The Demon's Bargain (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas) (3 page)

BOOK: The Demon's Bargain (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas)
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The big one hadn’t hurt her. He hadn’t pulled on her nipples or squeezed her too hard. The sensation was unique. Wet, soft. Weird. But she knew pain awaited.

He frowned. “She has the scent of fear on her.”

“We will have to remedy that,” Vetis said calmly. “But first she will tell us her name.”

By waiting she had unintentionally drawn his ire.

“Amara.” With her arms, she covered her breasts.

“Come Amara,” Vetis purred. “We must prepare you.”

She tensed and anticipated the grip of their hands on her clothes. For the rending of her dignity.

Vetis’s cock throbbed against her hip. He was mightily aroused. A shiver of apprehension skittered over her flesh. With a man behind her and another in front of her, horrible memories of her wedding night invaded her thoughts.

After he accepted her dowry to pay off his gambling debts, her groom had sold her virginity to the highest bidder. Or in her case, bidders.

Her knowledge of what happened between a man and a woman had been learned through very sweet books that were clearly lies.

Her sexual initiation had been pain-filled. Pinching hands, rough thrusting, ripping, as the men tore into her flesh, without care for her barrier or inexperience.

She’d been a blushing bride for all of an hour before she’d been reduced to her husband’s whore.

Vetis yanked her head around. Sharp pain pierced her scalp. The abuse was coming. “Don’t ever compare me, us,
to them

He was angry with her? That was rich. As rage threatened to burst from her, she shoved the emotion back inside. When the coldness had returned, she finally nodded.

With a gentleness at odds with his fierce words, Vetis let go of her hair. She eased back until her spine curved more naturally.

From the table next to him, Vetis lifted a deep purple glass bottle in the shape of a woman. His fingers caressed the rounded globes of her glass breasts before he pulled the stopper from the bottle with a pop.

“Perfect.” Zepar purred and held out his hand. The tip of his thumb brushed her breast as if by accident then casually then moved away. Vetis poured a small bit of oil in the man’s very large palm.

Real almond oil. The rare scent wrapped around her senses. After the Demons unleashed their destructive wrath and ravaged the Earth’s natural resources, such extravagance was almost eradicated.

Vetis poured a small amount of the scented oil into his own palm then placed the bottle carefully back on the little stand. He rubbed his palms together and the friction perfumed the air around them.

Vetis shifted Amara until her bottom sat on his thighs. Zepar inserted his legs between Vetis’s to build a table for her body to rest on. They gently pressed her down until her back lay along their thighs, her head hung down one side and her stilettos were planted firmly on the floor, and her breasts thrust skyward like an offering to the Gods. The position was uncomfortable but at least it didn’t hurt.

Rubbing the oil into her skin, their warmed palms caressed her collarbone, then flowed down the length of her arms. Their movements in perfect synch as if they’d practiced. Her rib cage, her stomach, the dip in her belly, no secret place was left untouched from their smooth, sensual strokes, nearing but not ever touching her breasts.

She was surprised they hadn’t hurt her yet. Perhaps the pain would come later.

Like a butterfly on the wind, the thought flitted away when they leaned over her body to cup her ankles in their palms. The flat broad muscles of the chests--whenever had they removed their shirts?–rubbed against her ribcage, flirting with the buds of her nipples but never quite touching. Which was fine with her. It only hurt.

They kneaded the skin of her calves and thighs with long sure strokes, until they came to the hem of her very short skirt.

Their hands traced sensual circles along the sensitive inner skin of her thighs. Each stroke pushed the skirt higher and higher until her pubis was exposed. But they never once touched her female slit.

Vetis leaned down and put his nose in the curls of her mound. She froze and waited for the bite, the flash of pain. Instead, he inhaled long and deep as if he could suck the essence from her body. But he never touched her.

That made her happy. Or it should have, but a subtle sense of disappointment kept her on edge.

In unison, they slicked their fingers along her flesh, until each held a breast in their hand. As if choreographed, each bent their head, one dark, one light, at the altar of her breasts. Their hot mouths opened over the entire areola and sucked in rhythm to the throb of their erections pulsing against her hips.

Oddly the sensation was not unpleasant.

