The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) (15 page)

BOOK: The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats)
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She’d been as patient as she was going to be.

Stubbornly, she stood off to the side, allowing Mack space to work. Really, she would have been more comfortable lounging on the mattress with Saya, but it was the principle of the thing.

Now the question was whether she was going to agree to this whole bad scheme. When Mack had come up with the idea, she hadn’t been very keen, but letting them do it to Saya, alone, seemed

the net was laid out neatly on the floor, Winter could feel Saya looking at her. Fine.

She went to the mattress and held a hand out to the girl. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ramsay nod, and Saya’s hand slid into hers. Winter pulled her up, and Saya pressed against her and kissed her mouth.

While they kissed, Mack came up and cuffed her wrists, then pulled her away to the middle of the net. Moments later, Saya was led there, and Mack urged her down too. When they were sitting face to face, Mack rearranged them so that their legs were scissored together. It was all very...naked. Winter checked Ramsay and he was watching them, practically drooling.

Mack used a
rope to tie their cuffs together in front, and attached it so that as the edges of the net were lifted and pulled tight over their heads, their cuffs were secured over their heads, as well. Mack hoisted the pulley and there was a swooping sensation as the net bag lifted from the floor.

Saya screeched as the movement made them
swing, but Winter was distracted by the way their pussies pressed against each other. The other girl was wet and in her fear she was squirming against her. Winter groaned, wishing her hands were free so she could touch her. Instead, she craned her neck and kissed the side of Saya’s face as the girl anxiously looked around them.

“What are they going to do?” Saya whispered.

“Whatever crosses their evil pea brains, unless we safeword. Do you remember your safeword, baby girl?”

“Yes.” The tension in her body didn’t calm, and she burrowed into Winter, as though it
were possible for them to get closer.

“Shh. They’ll make this fun, and if they don’t
, we’ll tell them it’s boring, okay?” She kissed Saya’s forehead, and the other girl sniffled a little.

Outside their trap, the men circled, like hunters inspecting their prey.

“They’re pretty like this.” Ramsay mused.

“I feel like a side of beef. How is this sexy?” Winter’s legs were cramped, but when she shifted, her sex slid against Saya’s. Both of them gasped and Mack’s low chuckle was evil.

“I figured you’d like that position.” He patted Winter’s bottom then walked to the toy storage area and started pulling open drawers and throwing things on the workbench.

Ramsay wandered o
ver, not shy about picking things up and examining them.

“Half of these things aren’t even sex toys. A
n electric toothbrush? And what’s this?”

Mack took the plastic-packaged, sterile
piercing needle and slid it back in the drawer. “Not something you and Saya are ready for. Some of these, like the clothespins, are pervertables. Do you know what that means?”

Ramsay’s brows went up. “I know what pervertables are, jackass. I just wouldn’t have thought of picking up most of these.”

“Our preferences are a little more intense than yours, I think.” Mack shrugged. “Everyone has their own kinks. We won’t do anything that will freak Saya out too much.”

It was funny watching them have this conversation, side by side, naked and semi-hard. A little oil and it could have turned into a wrestling match worth writing home about.

Mack dumped a bunch of things on a tray and carried it over to a small table he’d pulled near. A quick scan of the items showed none of Winter’s favorites, but doing cutting and blood play in front of Ramsay and Saya seemed like it could backfire.

Good job playing nicely with the guests, Mack.

As though he’d heard her, their gazes met and he winked.

Ramsay walked around them, grinning, his fingers wandering over the squares of bared flesh accessible through the net. He and Mack poked and prodded, slid two fingers through a space in the net and pinched their nipples, licked their slits. Mack had made the thing so that each hole was big enough to be useful. Bastard.

Every time Saya squirmed, her pubic bone pushed on Winter’s, and she wriggled, seeking relief. The position was too awkward, though, and was frustrating because they couldn’t move enough to make it satisfying.

The guys started with the toys. Ramsay tickled at their sensitive skin with the duster he chose from the wall. The sensation was sensual and irritating and made both of them squirm and breathe in small gasps.

“I like you like this,” Ramsay smirked at Winter. “Although a gag might have been a good idea.”

She opened her mouth to tell him off, and he slid a finger up
into her pussy. From the look on Saya’s face, he must have done the same to her almost simultaneously. He finger fucked them both at different intervals, and their groins rubbed together erratically with the motion he forced on them.

