Read The Discovery of Genesis Online
Authors: C. H. Kang,Ethel R. Nelson
Tags: #Religion, #Christian Life, #General
God had said to Adam, “‘Cursed is the ground because of you, …
thorns and thistles
it shall bring forth to you’” (Genesis 3:17, 18). Implements have been used through the ages, and more recently, machines have been invented and various chemical poisons produced in an attempt to destroy the ever-present and unwanted weeds that thrive and thwart man’s agricultural efforts. Mankind has certainly been punished by these noxious plants through all time, but the world as a whole little realizes that “thorns and thistles” were placed on the earth as a “curse.” It appears that the venerable Chinese recognized them as a form of punishment to the human family.
There are two characters for
thorns or brambles
, which tell the Genesis story. The character
has two parts.
Grass, weeds, or plant life is, and it will be remembered that this radical was first encountered in the word
sorrow, in reference to Adam’s punishment (see page 70). The remaining portion of the character will be recognized as
punishment. The Chinese hereby record
weeds, plantsas a
punishment, and
thornswere seen as a curse for man’s transgression.