The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel) (15 page)

BOOK: The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel)
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Olivia felt horrible that she wouldn’t be able to save the
nymphs. They had been good to her, but if Olivia was killed in the process, she
certainly didn’t want to endanger them either. She had almost broken down and
told Nae in the elevator that evening, but then she remembered that Leo had
sworn her to keep the plan to themselves. Only Jeff and Frederick knew of it,
and they would be integral parts of the plan.

Olivia lay there tossing and turning for the rest of the


* * *


Olivia was so nervous the following morning that she could
barely eat.

“Why are you so fidgety?” Nae asked annoyed, as she sat a
glass of juice in front of her.

Olivia shrugged. “Everything has me keyed up,” she said

Nae studied her and then moved away. The new girl was
sitting at the table, her head buried in her hands. Olivia tried not to think
about her. She could see that one day was already more than she could bear.

Once in Calista and Daphne’s room, Olivia tried to sit
still. Daphne pulled out a shimmery pink dress made of soft silk.

“No!” Olivia said loudly.

“No?” Daphne asked confused. Calista put down her makeup
brushes to stare at Olivia.

“I just mean, that I can’t wear that dress.”

“And why the hell not?” Daphne asked, miffed.

Thinking quickly, Olivia said. “Pink was Samuel’s favorite
color for me.”

“But we never dressed you in pink,” Daphne pointed out.

“I know. But Samuel always asked me to wear it.” Olivia
looked at the floor. She hated lying.

“Whatever,” Daphne grumbled, putting the dress away and
rummaging through the closet. “What would you like to wear?”

“Something short.” Olivia knew it would be easier to move in
something with a shorter hem.

Daphne shook her head and continued to dig in the closet.

“Everything okay?” Calista asked softly.

Olivia nodded quickly, hoping Calista didn’t pick up on how
uncomfortable she was. Daphne came back to stand before Olivia.

“Does this work?” she asked, her voice slightly amused. She
was holding a gauzy tiffany blue dress that hit just above the knee. It had one
wide silky strap that cut across the right shoulder.

“Yes, thank you.”

Olivia couldn’t do anything about the strappy silver sandals
that accompanied the dress. She would have to work with what she had. Her hair
was twisted on top of her head, accenting the one-shoulder style and she felt
removed from her body as Nae led her up to Rurik’s room.

“What is going on?” Nae hissed in her ear as they approached
Rurik’s door.

“Nothing!” Olivia said a little too defensively.

“I’m not stupid, Olivia. If you told me, maybe I could help

Olivia looked at Nae fleetingly.

“I wish you could,” she whispered.

Then the door opened and Olivia stepped inside alone.

Rurik was waiting for her in the hallway, his long twisted
arm stroking his ugly cock.

“Mmmm,” Rurik groaned when he saw Olivia. “I love your

Gulping, Olivia sashayed over to Rurik. “I want something,”
she murmured quietly.

Rurik stopped stroking himself. “What?” he asked gruffly.

“To please you,” she murmured, batting her eyelashes.

Rurik grabbed his cock again, trying to push Olivia’s head

“No,” Olivia said. “I know how much you liked watching me
fuck Errgor downstairs. Why don’t you let me fuck another beast for you?” She
paused dramatically, hoping her flirting was convincing. “My way of apologizing
for being sick the other day.”

Rurik seemed to consider the proposition and Olivia hoped
his desire for her would not outweigh his desire to see her fucked by a
disgusting beast.

“Yes,” he said slowly, a sick smile spreading on his ugly
mouth. “I think that is a good idea. But not Errgor. I have another beast in
mind.” He paused, flashing his yellow, rotting teeth. “I have a better beast.”

Olivia shuddered as she thought of who could be better than
Errgor. She didn’t think that Rurik’s version of better was the same as her

Rurik paused, carefully studying Olivia. She felt exposed
and she hoped that Rurik couldn’t see past her suggestion.

“Follow me,” Rurik grunted and he quickly moved into the
hall. Olivia hurried after him, crossing her fingers that it could be this
easy. Rurik was panting as he led the way down towards the dungeon. The steps
seemed to go on forever but finally Olivia could feel the cool air and smell
the dank smell of the dungeon.