“You don’t like this, Winter? You want me to stop?”

The “go fuck yourself” she meant to say remained unsaid, and she tried squirm the right way to get his finger deeper.

“You don’t own any butt plugs, Mack?”

Mack laughed. “Uh, no. Winter would eviscerate me if I ever tried it.”

“She’s said as much?”

“She doesn’t need to.”

Saya kissed Winter, and she lost track of everything, other than the girl’s tongue slipping along hers, the press of their sexes and the movement of Ramsay’s thick finger inside her.

Something flicked lightly across her other hole and she yelped and tried to lift away from the net. Someone grabbed her hips and she was held fast. Each little brush felt like electricity shooting through her body. Her heart raced, and she turned to look at Mack, who was grinning back at her. He was holding her in place for a smug Ramsay.

Fuck! Anal was a hard limit, not that she and Mack had ever even discussed it. It was disgusting
. Ramsay’s finger swept over her again, gently, then explored the area more thoroughly. Winter shuddered, unable to get away. She tried to complain, but her mouth just hung open stupidly.

“I think you’d better stop before her brain overloads.”

“I think if I do this a few more times...” He pumped the finger in her pussy, then circled her bottom hole again with the fingers of his other hand and her hips jerked forward, mashing against Saya. A keening wail erupted from her and an orgasm crashed over. Not satisfied with that, he kept touching, teasing, threatening to fuck her ass. Saya kissed her, murmuring endearments. Mack had let go of Winter at some point, and came back to clamp her nipples. The clamps were too tight and hurt like a motherfucker. She screeched, and the drag of a cold, dull knife over her skin set her off again.

Saya was gasping, trying to hold back
. Her rapid breaths feathered across Winter’s cheek, the feel of it as sensual as an intimate touch. The net lowered a bit and Saya startled and screamed.

A cock slid through her wetness. Ramsay, since Mack was behind Saya. If he got rope burn on his dick she was going to laugh her ass off.

He pulled her further away from Saya and drove up into her in a series of short, fierce thrusts, until he was all the way in. Winter’s eyes fluttered shut. Ramsay froze and commanded her to stay still.

Mack was growling words at Saya, his voice tight with excitement. She was begging him not to hurt her anymore. A fierce protectiveness rose in Winter’s chest, but then Ramsay began pummeling into her and she lost all coherent thought. How the hell did Saya take him? From below, he toyed with her sore and sensitive clit, bringing her back toward
Orgasmland faster than she would have thought possible.

Saya was shrieking
as if Mack was murdering her. Winter forced her eyes open, and watched Mack leisurely plunging into her, his face a mask of concentration. He kept a slow, deliberate pace, but between her screaming and begging to come, no one who heard her would ever guess that. Mack had to be loving it, considering how hard he had to work to get noises like that out of Winter. Watching them together was better than porn. Her groin throbbed.

A last orgasm
built and tore through her, hurting as sore muscles clamped down on Ramsay’s monster of a cock. The pain made it more intense, and the pulses and waves quaked through her, dragging out until she was limp and exhausted. Moments later, Ramsay roared in her ear and his cock jerked inside her as he came, his fingers digging into her hip bones.

Saya’s screaming had hit a crescendo and died off, and now she was sobbing as Mack awkwardly tried to pet her through the netting. He wasn’t used to dealing with a lot of se
nsitive girl emotions, so he seemed completely at a loss.

Fingers tickled down her spine. When Ramsay gradually started to pull out, Winter found herself protesting, her body unhappy with it being the end of things.

Ramsay chuckled and patted her ass affectionately. “We can’t fuck all day. We have to get ready for tonight. You girls are incorrigible.”

As Mack pulled out, Saya moaned and complained, but she seemed less upset.

“They’re going to let us down now. Are you okay, sweet girl?”

She nodded, and Winter kissed the streaks that tears had made down her face.

Slowly, Mack lowered them to the floor. The guys helped the women out of the net and unbuckled their cuffs. They carried them to the mattress where they all bundled together. Mack pulled the heavy blanket that was at the foot of the bed over all of them, and Winter nestled down in the middle somewhere, throwing a leg over Saya. Close behind her, Mack nuzzled, stroking his rough guitarist fingers over the smooth skin of her side.

What the hell had she done? Winter hid her face in Saya’s hair,
closed her eyes and wished she could rewind a few hours. Just long enough to tell Ramsay no. And maybe go into work to volunteer on her day off so that he couldn’t change her mind again. Her body reveled in the aftermath of the orgasms he’d given her, and she hated herself for it. Skanky bitch. She’d sworn never to get involved with a Dom again.

