Read The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance) Online

Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #texas, #doctor, #western, #cowboy, #sensual, #medical romance, #steamy romance, #alpha male, #reunion story, #second chance at love, #contemporary western romance, #contemporary cowboy romance, #texas romance, #spicy romance, #small town romance

The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance)
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He grinned at her, showing that tantalizing
hint of dimple. Jessie braced her feet on the floor so she wouldn't
slither under the table into a puddle of mush.

"If I remember correctly, you were quite
good at the male/female thing. Up on Lover's Point, even though it
was your first kiss, you learned very quickly. Oh God, Jess, you
don't know how close I came to changing my plans after kissing

Jessie pulled her hand back, and this time
he let go. "Obviously, I wasn't that good. I never saw you again
except when you stopped by the garage for gas on your visits to the

"You were too young," he said. "
too young. I had to go with my plans, Jess. I never wanted to be a
rancher or farmer like my father and brothers. I always wanted to
be a doctor."

"I know, Cameron. I understood, even back

"I'd like to see you while I'm here," he
said. "Let's explore this thing between us, find out where it takes

She took a deep breath and nodded, wondering
how and where it would end and whether she would survive this time
around. "Okay. Sure, I'd like that, too."


Cameron and Jessie walked out of the café
and into the clear cool night. Millions of stars twinkled brightly
in the velvety black West Texas sky. The breeze whipped Jessie's
hair across her face. Before he could help himself, Cameron brushed
the tendrils back over her forehead. Her skin was smooth and warm,
her hair like satin. He needed to pull her against him, right here,
right now. He didn't care who the hell saw them. He was dying a
thousand deaths from wanting, needing to taste her.

Jessie froze under his touch. Her eyes held
a wary expression, plus something else. A latent passion, an
awareness of the crackling energy flowing between them. It had been
there all during dinner.

Cameron nudged her forward, away from the
cafe's neon light. He splayed his hand on the small of her back and
kept it there, not letting it slide down the curve of her sexy
bottom like he was itching to do.

"Where are you parked?" he asked, his voice
harsh with desire.

"Way in back."

Frowning, Cameron guided her along the side
of the cafe. "Don't you know it's not safe to park behind

She looked up from digging in her purse for
her keys. "Not safe? What could possibly happen?"

"You could be mugged or worse."

"Don't be silly. This is Salt Fork, not
Houston," she said with a smile. "No one's ever gotten mugged
around here."

He held out his hand. "Give me your keys.
I'll open the door for you."

"Boy, you have been gone a long time," she
said. "Nobody locks their car, even in town. Remember?"

Muttering under his breath, he started to
open the truck door, then changed his mind. He wrapped his fingers
around her arm and pulled her against him. She dropped her purse
and stared at him, then his lips.

"Unlocked doors. Parking in the back. It
could be very easy for someone to grab you," he said. There was no
fear in Jessie's eyes, only awareness.

Cameron gripped her bottom and cradled her
body into his. She fit perfectly, smelled wonderful. He forgot all
about taking things slowly. Her mouth was too close, too

He intended to have just one quick taste as
he lowered his mouth to hers. Jessie melted into his embrace. When
she sighed a sexy little sigh, something snapped inside of him. He
pushed her against the truck, his hard thighs pressing into her
softness. He clasped both sides of her head and slanted his mouth,
plunging his tongue deeply into her sweet warmth. His fingers slid
into her silky hair as he trailed hot kisses along her cheekbone
and down her neck.

Jessie tilted her head and arched her body.
Cameron felt her hands digging into his shoulders, as if hanging on
for dear life. A soft whimper in the back of her throat fueled the
desire raging in his veins. He took her mouth again, cupping her
breast in the palm of his hand. Blood pounded in his temples and
his groin. He couldn't get enough of her.

Jessie's body was on fire. Every nerve
ending screamed for more of Cameron's touch. His lips burned a path
wherever they roamed. She pulled him closer and felt his hardness
pushing against her stomach.

Standing on tiptoe, she instinctively rubbed
against him, seeking to ease the raw emptiness inside. Skimming her
fingers over the powerful shoulders and neck, Jessie felt the
corded muscles bunch up and the tendons grow taut. The coiled
tension in his big body begged for release; her own body pleaded
for more.

