The Dove (8 page)

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Authors: Brendan Carroll

BOOK: The Dove
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“Who else knows of this?”  Barry poured himself a drink of water from d’Brouchart’s decanter on the bedside table and downed it unceremoniously.  He was hungry and wanted nothing more than to go downstairs and enjoy a ‘normal’ breakfast with his family.  ‘Normalcy’… just a bit.

“Vanni was with me when we came here last night.”  Lucio admitted.  “He won’t tell anyone.”

“We will have to tell Simon.”  Konrad wandered to the desk and poked around in the papers and books lying there.  The Master had been reading when whatever had happened, happened. 

“Vanni says that he believes that the Master has been summoned to the Council in the underworld.  Why else would he be like this?”  Lucio looked about in trepidation.  He felt he was violating the man’s privacy.

“He may have a point.”  Konrad agreed.  “If what you say about Sir Ramsay is true, then he would expect the Grand Master to attend, since he is, after all, one of the Watchers.”

Barry spun about and glared at the Knight of the Apocalypse.

“I’m sorry, Brother,” Konrad smiled ruefully “but you know it is true whether we choose to ignore it or not.  If the Watchers are gathered in the underworld, then I would have to say that Nebo’s presence would most certainly be required.”

Barry made a sour face, but nodded.  He did not like to think about these things.  The implications made his head reel.

“I would suggest that we show Brother Lucio the hieroglyphs and let him translate it for us before we summon Simon.  There is nothing we can do for the Master.”  Konrad continued.  “There may be something in them that we need to know in regard to this.”  He waved one hand at the bed.  “It could have been a warning that this was about to happen for all we know.”

“Not likely.”  Barry muttered, but he dreaded dragging the rest of the household into this latest mystery.  “There is bound to be much trouble.”

“Much.”  Lucio agreed and then turned to Konrad.  “What hieroglyphs?”

“I’ll get it.”  Barry started for the door.  “Stay here… both of you.  If anyone comes, tell them that we are having a private meeting and will be with them shortly.  That includes Simon.”

The Knights nodded and he hurried away.  Lucio locked the door.

“So you saw Andrea?”  Konrad sat on the edge of the desk and crossed his arms over his chest.

“I did.”  Lucio leaned against the bedpost.  “Brother, I’m as lost as a newborn child.  Just when I thought I understood everything!  Andrea is Sophia.  Sophia is Andrea in human form.”

“It is a hard concept to understand.”  Konrad agreed.  “She came here looking for her other half.”

“I thought that she had simply returned to her original form.”  Lucio frowned.  “It was hard enough to accept, Konrad.  I have to talk to myself sometimes…
Capisca?  Se soltanto avessi saputo

Madre Santa del Dio
.”  Lucio muttered something in Italian and crossed himself.    “I know that it was not his fault.  But…”

“Let’s not speak of it.”  Konrad shrugged.  “You owe me no explanations or apologies.  I would have done the same.  I was quite fond of Sophia and had considered asking her to marry me.”  Konrad laughed.  “Imagine that!  It was no wonder that she laughed every time I tried to kiss her.  I feel like an idiot.  But I believe I can understand what you are saying though it is highly disturbing.  Things are not always what they seem.”

“Si`.”  Lucio nodded slowly.  He turned slightly to look at the Master as his snoring rhythm changed slightly and then jumped as someone tapped on the door.

Konrad crossed the room. 

“Who is there?”  He asked through the wood.


Konrad opened the door and Barry motioned them into the hall.

“We’ll go to my room.”  The Seneschal told them.  “I don’t want to go back in there.”  He held up a skeleton key.  “We’ll lock the door.  They will think he is either out or meditating.”

The two Knights followed Barry to the end of the hall to the room he shared with Rachel.  When they were inside, he bolted the door and pulled the letter from Luke Matthew from his pocket.

Lucio took the letter and sat down at the desk.  Barry handed him a pen and a tablet.  Rare commodities in these days and the Italian went to work, translating the elegant writing.