If it had just been sex, or a way to get her fangs into Saya, she might have forgiven herself
, but the truth was that she liked him as a person. He was fun to hang out with, charming, kind, he doted on his sub. He was also hot. Any woman who was into men would line up to do him, and he’d only slept with her to make his woman happy.

So what was the problem? Mack? That was a
cop-out. Mack was falling in love with Ramsay and would never object to her sleeping with him.

The real issue was h
e’d taken control. Winter had reined him in somewhat, but he’d dommed her anyway. Domination scared the fuck out of her, but today with Ramsay she’d forgotten that. One or five steps down that path was a slippery slope. Mack had already gone there, and Saya before him.

Were they all destined to be R
amsay’s shadows? His kink monsters? Their band name wasn’t funny to her anymore. It was like creepy foreshadowing of what was at the end of the line. Being someone’s minion wasn’t a role she wanted. She was strong, independent...even dangerous if the situation warranted it, but when he’d grabbed her by the hair, pinned her, menaced her – a thrill of heat lanced through her. She pressed her lips together to suppress a groan. When he’d done those things, her knees had gone weak and she’d been ready to do anything to please him, to have him use her. Winter had made fun of Mack for it, but the simple truth was that he’d only been hypnotized by him before she had. She was no better. If anything, she was worse. Mack didn’t have rules about Doms.

Finally, her afterglow wouldn’t be put off any longer, even with her gloomy thoughts. Heaviness stole over her and she started to drift in and out of dreams. Maybe a small nap, and then breakfast. Another shower.

Although the plan for today was to take Saya to Cross’s for stage clothes, the last thing Winter wanted to do was go shopping.

Chapter Ten

“I think I got rope burn on my dick.” Ramsay grumbled, grasping his soreness through his jeans.

“Either quit fapping or let me drive.” Mack smirked.

“Fuck off. This is your fault, with your crazy dungeon trap set-up.”

“It wasn’t fun having them at your mercy for a little while?”

“Mmm. Yeah.” He pulled the truck out of the driveway and took the highway toward downtown Cobalt Harbor.

Their girls were in the back seat, still cuddled together like clean, fluffy kittens. Watching them make out in the shower, kissing, touching, was one of the most sensual things he’d ever had the pleasure to watch. His cock remembered it all too well, and tried to rise to the occasion again, but he cleared that thought from his mind. He was chafed enough already.

One sub. That had been the meaning of his life. His world had been the two of them. How had he let this happen? Sure Saya had pushed for it, but wasn’t he the one in charge? The one who was supposed to decide what was good for them? Now he had three obsessions instead of one. The other two would never overshadow his Saya, but they were in his head now. They had become his people. Even if they had simply stayed friends, they’d gotten so close so fast that he hadn’t had a chance to make rules to keep them at arm’s length. And, honestly, if he’d been in the market for other relationships, he never would have chosen them.

He flicked a glance at the
rear-view mirror and caught a glimpse of Winter’s profile. Stubborn. The woman refused to let him be himself around her. It was obvious that she thought he was pushy and overbearing, but it wasn’t like he was an ass on purpose. Sure, there had been parents and teachers who had tried to teach him political correctness when he was a kid. When he saw something he wanted, he went for it. Things like rules only applied to people who didn’t want things badly enough. As he’d gotten older, his bossiness had become more subtle, but he rarely gave up on getting what he wanted.

Winter didn’t
seem to give a fuck. Over the past few weeks, he’d tried all of the snake oil he had to get Saya the fantasy she wanted. It hadn’t amounted to anything until he’d dropped the subtlety and let Winter see him for what he was. Polite, attentive Ramsay had been a joke to her. She didn’t have the same reaction to him when he allowed his dominant side take over. Then she wanted him, but she held him hostage at the same time. He had gotten a taste of power, but she wouldn’t let him have all of it.

, cold bitch.

