOK: The Death Row Complex
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“Not yet,” Chuck said. “She got away. But I know where she lives and where she works. She won’t get away again.”

“Good. When are you going back?”

“Soon as we’re done here, I guess. I gotta stop by the apartment first. At least this time I can plan to leave town.”

“Okay,” said Oscar. “But hurry up, ‘cause we’ve got shit to take care of in L.A. now.”

“Like what?”

Oscar paused. “I’ve got a plan, bro. But I need your help one more time. Do you remember Tony Ortiz?”

“Yeah, he’s the motherfucker who got you put away,” Chuck said.

“Right. He fuckin’ set me up. Well, now he’s running the biggest operation in L.A. based on
clientele. Yours too, bro. We’re going to take him out of the loop. And while we’re at it, we’re going to monopolize the business.”

“How’s that?”

“Turns out blackmail is lucrative, brother. I’ve had a thing going on here for a while with that bitch you’re going to get rid of shortly. Seems she doesn’t want anyone to know she killed sixty-eight people, even if they were just death row inmates. She’s been more than happy to fund our future endeavors.

“I’ve been laying low here. I think I’ll get out on parole this time. And when I do, we’ll have the business to ourselves, because nobody’s going anywhere else. See, I’ve taken some of that money and I’ve put it to good use. I’ve got people on a fuckin’ cherry payroll. I’ve got people who have infiltrated all of the major players in L.A.

“Those two vials I just gave you are enough to poison the entire narcotics supply from all of our competitors combined. All you need to do is divide it up into five smaller containers, and then I’m going to give you the names of five people. I’ll set up meetings for you with the other guys, and they’ll take care of the rest. A couple people will make the wrong deal, and everyone else will stop making deals with those fucks at all.

“The customers know me, though. They know I’ve got high quality product for them. They trust me. When they hear I’m getting out, and that people buying elsewhere are sick and dying, they’ll come running back. They’ll be scared shitless not to.

“Not everyone knows I have a twin. Let them see you. Let the word get out on the street. Let them think I’m out already. By the time I get paroled, you and I will be millionaires within a year. And nobody will be turning our asses in this time, because they’ll be out of the picture. Starting with Tony Motherfuckin’ Ortiz.”

Oscar had expected Chuck to be impressed and excited about the plan. Instead, Chuck looked down and did not answer. Oscar ducked his head, trying to catch his brother’s eye. “What’s wrong, bro?” he asked.

“Why do you need me to do this?” Chuck asked. “Why not just wait until you get out, and then you take care of it. You know how to handle this shit. I don’t. I get some of this on me, and that’s it. You think I don’t know that?”

. Like I said, I’ll walk you through it. You’ll be fine, I promise. But we can’t wait until I get out. We need to set it up now. The funding for this is about to dry up, remember? Besides, the longer I hold on to those vials in here, the more likely someone will find them. And then, we’re fucked. Mostly me, but you’re fucked too because you won’t have a big brother to take care of you anymore.

“They’ve been tossing cells here and questioning people—mostly Mexicans. It’s only a matter of time before they come after me. You don’t get life for this kind of shit. If they find those vials in my mattress, I’m ridin’ the lightning. That’s why I need you to do it now.”

8:57 A.M.

The Muslim robe and headscarf were gone. The dark face makeup was gone. The wig and long dress were gone. Today, it was jeans and a T-shirt.

“You did not go to the prison this weekend,” the Doctor said.

“I didn’t have time,” came the response. “I’m going next weekend. But I need more money before I go. You know I can’t afford to keep up the payments.”

The Doctor stood quietly for a moment. Oscar Morales was almost finished. The prison guards were methodically searching cells. It was only a matter of time before Oscar would be found. And culpability would end there. Oscar would only be connected to a single regular visitor who would by then be dead.

The Doctor reached into a pocket and withdrew not a billfold, but a pistol. “Then I’m afraid you are no longer of use to me.”



As he embarked on the long drive between San Francisco and San Diego for a second time, Chuck Morales was sick and fucking tired of being Oscar’s

Oscar still wanted him to take the Bitch out.
Good thing
, he thought, remembering the night he had spent in the Pacific Ocean after she had kicked him in the nuts.
I ain’t about to let that shit go

But then, when that was done, he was supposed to divide up two vials of anthrax and distribute it. The thought of opening even one of those vials filled Chuck with absolute, merciless, paralyzing fear.

