The Diary of Olga Romanov (14 page)

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Wednesday. 28th September.

Mama stayed in bed all day, but received Sturmer
at 6 o'clock. Around 3 o'cl. We 2 took a ride on the motor and went to the Silayevs'. Sat upstairs with Mitya's mama and [I] was so happy, at least it felt like a part of him. Later had tea with them and ate various pastries brought over from the Caucasus. In the evening—to the infirmary. Bibi got a telegram from Mitya.

Thursday. 29th September.

Sonia Dehn had tea. Papa wrote. Went to the Grand Palace with M. and A. After that we 4 took a ride in the motor. Did some trying on [of clothes?]. In the evening—to the infirmary. L.'s Symphony orchestra from the Volynsky regiment. They played excellently. I stood in the doors: went to see all
the other and saw the little Montenegrin. He is so eternally charming. Saw Mitya's mama from the window.

Sunday. 2nd October.

[We] had our hair curled, went to
in the grotto church, after that—to the infirmary. Trina and Nastenka had breakfast. At 3 o'cl. stopped by
with Mama and [then] boarded the train. Rain, snow, nasty. Met Mitya's mama. Going with us are Shvedov, Anya, Isa, Botkin, Resin, and Kern. Papa wrote.

Saturday. 15th October.

With Mama to
and the infirmary. Freezing, overcast. Trina had breakfast. We 4 went to the Grand Palace, later took a ride on the motor. Rode by Mitya's mama's [house] but she wasn't home, we did see her yesterday morning and today. Papa wrote. Anya had tea. Going to
with Mama. We 4 went to the infirmary. Was talking in the front room with Kulnev when suddenly Mitya walked in. So awfully happy to see him with a part in his hair. Stood in the hallway and sat. [I] darned socks.

Saturday. 22nd October.

With Mama to
and the infirmary. Took photos again because they didn't come out last time. During the day took a walk like yesterday. Rather warm. No snow, 5 [deg.] Aleksei has the 2 Makarovs, Zhenya and Lelya visiting since yesterday. Everyone was at
. Did nothing unusual in the evening.

Sunday. 23rd October.

We 2 to the early service at the grotto church, then—to the infirmary. Saw Mitya from the window. Left at 12 o'cl.
Tzvetinsky and Dmitri had breakfast. During the day took a walk with Papa and Mama. After tea [had] a small cinematograph in Aleksei's [room]. They are leaving today. Ate all together. After 10 o'cl. came over and read Sladkopevtsev's funny short stories. At 11 1/2 to bed.

Friday. 28th October.

We 4 with Mama had breakfast on the train on the way to the city. T. and I went to her committee, after which I received O. B. Stolypina.
The Little Ones
went around the infirmary at the Grand Palace with Mama. There are currently 358 people there. Tea on the train with Viktor Erastovich. It's drizzling and awfully dark, but warm. Now Mama is receiving. Papa telegraphed from Kiev. They went to Grandma's for her fiftieth wedding anniversary.
In the evening we 4—to the infirmary. Played the piano in the sitting room. Mitya came in toward the end. Returned after 11 o'clock. Rain.

Monday. 31st October.

Mitya and [his] mama evidently went to the Caucasus, since the shutters [of their house] were closed. To
and to the infirmary with Mama. Dzhurkovich fussed all morning, got dressed and at 12 o'cl. went with Daragan to Yalta to [see] Popov. So sad, we got so used to him after all, and despite everything he is a very good person. Rode around Pavlovsk with Mama in a carriage. Cold, dark and rainy. Later we 4—in a motor in Pavlovsk. Mama is receiving the whole time. Papa and Aleksei wrote to her. In the evening to the infirmary
with Mama. Little Dzhurkovich is missed so much, in the rooms and in everything. He was always taking walks up and down the hallway or in the sitting room, etc. Returned in an open motor. Snowing a little.

Thursday. 3rd November.

21 years old. To
and to the infirmary with Mama. Not much to do. At 12 o'clock
, and home at 1 1/2. Sunny, cold. Papa and Aleksei wrote to me, such dears. Received a lot of telegrams and letters. From our [friends and relatives] in Yalta, etc. Dmitri had tea. Responded to letters and telegrams the entire time. In the evening to the infirmary with Mama. Played the countess's piano in the ladies room. Mitya sent Bibi a telegram from Mozdok. Left after 11 1/4.