She was everything
her name and hair suggested. The Ice Queen. When it came to kink and sex, though, all of those walls fell and she was more responsive and sensual than he ever would have believed, no matter what Mack had told him. Guys bragged about their women, if they loved them, but in this situation Mack hadn’t exaggerated at all.

interest in Winter wasn’t just about Saya anymore, and that scared him. He wanted Winter, himself. Wanted to take her and bend her to his will and make her come at his command. He could see her fight against the submission he inspired in her. There was a challenge in getting her to admit she craved the dominance she spurned. Her body knew him, wanted him, and his control, even if her brain kept shorting out her submissive impulses.

nder her fuck-you attitude and the clothing armor she wore, Winter was good people. Snarky, but not mean. Funny. Smart. If this wasn’t a temporary fling, he could see keeping her as a submissive alongside Saya, if that was what his Saya wanted.

What Saya wanted always came first
. He guided their relationship but her needs and desires were his primary consideration.

But Winter was Mack’s.

Ramsay tried not to look at him, but finally flicked a glance his way, pretending he was checking out the scenery. It was pretty country here, but the arch of Mack’s brow and the curve of his lips were far more distracting.

His cock
had been in that mouth.

When Mack was around, he forgot about
what should be undesirable to a straight guy. Instead he’d abdicated responsibility, and let the raw dominance that Mack inspired in him take over, even though it was confusing and made him twitchy when he thought about it afterward. One of his married buddies at work made jokes about being so desperate for a blowjob that he’d take one from anyone. Jack shrugged and said “head’s head” so often, that it had become one of the inside jokes at the garage.

Could he use that as a justification though, even in his own mind? He got all the
blowjobs he could possibly want from Saya, and it wouldn’t be long before he got Winter cooperating. Maybe. He didn’t need that from anyone else, let alone a guy. He could try to believe that he was being coerced, but it wasn’t true. As for Mack, it seemed like he was trying to keep his reactions to him subtle, but there were times when the sexual tension between them buzzed so insistently it was impossible to disregard.

Last night he’d had a vivid dream about fucking Mack’s ass while pumping his cock in his fist. It had been so real. Weird, but it felt so good he couldn’t stop himself. Dream-Mack had kept his forehead to the floor to show his submission
, and power had surged through Ramsay, making him feel like an indestructible giant.

Then he’d woken with an aching erection only to find himself alone in bed with Mack.

For a moment, the dream world and reality had overlapped. Mack was asleep on his stomach, his face turned toward Ramsay. The sheet had slipped sideways when one of the girls had gotten out of bed and the curve of Mack’s tight ass had drawn him. Ramsay’s cock was still hard. The sub was available. Ramsay wasn’t used to denying himself much, in that respect. He had sat up and leaned toward Mack, reached out to pull his legs further apart, then realized what he was doing. Real Mack and Dream Mack weren’t the same, but part of Ramsay knew that Mack would probably let him anyway. Had Mack even been fucked in the ass before? Ramsay tried to be disinterested, but instead his brain started searching the room for lube.

That’s when he jumped out of bed and yanked his jeans on, tucking his cock – suddenly like a stranger to him – away. He hadn’t
run from the room, but he was sure it hadn’t been dignified.

Then to find the girls making out on the couch
... Half desperation and half jealousy had been a difficult thing to manage in his hyper-aroused state. Horny and aggressive hadn’t been the best way to approach things with Winter. He should have taken things more slowly, but the damage had been done. Between Winter and her boyfriend, they’d flipped his world on its ear. If the band wasn’t so good together, he’d take Saya and move them back to California, far away from temptation.

Instead they were going to the
store where Winter worked to shop for stage clothes for Saya.

The silence in the car had stretched for far too many miles. The girls were dozing together in the back seat, but Mack was awake and staring out the window. Was he thinking about the same things? Probably.

Ramsay cast around for something safe to talk about. They’d fucked each other’s women and he’d had his dick in the guy’s mouth more often than he’d care to admit. Talking shouldn’t be this difficult.

They were almost in town by the time he thought of something. “Are you wearing some sort of get-up for the gig tonight? It works for Saya, but there’s no way I’m wearing a costume. I don’t want to be known as that kind of musician.”

Mack gave a surprised laugh. “No latex body suit?”

Ramsay raised his brows and looked at Mack, unimpressed.

Mack ignored him and went on. “Cross has all sorts of things. If you’re not looking for a leather and chain chest harness or PVC chaps, he has t-shirts and shit like that. If there’s nothing you like just wear something you’ve got. Jeans and no shirt works just fine for you.”

