The Dictionary of Dreams (16 page)

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Authors: Gustavus Hindman Miller

BOOK: The Dictionary of Dreams
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will make visits.

To ride in one, you will have a sickness that will soon pass,

and you will enjoy health and advantageous positions.

To dream that you are looking for a carriage, you will have to labor hard, but will eventually be possessed with a fair competency.


To dream of carrots, portends prosperity and health For a young

woman to eat them, denotes that she will contract an early marriage

and be the mother of several hardy children.


To see one filled, denotes prosperous times and feastings.

If empty, your life will be void of any joy or consolation

from outward influences.


To dream that you have plenty of cash, but that it has been borrowed, portends that you will be looked upon as a worthy man, but that those who come in close contact with you will find that you are mercenary and unfeeling.

For a young woman to dream that she is spending borrowed money,

foretells that she will be found out in her practice of deceit,

and through this lose a prized friend.

[32] See Money.

Cash Box

To dream of a full cash box, denotes that favorable prospects will open around you. If empty, you will experience meager reimbursements.


To see a cashier in your dream, denotes that others will claim

your possessions. If you owe any one, you will practice deceit

in your designs upon some wealthy person.


To dream of being in a castle, you will be possessed of sufficient wealth to make life as you wish. You have prospects of being a great traveler, enjoying contact with people of many nations.

To see an old and vine-covered castle, you are likely to become

romantic in your tastes, and care should be taken that you

do not contract an undesirable marriage or engagement.

Business is depressed after this dream.

To dream that you are leaving a castle, you will be robbed of

your possessions, or lose your lover or some dear one by death.

Castor Oil

To dream of castor oil, denotes that you will seek to overthrow

a friend who is secretly abetting your advancement.


To dream of castoria, denotes that you will fail to discharge

some important duty, and your fortune will seemingly decline

to low stages.


To dream of a cat, denotes ill luck, if you do not succeed

in killing it or driving it from your sight. If the cat

attacks you, you will have enemies who will go to any extreme

to blacken your reputation and to cause you loss of property.

But if you succeed in banishing it, you will overcome great

obstacles and rise in fortune and fame.

If you meet a thin, mean and dirty-looking cat, you will have

bad news from the absent. Some friend lies at death's door;

but if you chase it out of sight, your friend will recover

after a long and lingering sickness.

To hear the scream or the mewing of a cat, some false friend is using all the words and work at his command to do you harm.

To dream that a cat scratches you, an enemy will succeed in wrenching from you the profits of a deal that you have spent many days making.

If a young woman dreams that she is holding a cat, or kitten, she will be influenced into some impropriety through the treachery of others.

To dream of a clean white cat, denotes entanglements which,

while seemingly harmless, will prove a source of sorrow and

loss of wealth.

When a merchant dreams of a cat, he should put his best energies to work, as his competitors are about to succeed in demolishing his standard of dealing, and he will be forced to other measures if he undersells others and still succeeds.

To dream of seeing a cat and snake on friendly terms signifies

the beginning of an angry struggle. It denotes that an enemy

is being entertained by you with the intention of using him

to find out some secret which you believe concerns yourself;

uneasy of his confidences given, you will endeavor to disclaim all

knowledge of his actions, as you are fearful that things divulged,

concerning your private life, may become public.


To dream of the catechism, foretells that you will be offered

a lucrative position, but the strictures will be such that you

will be worried as to accepting it.


To see a caterpillar in a dream, denotes that low

and hypocritical people are in your immediate future,

and you will do well to keep clear of deceitful appearances.

You may suffer a loss in love or business.

To dream of a caterpillar, foretells you will be placed in

embarrassing situations, and there will be small honor or gain

to be expected.


To dream of seeing good-looking and fat cattle contentedly

grazing in green pastures, denotes prosperity and happiness

through a congenial and pleasant companion.

To see cattle lean and shaggy, and poorly fed, you will be likely to toil all your life because of misspent energy and dislike of details of work.

Correct your habits after this dream.

To see cattle stampeding, means that you will have to exert all the powers of command you have to keep your career in a profitable channel.

To see a herd of cows at milking time, you will be the

successful owner of wealth that many have worked to obtain.

To a young woman this means that her affections will not suffer

from the one of her choice.

To dream of milking cows with udders well filled, great good fortune is in store for you. If the calf has stolen the milk, it signifies that you are about to lose your lover by slowness to show your reciprocity, or your property from neglect of business.

To see young calves in your dream, you will become a great

favorite in society and win the heart of a loyal person.

For business, this dream indicates profit from sales.

For a lover, the entering into bonds that will be respected.

If the calves are poor, look for about the same, except that

the object sought will be much harder to obtain.

Long-horned and dark, vicious cattle, denote enemies.

[33] See Calves.


To dream of a wast cathedral with its domes rising into space,

denotes that you will be possessed with an envious nature and

unhappy longings for the unattainable, both mental and physical;

but if you enter you will be elevated in life, having for your

companions the learned and wise.


To dream of eating it, you will be taken to task for neglect of duty.

To see it growing, your prospects will brighten after a period of loss.