“Whoever wrote this,” he said, but did not look up “is not well versed in the art.  I will do my best.”






Simon was dumbstruck when he entered the elven portion of the barn.  The place was wrecked.  The flowering vines and decorations were in shambles on the floor.  Two of the elves sat on the floor with bandages showing on their arms and heads.  The King hurried toward him from the ruins of the shrine he had built for his ‘holy relic’.  The little King was beside himself with rage.

“Master Simon!”  Il Dolce Mio grabbed the healer’s arm as Selwig went to check on the two injured sentries.  “A terrible thing has happened here!”

“When?”  Simon looked about slowly.

“During the night.  We did not come to dance last night.  It was a mistake!”  Il Dolce Mio slapped one fist against his palm.  “The dark angel came and took the relic!  This is horrible, devastating, unbearable!  My father.  Since my father has been gone, the magick which protects this place is waning.  We should have done more to protect it. I am a fool!”

“How do you know it was… the dark angel?”  Simon asked him.

“He left a sign.”  The King hurried back to the destroyed shrine and waved for the healer to follow him. 

Simon walked carefully through the debris on the floor and stopped beneath the ruined bower.  The King stood next to the stone.  The elaborate gold chest was broken and thrown on the floor.  In its place was a dead, black scorpion of immense proportions, lying on its back with a dagger stuck through it.

“Ahhh.  I see.”  Simon nodded.  “Are your people all right?  Do they need my help?”

“Selwig has attended to them.  They will be fine.  They could have been killed!  It is all my fault!”  He slammed his small fist on the altar and then pulled his dagger from the dead creature.  The thing immediately dissipated into a pile of black dust.  “My father!”  The King spun around again.  His blue eyes were wide with despair.

“I’m here, my son!”  Simon stepped forward.  He did not know what to do for the distraught King.  He had never ministered to the elves.  He had no idea what to say or do.

“No. No. No.”  Il Dolce Mio shook his head and several pink flower petals drifted to the floor.  “I mean… my father, the King!”  He pointed to the altar.  “It was my father’s head!  The Holy Relic.”

“What?!”  Simon felt his knees go weak.

“The head of my father, King Ramsay.”  Il Dolce Mio did not seem to notice Simon’s distress as he walked around the altar.  “The dark Lord of the Fifth Gate had his head in this box.”  He picked up the lid of the jewel-encrusted chest.  “He must have taken it from the Queen when she took the King from his castle after he was killed.  Queen Semiramis, my royal niece, Aurora, and myself went there and brought it out.  The Queen said we might need it when the time comes.”

“When the time comes?”  Simon asked weakly and caught hold of the bower for support.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.”  The King threw the priceless reliquary on the floor.  “That is what she said.  She told me to bring it here and keep it safe.  I have failed!  Now the Dark One has my father’s body and my father’s head!  What shall I do?”

Simon straightened himself up and turned about.

“Selwig!”  He hurried past the healer and caught his arm in passing.  “We must tell the others!”

“Wait!”  Il Dolce Mio ran after them.  “I’m coming with you.”

Simon stopped and faced the King.

“No!  Go home, sir, I beg you.  Attend your kingdom.  Things may come to worse and worse and you will be needed.”  Simon looked into his eyes.  “I have a plan.  Selwig and I will go to New Babylon.  We will bring them back.”

“But I must go with you.”  Il Dolce Mio frowned.  “He is my father.”

“You can’t go with us.  It will be too dangerous.  We will have to go in disguise.  Your people need you here.  Trust me, your Grace.  Your father would be very angry if I were to allow something to happen to you and what would your people do without you?”

The King frowned.  “I am sorry… truly sorry I have failed.”

“You did your best.”  Simon smiled at him.  “Remember, my son, everything is the Will of God.  If Abaddon has taken your father’s head to New Babylon, then it was God’s will.”

“Ahhh.”  The King nodded and then looked at Selwig.  “Are you sure you want to do this, my friend?  You are welcome to come home with us.  You have always been welcome in my kingdom.”

