Read The Dolphin in the Mirror Online
Authors: Diana Reiss
O'Barry, Ric,
oceanarium (in Humewood, South Africa),
Oceanarium (in Port Elizabeth, South Africa),
Oceanic Preservation Society,
Ocean Project Website,
Odysseus (in Homer's
The Odyssey
Oliver, Bernard,
Olson, Steve,
On the Intelligence of Animals
operant training techniques,
Operation Humphrey headquarters,
Opo (dolphin),
Opononi (in New Zealand),
Oppian (Greek poet),
Order of the Dolphin,
Orson (Newfoundland dog),
Osborn Laboratories of Marine Sciences (at New York Aquarium),
Pan (bottlenose dolphin),
birth of, and intelligence of dolphins,
bubble ring play,
on listening to vocalizations of,
naming of,
sold to aquarium in Florida,
swimming with,
Patterson, Penny,
Payne, Roger,
Pepperberg, Irene,
Petricig, Rick,
Phoenix (dolphin),
playback experiments,
Plotnik, Joshua,
Plutarch (Greek moralist),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
preference testing/free choice experiment,
pregnant dolphins,
See also
newborn dolphins
Premack, David,
Prescott, John,
Presley (male bottlenose dolphin),
primacy effect,
Prince, The
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
production vs. mimicry,
Project CIRCE (Cetacean Intelligence Research and Communication Experiment),
Project Janus,
Pryor, Karen,
Psihoyos, Louie,
Question of Animal Awareness, The
Rastovich, Dave "Rasta,"
recency effect,
Rendell, Luke,
"Reprogramming of the Sonic Output of the Dolphin: Sonic Burst Count Matching,"
Rice, Charles,
Rio Vista,
Rogers, Ginger,
Romanes, Georges,
Rose, Naomi,
Rumbaugh, Duane,
Rumbaugh, Sue Savage,
Sacramento River,
Salazar, Tony,
San Francisco Bay,
San Francisco State University,
Santa Cruz Island,
Sato, Tetsu,
Saturday Night Live
(TV show),
Sausman, Karen,
Savage, Sue.
Rumbaugh, Sue Savage
scientific whaling,
seal bombs,
Sea Life Park Hawaii,
sea otters,
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project,
seaweed game,
See also
mirror self-recognition (MSR)
self-directed behavior, in mirror self-recognition,
sexual behavior,
Shakespeare, William,
Shrewsbury River (New Jersey),
Silverman, Bruce,
Simo (dolphin),
Sirius (the Dog Star),
Sky Snake (husband of Hutash),
Snowden, Charles,
social competition thesis,
"Social Function of Intellect, The" (Humphrey, N.),
social intelligence,
social learning,
Society for Marine Mammalogy (SMM) conference,
Solomon Islands,
sonar systems, of dolphins.
echolocation (biosonar system)
Sounds and the Ultra-Sounds of the Bottle-Nose Dolphin
South Caribbean Ocean Regatta,
South Carolina,
Spielberg, Steven,
Spock (dolphin),
Spray (bottlenose dolphin).
Circe (bottlenose dolphin at Marine World Africa U.S.A.)
Stanford Research Institute,
Stanford Research International (SRI),
Stewart, Jon,
Stormy (dolphin),
St. Thomas (Virgin Islands),
Sundance Film Festival,
Suwa (bottlenose dolphin),
Tab (male dolphin),
Taiji Municipal Council,
Terrace, Herbert,
Terry (bottlenose dolphin),
on listening to vocalizations of,
Thaves, Bob,
theory of mind,
Thorpe, Mark,
Tinkerbell (female dolphin),
Tokyo Film Festival,
To Touch a Wild Dolphin
Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine,
Tulane University,
Twelfth Night
University of California, Santa Cruz,
University of Hawaii,
University of Louisiana,
University of Massachusetts,
University of Pennsylvania,
University of Rhode Island,
University of St. Andrews (Scotland),
University of Wisconsin,