The Dukes (80 page)

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Authors: Brian Masters

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Earl of Northumberland,
Advice to His Son

8th Duke of Northumberland,
The Shadow on the Moor






Abercorn, James Hamilton, 8th Earl of

(1712-1789), 326-7 Abercorn, John Hamilton, Marquess of

(1756-1818), 327-30 Abercorn, James Hamilton, 1st Duke of

(1811-1885), 330 Abercorn, Duchess of (Lady Louisa Russell, wife of 1st Duke), 331-2 Abercorn, James Hamilton, 2nd Duke of

(1838-1913), 331 Abercorn, James Hamilton, 4th Duke of (1904- ), 21, 309, 311, 330, 331-2 Alba, Duchess of, 419 Albemarle, George Monele, 1st Duke of

(1608-1670), 412 Albemarle, Duchess of (Anne Clarges,

wife of 1st Duke), 412 Albemarle, Christopher Monck, 2nd

Duke of (1653-1688), 411, 413 Albemarle, Elizabeth Cavendish,

Duchess of, and Duchess of Montagu (1654-1734), 411-12 Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Marquess of, and 8th Earl of (1597-1661), 284, 285, 342-3 Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of

(1629-1685), 785-6 Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 1st Duke of

( -1703), 286, 287 Argyll, John Campbell, 2nd Duke of

(1680-1743), 287-8 Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of

(1682-1761), 289 Argyll, John Campbell, 4th Duke of

(1693-1770), 289 Argyll, John Campbell, 5th Duke of

(1723-1806), 289 Argyll, Duchess of, wife of 5th Duke,

Elizabeth Gunning Argyll, George Campbell, 6th Duke of

(1768-1839), 290-1 Argyll, George Campbell, 8th Duke of

(1823-1900), 291 Argyll, John Campbell, 9th Duke of

(1845-1914), 293 Argyll, Niall Campbell, 10th Duke of

(1872-1949), 293 Argyll, Ian Campbell, nth Duke of (1903-1973).
3. 293-6

Argyll, Duchess of (Louise Morris, 2nd

wife of 1 ith Duke), 295 Argyll, Duchess of (Margaret Sweeney,

3rd wife of 1 ith Duke), 295-6, 358 Argyll, Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of

(>937- ), 15. 19. 283, 296-7 Argyll, Duchess of (wife of 12th Duke), 296-7

Arran, James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of

(d. i575)> 3". 3>2 Arundel, Philip Howard, Earl of

(i557-'595). 49 Arundel and Surrey, Philip Joseph Mary Fitzalan-Howard, Earl of (1879-1902), 56-7 Atholl, John Murray, 1st Duke of

(1660-1724), 286, 297-8 Atholl, James Murray, 2nd Duke of

(1690-1764), 298 Atholl, John Murray, 3rd Duke of

(1729-1774), 299 Atholl, Duchess of (Charloese Murray,

wife of 3rd Duke), 299 Atholl, John Murray, 4th Duke of

(i755-'83o), 299 Atholl, John Murray, 5th Duke of

(1778-1846), 299-300 Atholl, John Murray, 8th Duke of,

"Bardie" (1871-1942), 301-2 Atholl, Duchess of (Katherine Ramsay, 1874-1960, wife of 8th Duke), 301-3 Atholl, James Murray, 9th Duke of,

(1879-1957), 303 Atholl, Iain Murray, 10th Duke of,

(I93I- )» 15, 19. 90. 298, 304-5 Audley, Hugh (1577-1662), 374-5 Aylesford, Lady, 246-7

Beauchamp, George Seymour, Viscount

(1725-1744), 66, 259 Beauclerk, Topham (1739-1780), 122 Beaufort, Henry Somerest, 1st Duke of

(1629-1700), 214-15 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 2nd Duke of

(1684-1714), 215 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 3rd Duke of

(1707-1746), 216 Beaufort, Duchess of (Frances Scudamore, wife of 3rd Duke), 216-17

Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 6th Duke of, 218

Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 7th Duke of

(1792-1853), 217-21, 276 Beaufort, Harry Somerset, 8th Duke of, "The Blue Duke" (1824-1899), 222-3, 228

