The Devil's Good Intentions (50 page)

Read The Devil's Good Intentions Online

Authors: Kari Miller

Tags: #historical romance, #erotica, #light bdsm

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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I know; he’s speaking with Simon at this moment about supplies and workers. Now we just need to find you, Peter and Ed a wife!” Salvador chuckled out.

Ed sobered at that and Salvador thought he saw dismay cross his facial features before he plastered a smile instead.

Simon is well on his way. If the plans are complete before Peter and I find our wives then we will just have to venture into land every so often.” Ed assured Salvador, even though it sounded as though he was trying to assure himself.

It’ll happen Ed, you’re a good man and somewhere out there is a good woman waiting for you to find her.”

Yes well, until then I plan on enjoying the fruits of my search!” Ed chuckled out.

Rake!” Salvador boomed out in his laughter.

That evening they would be sailing back. They had planned to spend more time on the island but Charles and Alex didn’t have a hard time convincing him that they had seen enough and thought it best to get back home.

Salvador was grateful that they had approached him on the subject because truthfully he was preparing to approach them. He was barely sleeping at night and sick with worry over Katherine’s health. She was healthy when he left, but she was still in her early stages and if anything happened to her, he wouldn’t know until it was too late. He also had a sickening dread that something was terribly wrong. He tried to convince himself that it was just nerves and that he was jumping to conclusions, but still his fear gnawed at him in the late hours of the night.

They sailed into port just as the sun was going down. They had planned to spend a night in Kingston, Jamaica to re-stock their food supplies and so the crew could spend an evening rejuvenating themselves.

The brothers and the captain found a decent Inn and paid for their rooms. Downstairs was a lively tavern with live music and a shockingly large dance floor that was filled with locals and sailors. All the men found their way to a table and ordered up ale and whatever they were serving at that hour from the kitchen.

Salvador finally felt semi-human again after freshening up with a hot bath and a fresh shave; he could see that the others had done the same.

Can I interest you boys in anything?” A wildly exotic bar wench offered as she leaned over the table to make a show of her ample bosom.

Peter grinned, Ed chocked on his drink, the captain’s eyes grew large as saucers and Simon rolled his eyes. Meanwhile Salvador, Alex and Charles turned their eyes from the spectacle and found amusement with the others reactions.

Are you a local?” Peter asked smoothly.

Aye and where are you brawny men from” She returned, looking Peter up and down in an incredibly seductive way.

Somewhere else” the Captain finally pitched in, not liking to speak his business with anyone…not even a tavern wench.

Why don’t you join us and tell us all about your island.” Peter encouraged her as he pulled her down onto his knee.

She laughed flirtatiously and flung her arm around him.

Throughout the evening they were joined by more maids looking to fill their pockets.

One made the mistake of boldly approaching the table and attempting to lean over seductively to whisper something into Salvador’s ear. She never got the chance to say whatever it was that was on her mind. Salvador placed his hand on her face, pushed her back so abruptly that she stumbled into Simon and then warned her to keep her distance. She had scowled at him briefly but then decided to try her charms on Simon, to which she was again shoved away, looking towards the remaining two empty laps - both of them gave her warning looks that made her cringe.

Shortly after they all retired to their rooms, the available party with wenches in hand and the unavailable party alone to dream of their loved ones.

Salvador had fallen right to sleep from sheer exhaustion and too much spirits. He sighed as Katherine came to him in his dreams. She was as beautiful as he remembered her and immediately he felt himself stir to life. Even in his dreams he was hers completely. He felt her hard nipples brush against his chest and he groaned as he took them into his hands and suckled on them. She moaned from above him as her hair fell around his face. Her breasts seemed larger than the last time he held her and he supposed that it was her current state that made that so. Even in his dreams he conjured up his wife’s maturing figure as she grew with his child. He smiled against her breasts and ran his hand down to her stomach to see if her belly had swollen. He heard her intake of breath as his fingers skimmed over her flesh. Oddly enough her stomach was larger but not firm. She slid down his body and licked at his erection. Thrusting his hips forward, he groaned as her lips wrapped around the crown of his cock. He flinched when her teeth accidentally glazed him and then growled when she licked at his sore spot. She seemed unpractised and unable to take more than an inch of him without having to retreat, which was odd because Katherine could make him black out with the pleasure she brought to him in this manner.

She finally gave up and strangely, he started going limp to her touch. Taking his hand, she boldly placed it on her heated core and moaned when he cupped her.

But this wasn’t right. She even sounded different. She took his semi-erect cock into her hand and tried to pump it, but even her touch felt different.

Catching a faint smell of ale and sweat, he was shocked that his Katherine would be drinking in her state. This was his dream, why would he even conjure up something like that. As he tried to think this through, she had straddled him and was rubbing her pussy along his softened shaft. He was no longer erect and felt the sickening urge to throw her off of him.

Don’t you want me?” He heard a woman say seductively.

His eyes flew open and within a heart beat, he threw her and heard the crash from where the woman landed.

