The Dragon's Vamp (6 page)

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Authors: C.A. Salo

BOOK: The Dragon's Vamp
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Mari grinned as they disrobed. She knew once her blood flowed into his mouth the blood lust would kick up within him, encouraging him to mate. Lowering her hand, she spread her trimmed pussy lips with her fingers and found her clit. Meeting his gaze as his hand went to his engorged cock they watched each other for several moments before he knelt in front of her and moved her hand out of the way. “Oh gods, Rhys,” she breathed, her head tilting back as his mouth landed on her clit, sucking and pulling, nipping with his teeth. Mari knew he was making sure she was wet enough for him, because once the blood lust hit he’d take her quickly. “D-don’t get me too worked up,” she breathed, her hand lowering to his head. “I-I don’t want to burn you.”

Rhys stood, lifted her, and sat on the bed. He brought Mari down to straddle his lap, her warm, wet folds caressing his hardness. Moving the hair off her neck, he leaned in closer, his nostrils flaring as he scented the right spot. He parted his lips, kissing her there, licking her so his salvia would numb the area for his fangs.

Mari sighed. She knew he was preparing her instead of just digging in, and that made her love him even more. Love, where the hell…gasping, her eyes flew open with the prick of his fangs. A moan escaped her as they lowered further into her neck. His hand clasped her breast, his fingers tugging her nipple as euphoria shot straight to her pussy. Her eyes shifted to her vertical dragon eyes, her blood heating as it flowed into his mouth leaving her pussy clenching. “Rhys.”

His hands grasped her hips, lifting her slightly. He thrust upward, impaling her on his cock.

“Oh gods!” Mari twisted her fingers in his short hair, bringing his fangs deeper into her neck as he pumped into her faster and faster. Then he lowered a hand between them, his thumb rubbing against her throbbing clit. A ragged sound left her lips before screaming his name with the pulsing pleasure of her release.

Rhys’ arm moved around her waist holding her tight against him as he thrust faster and harder. His blood rushed through his veins as her powerful blood hit his system. His body jerked with the lightning-like energy from her blood jolting down his spine to his cock. He lifted his mouth from her, roaring as his dick exploded with a stream of cum. Breathing heavily, Rhys groaned as he kissed her shoulder. An aftershock had him trembling against her as he wearily stuck his tongue out to lick and close the two puncture holes on her neck. “Are you alright?” he asked smiling. He lifted his head to see her eyes still in shift mode.

“Yes, what about you, any ill effects of my blood?”

“No, except I noticed it started heating as your passion rose. It was lukewarm when I started and by the time we finished it was almost to the scalding point.”

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” Mari’s eyes widened.

“No, love, I’m fine.” Kissing the tip of her nose, he nipped her softly. “Don’t you think if it was giving me pain, I would have stopped?”

“I suppose.”

“I will say this though; I can still feel your blood flowing through me like the damn Energizer Bunny,” he chuckled.

Mari grinned. “Little hyped up are you?”

“Hell yeah!” Rhys chuckled as he swung her up, turned, and laid her under him on the bed. “Ready for round two?”

Mari giggled as he wiggled his eyebrows. Cupping the sides of his face, she met his lips as he thrust up into her wetness.

* * * *

“That’s it, Livi, concentrate,” Mari whispered as her young charge worked on her chakra balls.

“It’s hard.”

“I know, but you’re doing great. Just hold it for one more moment.” Glancing at Livi she smiled as the child pushed herself to finish her task. “Okay, Livi. Open your eyes and look.”


“See what you can do when you practice?”

“It’s huge.”

“And you held it for two minutes; a new record for you, little girl.” Mari chuckled as she sat back. “Now think about dispelling the energies evenly.”

Livi looked over at her with a grin. “Can’t I just toss it at Triton and knock him into the lake?”

“Mischievous child,” Mari said then laughed. “Yes, when I call to him and he turns, knock him with it, alright?”

“I’m with ya.”

Mari stood. “Hey, water boy!” she yelled. “Want to help her train?” she asked when he turned.

“Sure,” Triton called back.

Mari stepped aside, grinning as his eyes widened when he realized the energy ball was coming at him. “Ooooo,” she groaned. Her head went back; left eye squinting with the pain Triton must have felt. The hit knocked him back, driving him to the middle of the lake and into the water. “Damn that looked like it hurt,” she mumbled and then busted out with laughter when Livi giggled. Mari stopped laughing when he didn’t come back up right away.

“Do you think he’s alright?” Livi asked.