Tuesday. 8th November.

and the infirmary with Mama. To everyone's joy Kasyanov arrived. He lay in his old spot with a wounded right hip by an exploded bullet. Lost weight, head is shaved, but still charming. During the day we 4 rode around with Mama. Had a singing lesson, and now—music.

Wednesday. 30th November.

T. played the countess's piano in the ladies' room for Kasyanov. Heard absolutely nothing from Mitya. Ate together. At 2 o'clock Mama and I received a Norwegian young lady. After that, took a walk with Papa. It's snowing a little and [there is] snow on the ground. Aunt Ella came over, had tea. Sat with her until 7 o'cl. while Mama received Uncle Mekko[?]. They had some serious discussions. Holy God help us. She [Aunt Ella] also had dinner. Went to Al.[eksei's]
to say goodbye. Papa and M. pasted [photos] into the album. After 11 o'cl. to bed. Read V
gostyakh u turok
[Visiting the Turks] by Leikin.

Saturday. 3rd December.

and to the infirmary. Mama and Aleksei came at 11 o'clock for Colonel Dzerzhinsky's surgery. Excised (with Novocain) some fatty tumors from his shoulders. Al. stood in the door the entire time. Later he played “ruble” with everyone. Ate all together. During the day at 2 3/4 took a walk with Papa and Mama like yesterday. Very dark and slippery. Will all go to
. In the evening Papa pasted [photos into] the album, Tatiana read “Gdye apelsini zreyut” [Where the Oranges Blossom].

Tuesday. 6th December.

At 10? to
with Mama. [Received] congratulations in the small room. After 2 o'cl. Took a ride like yesterday. It's snowing, warmer. During tea received a telegram from Papa, who writes, “Today, you are appointed the Chief of the Second Kubansky battalion. I congratulate you on this appointment and hug all of you. Papa.” I am so joyful and happy and proud, can't even describe it. Had dinner early, and to the infirmary with Mama. Played the piano. Left at 11 1/2. 6 hr 25 min.

Sunday. 11th December.

On the train between Novgorod and M[illegible] across the r[iver] Kerest. Departed tonight at 3:10 and arrived in Novgorod at 9 1/2 in the morning. At 10 went to
Cathedral. There was an
service and
until 12, paid respects to various holy relics. Downstairs stopped by the storeroom with ancient artifacts and got home by 1:00
o'clock. At 2 o'clock, went to Zemskaya Hospital, and my female mon.[astery—i.e. nunnery]…kissed the icons, etc…. then to the orphanage of the refugee children, and Yurevsky male monast.[ery], [located] 5
from the city. Drank tea at the table with the nobles. From there to the chapel, where Our Lord's Mother appeared in sorrow, and remained. Terribly nice and such a wonderful smell in the chapel. Was able to fall asleep before Tsarskoe, where we arrived at 12 hrs 20 min. at night.

Saturday. 17th December.

We 2 to
. Did everything as usual, made up the beds, etc. Sokolov is gloomier than dark night. Played
[tiddlywinks] with Kasyanov against T.[atiana] and Ulan.
Ate with Mama. Anya drank tea, had dinner. Sat all day with Mama. Father Grigori
is missing since last night. They are looking for him everywhere—awfully hard. Attended
here at the house. In the evening, Mama, Anya, confessed. Lili Dehn
was here. Papa wrote. Sat almost until 12 o'clock. Everyone was waiting for a telephone [call] from Kalinin, etc.
Slept all 4 together. Lord help us.

Monday. 19th December.

As usual, to
and to the infirmary. Almost nothing to do. Went with Kasyanov to the drawing room and behind closed doors, without anyone present, I played and he sang various new beautiful things. Ate with Mama. Found out for certain that Father Grigori was murdered, most likely by Dmitri
and thrown from a bridge by Khrestovky. They
found him in the water. It's so terrible, should not even write. Sat and drank tea with Lillie and Anya and the entire time felt Father Gregori with us…at 6 o'clock met Papa and Aleksei. Such joy. Had dinner together. After 10 o'clock Papa and Mama received Kalinin, then Uncle Pavel. We were in Anya's rooms. At 12 o'clock to bed.

