The Elfbitten Trilogy (11 page)

Read The Elfbitten Trilogy Online

Authors: Leila Bryce Sin

BOOK: The Elfbitten Trilogy
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     I knew he wouldn’t fight me this time, so I gripped his shoulders again and pulled myself up those precious few inches. I was unable to swing my legs around his back though, with the wall in the way, but Daniel came back to himself as soon as he realized what I was trying to do and pushed himself away from the wall with his shoulders. He lifted me effortlessly with just one arm, almost tossing me in the air and catching me easily under my ass, finally letting go of my hair to balance my weight between both hands. I was a little disappointed, but before I could even open my mouth to protest and beg for more, I felt the tip of his swollen cock pressing against my opening. The water of the shower wouldn’t work as a lubricant, but the aftershocks of his lips, teeth, and tongue on my shoulder did. With one thrust of his hips, he pushed his way into me. I was tight around him, making him use force to sheath himself inside of me.

     I cried out when he finally pushed every inch of his cock inside of me, feeling the head pressing against my walls. I clung to him with arms and legs, back arched, head thrown back as the water rushed over our bodies, caressing every exposed inch of skin, and gripped him, just enjoying the feel of him inside of me. His lips pressed kisses along the tops of my breasts. He bit the soft skin as he went, making my body tremble, pulling a low rumbling noise from his throat. I felt him spin us around, pressing me against the wall again, his fingers digging into the backs of my thighs as he braced himself.

     “Yes,” I urged, feeling his body tense under mine. “Yes, Daniel, yes,” I begged, holding onto his shoulders again, rolling my hips forward into his for a better angle, feeling his body press deliciously against my clit.

     There was no way to be slow about it, nor delicate. Daniel simply held on to my thighs and began to thrust his hips up and down, managing to hold his balance as I lost control of my magic again, slamming into both our bodies as he fucked me. We both cried out. I felt his nails dig into my thighs and my legs tightened around him. Daniel fought to find the new rhythm. The world narrowed down to just the two of us in the tiny stall, the water rushing over us and the sound of his flesh slamming into mine. The light of my eyes reflected back in his soft brown eyes as I drank in the power of our lovemaking. I felt the orgasm growing low in my body as I swelled around him.

     I bucked against his body, rubbing my clit against him, nearly fighting him for the release. He slammed my body against the wall and buried his face in the bend of my neck, his mouth clamping down on the bite mark on my shoulder. I screamed his name as I came, thrashing against his body, my hands slipping from his shoulders until my finger tips found the tiny buds of his nipples. I pinched them hard, making him break away from my shoulder with a roar. His body convulsed violently and I felt him cum inside of me, holding me still between the wall and his body as I rolled the tips of his nipples between my thumbs and fingers. He shuddered one last time and collapsed against me, the weight of his body holding me up.

     His breath was hot against my skin and I found myself shifting my hips against him. I could feel the possibility of another orgasm just out of reach. Daniel shifted his hips forward, he was still hard inside of me, and that shift pushed him deeper until his body was wedded to mine. He swirled his hips so his body rubbed against my clit without pulling out of me. I felt the grin spread over my face as my body began to pulse around him. I stopped moving and let him find that sweet spot and arched against him, pressing harder. Small, desperate noises fell from my lips as the second orgasm began to build, making me wetter, harder, and more swollen. It was very close to hurting, but then it crashed through my body, making me buck against him and swear to the ceiling.

     I writhed against him, enjoying every last wave of the orgasm as he held me. A moan escaped me as my body finally relaxed around him. The water was starting to cool off, so when Daniel stepped back and set me on my feet, my skin broke out into goose bumps. I reached for the fluffy sponge and began to wash his body, paying him the attention he deserved after the attention he’d given me. He leaned back against the wall as I swirled the frothy soap over his body, cleaning away the blood from his shoulders, tracing down his chest, over his stomach. I caught some of the soap in my hand to clean his cock, not wanting to rub the coarse sponge there. I felt him twitch in my hand as I wrapped my fingers around the base of him and I giggled, smiling up at him. His head was tilted up to the ceiling, resting against the wall, and his eyes were closed. A lazy smile curled his full pink lips as he enjoyed my attention. I knelt down, reaching in to wash the now soft balls, raking my nails gently over the pliable skin. I heard a low rumble from above as I did.