Gods, wouldn’t it be amazing if she could fulfill the bargain and be done with this torture? If for one night, she could experience, if not pleasure, then an absence of pain during the sex act.

Hope, like a poison, spread through her.

Vetis groaned low in his throat, the sound vibrating through her breasts and spreading down to her womb. “Gods do you smell that beautiful scent?”

Zepar rubbed his head against the concave hollow between her hipbones. His hands caressed her body with a reverence that was impossible to turn away from. And yet, she stiffened anyway, readied for the pain.

This was where they violated her.

Amara’s gaze was drawn to Vetis, as if, like the Fae he compelled her to focus only on him. Again and again, her attention strayed to the size of his cock, poking out of his breeches and seeking a female to conquer. Cum pearled on the knob of his erection. The salty scent of his arousal sickened her and curdled any softening in her nether regions.


“Are you talking to me or to her?” Zepar growled. The beast was near.

Harsh lines of arousal cut into Vetis’s face. Leashed power prowled through his muscles like a panther and dread snapped like tiny lightning bolts along her nerve endings. Amara trembled.

In one smooth action, Vetis stood and pulled Amara with him. Her leather skirt wrapped only around her waist and bared her womanly curls and ass to their lust.

“Push down my breeches.” Vetis commanded.

She dared not disobey.

Behind her, fabric rustled as the other Demon took off his clothes swiftly.

In a tentative move, she pushed ineffectually at the tight leather breeches. “You are too big,” she murmured, a flush spreading throughout her body.

With a bark of laughter he helped her get the material off the head of his enormous erection. Dear Gods how would she ever take him into her body?

From behind, Zepar pushed her skirt down her thighs to pool at her feet. Now. This was where the pain would begin.

She tilted her chin up defiantly. As one they stepped toward her, Vetis’s chest brushed the points of her breasts even as his erection teased her curls. The blond Demon fitted his chest to her back, his huge erection nestled in the crease of her ass. One head tilted to the right and one to the left, they licked their tongues along her neck.

No pain. No fear.

Sandwiched between the two men, with her spike heels on, their erections hit her body at just the right point for penetration. She stood perfectly still, arms at her sides as they wrapped her in an intimate embrace.

The cream from Vetis’s cock was hot against her stomach, and the pearling drops from Zepar’s erection seared her ass. The air was thick with the sweet scent of almond oil. As they rubbed against her, the oil from her body slid along their skin, and a curious softening occurred. She felt...cherished. How very odd.

If she could just stay here in their embrace, her life might be bearable.

Vetis growled low in his throat. He inserted his hand between their bodies and glided his cock to the valley of her curls. Instinctively she tensed to protect against a sexual invasion.

But he did not penetrate her, only rubbed her slit with his juice.

Zepar crowded her from behind. She tensed again and waited for the intrusion. Instead he slid his cock along her feminine lips. Her womb clenched. Liquid trickled from her sex. And gratitude rolled through her in a wave.

As if they took predetermined sides, they thrust together slowly, rocking along her nether lips with heat and oil and friction. The sensation was pleasurable, perhaps more than pleasurable.

The cage around her hardened as their thrusts became more urgent.

Then they came in unison, their cum squirting between her legs. Trapped between the two large males, the scent brought back the horror of her wedding night.

She wanted to weep all over again for the loss of her innocence.

She nearly ached with the wave of pain rolling through her. For a moment, Amara had thought perhaps she would feel pleasure. Perhaps she was not broken on the inside.

Instead she looked up into Vetis’s cool dark face. A knowing smile quirked his mouth, as if he knew what she was going to ask. Hope blossomed in her stomach and spread out to warm her body as their sexing hadn’t been able to. Could her night be over so easily? “I’ve had my night of pleasure.”

“Not even close.”

As their hot wet seed ran down the inside of her thighs in a slow insistent trickle, hope bled out of her heart.

Chapter Five

Vetis invaded her mind, needing to know what caused the slump in her shoulders, and he found defeat had shrouded her thoughts.

Their sexual encounter left him surprisingly unfulfilled.

Misery stiffened her muscles and he knew what he must do. He loosened his grip on Zepar’s ass and pressed his chest against her torso. He planted the suggestion of a deep healing sleep in her mind.