He sought her mouth once again, his tongue
thrusting inside, his thumb brushing her nipple. Pressing closer,
Cameron covered the length of her body with his. Every stroke of
his tongue, every touch of his thumb carried Jessie higher into a
maelstrom of sensation, building to such a crescendo she thought
she might die from the scorching pleasure.

Cameron tightened his hold on her. The soft
warmth of her skin beckoned to him from beneath the woolly sweater.
you, Jess. I'm burning up for you. Let me follow you

"I don't think that's a good idea," she
managed to say.

He searched her face. "Why not?"

"This is happening too fast. I thought we
agreed to take it slow and easy. Besides, I'm not ready." She
shrugged away and turned to open the truck door.

He couldn't let her go. Not yet. He pinned
her against the truck again, supporting himself with his hands on
either side of her, pressing his body against the supple curves of
her back and bottom. "You're ready," he breathed in her ear. "You
want me as much as I want you. Don't deny it, Jess. We'd be good
together and you know it."

She closed her eyes, leaning her forehead
against the glass of the window. His voice was low and seductive.
Jessie felt delicious shivers skitter over her skin where his body
touched hers from behind. Cameron nuzzled her ear lobe, his strong
hands reaching around to caress her breasts. She desperately wanted
to give in to the desire surging between them. It would be so easy
to invite him home. But afterwards? There would be no afterwards.
He was returning to Houston, and she was staying in Salt Fork.

Jessie turned around. Before she could
explain, Cameron swept her into his arms again, crushing her mouth
with a deep hot kiss. All logical reasons to deny him disappeared
as physical sensation took over, carrying her on the waves of

Loud voices and the thud of heavy boots
brought Jessie crashing down to earth. She placed her hands on
Cameron's chest and pushed with all her might.

"Damn." He gave her one more quick kiss
before stepping away.

Jessie hurriedly smoothed her hair into
place and held her breath, hoping that whoever it was would just
get in their car and drive away. She wasn't so lucky.

"Hey, Jessie. Is that you? You all

Picking up her purse, she straightened.
Parker Hendricks and Jason Turner stood by their trucks, craning
their necks to see who she was with. "Yes, Parker. I'm okay."

"Who you got with you?" The two lanky
cowboys strolled over. Their eyes widened and two grins split their
suntanned faces. "Well, I'll be damned," Parker said. "How you
doin', McCade? Been a long time, ain't it?"

"Too damned long." Cameron shook both their

"Visiting the old home place, are you?"
Jason asked. "Shouldn't forget all your old friends here in Salt
Fork, just 'cause you live the good life in Houston."

"I'm beginning to think you're right,"
Cameron said.

"What are you boys up to?" Jessie asked, her
heart still racing. She glanced at Cameron. He was breathing hard
and his dark eyes still blazed with hunger.

Jason shrugged. "We were just gonna grab a
bite to eat, then get on back to the ranch. Working at the C&L,
you know."

Parker frowned at Jessie. "Did you and
Cameron eat dinner together? Are y'all on a

Jessie cringed inwardly. Already,
speculation would be running rampant in town. People would talk,
and when Cameron left, everyone would look at her and feel sorry
for her. "We didn't come together," she said.

"She wouldn't let me pick her up," Cameron
told them. "And she won't let me see her home."

Jessie frowned at him. Cameron seemed to be
enjoying her predicament.

"Aw, Jess," Parker said. "How many times
have people told you to go out and have some fun? Cain't bury
yourself, just because old TR passed on to his reward. You're
young, girl. Let McCade see you home." He winked at her and smiled
at Cameron. Jason nodded in agreement.

Jessie wanted to bash their heads together.
Cameron stood there waiting, challenge gleaming in his blue eyes.
He'd quickly turned this interruption to his advantage. What had
happened to his promise to go slowly?

"We came in separate cars," Jessie said. "I
wouldn't want Cameron to go out of his way."

"Hell, your place is right on the way to the
Diamondback Ranch. You let McCade see you home." Parker turned to
Cameron. "How's old Dallas doing, anyway? Ain't seen him in a
couple of weeks."