Beaufort, Duchess of (Lady Georgiana

Curzon, wife of 8th Duke), 222-3 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 9th Duke of

(1847-1924), 212, 215, 226-7 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 10th Duke of (1900- ), 16, 210-11, 212, 227-30 Beaufort, David Somerset, 11 th Duke of, 9, 230-1

Beaufort, Duchess of (wife of 1 ith Duke), 230

Bedford, John Russell, 1st Earl of

(1486-1555), 156-7, 165 Bedford, Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of

(1527-1585), 158 Bedford, Edward Russell, 3rd Earl of

(1572-1627), 158 Bedford, Francis Russell, 4th Earl of

(1593-1641), 159, 165 Bedford, William Russell, 1st Duke of

(1613-1700), 154-5, '58, 166 Bedford, Wriothesley Russell, 2nd Duke

of (1680-1711), 156, 158, 166 Bedford, Wriothesley Russell, 3rd Duke of

(1708-1732), 158-9 Bedford, John Russell, 4th Duke of

(1710-1771), 159-60 Bedford, Duchess of (Gertrude Leveson- Gower, wife of 4th Duke), 163, 164, 167 Bedford, John Russell, 5th Duke of, 162 Bedford, John Russell, 6th Duke of, 163-4 Bedford, Francis Russell, 7th Duke of (1788-1861), 141, 146, 160-1, 164 Bedford, William Russell, 8th Duke of

(1809-1872), Bedford, Hastings Russell, 9th Duke of (1819-1891), 140-1, 146, 160-1, 164 Bedford, Duchess of (Adeline, wife of 10th

Duke), 223 Bedford, Herbrand Russell, nth Duke of (1858-1940), 140, 141, 142-3, 147, 149, 161, 162, 166, 167, 248 Bedford, Duchess of (Mary Tribe, wife of 1 ith Duke, "The Flying Cuchess"),

148-50, 161

Bedford, Hastings Russell, 12th Duke of

(1888-1953), 140, 141-6, 147-8, 164 Bedford, John Russell, 13th Duke of (1917- ), 14, 15, 19, 23, 30, 139,


Bedford, Duchess of (L-dia, 2nd wife of

13th Duke), 168, 280 Bentinck, Count Henry, 208

Berwick, James Fitzjames, Duke of

(1670-1734), 419 Blandford, Marchioness of (Lady Bertha

Hamilton, "Goosie"), 246-7 Blandford, Marchioness of (Tina

Athina Livanos), 250 Boleyn, Queen Anne, 39-40 Bolton, Charles Powlett, 3rd Duke of

(1685-1754), 414-15 Bolton, Duchess of,
Lavinia Fenton Bowmont and Cessford, Marquess of,
9> 309

Boyle, Lady Dorothy, d. Earl of

Burlington, m. Earl of Euston, 114-6 Bridgwater, Scoop Egerton, 1st Duke of

(1681-1745), 408 Bridgwater, Francis Egerton, 3rd Duke

of (1736-1803), 345, 408-10 Bridgwater, Francis Egerton, 8th Earl of

(1756-1829), 410-n Buccleuch, Anne Scott, Countess of, afterwards Duchess of (1651—1732), 86, 107

Buccleuch, 1st Duke of,
Monmouth Buccleuch, Francis Scott, 2nd Duke of

(1694-1751), 107 Buccleuch, Duchess of (Alice Powell, 2nd

wife of 2nd Duke), 107 Buccleuch, Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of

(1746-1812), 107 Buccleuch, Walter Francis Montagu- Douglas-Scott, 5th Duke of (1806- 1884), 88, 106, 109-10, 326-7 Buccleuch, Walter Montagu-Douglas- Scott, 8th Duke of (1899-1973), 110-2, 256

Buccleuch, Duchess of (Vreda Esther Lascelles, wife of 8th Duke, "Mollie"), 26, hi

Buccleuch, Walter John Montagu- Douglas-Scott, 9th Duke of (!923- )» "4.
> 3°> 100, 112-3,

Campbell, Lady Jeanne, 295 Cavendish, George (1500-1561), 173 Cavendish, Henry (1731-1810), 176-7 Cavendish, Sir William (1505-1557), 173 Chatelherault, dukedom of, 311, 320-1 Chudleigh, Elizabeth,
Duchess of