“Yeah, he’s Prince of the Oceans, he can take a little lake water, which means—look out!” she yelled as a barrage of water balls came at them. Livi screamed as she ran behind Mari. “Don’t hide now kid, this is his version of a snow ball fight!”

* * * *

“How in the hell can you three be so…” Rhys growled as he turned to look at Mari, Livi, and Triton who were all soaking wet. “Damn. I’m so pissed I don’t even know what I want to say!”

“Irresponsible would be a good start,” Drake Roven supplied.

“Irresponsible!” Rhys yelled. “We’re in the middle of an Other Kin war and you three are having a…a damn
water fight
with no care to your surroundings! Who knows what kind of creature could have sprung up on you from the depths of that lake?”

“There were no threats,” Triton said nonchalantly as he rolled his eyes.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me damn it! You had my woman and Roven’s daughter out there with no security back up to watch your asses! When word came over of an attack on the three of you we just about shit ourselves trying to get to you because we knew there were no teams in that area!”

“Ah, I think you better settle down a bit,” Drake whispered. “Mari’s dry which means you’re pissing her off.”

Rhys’ gaze flew to Mari. She was indeed dry, her hair blowing with the breeze. “You cannot be mad at me for your actions!”

“You better stop yelling at me,” Mari said softly.

“Do you know how damn worried we were? All we saw were water balls and the glows of energy balls being dispensed. We had no idea what the hell was happening out there.”

Mari sighed as her gaze lowered. “Rhys, you know with Triton and I nothing can get by us. We’d never let anything hurt Olivia.”

“No, Mari, I don’t know that,” he stated as she lifted her eyes to his again. “Because you have yet to show your full powers or capabilities in human form, never mind shifted.” His chest ached as she lowered her gaze again. He wished like hell she’d trust him, especially with her powers.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Rhys. You don’t understand what a shift for me involves. As I haven’t shifted in centuries, I’ll be hungry. It won’t matter that I’m sated in human form. Once I hit dragon mode, the beast will be going for the first meal it can find and Alston’s dairy population will go down considerably. I suggest if you want me to shift, you put me in the middle of the field, where I can eat and leave.”

Rhys’ gaze narrowed.

“No you won’t be in danger, I just…”

“She doesn’t want you to see her feeding frenzy,” Triton said then shivered. “Seen it once, and that was enough for me.”

Mari frowned. “Oh thanks for that.”

“Hey, sweetie, he may not mind being another blood drinker, but I am of the Sea, all that blood is a little much for me.”

“Baby. You who eats fish raw. And you call yourself an ancient Other Kin. One would think at your age you’d be able to handle anything.”

Rhys’ brow lifted as they kept arguing back and forth. “Are you two missing the picture on why we’re upset with you?”

“No!” Mari said as she met his gaze. “We know why you’re both mad and it’s asinine. There’s nothing wrong with a little play in training. As you stated we are in a war and if we don’t take some R&R every now and then, we’ll lose it. Don’t you narrow those eyes at me, Rhys Beven. I’ve been in more wars and battles than you have in your life time, so I think I’m the expert here.”

“I don’t give a damn what you think you’re the expert at! All you had to do was let us know what was going on.”

“Oh yeah like that makes sense!
Oh hold on Livi, let me tell Rhys we’re going to toss an energy ball at Triton and watch his ass go flying into the lake
. Will you give me a break!”

Rhys’ eyes changed with his anger. “Don’t you give me that sarcastic damn attitude, Mariwen!”

“Then stop treating me like a damn fledgling!”

Rhys noted Drake motioning to Livi to step over to him as Triton stepped the other way. Mari may not have realized it but she was burning. She literally had flames surrounding her body, almost phoenix-like. Sighing deeply Rhys met her gaze. “I don’t mean to treat you like a baby, but some common courtesy would have been nice, Mari. What would you have done if our roles were reversed? You would have come to us hell bent looking for a fight and pissed when you realized we’re alright, just funning around. Shit you probably would have been shooting fire balls at my head by now and you know it.” Rhys released his breath slowly when she started calming down. Her flames disappeared, and her fists unclenched. He smiled as his arms crossed over his chest, loving his little firecracker.

“What are you smiling at?” Mari grumbled.

“You, my little hot head.”

“Shut-up,” she mumbled. “Fine, you’re right, okay. I can see how it would have looked from a distance. But that’s all I’m saying on the matter.”

Rhys’ smile exploded into a grin. “Good enough for me, what about you?” he asked as he turned to look at Drake.

“I’m good,” Drake chuckled.