...thanks?” What was he supposed to say to that? Maybe he’d meant it innocently, but the tension was there again, hissing between them like water on a grill. Ignoring it seemed to be the easiest thing to do. Refraining from dragging Mack into another back alley sometime this afternoon was going to be difficult. Tonight, they had to share the green room with the other bands, so they’d all have to behave. Hopefully Saya could sing without being wound up.

parked the car not far from the coffee shop where they’d first met. Winter’s shop was across the street.

When the engine shut off, the backseat denizens stirred and looked around blearily. They both had sex hair. Saya noticed Winter’s and smiled, then tried to comb it down with her fingers.

“Come on. I think Steph is working today.” Winter gave Saya a lingering kiss and her eyes held promise for mischief to come. Ramsay had always hated shopping, but this had the potential to be interesting.

The bell
rang as they entered. The shop was tidy and held a huge assortment of punk, goth and fetish clothes. There was no difficulty in picturing Winter there, working. For that matter, he saw a shirt and a belt that he’d seen duplicates of on her before. They looked way better on her than on the mannequin. Winter was a scrawny thing, but what she lacked in soft curves, she made up for with presence and attitude.

Winter talked to a heavily pierced girl behind the counter for a few minutes then beckoned for Saya to follow. Moving around the store with a comfort that spoke of hours of stocking the merchandise, she pulled outfits off the racks and pushed them into Saya’s arms.

There was a stirring at his elbow and Mack was there.

“Are you getting the giggling girl sleepover vibe from this or is it just me?” Mack murmured.

“If this is Winter giggling, I’d hate to see her on a mission.”

The bell rang behind them and Mack turned and backed
up to make room. Two guys came in, one big as a house, the other built more like Mack – both covered in tats. They scanned the room for a moment and when they saw Mack they went over to him, clasped hands, and greeted him warmly.

“Mack, you crazy fuck! Where the hell has Winter been keeping you?” The hulk slapped Mack on the shoulder, grinning.

“Other than the show we played last night, I haven’t left the house much lately.”

“I read your last update
online when I was up with Emmanuel the other night. Excellent illustration. I can’t wait to see how Rime gets out of this one.”

“I’d rather have another demonstration of how Rigg gets her tied like that.” The other guy laughed. “Then I need you to show me how to do the same with two girls instead of one.”

“Me too.”

“No problem. You both caught on pretty fast the last time.” Mack
smiled leaned back on the display case, looking as though he’d hung out with these two a million times. “Cross, Malachi, this is our drummer, Ramsay.”

“You finally found one that’ll work, huh? I was starting to think that you’d be the only metal band I’ve heard of with no drums. Nice to meet you, Ramsay,” Cross said.

Malachi inclined his head too.

“Cobalt Harbor sucks ass for drummers.” Winter nodded at them from across the room. “If these two hadn’t moved into town, we might have had to start looking in Felix.”

“Hard to practice when people have evil day jobs and have to drive so far,” Malachi agreed.

“Winter! Is your day job evil?”

“Only when I’m here, Cross. I take the evil with me when I go home.” She raised her hand in a vague wave and towed Saya toward the changing room.

“I can attest to that
.” Mack chuckled.

Cross leaned back on the counter beside Mack and
, for a crazy moment, Ramsay was annoyed. Both of these guys reeked of dominance, and were acting very familiar. And if this Cross guy was up late with someone called Emmanuel, that left some questions open. If they were close to Mack, had one or both of them been interested in him in the past?

Had Mack slept with them?

Was it any of his damn business? It’s not like he’d even given the guy any indication that he was interested other than bossing him around a little this morning. Wait... Mack had told him that he and Winter hadn’t played with anyone else while they’d been dating. But watching him talk to these two made him feel...proprietorial.

“Ramsay, we need your opinion
,” Winter called from the changing room area.

Reluctantly he went, fighting a disturbing urge to assert his claim on Mack – to mark him – before he walked away.

At the other end of the store, Winter was waiting, holding one of the fitting room doors slightly ajar.

“Where is she? If she can’t even leave the chang
ing room, chances are she won’t want to wear it on stage.”

a surprise. Duh. Ready?”

Duh? What he wouldn’t give to turn her over his knee and teach her some respect. Winter and Mack were out of control. If he was going to keep them, he’d have to get them to start toeing the line.

Keep them? Like they were stray cats? He seriously needed some time away from them so he could talk to Saya.

Winter yanked the door open and his submissive stood there in a frothy pink Lolita dress, looking like dessert. Her skin just above the bodice was blotchy and there was one distinct bite mark between her neck and shoulder.

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