With a graceful swoon, she fell into his body.

“What’s this all about?” Zepar asked as they carried her over to the giant four poster bed.

From a warming bucket by the bed, he extracted two steaming cleanse cloths. He tossed one to Zepar and with the other rubbed the damp fabric over his naked still semi-erect form.

Vetis watched the sweet Amara sleep. If only the interlude had been more pleasurable for all involved.

Zepar continued, “Not that I’m unhappy or unwilling to have a little fun now and again. But that was not our usual sport.”

True. Their usual was varied and prolonged with willing partners who would accommodate their baser natures.

“This kind of seduction isn’t a slam bam event.” Vetis studied her with contemplation, watching the rise of her chest with each deep inhale. Even in sleep her breasts were full and tempting. The cloth a pleasant friction against his still sensitive member, he squeezed just a little harder. “This kind of corruption will take finesse, planning, and...knowledge.”

And he knew just where to get his knowledge. Vetis pumped his cock a little harder. “After all, she is an innocent.”

Zepar cleaned his own body while he studied Vetis. “That was not the image I pulled from your mind.”

“She was forced.” He shot the cloth into the laundry bin with vehemence.

“What a waste.” Zepar wiped the cleansing cloth over the dried semen on her thighs, cleaning her gently. “This body is a gift to be treasured and worshiped, not abused.”

Vetis nodded his absolute agreement.

Gods, when she had begun to flush, just the hint of arousal sweeping over her fair skin, Vetis had nearly crowed with triumph. His cock hardened at the memory. He gripped his growing erection and began to pump in earnest.

She was turning out to be far more fun than he’d imagined.

He wanted her mouth on his cock with her cheeks smiling. He wanted to take her from behind and pound into her perfect ass. He let the images of the things he would do to her play through his mind. The liberties he would take when she was willing.

“What are you thinking about?” Zepar lounged on the chair near the bed. His cock lay flaccid against his stomach. Abuse always wilted him.

They’d been imprisoned for thousands of years with no privacy. Zepar knew exactly how close he was to finishing. They knew each other’s habits and secrets.

“How hard I’m going to fuck her.” Vetis leaned against the column adorning the fireplace. Firelight played across her curves. He cupped his balls in one hand and imagined fucking her glorious breasts. He pictured her on her hands and knees while he rammed into her rounded ass and she screamed in pleasure. Vetis increased the pace as his cum began to rise.

“When she is ready,” Zepar said fiercely.

Gods, he wanted her to be ready now. Ready for the slick heat of her cunt to welcome his cock and drench him with liquid desire. Ready for his balls to slap against her perfect pussy.

The vision was too much for him. He came with a muffled shout. Semen spurted from his cock, leaving him senseless as his cum sprayed out over the firewood. With a hiss, the flames released the scent of his semen into the air.

“When she’s ready.” Vetis used another warm cloth to clean off his fading erection and glanced back at his friend.

Zepar hovered over Amara and silently offered his protection while she slept. “She really is truly delectable,” he murmured.

“Her husband thought to trade her for his debt.” Vetis snorted. “

“And where is the husband now?” Zepar’s muscles rippled as he stood, ready to do battle for her honor, to deliver retribution, despite his lack of clothing.

“In the dungeon.” Vetis replied. “I’m about to pay the man a visit. Would you care to join me?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”


Vetis mentally cringed as they tread down the stairs to the dungeon.

After being imprisoned for centuries below the earth, trapped between tectonic plates, closed in and dark places were his least favorite places to be.

Ten years of freedom could not erase thousands of incarceration.

“It is...not a pleasant place.” Zepar commented about the narrow steps that lead down below the Earth.

Vetis’s footsteps slowed. “Bearable.” The peat torches flickered casting shadows over the weathered and ancient stone. Fire slithered up the limestone blocks and then extinguished in a puff.

“At least there is hope of leaving, which we did not have.” His friend paused, and flattened his palm against the old stone as if the walls could speak. The Demons had rebuilt the former ruins into a living, working fortress then covered the abbey in a decrepit glamour. From outside the circle of their magick, the castle still looked like a ruin.

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