     I smiled and let the water wash away the suds before I leaned forward, pushing one of his legs to the side and ducked my head under. I tilted my chin up and caressed his balls with my lips. His body trembled above me as my tongue darted out, tasting him.

     “Luv, you have to give me a minute,” he chuckled above me, but made no move to stop me. “I’m only human after all.”

     I smiled even though he couldn’t see me and opened my mouth, taking one ball into my mouth, gently, rolling it with my tongue. He moaned above me and I sucked a little harder, pulling away and grazing the skin with my teeth. I felt him tense at my touch, but I only turned my head and applied the same attention to the other, but rather than pulling away at the end, I opened my mouth wider and pulled both into my mouth, teasing them with my tongue. I released him slowly, turning my head against his leg to latch my mouth on the muscle behind his balls, almost the extension of his cock. He swore above me as I sucked on this unexplored area of his body, making his legs tremble around me.

     I felt his hands in my hair again, but he only held on to me as my tongue slid firmly against him, stopping at the curve of his ass. I reached with one hand and wrapped my fingers around his cock. While not fully erect, it was still hard enough to play with. I slid my hand up, swirling over the head, and then came back down, pressing into the base of his cock. I pressed my lips to that firm muscle that led both to his cock and to his ass and began sucking fervently while I continued to stroke his cock, feeling him growing thicker in my hand. He groaned in appreciation, the water rushing over his body, down to me, muffling any coherent words he might have spoken. I could feel the hard shower floor biting into my knees and knew I couldn’t keep this up for too long. I called up the magic he had helped me store over the last two days; it circled in my belly like a warm kitten brushing up against my skin. The power pooled in my hands and mouth, anywhere my skin was touching his. I felt him start when he felt the change in our contact.

     I gripped his cock tighter, twisting up and down; I sucked on the muscle, pulling it into my hungry mouth, and released the magic. If Daniel hadn’t been braced against the wall, he would’ve been knocked on his ass. As it was, his fingers tightened in my hair to keep his balance. My magic filled the shower stall and pulsed through our bodies. He began to tremble above me, around me, until he was screaming colorful English swear words as the orgasm tore through his body. His body shook one last time before he slumped against the wall, his hands falling away from me.

     Carefully, I stood up under the cooling water, letting it rinse my body off. The colder water brought my still-tender nipples to hard little points, making me shiver. My body was alive with pulsating nerve endings. I could feel the bite on my shoulder throbbing still, after all of that, making me want to jump on Daniel again and take more. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, letting the cold water rush over me, hoping it would cool the fire in my loins. I had a horrible thought: perhaps it wasn’t humans that became struck by elves. Maybe we became elfstruck, unable to satisfy our needs. Maybe the bite the Hunter had given me had struck me and I was just lucky it was Daniel that came to my rescue.

     “That was incredible,” Daniel said as he reached for me, taking my hips in his hands and pulling me against him. “What was that?” he asked with a drunken smile.

     “Bright Elf magic,” I said, reaching with one hand to turn off the shower, unable to deal with the cold water now.

     “I didn’t know it was like that,” he said, pulling me against him again once I had the knobs turned off. Our bodies were slick with water, but his grip was strong enough to keep me from slipping. I set my hands on his shoulders, noticing that the half-moon marks I had carved into him were already healed, most likely from the magic I had fed him.

     “Our magic is raised with sex and lust,” I explained. “We store it up for use, but while in the middle of a sex act, or if there is enough lust in an area, we can unleash it at will.” I pushed away from him and opened the shower door, reaching for a couple of towels and handing one to him before wrapping the other around me. When we were safe from dripping everywhere, I stepped out. I reached for a comb and started working it through my hair while Daniel simply ran a hand over his Mohawk, shaking the excess water from it and making it stand up naturally.

     “Convenient,” I said to his reflection.

