The Duke's Reform (30 page)

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Authors: Fenella J Miller

BOOK: The Duke's Reform
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      The dogs continued to hurl
themselves at the front door. Would Alexander hear them and come here? Then she
saw the madman held a pistol in his other hand. The world stood still, it
wasn't her baby or herself he intended to kill, it was Alexander. With him dead
this lunatic would be the Duke of Rochester and there would be nothing anyone
could do about it.

If justice took its course and
Bentley was hanged then the title would be in abeyance, the good name of the
family forever tainted. She would not let this happen. When Alexander burst in
she would throw herself in the path of the shot, she would willingly die to
save the man she loved and keep his heritage intact.

      'Where are Nanny Cooper,
Peggy and the maids?'

      Mary answered. 'He's locked
them in the bedroom, my lady.'

      'Be silent, unless you wish
me to finish off this brat right now.'


Alexander wanted the two dogs to continue to bark, if they
stopped it would warn Bentley he was close. 'Watkins, we must approach from the
rear. You know those animals, what can you do to make them continue to attack
the front door and distract that bastard?'

      'They have a fine hatred of
felines, sir, if we put a yard cat on the roof that'll keep them going.'

      'Do that. Hill you assist
Reynolds with this; Watkins you come with me. Is it possible to affect an entry
through the kitchen without being heard?'

      'I reckon if I go in by the
coal cellar and you through the scullery window one of us will get him before
he can harm anyone inside.'

      They approached stealthily.
The cat secreted under
jacket seemed
unperturbed by this unusual mode of transport. He watched his estate manager
scramble up a convenient wall and push the unfortunate animal onto the roof.
The yowl it made attracted the dogs. Suddenly they were howling and barking in
their frustration. Excellent, anyone inside would believe they were approaching
from the front.

      He gestured to Hill and
Reynolds to go to the front door and knock and demand entry, with luck that
would concentrate Bentley's attention whilst he approached from behind him. The
scullery window was a tight fit but somehow he wriggled through and slid to the
tiles below. Thank God there'd been nothing beneath his feet to clatter to the
ground and warn of his arrival.

      He pulled off his boots, then
crept forward listening for a clue that might tell him where Bentley was
standing. He would get one shot, he must be certain he did not miss, the lives
of his family might well depend on it.

      He heard Bentley talking. He
almost surged forward, forgetting to be cautious, when he heard what was

      'Firstly I shall kill your
husband and then I shall smother your baby. I'll do both things before your
very eyes. After that I care not what happens to me, I shall be the Duke of
Rochester until they hang me.'


The dogs were at the back of the property, but someone was
running up the path. She must warn Alexander. She saw Bentley’s hand move to
cover Lucinda's face and closed her mouth, she was in agony— she could not save
her baby
her husband. How could she make such a dreadful choice?

      Bentley raised his pistol and
she gathered herself to make the ultimate sacrifice. How long would it be
before Alexander realised the door was unlocked and burst in? A slight movement
behind the monster drew her gaze. There was the hideous sound of a pistol shot
and Bentley pitched forward, shot through the head. It was over. They were all

      Ignoring the body on the
floor, she flung herself at Alexander. 'He was going to kill you and Lucinda, I
thought … oh, my love, I can't believe we have all survived this night.'

      He tossed his spent weapon
aside and embraced her. 'Isobel, my darling, I never want to go through that
again. If I lost you or Lucinda I could not go on living.'

      The infant, terrified by the
retort was screaming. Isobel turned to scoop her up. 'Hush, little one, your
mama and papa are here now to take care of you.' Lucinda snuggled in between
them and was comforted by their closeness.

      Isobel scarcely noticed the
body being removed, or Mary picking up the soiled mat, she was safe in the arms
of the man she loved. 'What are we going to do, Alexander? Where are we going
to live? What about the staff?'

      He smoothed back her hair and
kissed her tenderly. 'I've a dozen other properties. Tomorrow you shall decide
where you wish to live. Then half the staff can remove there and prepare it for
us and the rest can go to Grosvenor Square. They might as well be idle in
London as anywhere else.'

      Leaning back in his arms she
stared at him. Could this be the arrogant, autocratic Duke of Rochester
speaking so casually about the destruction of his family seat? 'Newcomb has
does that not bother you at all?'

      His arms tightened. 'Why
should it? I've everything I want right here.'






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