The Devils Harvest: The End of All Flesh. (38 page)

BOOK: The Devils Harvest: The End of All Flesh.
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They could either see me and ignored me, or simply didn’t register my presence so close to them. The blurs disappeared into a tightly packed tree line, a dense wood of dark pines that backed on to the field. I could no longer see them.

I drove faster, passing fields and hedges that were now simply a green and brown blur. Rounding one corner I startled a covey of grouse that took to flight from behind one hedgerow and flew across the road in front of the car.


They startled me; I braked hard, watching the birds fly down the narrow lane.

So there was life around.


Then out of nowhere the ghostly spectres appeared from the woods to the right that the road dissected through. The figures floated straight across the path of the startled birds. The dark figures were larger than I first thought, possibly ten feet tall. Broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist and legs. It seemed to be grey-black in colour, and the head blended in with the shoulders. The only feature on the face that was recognizable was two large round bright red eyes, like car reflectors. There were no arms, but what looked like tucked up wings folded against its sides and back.

Suddenly all the birds that passed close to the figures started falling to the roads surface. The red-eyed creatures continued undaunted, disappearing back into the woods to the left of the narrow lane.


The road was now littered with dead birds.

I sat motionless, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I could see the motionless birds on the road where they had dropped.


I climbed from the car, walking slowly towards them, always keeping an eye on the woods to the left. But nothing appeared from that direction.

I stood over one bird, kicking it with my trainer. It didn’t move. It was dead, as I knew it would be. It had no marks on it, no blood dribbling from its beak. It was just dead, as if its soul had been ripped out and it was now just an empty meat sack.


Had these creatures been the cause of all the death I had seen? Were the entities controlling them? Where were they now heading?

I stood for a few moments, pondering on what I could do. Should I follow the figures, see where they went? The woods were thick, no road headed in that direction.
Did I really want to go following these things into the dark woods?
Shit no, my common sense was screaming.


I continued on my way down the narrow lane. Not once meeting another living person. Until I came to a crossroad of two small lanes overlapping.

There was a dark green wooden road sign, but it was too old and weatherworn to be readable. A green bench was up on a small embankment besides the old useless signpost. Sat on the bench was a little old man. He was very much alive and staring down at me, as if he was expecting me.


“Trouble?” he asked in almost a whispered voice. I was shocked I could hear him, considering I was still sat behind the wheel of the car.

I slammed the door shut harder than I intended. And walked a few steps over to the mound he was raised on. I noticed a few steps worn into the mud embankment.


The old man’s eyes stayed fixed on me. He had a blade of grass resting between his wrinkled lips, one hand holding the grass as he chewed it. He looked old, very old. Years to old to number. Hair almost pure white, wispy and long, having a life of its own as it floated about his head, looking like a dandelion. No beard or moustache, looking like he didn’t even need to shave. He resembled black and white pictures of wise old Indians I had seen in numerous books. He wouldn’t look out of place with a big feather headdress on with an animal skinned tasselled coat astride a mottled mustang.

And I had seen him before – in a daydream. He was the figure that took the place of the monk in my dream, while sleeping in the car at Hay-Tor car park.


I made no move to climb the steps.

“Cold wind,” he muttered. His eyes still locked on me.


“Where are you from?” Was all I could think to ask, what with his strange appearance and being the only living person I had seen in the whole area. He had a strange air about him; I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

“Here ‘n’ there, you could say.” His eyes closed slightly, but I had the feeling he was looking at me through the slits.


I wanted to ask a hundred questions. But couldn’t even being to know where to start.

“You need to clear your mind. Focus on what really matters,” he said.


It was a strange statement.

“You are not safe here. Things are happening, and there is –”

He cut me off mid sentence. “Everything happens for a reason,” he said while twisting the grass. He was full of strange statements. And it just happened to be one of my own sayings. I used it all the time.

“Look, we need to get out of here. Do you know where the closest town or village is?”

He continued chewing for a moment before answering, seemingly mulling the question over first. “There’s a village not more than two miles back the way you came from.”

I was about to cut him off, tell him there was nothing there now, everyone was dead. A ghost town. When his next words shocked me.

“But as you already know, only death resides there. They have already sent them out.”

I tried to comprehend the meaning of his words.

“That way,” he pointed the stalk of grass to the right, “leads to another dead village.” He pointed straight on. “That leads to safety. But for how long?” He let the words hang in the air. “Left leads back to the farmhouse and the answers you need.”

“How do you know what’s –”

He waved a hand to silence me. “Many things walk this world with mankind. Many things share the same universe. Many things coexist. Many things simply take.” He placed the grass back into his mouth. “The problem with man is he sees, but doesn’t believe. Hears, but doesn’t listen. Things that are in your grasp but slip by.

“You know more about the stars and the heavens than you do the forests of your own planet. More about the surface of Mars and your moon than you do the floor of your oceans.

“Always looking away, never near. Things exist that have been here since the dawn of time, things you refuse to see or acknowledge.”

I placed one foot on the steps.


“Return to the farmhouse. Finish this, before it’s too late.” He was pointing down the road to the left. I looked down it, the same direction the figures had vanished towards.

“What does –” but I swallowed my words. The old man was gone, he was nowhere in sight. In his place was a simple paperback book and what looked like an amber necklace.


The Book, Pendant and Omens

knew even if I looked the old man would be nowhere is sight. I sat down on the same bench he had been resting on only moments before. What strange things he had mentioned.
They have been sent out
, he had said.
They are starting the gathering
. And, things coexisting.