“Oh yes, I know just who I want you to have,” Rurik said
softly as he moved through the cages, his eyes raking over the locked up beasts
and women. Olivia only looked briefly at Leo as they passed; she could feel his
eyes boring into her as she went by. Olivia thought they also passed Jeff and
Frederick’s cages but she couldn’t be sure. Hidden in the shadows, all the
beasts looked alike.

Rurik stopped abruptly and Olivia almost bumped into him.
Her nostrils filled with a foul, rotten smell, and she had to cover her mouth
and nose to keep from gagging.

“This is Gog,” Rurik said softly and Olivia forced herself
to peer around Rurik’s thick frame. The monster that hovered in the corner was
repulsive; his skin an inky black shade with multiple craters that seemed to be
seeping fluid. His eyes were two sunken in holes and Olivia could not make a
mouth. He stood on two thick legs and his back curved into a hunch where two
thick arms rested.

“Gog!” Rurik said loudly and Gog stirred, his eyes glassy
until they focused on Olivia. He pulled himself up straighter as his eyes moved
across Olivia’s body.

“I’ve brought someone for you,” Rurik said softly again and
he nudged Olivia towards the monster. Olivia hoped that this wouldn’t last long
and that the plan would soon spring into action. Rurik stepped back and began
to stroke himself as Gog stumbled forward.

Gog moved behind Olivia, surveying her from all angles as
one circles their prey. He moved his slimy hand down her bare arm, caressing
her skin and then moved away to look at her once more. He grunted in approval
and Olivia watched with disgust as he began to rub the dark, twisted cock that
hung between his legs.

Gog’s stench began to fade and Olivia realized that the
smell of lavender was permeating the room. She was glad for the drug, but she
focused hard on keeping her mind clear. She would need all her wits about her.

Gog stiffened quickly and Olivia knew there would be no
pretense about what he did. He took Olivia by the hand and pulled her back to
the shadows of his cage. Behind her, Rurik sighed and Olivia could hear the
sickening smack of his own hand against his cock.

Gog roughly pushed Olivia over, and she nearly stumbled as
she caught herself against a decrepit bench. Gog pushed her thighs apart and
Olivia moaned quietly, the drugs taking full affect as she ached for the
monster to fuck her. Gog yanked her underwear down, rubbing his fingers in her
moist pussy. Olivia moaned louder and she tried to remember that the drugs were
making her feel this way, that she didn’t actually want Gog to enter her.

Gog groaned loudly, pushing her back flatter as he moved up
behind her. She felt him drag his cock along the inside of her thigh and she
cried out excitedly as she felt his thick mass pressing against her swollen
lips. Teasingly, Gog ran his cock along her anus and outer lips, making her
moan and beg for him. Rurik was groaning softly also and Olivia didn’t think
she could hold out for one more second.

She needed Gog to fuck her now.

With one hard thrust, Gog possessed her, pushing his dark
cock far into her depths and making her scream with his rough entry. He pulled
out and pushed in again, harder still, and Olivia’s knees buckled from the
force. Before Gog could thrust again a loud banging and cry came from somewhere
in the dungeons.

Olivia’s head snapped up and she tried to think through the
muddled arousal of her brain.

“What was that?” Rurik barked, clearly annoyed.

Gog stood there stupidly, his cock at the ready, waiting for
orders from Rurik.

“Wait here,” Rurik hissed as the sound came again.

Olivia’s heart pounded.

This was it.

Slowly, she felt the fog beginning to lift from her brain.
She couldn’t smell the scent anymore. She crept a few feet away from Gog, but
he made no move to stop her. Olivia didn’t think he was especially intelligent.

She could hear Rurik stomping through the dungeons and
Olivia reached the open door and carefully peered around.

She could see nothing except Rurik lumbering down towards
Leo, Jeff and Frederick’s cages.

“What is going on?” Rurik roared.

Olivia swiveled around to look at Gog, but he was still
standing in the same spot, his cock slowly softening.

Olivia wanted to step out and start running but she knew she
needed to wait. Rurik threw open a cage door and Olivia could hear shouting and
thuds. She hoped that Michael would be slow in getting down to the dungeons.
Other animals were making noise too and Olivia nervously hopped from foot to
foot. Suddenly, she saw Jeff come swooping down the hall, his wings beating
quickly. Olivia hurried into the dungeon path and she screamed in surprise as
she felt Jeff grab her and continue flying.

