The Desert Spear (98 page)

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Authors: Peter V. Brett

BOOK: The Desert Spear
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The mimic dropped lightly to the riverbank, bending low so the coreling prince could dismount. As they began to dematerialize, the mimic growled softly, sensing its master's anticipation for the kill.

Renna and Arlen kept riding when the sun rose, passing a branch in the road with an old signpost a few hours later.

'Ent stopping in the town'' Renna asked.

Arlen looked at her. 'You can read''

'Course not,' Renna said. 'Don't need to read to know what a sign on the road is for.'

'Point,' Arlen said, and she could sense him grinning beneath his hood. 'Ent got time to waste with other towns right now. I need to get to the Hollow quick.'

'Why'' Renna asked.

Arlen looked at her for a long moment, considering. 'A friend's got herself into a fix,' he said at last, 'and I reckon it's more than a little my fault for staying away so long.'

Renna felt a cold hand clutch her heart. 'What friend' Who is she''

'Leesha Paper,' he said. 'Herb Gatherer of Deliverer's Hollow.'

Renna swallowed. 'Is she pretty'' She cursed herself the moment the words left her lips.

Arlen turned his head back to her with a look that mixed annoyance and amusement. 'Why does it still feel like we 're ten summers old''

Renna smiled. 'Because I'm not one of these folk sees you as the Deliverer. They din't see the look on your face after you clicked teeth with Beni in the hayloft.'

'Your kiss was better,' Arlen admitted. She tightened her arms around his waist, but he shifted uncomfortably.

'We 'll cut off the road soon,' he said. 'Too many folk on it these days. There's a path I know will take us to one of my caches for fresh weapons and supplies. From there we can ford the Angiers River and be in the Hollow in a couple of nights.'

Renna nodded, swallowing a yawn. She had felt charged with energy after killing the bank demon, but as always, that added strength had faded away with the sun. She dozed in the saddle for a time until Arlen gently shook her awake.

'Best dismount and put your cloak on,' he said. 'Getting dark, and we have a few hours left to go before we get to my cache.'

Renna nodded, and he pulled the horse up. They were in a sparsely wooded area with tall conifer trees spaced widely enough that they could walk on either side of Twilight Dancer. She dropped from the saddle, her sandals crunching on the forest floor.

She reached into her satchel and drew forth the warded cloak. 'Hate wearing this thing.'

'Don't care what you hate,' Arlen said. 'Corelings are thicker this side of the Dividing; more towns and ruins to draw them. Treetops around here get rife with woodies, swinging from branch to branch and dropping on you from above.'

Renna looked up suddenly, expecting a demon to be hurtling toward her at that very moment, but of course they had not risen yet. The sun was only just setting.

As the shadows grew, Renna watched the mist rise slowly through the detritus of needle and cone carpeting the ground between the trees. It curled around the tree trunks like smoke rising up a chimney.

'What are they doing'' she asked.

'Some like to materialize up in the trees, out of sight so you don't see 'em coming,' Arlen said. 'They usually wait till you pass, then drop on your back.'

Renna thought of the rock demon she had killed in similar fashion, and drew her warded cloak tighter about her, glancing up in every direction.

'There's one up ahead,' Arlen said. 'Watch close.' He let her take Twilight Dancer's lead and walked a few feet ahead of them.

'Ent you gonna take your robe off'' Renna asked, but Arlen shook his head.

'Gonna show you a trick,' he said. 'Don't even need your skin warded, you do it right.'

Renna nodded, watching intently. They walked a bit farther, and then, as predicted, there was a rustle from above and a bark-skinned demon fell from the trees toward Arlen's back.

But Arlen was ready. He twisted and ducked his head under one of the falling demon's armpits, putting his free arm around the coreling's neck from behind, grasping it under the snout. With a sharp pivot, he turned, letting the force of the demon's own fall break its neck.

'Sweet day,' Renna gasped.

'There's several ways to do it,' Arlen said, putting a warded finger sizzling through the fallen demon's eye to confirm the kill, 'but the principle's the same for all.
is about using their power against them, like wards do. It's how the Krasians survived these last centuries, fighting
every night.'

'They're so good at killing demons, why do you hate 'em so'' Renna asked.

'Don't hate the Krasians,' Arlen said, and then paused. 'Not all of them, anyway. But their way of life, making slaves of everyone who ent a man and a warrior'it ent right. 'Specially not forced on Thesans at the end of a spear.'

'What're Thesans'' Renna asked.

Arlen looked at her in surprise. 'We are. All the Free Cities. I mean for 'em to stay free.'

The one had traveled far while the coreling prince waited out the day in the Core, but the mimic was swift, and it wasn't long before the mind demon caught sight of its prey, walking his mount through a sparse copse of trees. The mind demon circled above, watching as wood drones attacked the human. The one killed these with quick efficiency, hardly slowing his pace.

The mind demon's cranium throbbed, and the mimic banked to the side and dove into the trees, its wings melting away as it took the form of a giant wood demon. It caught a thick tree branch before they had fallen far, smoothly pulling out of the fall and into forward motion. It swung easily from branch to branch, still carrying its mind.

They came to a stop at a high vantage, watching the one approach. There was no sign of the female, though the mind demon could not recall her trail ending. It sniffed the air, tasting her. She had been about, and recently, but it could not sense her now.

Pity. She would have been a useful tool against the one, and her mind was deliciously empty, yet flavored with powerful rage. A meal worth tracking after the one's mind had been similarly consumed.

' 'Nother woodie ahead,' the Painted Man sighed as what must have been the eighth wood demon that hour swung into view. It was larger than most, almost too big for the tree branches to support. Closer to a rock demon.

'Can I try this one'' Renna asked.