I looked down at what lay on the green faded wooden bench. A simple dog-eared paperback book with a necklace resting on top. I couldn’t see the books name because the amber stone rested over most of the cover.


Gingerly I stretched out a hand and held it above the two items for a moment, not sure why I didn’t just pick them up. I pinched the leather thong of the necklace and lifted it slowly, the leather unrolled until it caught the pendant that rose up into the air, it gently swung back and forth at arms length.

It looked like a simple tacky piece of jewellery you could buy in most cheap shops. A dark brown leather thong with a large amber stone in the middle of a twisted metal surround. But lifting it closer I could see what rested inside the amber stone, a strange kind of computer chip, about the size of a thumbnail, it was easily picked out. It looked like a chip pulled from any number of computers. It seemed strange. Normally inside amber would be an insect or small flower seed, but a microchip?


Stranger still was the title of the book:
The End of Days
by Matthew K. Applegate. With the words:
A Warning to an Unprepared World
, written in small red letters across the top.

I had never heard of the book. UFO and hairy monster hunters were one to a dozen back in the early seventies, with the influxes of UFO sightings all across the world. A large group of these published at least one book. A small market. Most authors never released another, they just faded into the background.


Why would the strange old man leave this book behind?

I turned the book over. In large red capital letters it read: WORLDS WITHIN WORLDS. MANKIND NEEDS TO WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.


I flipped open the cover to check its date of printing, expecting it to be late 70’s early 80’s, and was shocked to note it was dated 2011, even with its dog-eared state.

It had been left for a reason.


I started reading it.

I was enthralled as I read the first chapter, about the author’s studies. His culmination of research from the fifties to the present day. UFOs. Hairy unidentified creatures. Things most sensible people wouldn’t even consider. A good Sunday afternoon read when there was nothing entertaining on the television.


Or has peoples perspectives changed?

Recently with all the blockbuster movies covering aliens in the cinemas, people’s interest has been reignited. Movies such as Skyline, Independence Day, District 9, Clover field, Signs, Paul, Monsters, Predator, The Battle for Los Angeles and Cowboys and Aliens, just to name a few. Not to mention the original Star Wars and the three new Star Wars movies; and new cartoon series, bringing it to a whole new generation.


The unexplained is being dissected by everyone. I personally have an interest because of my own books, looking through websites such as, to find out information, or to chat on its forum with its over 100,000 members or reading through its over 4,000,000 posts.

The small book went on to say, which kick-started my interest, about strange winged monsters. Hadn’t I just seen such a thing? A group of them passing right before me.


It referred to them – as many books of its times did – as a Mothman. The name coming from a comic book character from the seventies, and an evil fiend fighting against Batman in his television show. The book stated they were still an enigmatic figure, a fascinating and compelling mystery from ages past. Sometimes determined to save lives, other times standing by to watch the death of untold thousands. But it said nothing about them causing the deaths.

I had seen otherwise.


It was getting cold on the bench.

I slipped the pedant into my tracksuit pocket and walked back to the car with the book.


The old man had pointed the way, saying the left lane led back to the farmhouse and the entities, or whatever they are.

The countryside was silent, seemingly knowing what was happening. No birds flew in the sky. Even the wind had died away. All was still and deadly silent. As if the countryside was holding its breath.


I sat behind the wheel, trying to decide what to do, rain started to patter against the windshield, it became heavier until I couldn’t see beyond the car windows, which even now were starting to steam up inside.

I gulped from a bottle of warm orange Tango and started eating a scotch egg that I had pilfered from the small shop.


I looked at the book on the passenger seat.

I picked it up.


I carried on reading.

The book continued explaining about mysterious events. About how the author investigates such phenomenon. Applegate was possibly the foremost in his field. Being a writer I marvelled at his technique. Brilliant. Keeping the reader completely engrossed.


The rain pelted down hard, created a tattoo on the metal roof. The sun started its downward spiral, as I sat reading from the small paperback.

No other cars came along the narrow lane. I heard nothing. Life seemed to have fled the area. All that could be heard was the crunching of a chocolate bar, and the turning of the pages.


I read on.

The book started by explaining about different observable facts worldwide. Calling it a tapestry of the unexplained, because everything seemed to be interweaved. For instance, the North American Indian burial mounds were laid out and constructed with the same mathematical precision as the great pyramids of ancient Egypt, the Puma Punku temple in Bolivia, as well as Stonehenge in Europe. Every major, ancient world culture has similarities in their building style, even though – apparently – the cultures remained, and advanced separate.


Also, how did the ancient people build these monoliths, it asks?

Amazingly, the great pyramid of Gaza is positioned on the exact intersection – to mere millimeters – of the world’s longest line of latitude and the world’s longest line of longitude, sitting perfectly in the exact middle of all the worlds landmass. And the pyramids four sides align perfectly with the sides of a compass; even though such an instrument was unknown to the Egyptians and wasn’t invented until thousands of years later.


Stonehenge and its mystical circles. Built over a three thousand year period, other sections being added over time. How had they collected the huge twenty tonne slabs of bluestone that came from the Welsh mountains over three hundred miles away? Or move the fifty tonne sarsen stones that came from Marlborough Downs, over twenty mile away? And how, from above, it was laid out in the same mathematical precision as our solar system, with the sun as the centre and all the planets circling. It wasn’t until thousands of years later that Galileo Galilei first made the discovery that the earth orbited the sun. And hundreds of years after that that all the planets were discovered.

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