The air was cold and Olivia was suddenly flying with Jeff,
being held tight in his arms as he flew past the rest of the dungeons. She
could hear shouts and roars and things breaking behind them but Jeff continued
to fly, never stopping. Olivia squeezed her eyes shut; the ground rushing by
below was making her sick.

Jeff rounded around a corner and he quickly lowered to the
ground and released Olivia. She rolled out of his hands and fell onto the dirt

“You don’t have much time,” he said quickly, “Hurry that
way,” he said pointing to her left. “Hang close to the wall. Hopefully we will
join you soon.”

Olivia nodded and stumbled to her feet, tripping and falling
in her haste. Jeff had brought her to where the river began to flow, and she
moved along the banks, trying her best to hang in the shadows against the rocky
cliffs where she wouldn’t be spotted. She could hear shouts and yells but she
couldn’t see what direction they were in.

Forcing herself to focus and not freak out, she edged along
the wall, hoping for Leo to arrive.

Minutes later, Olivia heard more shouts and she recognized
one voice as Leo’s. She knew better than to answer incase he wasn’t alone.
Olivia stayed still and tried to see if she could make out Leo.

“Where are you girl?” Leo cried out and Olivia saw Frederick
on his heels. She knew Leo was shouting for Rurik’s benefit. They appeared to
be alone. Still she waited, and Leo and Frederick came to her.

“Leo!” Olivia cried quietly and Leo grasped her hand.

“Jeff is with Rurik,” he said quickly. “He thinks we’re
searching for you. We must hurry.” He stopped and turned to Frederick. “This is
it, friend,” he said quietly. “I can never thank you enough. Even now, you have
continued to serve me and I owe my life to you.”

“Don’t thank me just yet,” Frederick said darkly, “I hope to
join you both soon,” he said and he hurried back off in the direction in which
he came. Olivia and Leo hurried along the muddy banks and within a minute,
Olivia could hear Frederick shouting, but she couldn’t make out the words.

“How long?” Olivia panted, as they continued to stumble
along the banks. However, Leo seemed to stumble less than her. She figured it
was one of the perks of being a monster and having feet with traction.

“We still have a while,” he said, not even panting. “Mastiv
said there was a canoe stored along one of the cliffs. We have to look for a
grey rock.”

Olivia continued to move, hoping that they would find the
rock soon. She knew that Jeff and Frederick would now be keeping Rurik at bay,
but not for long. Soon, Rurik would know that the three monsters were working
together and he might realize that Olivia was in on the plan too.

“There!” Leo said quietly and Olivia looked up to see a
large grey rock jutting out. “Come on!”

They hurried towards it, and Leo began to drag it towards
the water.

“Jump in,” he said and Olivia hurried to clamber into the
boat. She thought that she heard noises coming from above them and she hoped
that wasn’t the case. She wasn’t sure how many quarters aside from Rurik’s led
to the cliffs.

Leo huffed and pushed the boat into the water, agilely
hopping in.

The river was moving swiftly and they didn’t need an oar,
which was good since none was to be found. Leo stared back in the direction of
the dungeon.

“They should be here by now,” he muttered.

“What will we do?” Olivia asked nervously.

“You know already,” Leo said, “We are going no matter what.
Frederick and Jeff understand.”

Olivia knew that was part of the plan, but now she felt
wrong in leaving the other two monsters that helped them.

She opened her mouth to argue but Leo hushed her and pointed
to his ears.

Olivia strained to hear and suddenly she heard whatever it
was that Leo had heard. A soft screeching sound that was growing louder, and a
deep roaring.

“It’s them,” Leo said and he tried to stand up and crane his
head. Seconds later, Jeff flew into their line of vision, Frederick dangled
from his arms. As they got closer, Olivia could see that Frederick was bleeding

Leo balanced on the boat and helped Frederick in and Jeff
swooped in a circle before landing on the canoe. The canoe teetered
precariously, but didn’t tip.

“What happened?” Leo asked.

“Rurik realized we had fooled him. He made a swipe at
Frederick as we were taking off. I hadn’t climbed high enough in the air yet.”

Frederick moaned quietly and Olivia stood helplessly. They
had no supplies with them. She ripped a patch of her dress off and pressed it
against Frederick’s wound.

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