Do I really need to do this for him?
he wondered.
Maybe not. Maybe it’s time I just did my own thing. Maybe I can use these two vials any way
decide. Maybe I don’t even need to open them.

As Chuck pulled onto the Interstate 5, he began to grin. It could be done his own way. There was a way to kill two birds with one stone. Or better said, one Stone with one vial.

, Oscar had told him.
She knows my face. Your

The Bitch knew who Oscar was. She had seen him every Sunday for months. But there was no way she had any idea he had an identical twin. And Oscar had stupidly revealed to Chuck that most of their customers didn’t know either.

Maybe Chuck didn’t need Oscar anymore, after all. Maybe he could get rid of her himself with just one unopened vial. And maybe he could just take his brother’s advice and become visible on the street. Let everyone think Oscar was out. Approach his contacts in the other networks—and take over the business himself.

And Oscar could do nothing about it from where he sat.

Chuck said aloud as he drove.
“Not anymore, bro.”



Wait! I can still help

The Doctor moved in and placed the barrel of the pistol against a sweat-glistening temple, and smiled. “Perhaps you can. I think I would like to employ your beautiful penmanship one more time. Generate two more copies of the same greeting card, and I will meet with you again.”

“I don’t understand. I’ve used up my entire knowledge of the Arabic language. Do you speak it?”

“These cards will be written in English,” the Doctor said. “Now go.”

EBRUARY 3, 2016
6:09 P.M.

Ever since Christmas Day, the activity at the lab had steadily waned. By the beginning of February, the security guard’s job had been downright boring. Today, before he could wish for boring, he would be dead.

It was late afternoon, and most of the building’s occupants had gone home. Professor Katrina Stone, the woman whose safekeeping was the guard’s main objective, was always among the last to call it a day. He stood watch outside of her laboratory door wishing she would wrap it up and leave.

When a man stepped off of the elevator, the guard barely took notice, until he recognized the face as someone with whom he had previously argued. But before he could reach for his firearm, the man had closed the short gap between the elevator and the laboratory door.

The short, stubby barrel of a pistol jutted obscenely from the inner flap of the dark man’s jacket like a rude, steel penis.

The guard gasped.

“Not a word,” the intruder said quietly. “Open the fuckin’ door and step into the room.”

The guard fumbled for his keys and did as the man with the gun had instructed, raising one hand while opening the door with the other, and then leaving the keys hanging from the lock to raise that hand as well. As he stepped inside, he momentarily felt the hot breath of his assailant down the back of his neck. Then he saw a brief flash of steel as the pistol crossed over the front of him, followed by a massive right arm snaking across his face.



Without dropping the gun, Chuck held his victim immobile with one arm for the brief moment it took to unsheathe his butterfly knife and slit the guard’s throat. With a near silent gurgle, the guard slumped to the floor, and then he was no longer a concern.

For a moment, Chuck only stared down at the body. It was the same guard who had previously turned him away from the lab with condescending rudeness. Chuck smiled, closed the door behind him, and stepped over the dead guard.

Once inside the laboratory, Chuck cast his eyes around the room’s interior, to familiarize himself with the new surroundings as much as to look for additional human obstacles. The main laboratory space was square, with additional doors around its edges. Chuck assumed that most of them probably led to office spaces. The opposite wall broke into what appeared to be a corridor. Chuck thought the connecting passageway looked cleaner and more freshly painted—perhaps newer than the rest of the lab. He walked past the whirring machines and cluttered workbenches of the lab, through the corridor, and around the bend into the adjacent room.

And no more than ten feet in front of him, there she was.

6:14 P.M.

Roger Gilman removed his glasses and set them upside down on the page in front of him. He closed his eyes and massaged his temples in a feeble attempt to quell the headache that had been coming on for the last hour. Then he sat back to roll his aching shoulders back and forth for a moment.

Over the last few minutes, he had finally begun to admit to himself that he was no longer retaining the information he was reading. Confronted with a stack of two thousand abbreviated biographies, all incarcerated Hispanic males, Gilman was beginning to feel as if he had been examining the same biography two thousand times.

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