For a young woman to see this vegetable in a garden, denotes that she will marry to please her parents and not herself.


To dream that you see a division of cavalry, denotes personal advancement and distinction. Some little sensation may accompany your elevation.

Cavern or Cave

To dream of seeing a cavern yawning in the weird moonlight before you, many perplexities will assail you, and doubtful advancement because of adversaries. Work and health is threatened.

To be in a cave foreshadows change. You will probably be estranged

from those who are very dear to you.

For a young woman to walk in a cave with her lover or friend,

denotes she will fall in love with a villain and will suffer

the loss of true friends.


To dream of seeing them green and shapely, denotes pleasing success

in an undertaking.

To see them dead or blighted, signifies despair.

No object will be attained from seeing them thus.

Celestial Signs

To dream of celestial signs, foretells unhappy occurrences will cause you to make unseasonable journeys. Love or business may go awry, quarrels in the house are also predicted if you are not discreet

with your engagements.

[34] See Illumination.


To dream of seeing fresh, crisp stalks of celery, you will be prosperous and influential beyond your highest hopes.

To see it decaying, a death in your family will soon occur.

To eat it, boundless love and affection will be heaped upon you.

For a young woman to eat it with her lover, denotes she will come

into rich possessions.


To dream of being in a cold, damp cel ar, you will be oppressed by doubts.

You will lose confidence in all things and suffer gloomy forebodings from which you will fail to escape unless you control your will.

It also indicates loss of property.

To see a cellar stored with wines and table stores, you will

be offered a share in profits coming from a doubtful source.

If a young woman dreams of this she will have an offer of marriage

from a speculator or gambler.


To dream of being in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will have unexpected news of the recovery of one whom you had mourned as dead, and you will have your title good to lands occupied by usurpers.

To see an old bramble grown and forgotten cemetery, you will live to see all your loved ones leave you, and you will be left to a stranger's care.

For young people to dream of wandering through the silent avenues of the dead foreshows they will meet with tender and loving responses from friends, but will have to meet sorrows that friends are powerless to avert.

Brides dreaming of passing a cemetery on their way to the wedding ceremony, will be bereft of their husbands by fatal accidents occurring on journeys.

For a mother to carry fresh flowers to a cemetery, indicates she may expect the continued good health of her family.

For a young widow to visit a cemetery means she will soon throw aside her weeds for robes of matrimony. If she feels sad and depressed she will have new cares and regrets.

Old people dreaming of a cemetery, shows they will soon make other journeys where they will find perfect rest.

To see little children gathering flowers and chasing butterflies among the graves, denotes prosperous changes and no graves of any of your friends to weep over. Good health will hold high carnival.


To see chaff, denotes an empty and fruitless undertaking and ill health causing much anxiety.

Women dreaming of piles of chaff, portends many hours spent

in useless and degrading gossip, bringing them into notoriety

and causing them to lose husbands who would have maintained

them without work on their part.


To dream of being bound in chains, denotes that unjust burdens

are about to be thrown upon your shoulders; but if you succeed

in breaking them you will free yourself from some unpleasant

business or social engagement.

To see chains, brings calumny and treacherous designs of the envious.

Seeing others in chains, denotes bad fortunes for them.


To see a chair in your dream, denotes failure to meet some obligation.

If you are not careful you will also vacate your most profitable places.

To see a friend sitting on a chair and remaining motionless,

signifies news of his death or illness.

Chair Maker

To dream of seeing a chair maker, denotes that worry from apparently pleasant labor will confront you.


To dream that you see the chairman of any public body, foretells you will seek elevation and be recompensed by receiving a high position of trust.

To see one looking out of humor you are threatened with unsatisfactory states.

If you are a chairman, you will be distinguished for your justice

and kindness to others.


For a woman to dream of chalking her face, denotes that she will scheme to obtain admirers.

To dream of using chalk on a board, you will attain public honors,

unless it is the blackboard; then it indicates ill luck.

To hold hands full of chalk, disappointment is foretold.


To dream of a chalice, denotes pleasure will be gained by you

to the sorrow of others. To break one foretells your failure

to obtain power over some friend.


If you are chal enged to fight a duel, you will become involved

in a social difficulty wherein you will be compel ed to make

apologies or else lose friendships.

To accept a challenge of any character, denotes that you will bear many ills yourself in your endeavor to shield others from dishonor.


To find yourself in a beautiful and richly furnished chamber implies sudden fortune, either through legacies from unknown relatives or through speculation. For a young woman, it denotes that a

wealthy stranger will offer her marriage and a fine establishment.

If the chamber is plainly furnished, it denotes that a small

competency and frugality will be her portion.


To see a chambermaid, denotes bad fortune and decided changes

will be made.

For a man to dream of making love to a chambermaid, shows he is likely to find himself an object of derision on account of indiscreet conduct and want of tact.


To dream of seeing your swetheart{sic} wearing a chameleon chained to her, shows she will prove faithless to you if by changing she can better her fortune. Ordinarily chameleons signify deceit and self advancement, even though others suffer.

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