“It is what my heart tells me I must do.”  Selwig told him gravely.  “It is my responsibility to correct my mistakes whenever possible.”

“That is a very brave thing to say.”  The King said and then hugged the healer.  “If there is anything that I can do for you, please call on me.”

“We will.”  Simon told him and dragged the healer away toward the house.






“Where are you going, Your Highness?”  Jozsef stood at the foot of the stairs, looking up at the Emperor.

Bari was escorting Nicole down the stairs.  They were both dressed very formally.  Nicole was wearing more clothes than Jozsef had ever seen her wear before.  She was dressed in the traditional robes of the women who lived in New Babylon.  Her head was covered by a blue shawl studded with glittering stones, the bottom portion of her lovely face obscured behind the gossamer fabric.  Jozsef was visibly stirred by her beauty as he cast a jealous eye at the Emperor.  He had not failed to notice that Nicole was spending more and more time with the son of the Prophet, someone she claimed to despise.

“We are going down to Old Babylon.  There are some guests who wish to tour the grounds.”  Bari lied.  “They have asked me to go along and I think it will be a good diversion.  I’ve asked Nicole to accompany me.  She is bored and in need of… attention.  Isn’t that right, my Aunt?”  Nicole nodded briefly and the headdress slipped to one side.

“I hate this shawl thing!”  Nicole complained loudly and yanked on the cloth.  Her long, flowing robes were blue and white.  “Do I have to wear it?”  She whined.

“Yes, yes!”  Bari snapped at her in aggravation.  “You must make the proper impression.  Our guests are from the Royal House of Arabia. Prince Abdullah Mohammed and his new wife, Marta. You would not want to offend them or embarrass me.  If you want to come along, you had best be quiet and be… nice.”

“Nice?!”  Nicole sighed.  “All right!  This place is driving me crazy.”  She smiled and winked as she passed Jozsef in the grand foyer.  “I hope you won’t mind if I go, Your Grace?”  She asked him demurely.  “You know I’m going stir crazy.”  She turned on her best pout.

“No, no.  Of course not.  Go ahead.  Enjoy yourself.”  Jozsef kissed her lightly on the cheek and then cringed as he heard Ruth’s voice drifting down the staircase.  He was supposed to have lunch with her an hour ago, but he was beginning to loathe her company more and more.  “When will you be back?”

“Maybe tomorrow.”  Bari told him and shrugged.  “They want to have a meeting in the old style.  How silly!  They want to sit around an open fire under a silk canopy!  Can you believe it?”

“Why not?”  Jozsef started reluctantly up the stairs.  He wished that he was going with them.  A night in the desert under the stars with Nicole would have been much preferable to what his night might hold forth. He made it halfway up the stairs when Bari came rushing back by him.

“I forgot my watch!”  Bari told him as he passed. 

Jozsef wandered lazily down the hall, unwilling to grace Hubur with his presence.

Bari rushed into his room and the door slammed.  A few moments later, the door opened and ‘Bari’ re-emerged, putting on his watch.  A serving woman hurried after him, carrying a pile of dirty bed linens.

“Be careful, Your Grace.”  Jozsef called after him as he passed him again.

“OK!”  ‘Bari’ answered and rushed back down the stairs and out the tall front doors to one of the armored ATVs.

He climbed in the back seat beside Nicole and the serving woman climbed in after him.

The servant threw back the dark shawl that had covered her head and took his face between her hands.

“Perfect!”  She smiled at him.  “Perfect!  You did just what Sophia told you to do.”

“Kiss?”  Mark Andrew leaned toward her and smiled broadly.  The purple and white kaffiyeh fell into his face and he laughed.

Sophia grabbed the hat and pressed it back on his head.

“Outside?”  He asked as he looked past her out the window.

Colonel McGuffy started the vehicle and drove it slowly down the drive behind the escort vehicle in front of them.  Another of the black ATV’s followed them, keeping a sedate pace for the royal entourage.

Mark shrieked slightly as they started forward and then crawled across Nicole, almost knocking her from the seat.

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