Saturday. 24th December.

During the day took a walk with Papa. Lots of snow. Bright night, in the evening 12 [degrees] of frost. At 3 o'cl., a Christmas party in the hallway. After that went with Mama to Anya's with a tree, and then we 4 [went] to [see] Nastenka, Isa, and Trina. At 4 1/2 our Christmas party in the playroom. At 6 1/2 with Papa to
. Mama and Al. at 7 o'clock. In the evening stopped by [to see] Al. and just sat [with him]. Lord, save and have mercy on us. A very lovely
. Got a ring from Zenaide,
a baby doll, a pillow, etc.

Christmas Day.

At 10 1/2 with Papa to
. Mama and Al. later. Ate all together. Beautiful bright sun, sky, 7 [degrees] of frost. At 2 everyone went to the arena for the Convoy's Christmas party. All dear ones were there. Looking at them is so soothing. Went for a walk with Papa for a half an hour—after that he and Mama received Kalinin. At 6 we 2 with Mama to our infirmary, a Christmas tree was set up in the drawing room. Everyone except Sokolov was gathered there—Mama gave out gifts to all. Left at 7. Mama received Prince Golytzin. After dinner [I] played, at Papa's request, religious things [music] and everyone went to Anya's where Father Grigori's entire family was present: Paraskovia, Feod[orovna], Mitya,
Matryona, and Varya.
They are leaving for Pokrovskoye
on Tuesday. Went to [see] Al.[eksei] and Zhenya.
At 11 to bed. Mama doesn't feel too well, but she is so brave. Save her, Lord.

From the memoirs of V. I. Chebotareva:

December 1916.

We suffered such anxieties during that 17th! I came by the infirmary around seven o'clock, the nurse on duty rushed over: “They reported on the telephone: Grigori was killed”…. The children called: “We cannot come in the evening, we have a duty, must stay with mama.” At eleven in the evening Elizaveta Nikolaevna called, the commandant told her husband—Yusupov killed [Rasputin], the body has not been found. Interesting, they already knew about this incident at two o'clock?

In the evening, they say, around five o'clock, [they] found out about the loss, tears, despair. On Sunday, she [Olga?] and Tatiana Nikolaevna went to confession. On Sunday, the children did not come at all, came on Monday, faces swollen from tears, looking at everyone suspiciously. In the middle of dressings, Tatiana went out, spoke to Varvara Afanasievna, started crying, returned to operating room, keeping from [crying] with difficulty…. Truly, today is a confirmation of Olga's remark: “Mama does not feel well, and is tired, sitting with papers all day, much to do, in the morning the entire bed is covered [with papers].”

Saturday. 31st December.

We 2 to
and to the infirmary. Rita was helping to replace Val.[lentina] Iv.[anovna]
in the operating room, and I was [helping] a little on the ward. Distributed medicines, etc. Wrote. In general not much to do, only during the dressing changes. Around 3 went home to get dressed and go to a party at the School for Nannies, but I and Papa walked a little more. Mama and Anya were at Al.'s He feels better, but doesn't get up yet. At 6 1/2 we 4 with Papa went to
. Will stop by [to see] Al. to say good night. In the evening [we] will gather for prayers. Read [our] fortunes with Anya using wax and paper. Lord, save us and have mercy on us in 1917, the new year.

. Margarita Khitrovo (“Ritka”) (1895–1952), lady-in-waiting and friend of Olga Nikolaevna.

. S. Y. Ofrosimova worked at the infirmary with the grand duchesses.

. “The little pair”: Maria and Anastasia.

. Again from Stavka, the military headquarters in Mogilev.

. Meaning Alexandra received letters from them.

. Maria and Anastasia.

. Metropolitan of Tobolsk in early eighteenth century, later an Orthodox saint whose feast day is 10 June.

. Dr. Vladimir Nikolaevich Derevenko, a court physician, and his son Kolya.

. Aleksei had accompanied his father to the military headquarters in 1915.

. Presumably the photographer.

. Nastenka Hendrikova's mother.

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