Kingston Churchill, Arabella (1648-1730?), 241, 419

Churchill, Lord Randolph (1849-1895), 246

Churchill, Sir Winston (1620-1688), 241 Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), 19,

90, 237, 246, 248-9 Cleveland, Duchess of (mistress of Charles II),
Barbara Villiers

Cleveland, William Harry Vane, 1st

Duke of (1766-1842), 418 Cleveland, Duchess of (Elizabeth Russell,

2nd wife of 1st Duke), 418 Cleveland, Duchess of (Grace Lowther,

wife of 3rd Duke), 26, 418-419 Coutts, Harriot,
Duchess of St Albans Coutts, Thomas (1735-1822), 123-4,

182, 418 Crawford, 20th Earl of, 239

Danby, Earl of,
1st Duke of Leeds Darling, Grace (1815-1842), 264-5 Davies, Alexander (d. 1665), 375 Davies, Mary, Lady Grosvenor

(1665-1730), 374, 375-7 Devon, arl of, 30

Devonshire, William Cavendish, 1st Earl

of(1552-1625), 173-4 Devonshire William Cavendish, 2nd Earl

of (1590-1628), 174 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 3rd

Earl of (1617-1684), 174 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 1st

Duke of (1640-1707), 174-5 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 2nd

Duke of (1673-1729), 175 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 4th

Duke of (1720-1764), 16, 176 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 5th Duke of (1748-1811), 177-9, 183, 187, 198

Devonshire, Duchess of (Georgiana

Spencer, 1 st wife of 5th Duke, 179-87 Devonshire, Duchess of (formerly Lady Elizabeth Foster, 2nd wife of 5th Duke), 183-7 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 6th Duke of (1790-1858), 185, 187-8 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th

Duke of (1808-1891), 189 Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish,

8th Duke of (1833-1908), 174, 189-92 Devonshire, Duchess of (Louise von Alten, wife of 8th Duke),
Duchess of Manchester Devonshire, Edward Cavendish, 10th

Duke of (1895-1950), 192 Devonshire, Andrew Cavendish, 1 ith Duke of (1920- ), 10, 16, 19, 173,

Devonshire, Duchess of (Debo Mitford,

wife of 1 ith Duke), 10, 193-4 Druce, Anna Maria, 202-4 Druce, G. H., 204 Druce, T. C., 202-4,

Ellesmere, Francis Leveson-Gower, 1st Earl of (1800-1857), 345-6

Euston, George Fitzroy, Earl of

(1715-1747), 114-7 Euston, Henry Fitzroy, Earl of (1848-1912), 119-20, 225

Fenton, Lavinia, Duchess of Bolton,

Fenwick, Edward, 376 Fenwick, Lodowick, 376 Fife, Alexander Duff, 1st Duke of

(1849-1912), 248, 367-70 Fife, Duchess of (H.R.H. Princess Louise, Princess Royal, wife of 1st Duke), 367-70

Suo jure
2nd Duchess of, H.H.

Princess Alexandra (1891—1959), 368-9 Fife, James Carnegie, 3rd Duke of

(1929- ), 11.369
Fillol, Katherine, 67 Fitzgerald, Lord Desmond (1888-1916), 278

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward (1763-1798),

272, 273-4 Fitzgerald, Lady Elizabeth (1528-1589), 41, 271

Fitzgerald, Maurice (d. 1176), 270 Flower, Joan, 356-7 Flower, Margaret, 356-7 Flower, Philippa, 356-7

Germain, Sir John (1650-1718), 50-51 Gordon, Jane, Duchess of, 25 Gower, Sir John Leveson-Gower, 1 st

Baron (1675-1709), 335 Gower, Sir Thomas (1605-1672), 335 Grafton, Henry Fitzroy, 1st Duke of

(1663-1690), 90, 93, 95, 102 Grafton, Charles Fitzroy, 2nd Duke of

(1683-1757), 113-4 Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd

Duke of (1735-1811), 16, 117-19 Grafton, Charles Fitzroy, 10th Duke of

(1892-1970), 120 Grafton, Hugh Fitzroy, nth Duke of

(1919- )» 120 Graham, Marquess of (1935- ),
387, 398

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