“Triton, I think Amaress is waiting for you at the manor.”

“Excellent.” Triton grinned as he took off.

Rhys kept Mari’s gaze as the Rovens left, as well as the security forces who’d shown up. Damn she was beautiful. His cock swelled as the wind gently blew her chestnut brown hair around. “What am I going to do with you, Mariwen Gawain?”

“Fuck me.”

Rhys chuckled as he unfolded his arms, stepping toward her. “With pleasure.”










Chapter 4


Mari breathed deeply. “Alright, are they gone?”

“All except Triton, he’s in the wood line by the lake if we need him. Kalana and Drake are standing by the north end of the forest,” Rhys said.

Mari met his gaze as he stepped in front of her shaking naked body. “I’m not sure if it’s anticipation of the shift, for I love being in dragon form and want you to see me as such, or from fear of you being witness to my feeding frenzy.” His hands felt warm as they settled on her shoulders bringing her closer to his body heat.

“You’ll be fine, Mari. I’m not worried about the frenzy, and we talked about this last night. I can’t wait to see you in dragon form.”

Mari closed her eyes as his lips lightly touched her forehead. Going down to her knees, she smiled as he followed. “Ready?”


Her nostrils widened as she moved her mouth to his neck, his jugular pulsing as blood sped through his veins with his excitement. Striking the area with her tongue, she made sure her saliva coated him well so when she pierced him, he wouldn’t feel as much pain. When she lowered her fangs into his neck he groaned, the mind-marking letting her know it was pleasure and not pain. The salty warm taste of his blood escalated her senses as he thrust into her wet pussy. Oh lord, it felt good. Her body came down on him hard as his life’s blood flowed through her system, opening her veins. Gasping, she removed her mouth; his large hands grasped her ass, bringing her down hard on him, once, twice, three times. Her lips parted as euphoria spread through her. Her fingers clenched his shoulders as she met his thrusts.

“That’s it baby, fuck me,” Rhys rasped as he moved his hand between them to her swollen clit and let her keep up their frenzied pace as he rubbed.

Amazing sensations swarmed her as her climax started. Tingles shot from her spine to her brain and back to her pussy. “Oh gods, Rhys, don’t stop!” The fire burst through her body and she cried out his name as her muscles contracted around his cock.

Rhys groaned. His balls tightened, his cock hardened even more, spurting his climax into her warmth with a moan. His eyes whipped open when her body tensed.

Mari’s lips parted, her eyes flew open as the change started, the beast of her dragon self clawing to get out. Jumping off him, Mari flung herself away, holding her hand up to stop him when Rhys stepped forward. Gasps of agony escaped her parted lips as muscles tore from bone and reattached. Mari cried out as her blood pumped faster. Her senses heightened becoming more honed and agile. Mari roared with her transformation and with the freedom and power of it; she let go completely. Shaking her giant head, her nostrils flared releasing a plume of steam as her name was called. Turning her head slightly so she could see by her feet, her heart pounded with the pleasure the man beneath her had given her such a short time ago.
. She mind spoke.

“Yes, love, I hear you.”

“I’m, hungry.”

“I know, beautiful, go and eat.”

With one flap of her thirty-foot wing span she was up and hovering. Pointing her head toward the sun, she hovered horizontally. Taking a deep breath she released a roar that hadn’t been heard in centuries alerting the land, its inhabitants, her father and all threats that the guardian was back. She tilted her head to look at him one more time before one downward swoop of her wings had her soaring over the trees, going to the feeding field they had set up for her private use. Glancing down she saw Triton sitting on a waterspout in the middle of the lake waving at her, and the Roven clan running in wolf form along the perimeters of the woodlands. Damn it felt good to be back. Closing her eyes as the wind blew over her, she enjoyed a truly magnificent feeling that she hadn’t felt in so long. Sighing inwardly she tilted her head, opened her eyes, and spied several cows. Damn she hated this part. If she’d shifted more often she wouldn’t need to feed in dragon form, but being her stubborn self, well now she was hungry. With a rumbling roar, she swooped down, grabbing the closest cow with her clawed feet. Its frightened bellow made her hesitate for a second before the dragon within took over. Turning her foot, she broke its neck in one smooth movement before tossing it into the air and catching the carcass between her mighty jaws. She’d refused to eat live food from the moment she could control herself, and humanely killed them before eating. After eating two more, she spotted Rhys just inside the woods and descended, landing on her feet before laying down, her head on her front limb as her wings folded back behind her. She met his gaze as he walked to her and snorted tiredly.

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