She cried out as her body hit the floor while he roared with the fury that was flowing through his veins as he went after her.

You Whore! How dare you touch me!” He boomed as he picked her up by her hair and slapped her across the face.

Just then, his door burst open and a semi-dressed Peter ran into his room followed by the whore who had entertained him that night and Charles who was trying to fit his shirt over his head.

Salvador!” Peter shouted out as he leapt onto his back.

I’ll kill her!” Salvador roared while Peter tried to restrain him.

Visions of Katherine’s horrified and hurt expression came to his mind if she ever thought that he was a willing participant. His anger at that very moment knew no limits. His body belonged to Katherine and Katherine only and for this whore to taint what belonged to his wife was unforgivable!

With a surge of adrenaline, he threw Peter off of him and lunged for the whore again.

You’ve tainted me!” He growled out as he grabbed a fist full of her hair with the full intention of slamming her face into the floor.

A hand caught his wrist and Ed screamed at him to release her as a few more pairs of hands tried to restrain him and tackle him to the floor.

They finally succeeded, but with Salvador’s satisfaction of knowing that a huge chunk of the bitch’s hair was no longer part of her scalp.

Get her out of here!” Charles roared from above him.

Get the girls out and lock the door.” Simon bellowed from beside him.

Finally he felt the body weights lift from him and their holds disappear.

Instantly he leapt to his feet and searched the room for the object of his anger, she was gone but her blood was not.

Salvador! What the hell was that?” Charles yelled at him from across the room while making sure the door was secure.

That whore crawled into bed with me!” he barked back as he went to take a seat on the edge of his bed.

She what!” Alex responded with disbelief.

Yes. And me thinking I was dreaming of my wife, she almost succeeded in her vial seduction.” Salvador spat out.

Dear Lord” Charles exclaimed. “Did you…” Charles started and then trailed off.

Gods no! Even in my sleep I could tell that something wasn’t right.” Salvador defended himself.

What kind of establishment is this?” Alex wondered out loud.

I’ll talk to the Owner.” Charles stated as he unlocked the door and stomped out.

Ed walked over to the door and slammed it shut, re-locked it and then stood guard.

I swear I never gave any signs that I was looking for company tonight!” Salvador felt the need to defend himself.

He felt sick to his stomach and felt that he had somehow disgraced his marriage vows. The thought of hurting Katherine made him sick, causing him to dash to the chamber pot and emptied out the contents of his stomach.

It wasn’t your fault. You were asleep Salvador and corrected the situation as soon as you figured out that it wasn’t a dream.” Simon tried to reassure him when he had stopped retching his guts out.

Hell” was all he could utter as he made his way back to the bed.

A brief knock on the door and Charles command to open it caught his attention.

With him walked in the Owner. He looked frightened and repentant.

Does that whore belong to you?” Salvador asked flatly, not caring if he picked a fight.

No. She is a local whore but not one of mine. I’m not sure how she got into your room.” The owner responded, sounding nervous being surrounded by six angry Englishmen.

Will her Master give us trouble?” Alex asked.

I don’t know - if he does you will know shortly. I am sorry for what has happened but I do not want anymore trouble in my establishment.” He managed to say.

Salvador ran his hands through his hair and saw that they were shaking.

Send me up a bath, I need to wash that filth off of me and then we will leave.” Salvador ordered the owner without looking at him.

And make it quick.” Peter pitched in.

The owner left without saying anything and his brothers grunted as they shuffled off to their own accommodations to pack up.

An hour later, the Captain had been woken from a deep slumber and all the men were making their way back to the ship.

Salvador still felt sick over what happened and the brothers knew it. Every once in a while he would receive reassurance that there was nothing he could have done about it and it wasn’t his fault. He had to admit that he felt much better knowing that he had put a stop to it before it went any further. In fact, even if he hadn’t of woken he was convinced that there would be no way he could have performed the task being that even in his dreams he knew the difference between his wife and any other woman.

By the time they boarded the ship, dawn had already come and the crew members that were left on the boat were stirred awake to go find the remainder of their mates so they could head out.

Chapter 29 - A Waking Nightmare

Katherine didn’t know why she woke, but she did not feel anymore rested than when she fell asleep. A cool breeze caressed her cheek and the smell of rain wafted into her chamber. Her first thought was Salvador and then it was their child that was growing at a healthy rate within her. Instinctively placing her hand on her increased belly, she wondered what Salvador would think of her now that her body was changing. Would he find her less desirable? She couldn’t help but think back to when he had warned her before he left that when he returned he expected her to be as big as a house – or else! Katherine smiled at the memory as she soothed her belly with her thumb.

A shadow moved from the corner of her eye and she turned her head in that direction. She could tell by the steady breeze that it was windy outside and admired the dancing shadows that played on the walls and ceiling for her. Another movement caught her attention from the foot of her bed and the first wave of icy shivers pass through her as alarm bells started to go off in her head.

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