     “It is,” he nodded, tugging on a few locks of red and black hair to make sure they stood up at the right angle. “The ladies love it too,” he added with a wink. I made a gagging noise and rolled my eyes.

     “So,” he said slowly, drawing out the word. He had stepped back to lean against the far wall, trying to look casual, but I could practically feel the agitation rippling off of him.

     “Yes?” I prompted, setting the comb on the counter and turning to face him.

     “I’m getting some mixed signals from you. First you run out of the bedroom this morning, then you beg me to fuck you in the kitchen, then you tell me you didn’t remember the last two days, but then we come in here,” he waved at the shower, letting his sentence trail off. I felt a rush of embarrassment heat my face and turned away from him to hide the blush.

     “Yeah,” I said, clearing my throat. I reached for my robe hanging on the back of the door, wanting something more to cover me than the towel.

     “Yeah,” he said, urging me to continue.

     “Well,” I sighed audibly, tying a knot in the belt with a little more force than necessary before I turned around to face him again. “I think I’ve been struck.”

     “Come again?” he blinked at me.

     “I think the bite has me struck.”

     “I thought it was us who get struck,” he said, the confusion wrinkling this brow.

     “So did I.” I could hear the worry in my voice.

     “Then why do you think you’re struck?”

     “Because of all the reasons you just listed off,” I said, crossing my arms under my breasts. “You’ve been able to get me going with little effort, even though I can’t remember bringing you home, and once we get started I can’t stop myself.” He opened his mouth, I’m sure, to defend himself, but I held up a hand to forestall him.

     “I’m not accusing you of anything, Daniel,” I said, trying to sound apologetic. “I’m saying I’ve been consenting this whole time, so why would you think anything was wrong?” He nodded, so I continued. “But when you get me going, the bite comes to life and I can’t control myself and I want more. Even right now,” I said, waving at him, only the towel covering the more intimate parts. “I could rip that towel off of you and go again! And part of me really, really wants to.”

     “And that’s bad?” he asked. I could hear the humor in it, but it didn’t take the frown from my face.

     “Yes,” I nodded, “it is because it isn’t me. I’m not saying I wouldn’t be attracted to you under normal circumstances, but I have always had a rule that I would never bed a human.”


     “Because of the dangers of having one become struck by me.”

     “And now you’re the one struck,” he offered.


     “But it’s that Hunter that has you struck.”

     “I think so,” I dropped my gaze, suddenly feeling guilty for taking advantage of him all over again.

     “I’m not angry with you, Taryn,” he said, but he didn’t come forward.

     “But I’ve been using you.”

     “Not intentionally.”   

     “Does it matter?” I asked, looking up again to watch his face when he answered.

     “Yes, to me, it does.” And I saw the truth of his words in his eyes. A knot in my chest loosened.

     “Thanks,” I managed to say without my voice catching.

     “So what do you plan to do now?” he asked, making me realize I hadn’t thought about that yet.

     “What do you mean?”

     “If you’re struck, you need to find out how to fix it, don’t you? I mean, if the stories are true, you can’t live like that.” He was right of course; the stories of people who were struck by the supernatural were terrifying tales of people unable to continue to lead a normal life because they couldn’t stop their need to satisfy their desire for whatever had them struck. But it appeared, since I was able to control myself enough to bring Daniel home and not hunt down the Hunter that had done this to me, I was simply struck by lust or by the bite. Either way, I had no idea what to do about it.

     “You’re probably right,” I said. “I’ll have to find the Hunter.” Even as I thought about him, the bite throbbed on my shoulder, making me feel like much more intimate things were throbbing with need. Yeah, I had to find the bastard and fast.

     “You keep calling him ‘the Hunter.’ Do you not know his name?”

     “No,” I sighed, shaking my head. “It was a very brief encounter.”

     “So you have no way to know how to find him.”

     “The only thing I can think of is to go back to the club.”

     “You sure that’s a good idea?”

     “No, but it’s the only idea I’ve got right now.”

     “Then maybe I should come with you,” he said, surprising me. He had given me the impression, while he knew what club I was talking about, it wasn’t one he’d ever gone to.

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