"Everyone's fine," Cameron said. He opened
the truck door for Jessie, ignoring the murderous look in her eyes.
"Thanks for your help, fellas. I'll follow Jessie home now. Nice
seeing you both."

"Anytime, McCade. Don't be a stranger, you
hear? Take care, Jess." Parker slapped Cameron on the back and
winked again.

Jessie started the engine and threw the
truck into reverse. She had no intention of waiting for Cameron.
Maybe he'd change his mind and go home. He'd
his mind, because she wasn't going to let him in her house tonight.
If he couldn't slow things down, then she would have to do it.
Putting the truck into drive, she left the three men standing in
the parking lot staring after her.

Parker pushed back his Stetson and shook his
head. "What made Jessie so mad? She sure left in a hurry."

"You going after her?" Jason asked

"No, I don't think so," he said. "See you
around, Parker. Jason. It's time for me to head on back to the
ranch anyway. Good night." Cameron turned and walked toward
Dallas's truck.

How could he have lost control like that
when he'd kissed Jessie? He was the master of control. But standing
with her alone under the bright stars--he hadn't been able to
resist temptation. Damn, she'd felt good in his arms and she'd
tasted hot and sweet.

Cameron looked down the road at the rapidly
vanishing taillights of Jessie's truck. That was the second time
she had fled from him. Like she was running scared. That was not
what he wanted. Not what he wanted at all.

Chapter Four

It was late afternoon the next day before
Cameron picked up his car from the garage. He and Dallas had gone
to Abilene to buy their mom's birthday present. Dallas dropped him
off at Kincaid's on the way back to the ranch.

A quick look in the empty garage sent
Cameron to the small office. Fire kindled his blood at the thought
of seeing Jessie again. The bell on the door tinkled a friendly
greeting, but Cameron didn't feel the least bit friendly when he
saw Sam Garza sitting behind the old oak desk.

The glass door swished closed behind him as
he glared at Garza. "Where's Jessie?"

Sam didn't look up from the receipts he was
sorting. "She had business in Lubbock this morning. Then she called
and said she wouldn't be in today."

Cameron stepped forward. The man acted like
he owned the place. What kind of relationship did Garza share with
Jessie, anyway?

"Is something the matter with her? Is she
sick?" He kept his voice calm, putting a lid on his rising
hostility. If he didn't know better, he'd say he was jealous, which
was ridiculous. Wasn't it?

Sam tilted back his chair and clasped his
hands behind his head. "I don't know what's wrong with her. This is
the first time she's missed work since I've been here. Maybe she
doesn't want to see you again." Righting the chair, he rose slowly
to his feet, leaning his fists on the desk. "I think she's scared
of you."

"There's no reason for Jessie to be afraid
of me."

"I think she has a very good reason," Sam
said. "She's afraid she'll get hurt. I wouldn't want that to
happen, you understand?"

Cameron understood all right. "Are you in
love with Jessie?"

Sam threw back his head and laughed. Cameron
didn't know whether the man was laughing in amusement or

"Who wouldn't love Jessie once they know
her? She's beautiful and smart. And a damned good mechanic." Sam
shrugged his shoulders. "When I came to Salt Fork, her husband had
recently died. She was advertising for someone to help in the
garage. I applied for the job and I've been here ever since. I love
Jessie, but I'm not
in love
with her."

"So, you're her self-appointed

Sam shrugged again. "She has no one

Cameron leaned forward and stared hard at
Garza. The man didn't flinch or back away. "Let me make one thing
perfectly clear. I don't intend to hurt Jessie in any way. She's a
grown woman and can make her own decisions. Now, how much do I owe
for the car?"

He pulled out his wallet and waited. Garza
looked like he wanted to say something more, but didn't. He quickly
flipped through the day's receipts and handed Cameron his bill.


Jessie scattered seed for the chickens, then
gathered the eggs, placing them gently in her wicker basket. She
replenished their water before herding the matronly brood into the
henhouse for the night. After locking the door against nightly
marauders, she headed for the house with Sherlock and Katnip
following closely at her heels.

BOOK: The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance)
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