The Painted Man shook his head. He glanced back at her, but it took him a moment to find her. The warded cloak still made him dizzy, and it was easy for his eyes to slide right off it without seeing, if his mind was not focused.

'You need to sleep when we get to the cache,' he said, 'and you won't if you're all charged with magic.'

'What about you'' Renna asked.

'Got warding to do tonight. I'll sleep when we 're back in the Hollow,' he said, watching the demon out of the corner of his eye to see where it perched for its ambush.

But the wood demon didn't wait for them to pass, picking up momentum and launching itself at him from the front. It was an unexpected move, but the Painted Man still had plenty of time to duck to the side, reaching out for its lead talon to twist and turn its own force against it.

He must have misjudged the length of the demon's limbs, though, because he somehow missed its clawed foot, which grabbed at his robed leg and pulled him from his feet. They both hit the ground heavily, and the coreling rolled away, rising on equal footing with him.

They faced off, and immediately the Painted Man knew something was different about this demon. It circled him patiently, waiting for opportunity. A few times, the Painted Man lowered his eyes or seemed to turn away, inviting attack, but the coreling didn't take the bait, watching him intently.

'Smart one,' he mused.

'Need help'' Renna asked, reaching for her knife.

The Painted Man laughed. 'Be a cold day in the Core when I need help killing a lone wood demon.' He reached down to open his robe.

The coreling growled and launched itself at him before he could untie the garment, tackling him to the ground. The Painted Man fell on his back and kicked at it, delivering a blow greater than even Twilight Dancer could have done, but the demon's arms became the tentacles of a lake demon, wrapping tightly around him. They dug in with a sharp, horned surface even as suckers latched on to his robe, holding it tight and keeping his wards covered. The demon's maw grew before his eyes, becoming like a bank demon's, large enough to swallow his entire head and shoulders.

The Painted Man snapped his head forward, butting the demon's lower jaw with the impact ward atop his head. There was a flash and the demon howled as a few of its teeth shattered, but there were hundreds more, and it did not let go its grip. The Painted Man had exhaled sharply with the blow, and now found he could not draw a new breath.

With the last bit of air in his lungs, the Painted Man emitted a shrill whistle, and Twilight Dancer tossed his mighty head, yanking the lead away from Renna and charging in, horns lowered. They tore through the demon's shoulder in a blast of ichor and magic, and it shrieked in agony, finally relaxing its grip. The Painted Man rolled away, gasping for breath.

The coreling melted away from Twilight Dancer's horns and grew again, its armor shifting and changing color as it became a rock demon. It swiped a backhand blow at the stallion, never taking its eyes off the Painted Man.

Even without its barding and saddlebags, Twilight Dancer weighed nearly a ton, but the powerful demon still sent the horse flying. He struck a tall tree, and the Painted Man could not tell if the resulting crack was the tree's trunk or his horse's spine.

'Dancer!' the Painted Man screamed, tearing the robe from his body and launching himself at the demon. Renna ran to see to the horse.

The Painted Man's blows rocked the coreling back, and it gave ground freely under the assault, but the wound Twilight Dancer's horns inflicted was already healed, and the Painted Man's punches and kicks seemed to have no lasting effect. Its flesh pulsed around the scorched impact points, healing them instantly.

He knocked the demon down on one arm, but it dug its great talons into the ground, throwing an enormous clump of dirt and wet leaves at him. The Painted Man had no chance to dodge, and was struck full-on. He recovered his feet quickly, brushing the filth from him, but he knew his wards were weakened where it clung to him, if they still worked at all.

But he was no more injured than the coreling, and there was no way he was going to let this powerful demon get away. They circled again, baring their teeth and growling. One of the demon's arms became half a dozen tentacles, each ten feet long and ending in a sharp horn.

'Night, what part of the Core did
come from'' the Painted Man asked. The mimic gave no answer, lashing out with the new limbs.

The Painted Man dodged to the side, rolling and coming up at a run to get inside the demon's reach. There was a gap in the armor plates at its armpit, and he drove his stiffened fingers, painted with piercing wards, into the crevice, trying to reach some vital part that might cause lasting damage.

The coreling screamed and twisted, and its flesh dissolved around his hand. It was only then, when he was in contact with the demon as it changed, that he realized what it was doing. It was dematerializing and reforming, the same way he did, or any coreling for that matter. This demon could simply reform in different ways. A thousand possibilities opened to the Painted Man at the realization, too many to even consider. He brushed the epiphany aside like an irritating fly and focused on his adversary, striking again.

In the split second when the demon was in transition, the Painted Man dematerialized as well, intermingling with it slightly to keep it from solidifying. The demon still felt solid to him, but Renna's scream sounded as if she were a mile away. He knew how it must seem to her, both of them fading away, ghostlike, but there was nothing for it.

He 'd fought another demon this way once before, and knew that in this state strength and wards were meaningless. It was
that was power here, and the Painted Man knew his will was greater than any demon's.

He locked on to the mimic demon's very molecules, keeping them scattered and immaterial, shepherded by his will. He sensed the creature 's sudden fear, and returned it with his anger and rage, dominating its will the way a parent would a disobedient toddler.

But just as he felt the mimic's will breaking, another will touched him, this one a thousand times stronger.

The coreling prince clung to a high treetop above the battle, but its mind rode behind the eyes of the mimic, giving its servant commands through the battle.

Against any other foe, the kill would have been swift, for the mind demon could simply have read its opponent's thoughts, countering attacks before they were even made. But the thoughts of the human mind were warded, so the demon was blind to his plans. The mimic would still have prevailed, but then the human did something even the mind demon could never have expected.

He dematerialized.

The coreling prince had never seen the like, had not even imagined it was possible for a surface creature. For a moment, it felt a touch of fear at the human's power.

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